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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kostyuchenko V.F., Lutkovsky V.E., Sukhareva S.M., Vrublevskiy E.P.

Objective of the study was to identify the features of the technical and physical readiness of students as a result of mastering the discipline "Theory and methods of teaching the types of athletics" taking into account the direction of their special motivation. Methods and structure of the study. Students (full-time and part-time) who specialize in various sports and study at the 1st year of university (n=356) took part in the scientific experiment. The motives that prompted them to go in for sports and receive higher professional education were established. Technical readiness in the types of athletics was determined using an expert assessment method using a point-rating system. The level of physical fitness was assessed using the standard results shown in the types of athletics. Motivation was determined by analyzing a questionnaire survey. Results and conclusions. It was revealed that the level of physical fitness among full-time students of both sexes, in comparison with the part-time form, is significantly higher (р≤0.05). Full-time students master the technical types of track and field exercises more effectively. Full-time students have a higher level of professional motivation, and part-time students are purposefully motivated to receive higher education.

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Assessment of motivation for going in for sports

and fitness of students of physical culture and sports universities using athletics exercises

UDC 796.011.3:378

Dr. Hab., Professor V.F. Kostyuchenko1 PhD, Associate Professor V.E. Lutkovsky1 PhD, Associate Professor S.M. Sukhareva1 Dr. Hab., Professor E.P. Vrublevsky2

1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health, St. Petersburg

2Skorina Gomel State University, Gomel, Belarus

Corresponding author: [email protected]


Objective of the study was to identify the features of the technical and physical readiness of students as a result of mastering the discipline "Theory and methods of teaching the types of athletics" taking into account the direction of their special motivation.

Methods and structure of the study. Students (full-time and part-time) who specialize in various sports and study at the 1st year of university (n=356) took part in the scientific experiment. The motives that prompted them to go in for sports and receive higher professional education were established. Technical readiness in the types of athletics was determined using an expert assessment method using a point-rating system. The level of physical fitness was assessed using the standard results shown in the types of athletics. Motivation was determined by analyzing a questionnaire survey.

Results and conclusions. It was revealed that the level of physical fitness among full-time students of both sexes, in comparison with the part-time form, is significantly higher (p<0.05). Full-time students master the technical types of track and field exercises more effectively. Full-time students have a higher level of professional motivation, and part-time students are purposefully motivated to receive higher education.

Keywords: students, sports education, physical fitness, motives for training, athletics.

Introduction. The modern system of higher education in the field of physical culture and sports makes high demands on the results, structure and conditions for the training of future specialists in this industry. The effective implementation of this program is possible if the target settings of the educational standard of higher education correspond to the characteristics of the learning environment of universities [4, 5, 8]. The success of receiving sports education is determined by the degree of physical health, motor and technical readiness of students [2, 3, 7, 9], as well as their motivation [1, 2, 6]. Taking into account the initial motives for physical exercises helps to correct the direction of motives that do not have sufficient stability, to ensure the movement of the motive from the result to the activity itself [6].

Objective of the study was to identify the features of the technical and physical readiness of students as a result of mastering the discipline "Theory and methods of teaching the types of athletics" taking into account the direction of their special motivation.


Methods and structure of the study. The study involved students (full-time and part-time), specializing in various sports and studying at the 1st year of university (n=356). The motives that prompted them to go in for sports and receive higher professional education were established. The technical readiness of students in the types of athletics was determined using an expert assessment method using a point-rating system. The level of physical fitness was assessed using the standard results shown in the types of athletics.

Motivation was determined by analyzing a questionnaire survey. Motives were divided into groups (physiological, psychological, communicative and professional). In each group, particular motives were determined, which were generalized according to group membership. In the questionnaire, the study participants had to evaluate their attitude to each motive in points - from 1 to 5 (1 point - not important at all, 2 points - important, 3 points - both important and not important, 4 points - important, 5 points - very important). After statistical processing of the answer

options, the average values for each motive were determined in points.

Results of the study and their discussion. It

has been established that, although the percentage of regular part-time students who train regularly is lower compared to full-time students, their level of preparedness differs slightly (see table). The greatest difference among men was found in the 1000m run and high jump, where the result is 10.1% and 7.4% higher in the group of full-time education. The level of development of strength abilities is not statistically significantly different, however, the average value for the group of part-time students is somewhat lower (less than 1%). Full-time students statistically significantly exceed part-time students in terms of development of special endurance (by 11.8%), speed-strength (high jump - by 5.6%) and strength abilities (by 2.7%). The level of development of the complex form of speed and speed-strength abilities, according to the results of evaluating the long jump, differ insignificantly.

