Научная статья на тему 'Ways of improving the efficiency of the staff of the authorities of the state emergency service of Ukraine'

Ways of improving the efficiency of the staff of the authorities of the state emergency service of Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
management / efficiency / emergency / civil servant / управління / ефективність / надзвичайна ситуація / державний службовець

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Volyansky Petro Borysovych, Evsyukov Oleksandr Petrovych, Terentieva Anna Valeriivna

In this article, the ways of increasing the effectiveness of the personnel of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine are being explored. It is noted that despite the complex of measures on the reform of the civil service, the efficiency of public administration has recently been insufficient, and the level of public confidence in public authorities and civil service in general is decreasing. One of the most important reasons for such a phenomenon is the proper level of professionalism of persons authorized to perform tasks and functions of the state. According to the results of the analysis, it is determined that one of the most important features of the professional activity of civil servants in the sphere of civil protection is its focus on the preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions, which is especially relevant in the event of emergencies, as failures during the liquidation of the emergencies are usually generated the lack of sufficient experience and necessary knowledge from the managers of all relevant parts of the management can lead to significant human losses. The necessity of developing special approaches and methods for determining such qualitative characteristics of applicants for leadership positions, which would enable to really assess the ability of the future leader to adequately analyze problems and alternative planning strategies, creatively solve issues in perspective, to quickly manage the actions of subordinates under the emergencies, set a goal, tasks and achieve them.

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У статті досліджуються шляхи підвищення ефективності персоналу органів управління Державної служби України з надзвичайних ситуацій. Зазначається, що незважаючи на комплекс заходів з питань реформування державної служби, ефективність державного управління останнім часом є недостатньою, знижується рівень довіри громадян до державних органів влади та державної служби в цілому. Однією з найвагоміших причин такого явища є неналежний рівень професіоналізму осіб, уповноважених виконувати завдання і функції держави. За результатами аналізу визначено, що однією з надважливіших особливостей професійної діяльності державних службовців у сфері цивільного захисту є її спрямованість на підготовку, прийняття та реалізацію управлінських рішень, що є особливо актуальним в умовах виникнення надзвичайних ситуацій, оскільки прорахунки під час їх ліквідації зазвичай відбуваються через відсутність достатнього досвіду і необхідних знань у керівників відповідних ланок управління, що може спричини значні людські втрати. Доведена необхідність у розробленні спеціальних підходів і методів визначення таких якісних характеристик претендентів на керівні посади, які б давали можливість реально оцінювати вміння майбутнього керівника адекватно аналізувати проблеми й альтернативні стратегії планування, творчо вирішувати питання на перспективу, оперативно управляти діями підлеглих під час надзвичайних ситуацій, ставити перед собою мету, завдання та їх досягати.

Текст научной работы на тему «Ways of improving the efficiency of the staff of the authorities of the state emergency service of Ukraine»

UDC: 351.75+378

Volyansky Petro Borysovych,

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor, acting Head, Institute of Public Administration in the sphere of Civil Protection, 04074, Kyiv, Str. Vyshhorodska,

21, tel: (044) 430 02 22, е-mail: iduscz.kyiv@ mns.gov.ua

ORCID: 0000-0002-7992-8260 Волянський Петро Борисович,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, доцент, виконуючий обов'язки начальника, 1нститут державного управлтня у сфер цивильного захисту, 04074, м. Кигв, вул. Вишгородська, 21, тел.: (044) 430 02

22, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7992-8260

Волянский Петр Борисович, доктор наук по государственному управлению, доцент, исполняющий обязанности начальника, Институт государственного управления в сфере гражданской защиты, 04074, г. Киев, ул. Вышгородская, 21, тел.: (044) 430 02 22, е-mail: iduscz. [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-7992-8260

Evsyukov Oleksandr Petrovych,

PhD of Psychological Sciences, associate professor, professor of the department of civil sercrice management and training on international projects, Institute of Public Administration in the sphere of Civil Protection, 04074, Kyiv, Str. Vyshhorodska, 21, tel.: (044) 468 9184, е-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-8586-9896

€всюков Олександр Петрович,

кандидат психологгчних наук, доцент, професор кафедри державног служби управлтня та навчання за мгжнародними проектами, 1нститут державного управлтня у сфер цивгльного захисту, 04074, м. Кигв, вул. Вишгородська, 21, тел.: (044) 468 9184, е-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-8586-9896

