Dynamics of motivation features to physical culture among students of non-sports specialties
UDC 159.9
PhD, Associate Professor Yu.N. Gut1, 2
Dr. Psych., Professor M.K. Kabardov1
PhD, Associate Professor Yu.P. Kosheleva1 3
PhD Z.Z. Zhambeeva1
Dr. Psych., Professor A.K. Osnitsky1
1Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow 2Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod 3Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow
Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract
Objective of the study was to reveal the dynamics of the peculiarities of motivation for physical education of students-psychologists in the process of studying at the university.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment was carried out with the participation of students of the Faculty of Psychology of the National Research University "BelSU" in two stages: in 2019 at the 1st year and in 2022 at the 4th year among undergraduate students. In total, 98 1st year students took part in the study in 2019 and 97 4th year undergraduate students in 2022. The main methods were: the method of diagnosing a personality for motivation for success and avoiding failures by T. Ehlers, the method "Motives for playing sports" by A.V. Shaboltas, as well as the questionnaire "Attitude towards physical culture".
Results and conclusions. The dynamics of differences in the motives that encourage students to engage in physical culture from the first to the fourth year have been revealed. It was found that students in the first year were more often and more actively engaged in physical activity, but by the senior year they have a more conscious opinion that regular physical education improves health and improves mood. The results of the study can be used when conducting physical education classes for first-year students of non-sports specialties in order to optimize the problem of developing the motivation to preserve and improve health in the process of studying at a university and after graduation.
Keywords: motivation for physical culture, motivation for success, motivation for avoiding failures, socio-emotion-al motive, motive for physical self-affirmation.
Introduction. The tasks of preserving and strengthening the health of students, improving the physical training of future specialists are priorities for most universities in the country. The role of physical culture and sports is multifaceted not only in strengthening physical but also mental health. Systematic physical exercises increase the mobilization capabilities of the body and improve the psycho-emotional state, increase social adaptation, stimulate self-development, form a positive attitude towards life and an active social position (A.A. Koroleva, 2015). In this connection, educational institutions face the problem of organizing events to involve students in physical education and sports activities (V.N. Irkhin et al., 2021; Yu.N. Gut, 2022; I.A. Martyn, 2017).
Modern scientists single out the lack of formation of stable habits and lack of motivation as the main reason for the low physical activity of students. E.A. Ras-popova and co-authors believe that "the satisfaction of the need for movement depends on consciousness. So, if children have an innate motivation for motor activity, then in an adult, motor activity is manifested only on the basis of a conscious impulse. Thus, in physical culture activity, the principle of consciousness acquires fundamental importance in the formation of motivation" (E.A. Raspopova, Yu.A. Postolnik, 2018).
The study of motivation for physical culture and sports activities among students allows us to identify not only the degree of interest in physical education, but to suggest the level of activity in this area and its
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I January I № 1 2023
focus (Lee, H.G.; Ji, J.C., 2020). That is, having determined the peculiarities of students' motives, it can be assumed whether they will continue to engage in physical culture and sports activities, participate in passing the GTO standards, or whether the need for regular physical exercises will decrease during training.
Objective of the study was to reveal the dynamics of the peculiarities of motivation for physical education of students-psychologists in the process of studying at the university.
Methods and structure of the study. The study of the dynamics of the characteristics of motivation for physical education of students was carried out on the basis of the Faculty of Psychology of the National Research University "BelSU" in two stages: in 2019 at the 1st year and 2022 at the 4th year among undergraduate students of training areas: 37.03.01. Psychology (N=44 people in 2019 and 46 people in 2022) and 44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education (N=53 people in 2019 and 50 people in 2022). In total, 98 first-year students took part in the study in 2019 and 97 4th-year undergraduate students of the Faculty of Psychology of the National Research University "BelSU" in 2022.
The following methods were used as methodological tools: a method for diagnosing a personality for motivation for success and avoiding failures (T. Ehlers), motives for going in for sports (A.V. Shabol-tas), and a questionnaire was developed that revealed the attitude of students to physical culture (Yu.N. Gut). Statistical analysis was performed using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test using the SPSS 22 program.
