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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Kahuzheva Z.K., Panina E.A., Chuntyzheva Z.I., Kuprina N.K.

Objective of the study was to identify preferences in the physical recreation of students of universities of the Republic of Adygea. Methods and structure of the study. A set of scientific methods was used: analysis of scientific papers on the subject under consideration, online questioning, processing of the obtained information using the Statistica 12 software package, Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Yandex.Forms service, statistical processing method, graphical interpretation. The study was conducted with students of universities of the Republic of Adygea from October to December 2021. 3,400 students (58.6% women, 41.4% men) took part in it. The questionnaire contained questions aimed at identifying the basic indicators of the respondents' choice of forms of physical recreation: factors, motives, criteria. Results and conclusions. The conducted research made it possible to accumulate information concerning the motives for students' choice of forms of physical recreation, its preferred types, the specifics of the organization of active recreation, the dominant sources of information about sports and healthimproving services and the criteria for consumer choice. The study revealed a fairly large group of respondents showing an increased interest in physical recreation, which confirms the success of the work on creating a positive image of sports, recreational and recreational activities among the youth.

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Preferences in physical recreation of students of higher education institutions of the republic

of adygea

UDC 796.011.1(460)

PhD, Associate Professor Z.K. Kahuzheva1 PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Panina2 PhD, Associate Professor Z.I. Chuntyzheva1 PhD, Associate Professor N.K. Kuprina1 1Adyghe State University, Maikop 2Maikop State Technological University, Maikop

Corresponding author: [email protected]


Objective of the study was to identify preferences in the physical recreation of students of universities of the Republic of Adygea.

Methods and structure of the study. A set of scientific methods was used: analysis of scientific papers on the subject under consideration, online questioning, processing of the obtained information using the Statistica 12 software package, Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Yandex.Forms service, statistical processing method, graphical interpretation. The study was conducted with students of universities of the Republic of Adygea from October to December 2021. 3,400 students (58.6% women, 41.4% men) took part in it. The questionnaire contained questions aimed at identifying the basic indicators of the respondents' choice of forms of physical recreation: factors, motives, criteria.

Results and conclusions. The conducted research made it possible to accumulate information concerning the motives for students' choice of forms of physical recreation, its preferred types, the specifics of the organization of active recreation, the dominant sources of information about sports and health-improving services and the criteria for consumer choice. The study revealed a fairly large group of respondents showing an increased interest in physical recreation, which confirms the success of the work on creating a positive image of sports, recreational and recreational activities among the youth.

Keywords: physical recreation, preferences, university students, Republic of Adygea, online survey.

Introduction. The federal project "Sport is the norm of life" within the framework of the national project "Demography" provides for "the creation of conditions for all categories and groups of the population to engage in physical culture and sports, mass sports, including increasing the level of provision of the population with sports facilities, as well as the preparation of a sports reserve » [6]. Physical recreation is considered among the main directions for the implementation of this project. A number of studies in the field of organization of free time, leisure preferences of students, the advantage is aimed at studying social activity, communication in various communities, in the virtual space. At the same time, there is a clear tendency to replace live communication with virtual communication in social networks [3, 4, 7].

Meanwhile, it is well known that the demanded

technology for the production of healthy physical qualities, the emotional-volitional sphere of a person is physical recreation, which is understood as "a set of measures that meets the needs of the recreant in active recreation and informal communication outside of production, educational and other activities aimed at restoring strength. after exercise, ... as well as allowing him to strengthen and maintain his health" [5, p. 6]. Physical recreation as a type of activity represents a variety of areas of human activity: outdoor activities, leisure, game activities, sports activities, mass sports work at all levels, focused on the desire to maintain and improve health. An obligatory element of its consumption is the study of recreational preferences of potential consumers, since the study of customer needs directly affects the development of ergonomic recreational programs that are in demand by a wide

Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I august I № 8 2022


audience of students, as well as the formation of a competitive and attractive product.

The physical recreation of student youth is focused on the pronounced recreational needs of this age group: the need for physical development and self-affirmation, for restoring strength and working capacity after the educational process, the desire to treat one's health wisely, and the desire to spend free time for the benefit of oneself [2]. The choice of preferences in the ways of physical recreation depends on a number of factors, such as place of residence, the mentality of the population, age and gender composition, financial capabilities, the degree of development of the sports and recreation infrastructure, the level of education, the range of offers of the sports and recreation industry, the fashion of the wellness industry and etc. Therefore, the preferences of young people in physical recreation as potential consumers are considered a dynamic category, influenced by many factors, which in a special way actualizes the feasibility of this study.

