THE UNQUENCHABLE CREATIVITY OF MAGTYMGULY PYRAGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Nuryadyyeva G.

When Magtymguly created his poems, he took the words in the hand of wisdom, used the most important ones, and created the people in a language that anyone could understand when reading Magtymguly wrote many of his poems under the pseudonym Pyragy. His creativity provides a lot of material for the study of 18th century Turkmen life. Magtymguly’s poems mainly promote humanistic ideas about patriotism, heroism, admonition, social inequality, love and friendship.

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of development and struggle. Magtymguly's widespread use of artistic means such as metaphors, metaphors, and exaggeration increased the artistry and imagery of the poet's poems.

The great Turkmen thinker Magtymguly Pyragy is a master of words, who left an indelible mark on the history and spiritual world of the Turkmen people and the peoples of the East with his works. Magtymguly touched on this topic not just like that, but because of his life experience. From this point of view, the poet approaches this issue more carefully, attributing this quality to good people and emphasizing it as a symbol of courage.

Magtymguly has a unique creativity. As his poems are as sweet as the spring breeze, they are turning into songs by themselves. His except his Magtymguly poetry, he was also a famous philosopher. He traveled from country to country, province to province with his poems and visited many cities and countries. References:

1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Education - happiness, spirituality, prosperity - Ashgabat, 2014.

2. Магтымгулы. Шыгырлар: 3 томлык. - 1 т. - Ашгабат: «Туркменистан», ДНЧБ, 1992.

3. Магтымгулы. Шыгырлар. Уч томлук. 2 том. - Ашгабат. "Туркменистан" 1994

4. Махтум-Кули. Избранное (стихи). - М.: Художественная литература, 1960.

5. История всемирной литературы: в 9 томах. Под редакцией И.С.Брагинского и других. - М., 1983-1984гг.

6. History of Turkmen literature. Volume I. - Ashgabat, 1975

7. R. Rejepov. Dictionary of terms related to literary science. - Ashgabat, 1966.

8. "В Туркмении планируют поднять авторитет международной премии им. Махтумкули" (in Russian). 3 February 2008.

© Mollayeva A., 2023

УДК 39

Nuryadyyeva G.,

A teacher of the Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly.

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.



When Magtymguly created his poems, he took the words in the hand of wisdom, used the most important ones, and created the people in a language that anyone could understand when reading Magtymguly wrote many of his poems under the pseudonym Pyragy. His creativity provides a lot of material for the study of 18th century Turkmen life. Magtymguly's poems mainly promote humanistic ideas about patriotism, heroism, admonition, social inequality, love and friendship.


мagtymguly, literature, creation, spiritual, philosopher.


Когда Махтумкули создавал свои стихи, он брал слова в руку мудрости, использовал самые важные из них и создавал людей на языке, понятном каждому при чтении. Многие свои стихи Махтумкули написал под псевдонимом Пираги. Его творчество дает большой материал для изучения жизни туркмен XVIII века. Стихи Махтумкули в основном пропагандируют гуманистические идеи о патриотизме, героизме, увещевании, социальном неравенстве, любви и дружбе.

Ключевые слова:

махтумкули, литература, творчество, духовное, философ.

Magtymguly Pyragy, the great thinker of Turkmen, the bright star of poetry, is a poet of universal humanity. Magtymguly Pyragy is a great thinker and poet whose name reigns in the world of poetry with the power and miracle of words. The universe of Magtymguly's poetry is a flowing source of Turkmen literature that satisfies hearts thirsty for deep meaning and artistic expression.

In the poems of Magtymguly Pyragy, the master of the word, ideas such as courage, patriotism, purity of soul, love for nature, mercy, respect for big and small, kindness, humanitarianism are put forward. His wonderful works, which can create love, affection and faith in the human soul, are a great educational school for the generations of yesterday, today and the future. It was the great Pyragy who gave the voice of Turkmen's soul in his native language to his people, who was the first to call Turkmen to one statehood. As our beloved and Heroic Friend pointed out, "Usually, great personalities foresee the fate of their people. Thinkers who are patient with the people are capable of predicting the fate of the country hundreds of years in advance. Magtymguly Pyragy's calls to unite the Turkmen country, become a united state, and live in harmony are echoed today as a very important and very valuable call. Poems of the poet are widely spread among the people by word of mouth. Therefore, from time to time we should read the words of our poets and sages and be influenced by them.

Magtymguly started his creative work at a young age. Magtymguly recited his poems in public, at weddings, and called people to be heroic, honorable, and alert. His source of inspiration was the people and their path.