Евсюков Александр Петрович,

кандидат психологических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры государственной службы управления и обучения по международным проектам, Институт государственного управления в сфере гражданской защиты, 04074, г. Киев, ул. Вышгородская, 21, тел.: (044) 468 91 84, е-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-8586-9896

Terentieva Anna Valeriivna,

Doctor of Science in Public Administration Full Professor, Senior Researcher, Head of the Department of civil service, management and training on international projects, Institute of Public Administration in the sphere of Civil Protection, 04074, Kyiv, Str. Vyshhorodska, 21, tel.: (044) 468 91 84, e-mail: teren_a@ ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0003-3881-5865

Терентьева Анна Валеривна,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, професор, старший науковий ствробт-ник, завiдувач кафедри державног служби управлтня та навчання за м1жнародними проектами, 1нститут державного управлтня у сферi цившьного захисту, 04074, м. Кигв, вул. Вишгородська, 21, тел.: (044) 468 9184, е-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-3881-5865

Терентьева Анна Валериевна,

доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор, старший научный сотрудник, заведующая кафедрой государственной службы управления и обучения по международным проектам, Институт государственного управления в сфере гражданской защиты, 04074, г. Киев, ул. Вышгородская, 21, тел.: (044) 468 91 84, е-mail: teren_a@ ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0003-3881-5865


Abstract. In this article, the ways of increasing the effectiveness of the personnel of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine are being explored. It is noted that despite the complex of measures on the reform of the civil service, the efficiency of public administration has recently been insufficient, and the level of public confidence in public authorities and civil service in general is decreasing. One of the most important reasons for such a phenomenon is the proper level of professionalism of persons authorized to perform tasks and functions of the state.

According to the results of the analysis, it is determined that one of the most important features of the professional activity of civil servants in the sphere of civil protection is its focus on the preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions, which is especially relevant in the event of emergencies, as

failures during the liquidation of the emergencies are usually generated the lack of sufficient experience and necessary knowledge from the managers of all relevant parts of the management can lead to significant human losses.

The necessity of developing special approaches and methods for determining such qualitative characteristics of applicants for leadership positions, which would enable to really assess the ability of the future leader to adequately analyze problems and alternative planning strategies, creatively solve issues in perspective, to quickly manage the actions of subordinates under the emergencies, set a goal, tasks and achieve them.

Keywords: management, efficiency, emergency, civil servant.


Анотащя. У статл дослщжуються шляхи шдвищення ефективност персоналу оргашв управлшня Державно! служби Укра!ни з надзвичайних ситуацш. Зазначаеться, що незважаючи на комплекс заходiв з питань рефор-мування державно! служби, ефектившсть державного управлшня останшм часом е недостатньою, знижуеться рiвень довiри громадян до державних оргашв влади та державно! служби в щлому. Одшею з найвагомших причин такого явища е неналежний рiвень професiоналiзму осiб, уповноважених виконувати завдання i функци держави.

За результатами аналiзу визначено, що однiею з надважливших особли-востей професiйно! дiяльностi державних службовцiв у сферi цившьного захисту е !! спрямованiсть на шдготовку, прийняття та реалiзацiю управлш-ських рiшень, що е особливо актуальним в умовах виникнення надзвичайних ситуацш, оскшьки прорахунки пiд час !х лiквiдацi! зазвичай вiдбуваються через вщсутшсть достатнього досвiду i необхщних знань у керiвникiв вщпо-вщних ланок управлiння, що може спричини значш людськi втрати.

Доведена необхщшсть у розробленнi спецiальних пiдходiв i методiв визна-чення таких яюсних характеристик претендентiв на керiвнi посади, яю б давали можливють реально оцiнювати вмiння майбутнього керiвника адекватно аналiзувати проблеми й альтернативш стратегй' планування, творчо виршу-вати питання на перспективу, оперативно управляти дiями шдлеглих пiд час надзвичайних ситуацш, ставити перед собою мету, завдання та !х досягати.

K^40bí слова: управлшня, ефектившсть, надзвичайна ситуащя, дер-жавний службовець.