Results of the study and their discussion. At the first stage, we studied the features of the dynamics of the motivational orientation of the personality of students from the first to the fourth year using T. Ehlers' methods of motivation for success and avoidance of failures. The optimal level of motivation to achieve success plays an important role in human activity. In order to carry out an activity, a sufficient level of motivation is needed, but if the motivation is too strong, tension increases, which worsens the results. In general, students, both in the first and final years, showed a high level of motivation for success, however, the results of first-year students are significantly higher (17.4 and 15.1; U=585, p<0.01). In terms of motivation to avoid failure, no significant differences were found.
Further, the dominant goals (personal meanings) of physical culture and sports among psychology stu-
dents in the first and last years were studied using the methodology of A.V. Shaboltas "Motives for sports".
Statistical analysis revealed significant differences on a number of scales. In the first year, the numerical values of indicators of the motive of emotional mood exceed those of the repeated study (10.1 and 7.4, respectively; U=670; p<0.01). This suggests that psychology students in the first year experienced more vivid emotional impressions from motor activity and physical effort than in the fourth. Similar results were revealed when comparing indicators of the so-cio-emotional motive, indicating an interest in physical activity due to the possibility of informal communication. It was found that this indicator in the first year is significantly higher than in the final year (8.1 and 7.1; U=471, p<0.01,).
Indicators of the motive for achieving success in sports, on the contrary, are higher among senior students (8 and 4.3U=556, at p<0.01). This allows us to judge that by the senior years students go in for physical education more regularly than first-year students in order to maintain and improve the results achieved, as well as with a lack of physical activity, in order to get a surge of new strength, switch from mental activity to physical activity. This is also evidenced by higher indicators of the rational-volitional motive among students in the final year (10.2 and 8.5; U=585, p<0.01).
The data obtained in the course of the questionnaire survey allowed us to assess the dynamics of the emotional attitude of the respondents to physical activity. We found that in the first year, the proportion of psychology students involved in any type of physical activity, from the first to the final year, decreases from 85% to 78%.
As for the regularity of classes, there is an increase in the number of psychology students: from 9.8% of the first year to 25% of senior students are regularly engaged in physical culture and sports activities, because physical activity gives them joy; 40.4% and 41.3% of respondents (1st and 4th course) - periodically and 49.2% and 35.7% - irregularly or not at all.
The most common types of physical activity among psychology students in their first year were volleyball -18.5%, running - 12.8%, athletics - 11.3%, swimming
- 11%, while 9% of first-year students indicated that they "walk on the sport". Senior students have fitness
- 20%, running - 19.5%, gym - 10%, stretching - 9%, etc.
On the issue of the leading motive for physical education, 9% of first-year students and 11% of graduate
students believe that nothing can motivate them for such classes; 27.2% of students in the 1st year and 5.4% in the 4th year believe that it is "fashionable", and 30% and 39.2% (1st and graduate students, respectively) of students say that sports improve health. These data are consistent with the results of diagnostics of the semantic components described above.
Thus, based on the analysis of the obtained data, it can be argued that the leading components in physical culture and sports activities for the majority of psychology students in the first year are social and emotional motives, which change to rational motives by the senior year.
Conclusions. The most important motive for solving the main tasks of physical education in the university is health promotion, as well as the motives that reinforce it: to provide the need for movement; provide students with additional knowledge, skills and abilities; improve performance and motor skills; expand their physical capabilities.
In the first year, students are more often and more actively engaged in physical activity than older students, considering this hobby to be fashionable and prestigious. However, in senior years, students realize that physical education strengthens their health, improves their mood and well-being, so these classes are more conscious and regular.
First-year students, being engaged in physical culture and sports activities, mainly realize the need for communication, approval and recognition. They need aesthetic pleasure and are focused on the opinions of others. However, these motives cannot be called stable and, probably, with a change in the social environment (reducing the attention of others, reducing free time, etc.), there may be a decrease in efficiency or even a loss of interest in physical activity.
Thus, the data obtained by us testifies to the lack of formation of a system of stable internal motives for going in for sports in the majority of students of nonsports specialties at the initial stage of education.
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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I January I № 1 2023