There is also a different degree of mastering the technique of full-time and part-time students. Thus, full-time students more effectively master coordinating complex types of track and field exercises due to a more in-depth study and improvement of the basics and details of exercise technique. Students "in absentia" are deprived of the opportunity to study the technique of movement in detail, the reason for which is the limited amount of contact work with the teacher for mastering the discipline. This conclusion is confirmed by higher scores in shot put and high jump among full-time students. However, the greatest difficulty in learning the technique is the long jump. In our opinion, low scores reflect the complexity of mastering the technique, associated with a change in the coordination and structure of movement and the redistribution of speed and effort during the transition from run-up to repulsion.

Cross-country athletics are more successfully mastered by students of correspondence departments. The relative naturalness of movements in the running types of athletics and the increased requirements for the competitive result of full-time students do not make it possible for them to realize the importance of the structure of movements. This is reflected in a significant difference in the level of proficiency in medium-distance running technique.

The results of questioning students of full-time and correspondence departments revealed a number of significant differences in the motivation that prompted them to engage in physical culture and sports, depending on the different form of education (Figure 1, 2)

Full-time students have more pronounced physiological motives. The average score for each particular motive exceeds 4.5 points, which corresponds to the value of "very important". And only the motive "the desire to have an aesthetically beautiful body" is less significant.

Physiological motives of part-time students are in the range from 3 to 4 points. The desire to have a healthy and aesthetically beautiful body with a sufficient level of development of physical abilities is not paramount. Psychological motives of students of various forms of education differ in the "desire to be part of a sports team". For students studying in absentia, the average score does not exceed the value of 3.5 points. The most important motive for regular physical culture and sports, regardless of the form of training, is "enjoying the activities, overcoming difficulties."

Of the communicative motives, the desire to satisfy the needs for communication during physical education and sports is more relevant for full-time students. For part-time students, this group of motives ranges from 2.9 to 3.8 points. Moreover, "the desire to en-

The results of the implementation of practical standards for the studied types of athletics by students of the full-time (FD) and correspondence (CD) departments

> Types of athletics

"O tn H— (5 "O Sprint run s Middle distance running, s Long jump, m High jump, cm Pushing cores, m

o E c w ra Result P Result P Result P Result P Result P

o LL M ± m M ± m M ± m M ± m M ± m

O LL c CO 7,1±0,1 LO ,0 207,2±1,7 LO ,0 4,44±0,05 LO ,0 134,7±0,8 LO ,0 8,11±0,11 LO ,0

o o E 7,4±0,1 0, V 228,2±3,9 0, V 4,20±0,06 0, V 124,7±0,6 0, V 8,06±0,15 0, AI

o LL c CO E 8,4±0,1 LO ,0 0, 109,9±0,9 LO ,0 0, 3,49±0,03 LO ,0 0, 115,9±0,5 LO ,0 0, 6,30±0,10 LO ,0 0,

o o o 5 8,6±0,1 AI 122,9±2,5 V 3,40±0,04 AI 109,4±0,4 V 6,13±0,12 V

Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I october I № 10 2022

Figure 1. Physiological and psychological motives of students for physical culture and sports (Row 1 - fulltime department, Row 2 - correspondence department, 1-5 - points)

Figure 2. Communicative and professional motives of students for physical culture and sports (Row 1 - fulltime department, Row 2 - correspondence department, 1-5 - points)

gage in physical culture and sports with friends" is a less significant, private motive in this group.

Professional motives for regular physical culture and sports of students studying at the universities of physical culture and sports also have differences. Significant motives for full-time students are "the desire to get a higher education" (4.6 points) and "the desire to be a sports coach" (4.1 points). For part-time students, the priority is to obtain the profession of "trainer" (3.9 points) and "the desire to engage in scientific or organizational activities in the field of physical education" (3.5 points).

Conclusions. The required level of formed competencies is ensured by the high physical fitness of

students in combination with a sufficient amount of professional knowledge. This gives an advantage in the success of mastering the technique of mastered competitive exercises and understanding their structure. Consolidation of special knowledge, skills and abilities by students within the framework of the studied discipline guarantees them effective and independent professional activity in the future.

Analysis of the data obtained shows that full-time students have more pronounced generalized indicators for all groups of motives. However, they do little to differentiate the most important arguments for themselves that characterize the attitude towards the chosen type of activity. Unlike full-time students, students



of correspondence departments have a more balanced argument for choosing one or another leading private motives for themselves. A high level of physical fitness and a degree of motivation to get an education can improve the efficiency of the technical development of athletics.

Given the low interest of employers in the employment of young people without work experience, it is necessary to strengthen the practical orientation of full-time students. A deeper understanding of the learning motivation and work expectations of the new generation of full-time and part-time students can help universities and employers work together better so that students can gain adequate hands-on experience and find suitable jobs in the future.


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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I october I № 10 2022

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