Аннотация. В статье исследуются пути повышения эффективности персонала органов управления Государственной службы Украины по чрезвычайным ситуациям. Отмечается, что несмотря на комплекс мер по реформирова-

нию государственной службы, эффективность государственного управления в последнее время недостаточна, снижается уровень доверия граждан к государственным органам власти и государственной службе в целом. Одной из важных причин такого явления является несоответствующий уровень профессионализма лиц, уполномоченных выполнять задачи и функции государства.

По результатам анализа установлено, что одной из сверхважных особенностей профессиональной деятельности государственных служащих в сфере гражданской защиты является ее направленность на подготовку, принятие и реализацию управленческих решений, что особенно актуально в условиях возникновения чрезвычайных ситуаций, поскольку просчеты при их ликвидации, как правило, возникают из-за отсутствия достаточного опыта и необходимых знаний у руководителей соответствующих звеньев управления, что может привести к значительным человеческим жертвам.

Доказана необходимость разработки специальных подходов и методов определения таких качественных характеристик претендентов на руководящие должности, которые дадут возможность реально оценить умение будущего руководителя адекватно анализировать проблемы и альтернативные стратегии планирования, творчески решать вопросы на перспективу, оперативно управлять действиями подчиненных при чрезвычайных ситуациях, ставить перед собой цель, задачи и достигать их.

Ключевые слова: управление, эффективность, чрезвычайная ситуация, государственный служащий.

Statement of the problem. Today the problem of the efficiency of public administration in Ukraine becomes particularly relevant since the welfare of an individual or society in whole depends on the efficiency of the state apparatus operation. Increasing the efficiency of public authorities and the quality of their implementation of state tasks and functions is a prerequisite for European integration and sustainable society development. These imperatives are declared in the draft Concept of the State Target Program for the Reform of Public Administration and Public Service for the period 2011-2015 and the Strategy of the State Personnel Policy for 2011-2020.

Unfortunately, despite the range of reform measures in public service the efficiency of public administration has recently been insufficient, and the level of citizens' confidence in public authorities and public service in general is decreasing. One of the most important reasons for that is the lack of professionalism of the authorities in performing state tasks and functions. An analysis of the operation of the state system for ensuring technological and natural safety in Ukraine shows that the contemporary principles of civilians' protection as well as territories are being implemented at an extremely slow pace.

One of the main reasons for the low safety level of population, territories,

social, man-made and natural objects in Ukraine is the weakness of state policy aimed at strengthening preventive activities in the sphere of technological and natural safety. There are significant disadvantages in the arranging emergency response, in the adoption of timely and adequate decisions which are consistent with operational context, as well as in conducting search and rescue and other urgent works in emergency which in most cases indicates the lack of sufficient practical experience and relevant knowledge of the leaders at all levels of administration in Civil Protection. Implementation of European standards of life safety as one of the requirements of Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine is possible under the conditions of radical conceptual and methodological innovations and institutional transformations.

In accordance with the Strategy of National Security of Ukraine, approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated 05/26/2015 № 287/2015, one of the topical threats to the national security of Ukraine was the poor state of a unified state system and civil protection forces, and environmental monitoring system.

In addition, the Strategy defines one of the main areas of the state policy of Ukraine national security: building an effective security and defense sector through its professionalization, raising the professional competence of the personnel, its effective motivation to carry out the tasks properly, the most expedient reduction of the service units of the bodies in this sector.

According to the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated February 18, 2015

"On additional measures to strengthen the national security of Ukraine", enacted by the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated March 12, 2015 № 139/2015 "On the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated February 18, 2015 "On the additional measures to strengthen the national security of Ukraine", the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SES of Ukraine) is required to increase immediately the training, retraining and advanced training of the private and command personnel of Civil Protection, managers, executive authorities, local governments, enterprises, and institutions training managerial staff and professionals involved in civil protection measures arrangement and implementation.

One of the most important features of the professional activity of public servants in civil protection is its focus on the preparation, adoption and implementation of managerial decisions which is especially relevant in the event of emergency since faults in the liquidation of the emergencies are usually generated by the lack of sufficient experience and necessary knowledge of the heads of all relevant management units.

Human factor, managers' professionalism and competence, efficiency of the work of territorial administrations are leading causes of man-made accidents and disasters according to the results of the analysis and assessment of implementing the measures on emergency elimination.

Today's realities initiate new requirements to the quality of education, universality of public servants training in particular, their managerial culture improvement and adaptation to social

conditions, learner-centered education, its informatization, and the crucial importance of education in ensuring the development of the public service itself [1].

