Бабаева Т. Г., преподаватель Шарипов М., преподаватель Канаев Р., студент Одебаева М., студентка
Институт Инженерно-технических и транспортных коммуникаций Туркменистана
Turkmen classical poet, translations of poems, works of poets.
The great Turkmen classical poet Magtymguly Pyragy is a thinker who has made a huge contribution to the spiritual treasure of mankind with his immortal works. In the past, the great Magtymguly poems were translated into many languages of the world. One of those languages is Russian.
However, when and by whom were the works of Magtymguly translated into Russian for the first time? To answer this question correctly, we need to look at book 7 of the "Records of the Russian Geographical Society", published in 1853 in St. Petersburg. The report of the military topographer, lieutenant general Ivan Fyodorovich Blaramberg (1800-1878) on his activities in Persia (Iran) at the end of the thirties of that century was placed in that book. General Magtymguly freely translated (literally in the form of a story) his poem, now known to readers as "Kechdir yaranlar" into Russian and included it in his report. Thus, this poem can be considered Magtymguly's first published work in Russian.
In fact, when General I.F. Blaramberg read the materials collected by his friend, the Polish scholar Aleksandr Hodzko (1804-1891), who worked as the Russian consul in Iran in those years, he got acquainted with Magtymguly's poems and named one of them "Wise Opinions" and translated it into Russian in 1841. After 12 years, the same translation, which he made in the form of a story, is presented to the readers in the above-mentioned collection. As is known, A. Hodzko wrote the epic "Gorogly" and copies of Turkmen poetry, including three of Magtymguly's poems, translated into English in the form of a story, and he collected them all in one book and published them in London in 1842.
In A. Hodzko ("His Moral Songs"), I. F. Blaramberg ("Мудрые мнения"), the original Turkmen version consists of 8 stanzas (1, p. 221) only five stanzas of the same poem "Kechdir yaranlar". they translated. In the current collections of Magtymguly published in the Russian language, the poem "Kechdir yaranlar" is included in the poetic translation of the poet and translator Tatyana Alexandrovna Spendiarova (1901-1990) under the name " Друзья" (3, p. 219). We decided to present the first and last translations of the great Turkmen poet's first poem translated into Russian to the readers in the first and last translations, along with the original version below:
Kechdir yaranlar Мудрые мнения Друзья
Original version:
The praying dervishes, the stately rich,
Cross the Pelek's neck, my friends!
A prayer of thanksgiving will not pass.
Don't rely on the state, it's futile, my friends!
First translation:
Имамы, дервиши, казы (судья),
бедные и богатые! Слушайте, друзья мои!
Пути счастья весьма извилисты.
Молитва без веры не есть истинный путь.
Льстить - безумство. Подумайте об этом, друзья мои!
Since the first translation, the number of people involved in translating the works of the great Turkmen classical poet into Russian has increased. When we talk about them, first of all, the services of several translators and poets deserve special mention. We have in our hands a collection of poems of the Turkmen poet published in the Russian language by the Moscow "Hudozhestvennaya literatura" publishing house. This book is currently one of the most complete collections of Magtymguly's poems, containing more than 300 of his large and small works. The poems were translated into Russian by 15 translators. However, among the translators, the number of those who put a lot of effort into this book does not exceed 3-4.
Arseniy Aleksandrovich Tarkovsky (1907-1989) differs from others not only in the large volume of his translations (he translated about 100 poems into the Russian language), but also in their quality ("Turkmenin", "Turgul", "Arabic poem". and other poems). He was a prominent poet and began translating in the early 1930s. In 1941, Kemine's translations were of great importance. In 1946, Berdi Kerbabaev invited Tatyana Alekseevna Ozerskaya, A. Tarkovsky's wife at that time, to translate his novel "Aygytly Kadim" into Russian for the State Fair. A. Tarkovsky, who moved with his wife to Ashgabat in 1946-1947 lived and was specially engaged in translating the works of Magtymguly and other poets into Russian. He continued this work for the rest of his life. A. A. Tarkovsky, who received several honorary titles and awards for his creative work as a poet and translator, became the winner of the State Prize named after Magtymguly of Turkmenistan in 1971.
Currently, a new collection of his poems in Russian is being prepared for publication in honor of the famous 300th anniversary of the classical Turkmen poet. It will also include the translations of modern Russian poets skillfully done in recent years. References:
1. Magtymguly. Songs. Three volumes. Volume II. - Ashgabat, "Turkmenistan" publishing house, 1994.
2. The first translations of Magtymguly's poems into European languages: London, 1842; Paris, 1852; Saint Petersburg, 1853//Turkmen language, 2008, March 26, April 2, 16.
3. Махтумкули. Избранное. Стихи. Перевод с туркменского. - Москва, Изд-во «Художественная литература», 1983.
© Бабаева Т.Г., Шарипов М., Канаев Р., Одебаева М., 2024
Дурдыева Г., преподаватель, Международный университет нефти и газа имени Ягшыгелди Какаева,
Ашхабад, Туркменистан Аганазарова Б., преподаватель, Международный университет нефти и газа имени Ягшыгелди Какаева,
Ашхабад, Туркменистан Хекимова Л., преподаватель, Международный университет нефти и газа имени Ягшыгелди Какаева,
Ашхабад, Туркменистан Бабаева Н., преподаватель, Международный университет нефти и газа имени Ягшыгелди Какаева,
Ашхабад, Туркменистан
В представленной работе говорится о произведениях Махтумкули Фраги на уровне тематических