УДК 130.2
Dovranov U.
Student, Rovshenkulyyev B.
International horse breeding academy named after Aba Annayev.
Abdullayev N.
Babamuradov N.
Научный руководитель: Ovezgeldiyeva E.M.
Head of Department (HoD), Turkmen Agricultural University Named after S.A. Niyazov
"This article explores the romantic poetry of the great Turkmen poet Magtymguly Pyragy, also known as Makhtumkuli Fraghi. The author delves into themes of love, passion, and longing through an analysis of fragments of his poetry. Revealing the depth of emotions expressed in his verses, the article invites readers into a world of sublime feelings and aesthetic admiration."
Key words:
Magtymguly Pyragy, romantic poetry, love, turkmen poet, analysis fragments, emotions.
Makhtumkuli's multifaceted poetry, addressed to the soul of the Turkmen people, glorifies the common man, dreams of truth and humanism, a happy life for the people, puts forward the idea that good will necessarily overcome evil and injustice. But his research on revealing the truth, his desire to understand the place of man in life and the meaning of life led Makhtumkuli to the philosophy of Sufism at certain stages of his work.
One of the reasons that led Makhtumkuli to Sufism, in our opinion, is that some representatives of Sufism put the concept of man and the fact that man was created by God at the center of their theme, they considered his soul to be the most beautiful being in the world. The problem of Sufism in creativity Makhtumkuli is very complex and multifaceted. One of these areas is the difference between the poet's secular love lyrics and his Sufi poems. Reason This difficulty lies in the fact that in poems related to Sufi ideas, words and images of secular love lyrics are used; poets turn to To God as to his beloved. In this work, we will consider some features of Makhtumkuli's love lyrics and poems of Sufi content and distinguish them from each other.
Sufi poetry uses images and terms of traditional secular love lyrics in its works, giving them a literal and allegorical meaning. For example, "apple" is God's nature, "black" — God's mystery and knowledge of it, "crimson lips" — spiritual pleasure and secret mercy, "mei" — God's love, "saki" — disciple, "ruin" (tavern) — a place where they drink God's beer, human society, etc.
In his Sufi verses, Makhtumkuli addresses God with the words "yar", "dildar", "dilber", "friend", "sahipjemal". But in his love lyrics, these words are used literally. Of course, to distinguish their meaning, we must refer to the context in which these words are used. In each context, Makhtumkuli provides an understanding that is the key to understanding the meaning of these words.
According to Makhtumkuli, the world is completely filled with God, but it is impossible to see him with ordinary eyes, so the lyrical hero of the poem is looking for him. According to religious doctrine, a person should believe in nature God, not to know her. This principle forms the basis of religion and faith. But some
representatives of Sufi philosophy try to understand the nature of God and what he is, and interfere with rationalism. As a result of such research, some Sufis even claimed that through Sufi practices they achieved a vision of God and connected with him spiritually and physically. But such situations always ended in tragedy. This is evidenced by the fate of Mansour al-Hallaj and Nasimi. References:
1. The book of Makhtumkuli and Oriental literature.
2. Theory of Literature, Ashgabat 2018.
3. Magtymguly: Poems from Turkmenistan
© Dovranov U., Rovshenkulyyev B., Abdullayev N., Babamuradov N., 2024
УДК 39
Ровшенкулыев Б.
Студент, Овезгельдиева Э.М.
Старший преподаватель, Международная академия коневодства имени Аба Аннаева
Тачмырадов Х.
Студент, Атаназаров Д.
Туркменский Сельскохозяйственный университет им. С.А. Ниязова МАХТУМКУЛИ - ПОЭТ-ПРОСВЕТИТЕЛЬ Аннотация
Творческий мир Махтумкули Пираги богат и разнообразен. Такие темы, как патриотизм, образование, любовь, уважение к родителям, единство, порядочность, здоровье и хорошее поведение, заняли значительное место в творчестве великого поэта Махтумкули Пираги. Махтумкули Пираги считает, что одним из лучших качеств человека является восхваление старших. В целом, стихи поэта во всех областях являются источником вдохновения и духовным сокровищем для всех людей.
Ключевые слова: образование, интеллектуальное развитие, поколение.
Махтумкули, как великий наставник и школа воспитания своего народа, занял особое место в истории Туркменистана. Поэт хорошо знал материальное и духовное состояние своего народа. Великий поэт призывал своих соотечественников к счастливой жизни и получению хорошего образования. Великий поэт умел мастерски использовать поэтические приемы для создания замечательных стихов. Его мудрые взгляды и меткие фразы сразу же находят отклик в сердцах читателей и умело раскрывают дух жизни. Он расширяет смысл концепции "чистая мораль всегда должна быть спутником туркмена". Уделяя особое внимание нравственному развитию личности, поэт призывает к нравственному и духовному развитию людей, чтобы они проявляли должное уважение друг к другу. В своих высоких дидактических и воспитательных произведениях поэт хорошо и ясно раскрыл принципы совершенной морали и души любого человека любой профессии.