Analysis of recent studies and publications. Professionalism in public service as a direct determinant of the efficiency of public administration is both complex and multifaceted which is being examined by many Ukrainian scholars and researchers (N. Goncharuk, N. Nyzhnyk, I. Nuniuk, S. Dubenko, V. Oluiko, A. Rachynskyi, I. Rozputenko and others). Issues of the effectiveness of public authorities were investigated by N. Aliushyna, N. Goncharuk, O. Dzoban, V. Dziunziuk, L. Kotyk, V. Soroko and others. The current state and prospects of modernization of the Civil Protection System were studied by S. Andreiev, V. Andronov, V. Kovalchuk, V. Kos-tenko, V. Mykhailov, A. Liubinskyi, A. Trush. The problems of theoretical and methodological principles of the application of the educational information environment in higher institutions were studied by V. Bykov, M. Kozyar. Issues on modernization of higher public administration institutions with specific learning conditions were analyzed by A. Romin. The question of reforming the training system of civil protection specialists was studied by S. Dombrovska and V. Sadkovyi.

The purpose of this article is the attempt to attract the scientists' and practitioners' attention to the above-mentioned problem, as well as to intensify the exchange of views on the issues of increasing the efficiency of the governing bodies of SES of Ukraine.

Statement of the main material. Ensuring high standards of quality of

life is directly related to the quality of services provided by the government to Ukrainian citizens. The very gap between the modern requirements of society and the activity of the state apparatus is a risk of losing public trust in the government. Therefore, solving the issue of reforming the public service with simultaneous introduction of new approaches, standards and procedures, effective mechanisms for improving the quality of work of public authorities by using effective forms and methods to meet the needs of consumers is of great priority nowadays [2].

Efficiency is a managerial concept that correlates results of the activity with set goals. There are several types of efficiency. Functional (results-based) efficiency is calculated as the ratio of results to goals. Economic (cost effectiveness) efficiency evaluates results from the point of view of resources optimality and is the ratio of results to cost. Public administration also distinguishes social (needs) efficiency which is complex and reveals the results of the operation of the public administration system in relation to the basic needs of society. According to one of the definitions, effectiveness of public administration is the achievement of a certain social goal as a result of the work of authority, its structural unit or individual manager with the maximum possible social labor savings [3]. That is an integrated indicator of the specific social effectiveness of the government body, as well as its official, separate managerial decisions and actions that integrates all of the above-mentioned types of efficiency and is a systemic concept [4].

When assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of public administration,

it is necessary to compare practically implemented goals with objectives determined by society; realized goals with obtained results; results with social needs; public expenditures with results of public administration; public administration capacities with the degree of their application [5]. Therefore, for the fare assessment of the state authority's effectiveness it is necessary to determine the costs and results, management objectives and social needs. However, if the calculation of expenditures on public administration does not cause any challenges then it is very difficult to determine the result of administration and to assess the effect of it. Social efficiency is difficult to quantify. There are no methods for defining social returns on public administration as well as a single system for its effectiveness evaluation. In our view, it is appropriate to use new approaches to assess social effects, the concept of total economic value in particular, and in order to assess the effectiveness of the public administration system, a system approach should be used taking into account synergism and emergentism as inherent phenomena.

In order to modernize public administration effectively, a system reform of public administration is a need which conceptual framework is to increase the professionalism, transparency, administrative culture, legal protection of public servants and local government officials, development of their leadership potential to ensure implementation of the reforms proclaimed by the President of Ukraine [6].

Among the main problems hindering the development of leadership in public administration are the following: the

imperfection of the legislative framework which does not take into account the best domestic and international experience in development of human potential in the field of public administration; insufficient implementation of the best practices of management personnel in public service and in service of local self-government bodies, lack of communication space for discussion of issues and ways to solve them in this area; a discrepancy between the role and status of state authorities' personnel units and local self-government and new needs and challenges of the present time; insufficient focus of the professional training system on the development of public servants' leadership qualities and local self-government officials; lack of the professional network of public administration senior management personnel; imperfection and low level of system efficiency of training leaders in public service and service in local self-government bodies; protectionism, imperfect system of competitive selection for vacant positions.