Today, the happy Turkmen people live in a strong state in the dream era of Magtymguly Pyragy, a great thinker and master of sweet words, and they pay great attention to the creativity and literary heritage of the classical poet. Another proof of this is the fact that the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed the Resolution on celebrating the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Pyragy, the great thinker and classical poet of the East in 2024, at the comprehensive meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on February 12. «The greatness of each nation is equal to the greatness of the personalities it has brought forward and given to the world. The poet of hearts and times, the singer of the most beautiful and pure feelings of humanity, Magtymguly Pyragy is the spiritual greatness of the Turkmen people. «The legacy of the great poet is a unique school of education» and the next decision of our Heroic Arkadag, who shows unlimited respect for the creativity and literary legacy of the great poet, creates unshakable joy in our hearts.

As noted by Osman Ode, a prominent representative of modern Turkmen literature, one of the criteria used to determine the importance of any poet in the field of literature is the performance of his poems as songs in everyday language. Therefore, every poet is the singer of his country.

The whole world appreciates the culture, art, and literature of Turkmen. Famous scientists, writers and historians of the world are very interested in the creativity of our poets, who left a great mark in history with their wonderful works and poems.

Magtymguly is a great poet and thinker of the Turkmen people, a shining star of the whole East. There are many works created by him for the public. People's service to one idea, love of the motherland, great respect for traditions and human personality play an important role in his creativity. The beautiful nature of the motherland occupies a special place in his creativity. The beautiful nature of the motherland inspires poets to create lyrical works. Thirsty for the beauty of the natural environment, Magtymguly Pyragy strongly believes that it was created by God.

Nature and its wonderful world, the inseparable connection of man with it, were the main areas of artistic thinking. Nature, its poetic acceptance of its beauty, careful intervention in its secrets are characteristic of Magtymguly.

The landscape poetry up to that time was romantic in nature. Living nature was conditional and indeterminate.


1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Education - happiness, spirituality, prosperity - Ashgabat, 2014.

2. Магтымгулы. Шыгырлар: 3 томлык. - 1 т. - Ашгабат: «Туркменистан», ДНЧБ, 1992.

3. Магтымгулы. Шыгырлар. Уч томлук. 2 том. - Ашгабат. "Туркменистан" 1994

4. Махтум-Кули. Избранное (стихи). - М.: Художественная литература, 1960.

5. История всемирной литературы: в 9 томах. Под редакцией И.С.Брагинского и других. - М., 1983-1984гг.

6. History of Turkmen literature. Volume I. - Ashgabat, 1975

7. R. Rejepov. Dictionary of terms related to literary science. - Ashgabat, 1966.

8. "В Туркмении планируют поднять авторитет международной премии им. Махтумкули" (in Russian). 3 February 2008.

© Nuryadyyeva G., 2023

УДК 39

Амангельдиев Г.А.,


Туркменский государственный институт культура.

Ашхабад, Туркменистан.



Нравственная культура общества и личности тесно связана с мировоззрением. Трудно представить себе социальное развитие человека, если полученное им образование не подкреплено эмоциональными и нравственными отношениями. Научное мировоззрение позволяет человеку смотреть на окружающую его ситуацию, делать из нее положительные и отрицательные действия. Недостаточно активно поддерживать хорошее и бороться с плохим. Вы также должны уметь справляться с невзгодами.

Ключевые слова:

Культура, культурное наследие, общество, жизнь, человек, образование, дисциплина.


The moral culture of society and the individual is closely related to the worldview. It is difficult to imagine the social development of a person if the education received by him is not supported by emotional and moral relations. The scientific worldview allows a person to look at the situation around him, to make positive and negative actions out of it. It is not enough to actively support the good and fight the bad. You must also be able to deal with adversity.

Key words:

Culture, cultural heritage, society, life, person, education, discipline.

Период перехода от одного типа общества к другому связан с коренным изменением нравственной культуры. В этот период происходят значительные изменения в нравственном развитии людей. Культурное развитие человечества в целом основано на коренных изменениях. Но перестройка нравственной культуры не совершается внезапно, так как она непосредственно влияет на сознание и действия людей. Он медленно интегрируется в повседневную жизнь и крепнет. Традиции, заложенные в жизни, тоже не так легко «исчезают». Сколько ни велась «воспитательная работа» в семье, школе, общественных местах труда, культурных организациях в период тоталитарного правления, не удавалось устранить остатки «вредных» традиций из сознания людей.

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