Formation of motivation for physical culture and sports in military personnel with health
UDC 796
PhD M.S. Obraztsov1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor V.A. Islamov1 PhD Associate Professor O.A. Savchenko1 D.V. Elizarov1
1Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Received by the editorial office on 19.06.2023
Objective of the study was to identify factors that influence the motivation of military personnel with health limitations to engage in physical activity and participate in sports events.
Methods and structure of the study. Scientific work was carried out at the Kirov Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg. The experiment involved 76 servicemen with health limitations who are undergoing rehabilitation and professional retraining. In the course of the study, the following were carried out: questionnaires, interviews, conversations, pedagogical observation, methods of mathematical statistics were applied to the results obtained.
Results and conclusions. The main motivational factors are revealed, their relationship with knowledge about physical culture and sports is revealed. The results obtained made it possible to form practical recommendations for the activities of specialists involved in the rehabilitation and social adaptation of military personnel with health limitations.
Keywords: motivation, health limitations, physical culture, sport.
Introduction. One of the leading factors influencing the health of military personnel with disabilities is adherence to a physical activity regimen, which is largely facilitated by physical education and sports [1]. The formation of the need for physical education and sports depends only on the person himself, his preferences, beliefs and interests - motivation. Therefore, one of the priority areas of activity for specialists involved in the rehabilitation and adaptation of military personnel with health limitations (disabilities) is the formation of motivation to engage in physical culture and sports [3].
Objective of the study was to identify factors that influence the motivation of military personnel with health limitations to engage in physical activity and participate in sports events.
Methods and structure of the study. Scientific work was carried out at the Kirov Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg. 76 military personnel with disabilities who were undergoing rehabilitation and professional retraining took part in the experiment.
During the study, the following were carried out: questionnaires, surveys, conversations, pedagogical observations; methods of mathematical statistics were applied to the results obtained.
Results of the study and discussion. It was revealed that the most significant motives for practicing physical culture and sports are: "Improve health", "Improve physical fitness", "Increase physical activity" and "The desire to relax and have fun". The results are presented in table 1.
The high rank of the motive "Increase physical activity" is due to the long stay of respondents in a confined space with a limited circle of contacts and the lack of the possibility of free movement. Among the least significant motives for military personnel with disabilities are "Getting rid of bad habits," "Nurturing moral and volitional qualities," and "I want to be useful to society." The analysis and ranking of the presented motives in this study emphasize the uniqueness of the motivational aspect among military personnel with disabilities. This indicates the
need to take into account specific motivational factors when developing physical rehabilitation and adaptation programs for this group of military personnel. It is also worth noting that the significance and rank of motives for military personnel differs from previous studies, however, this statement requires additional research [2].
The study hypothesized that the motivation of military personnel with disabilities to engage in physical education and sports is associated with their level of knowledge in this area and experience in the past. To test this assumption, a questionnaire was used to determine the availability of knowledge and skills in the field of physical education and sports.
The results of the questionnaire and survey on the availability of knowledge, skills in the field of physical culture and sports, as well as the desire to obtain them, are presented in the figure.
Results of a survey of respondents about the availability of knowledge and skills in the field of physical culture and sports, the desire to obtain them (persons)
A survey of military personnel showed that the majority of military personnel with health limitations do not have special knowledge or skills in the field of physical
culture and sports, but 48 people (64%) expressed a desire to expand their knowledge and skills in the field of physical culture and sports. It can also be noted that the majority of 59 people surveyed (79%) believe that exercise can help them improve their health and well-being.
Analysis of the survey results on the experience of physical education (training) and sports before being injured showed that the respondents' activity is irregular. The respondents' answers were distributed as follows: 36% - did not study; 17% - worked out regularly; 21% - worked out irregularly; 26% - studied only in preparation for examinations. At the same time, the majority of respondents who do not engage in physical exercises claim that they did not do it due to the high workload of military-professional activities. During the interview process, many respondents, explaining their passivity in physical exercise, did not recognize the connection between physical culture (training) and the process of military professional activity. From which we can assume that a significant role in the formation of motivation to engage in physical exercise lies in the understanding of the need for exercise as a leading factor in maintaining health and increasing the effectiveness of military professional activities. The implementation of this assumption requires regular pedagogical influence on the personality of military personnel through persuasion and explanations aimed at stimulating internal conviction in the need to include physical exercise in everyday life.
Identification of the relationship between motivation and knowledge about physical culture and sports among military personnel with health limitations showed that some motives were associated with a higher level of knowledge, while other motives did not show a significant relationship, table 2.
Table 1. Results of data processing on the formation of motivation for physical culture and sports in military personnel with disabilities
Motives Rank X (points) m (points)
Improve health 1 9,16 0,14
Improve physical fitness (improve your physical qualities, motor skills) 3 8,97 0,18
Increase physical activity 2 9,09 0,17
Education of moral and volitional qualities 8 7,44 0,35
The desire to show your abilities 6 8,02 0,32
Getting impressions 5 8,51 0,19
Relax, have fun 4 8,56 0,21
I want to be useful to society 9 6,02 0,41
Expand communication (make new friends) 7 7,56 0,24
Get rid of bad habits 10 5,41 0,37
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I October I № 10 2023
Table 2. Correlations between motives and knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports
Interrelation of issues, r; p<0,05 Do you have knowledge in the field of physical culture? Do you have methodological skills in the field of physical culture? Can exercise help you improve your health and well-being? Do you know the focus and content of Paralympic sports?
Improve your health 0,87 0,79 0,97 0,86
Improve physical fitness 0,91 0,78 0,88 0,84
Increase physical activity 0,92 0,72 0,95 0,96
Education of moral and volitional qualities 0,69 0,63 0,41 0,88
The desire to show your abilities 0,55 0,62 0,56 0,85
Getting impressions 0,54 0,45 0,25 0,64
For example, the motive "Improving health" had a positive correlation with knowledge about physical education and sports. This may indicate that military personnel seeking to improve their health have specialized knowledge about physical activity. On the other hand, the motives "Nurturing moral and volitional qualities" and "I want to be useful to society" did not show a significant correlation with the level of knowledge about physical culture and sports. This may indicate that these motives may be less related to interest in gaining knowledge in this area. In summary, the results indicate that knowledge about the role of exercise in maintaining health is strongly correlated with motivation to improve health status and physical fitness, as well as to increase physical activity.
Conclusions. In accordance with the above research results and the theoretical concept of developing motivation for physical education and sports, the main areas of activity of specialists in its formation have been identified:
- organizing systematic work with military personnel with health limitations to increase knowledge in the field of their own health, explaining the possibilities of increasing its level through the means of physical culture and sports in the form of theoretical, methodological and demonstration classes at all stages of rehabilitation and adaptation;
- inclusion in educational and methodological sessions with physical training specialists of questions on the problems of maintaining the health of military personnel with health limitations through the means of physical culture and sports;
- development of special individual training programs and physical education classes for military per-
sonnel with health limitations at the place of service, taking into account existing conditions;
- organizing joint physical education and sports classes for military personnel with health limitations, conducting master classes;
- involvement of military personnel with health limitations in sporting events at their place of service, both as participants and as referees.
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