Objective of the study was to identify preferences in the physical recreation of students of universities of the Republic of Adygea.

Methods and structure of the study. The work was carried out from October to December 2021. The basic empirical method was used - online questionnaire. The main working tool was a specially designed questionnaire. The survey involved 3400 respondents - students of universities of the Republic of Adygea. An empirical study made it possible to identify preferences in the physical recreation of student youth, the results of which are presented below.

Results of the study and their discussion. By age and gender, the respondents were distributed as follows: 84% - students aged 18-25, 16% - students aged 26-30; 58.6% women, 41.4% men. The choice of physical recreation is determined by internal motives: the need for physical development and self-affirmation, as indicated by 61.2%, for recuperation (58.4%), for knowledge and spiritual development (55.1%), for health improvement (17.5%). %), treatment and prevention of diseases (11.5%), which is largely due to the young age of the respondents and the predominant absence of diseases.

The most popular are active and combined forms of physical recreation - 43.1% and 46.8%, respectively; extreme recreation is interesting for 26.3%, passive recreation - for 30.7% of students. 12.7% of respondents in the list of preferred types of recreation

indicated short-term types of recreation (fishing, air-soft, recreation by the reservoir, outdoor recreation) (Figure 1). The increased interest in active, combined and extreme recreation is largely due to the age of the respondents and the craving for adventure, new emotions, adventurism.

Figure 1. Structure of types of recreation, % (compiled by the authors)

82.6% support organized types of physical recreation (group classes at the university, collective trips, recreational activities and events in sports and fitness organizations, corporate holidays, etc.), the rest (17.4%) prefer to independently organize this type of activity. Students learn about sports and recreational services from the global Internet (95.8%), advertising in social networks (74.3%), from friends and acquaintances (36.9%).

The defining criteria influencing the choice of the type of physical recreation are revealed. The dominant criteria for students are its compliance with the natural need for various types of physical activity (82.4%), the possibility of strengthening physical health (63.2%) and the price (61.8%). An interesting program is important for 46.7%, a good company - for 43.8%, appropriate sports and recreational infrastructure - for 29.5% of respondents. Least of all students indicated the criteria of comfort and quality of service (26.3%), aesthetic enjoyment of beauty (24.1%).

Students love to travel (82.6%). The majority travel once a year (36.5%), 29.2% travel once every few years, 26.3% travel several times a year, and 8.0% do not travel (Figure 2). Preferences to include health-improving physical exercises in the travel program were found in 87.9% of respondents, which confirms the demand for physical recreation among young students.

Students expressed a desire to participate in collective types of physical recreation: 53.0% of respondents preferred the company of more than four people, 41.6% prefer to relax in the company of two to four people, and only 5.4% - in the company of one person.










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Figure 2. Distribution of students by travel frequency, % (compiled by the authors)

In the course of statistical processing of the obtained results, the method of single-factor analysis of variance was used. The influence of motives on the chosen forms of physical recreation was considered [1]. For convenience, the data were grouped by the number of observations. Based on the data on the motives and forms of physical recreation, the sums for the options, the sums of squares for the options, and the average values for the options were calculated. In the Statistica 12 software package, the values of the criterion were calculated to determine the reliability. The calculated values of the factor and residual variance made it possible to evaluate the influence of the respondents' motive criterion on the preferred form of physical recreation. The factor dispersion was 69.4%. The contribution of the residual dispersion due to random influences was 30.6%.

inclusions. Physical recreation is a significant socio-cultural phenomenon and a productive option for the rational organization of students' free time. Educational universities are an important segment of consumers of physical recreation services, as they feel the need for physical development and self-affirmation, recuperation, knowledge and spiritual development, the desire to maintain and develop physical fitness. Students prefer active, combined forms of physical recreation and its organized types; the main source of information about sports and recreational services is the global Internet and advertising in social networks; The dominant criteria when choosing physical recreation are the correspondence to the natural need for various types of physical activity, health promotion opportunities, price, interesting program, appropriate sports and recreational infrastructure, and the presence of a company.

Thus, taking into account the recreational needs of students of universities in the region as potential consumers of physical recreation services will allow developing new proposals, expanding the range of sports and recreational recreational services in the region,

increasing its competitiveness, which should be taken into account when choosing the correct orientation for the development of sports and recreational and tourist and recreational activities in region. Taking into account the needs of the student audience in physical recreation is necessary to develop programs for the effective recovery of students after the educational process, which corresponds to the strategy for implementing the federal project "Sport is the norm of life."


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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I august I № 8 2022

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