International experience has shown [7] that one of the most effective mechanisms for improving the quality of work of state authorities based on the point of consumers' needs is to monitor the effectiveness and efficiency of the operation of public service institutions on the basis of the universal standard of quality management ISO 9001-2001, standards of official duties performance, rules of the annual evaluation and attestation of public servants, qualification characteristics of various categories of public servants, procedures for selecting and replacing positions, mechanisms for conducting official investigations.

There is a certain peculiarity in the operation of the government bodies of SES of Ukraine which can be explained by the peculiarities of the conditions that is the "normal conditions" of operation are emergency conditions which are always a drastic violation of the established order. It is impossible to say exactly whether it will happen, and if it happens when it is.

That is why the effectiveness of the emergency administration system operating in a complex and severe environment is heavily dependent on people, especially those with governing responsibilities. When organizations work in the stationary mode, the conditions change in usual pace so employees of the administration system can gradually adapt to the new conditions utilizing the accumulated knowledge and experience. The analysis of the current situation in the world and the increasing complexity of existing systems give reason to believe that the frequency and level of negative consequences of sudden emergency tend to increase. Therefore, the style of leadership, people's readiness to take risks, their qualifications, response to unexpected changes, individual and group behaviour should be constantly analyzed and improved when organizing an administration system [8].

In the system of the SES of Ukraine training is carried out in order to meet the employment needs of central and local executive authorities, local governments, state enterprises, institutions and organizations that are subject to the laws on protection of population and territories from man-made and natural emergencies (in the field of Civil Protection) which are interested

in workers who can competently and responsibly perform the administration of man-made and natural safety of the population, territories and economic objects introducing technologies to reduce the risks of emergency and mitigate emergency elimination.

According to p. 4, p/p 48 "Regulations on the State Emergency Service of Ukraine", education, retraining and advanced training of private and command personnel of the Civil Protection Service, public servants and employees of SES of Ukraine as well as personnel reserve [9] are carried out to develop their professional competence which is a key factor for building the modern system of public administration of emergency prevention and response in Ukraine.

The SES training system involves public servants' professional training at the Institute of Public Administration in the sphere of Civil Protection (IPACP). One of the most important features of public servants' and SES employees' professional activity is its focus on the preparation, adoption and implementation of administrative decisions [10] which is especially relevant in the context of emergency.

The main components of the mechanism for assessing the professionalism of a public servant are the following: socially determined features (purpose-fulness, moral and ethical qualities, attitude to work, work motivation); qualifications (knowledge, skills and habits gained by training and working); individual psychological features (memory, will, feeling, perceptions, etc.); a set of integral features (type of nervous system, temperament, character, emotional and volitional sphere, abilities).

Content analysis of public servants' work has shown that an extremely wide range of diverse responsibilities and practical tasks are solved by means of technological functions. The main ones are control and analytical, organizational and administrative, and informational and communication. Each of them has its own target points, principles and certain sets of social technologies accumulated by practical experience which ensure the successful tasks implementation in various typical work situations.

According to the Art. 44 of the Law of Ukraine "On Public Service", the result of public servants' work is subjected to annual assessment in order to determine the quality of the performed tasks, as well as to decide on awarding, career planning and the need for professional training. A great deal of attention is paid to the assessment of the public servants of SES central apparatus and the heads of the territorial administrations.

Assessment of the effectiveness of public servants is a process aimed at determining the contribution of these employees in accordance with their competence to achieve goals and objectives of the state authority. As a rule, the process of evaluating effectiveness includes the following elements: setting clear work standards for each position and criteria for assessing the effectiveness in public servants' job description; establishing the effectiveness assessment procedure (frequency, methods of assessment); direct estimation of efficiency according to the selected method; discussion of the results of the assessment with the employee; making a decision on the results of assessment and its documentation.

The purpose of the assessment is to identify ways to improve the work of the apparatus and separate public servant, as well as to determine the forms and scope of encouragement of public servants to improve the quality of their activities. The assessment of civil servants' effectiveness is based on the following principles: taking into account specificity of the evaluation object (not only economic but also social efficiency assessment); identification of outcomes of public servants' activity on the basis of their official duties and state authority functions; two-way scale application for performance measurement; location criteria for assessing the effectiveness of activities; employing the labour participation rates.

The annual performance assessment of public servants' duties and tasks (hereinafter as "annual assessment") is carried out in accordance with the General Procedure for conducting annual assessment of public officials' entrusted duties and tasks approved by the order of the Main Department of Public Service, dated 31.10. 2003 № 122.

It is known that on December 10, 2015, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine "On Public Service" № 889-VIII which entered into force on May 1, 2016. This law also provides for certain standards for public servants' performance evaluation.

The purposes of the annual assessment and performance evaluation are not fundamentally different. They are aimed at assessing the tasks performed by public servants, career planning and encouraging improvements in the quality of work. These two assessments take place annually. Both in the annual assessment and outcomes evalua-

tion the procedure is carried out by the senior manager and approved by the subject of the appointment. The only difference is that in the first case the evaluation results are approved directly in the annual assessment form, and by an order in the second. When a Standard procedure for evaluating the results of public service performance is proved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, more detailed comparative analysis will be possible.

We agree with the researchers [11] about defining the following factors for improving the public servants' performance efficiency: planning the work of executive authorities and civil servants; control of public servants' executive discipline; public servants' labour organization; assessment of public service personnel; managing the quality of executive authorities' and public servants' work; payment of public servants.

The task of building a quality management system (QMS) in executive authorities is to create conditions that would guarantee the proper quality of services that executive authorities provide for different categories of consumers. As the quality of executive authorities' services is formed within internal QMS processes, in order to create such conditions, it is necessary to build an effective system for managing these processes, in other words QMS. Generally accepted international requirements for the QMS of any organization, the fulfillment of which must ensure that consumers receive quality services regularly, includes the State technical standard of Ukraine ISO 9001-2001.

When building the QMS, executive bodies should identify the types of ac-

tivities (processes) to perform the assigned functions and satisfy consumers; in so doing the following points should be identified and documented for each activity: who is responsible for its implementation; how it is executed (with the required level of detail); as it is consistent with other activities (which transfer or receive information from it); how it is analyzed and managed by the senior management (what information is passed to the management, how it is considered, which decisions are made). These requirements are applied to the following types of activities: the cycle of managing executive bodies (defining policy and objectives, developing strategic and operational plans for objectives achievement, monitoring and analysis of activities, decision-making and monitoring); executive bodies services provision (development of regulations, execution of orders, response to requests, etc., including the study of consumers' expectations regarding services and informing); resourcing (personnel, infrastructure, information resources).

In fact, it means that the general requirements of the Regulations of executive bodies expressed by "Promote ...", "Ensure ...", "Create conditions ... " should be transformed into specific procedures of employees' performance that can be controlled and guaranteed to consumers.

Building the QMS provides: improving the quality of executive bodies services, ensuring their regularity for consumers; inefficient expenditures reduction of budget funds, elimination of works that do not create values; increasing the transparency of public service activities for citizens and go-

vemment; simplification of executive bodies personnel work at the expense of better organization and distribution of responsibilities; improving the flexibility and manageability, the ability to focus on new priorities and objectives; reducing the number of errors, internal conflicts, consumer complaints.

It can be said that it is not about the development of a separate quality management system but about the improvement and formalization of the conventional management system of executive bodies. For the effective implementation of this project, the first head of the executive bodies personally should be in charge of and all the heads of structural units should be involved in the managing process. In the future, this system can become the tool the management body plans with and evaluates the activity of the executive bodies, ensures goals achievement, makes managerial decisions etc. [12].

The approach to the effectiveness of public administration is characterized by two main aspects. Firstly, the state of governing bodies in the system of public administration is analyzed. Secondly, all attention is directed to the results of activity, practically without taking into account the issue of effectiveness.

Both approaches emphasize the importance of a clear cost description. However, in its definition the method of estimating efficiency by measuring the level of expenditure does not take into account productivity. At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize that the ultimate goal of providing services by the authorities is not these services themselves but to what extent they are able to satisfy citizens' interests and needs.

In the studies on economics and management there are two approaches to performance assessment. The first is related to the assessment of technical efficiency, the second — economic efficiency. The indicators of technical efficiency reflect the nature of the evaluated activity: it shows that "the right things are done". Indicators of economic efficiency characterize how the estimated activity is realized, how resources are productively used and spent, that is how "correctly these things are done".

The analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to the determination of the efficiency of public authorities' activity allows to distinguish the economic and social efficiency of the activity. Separation of these types of efficiency is relative since they are in close links and interconnections. Ensuring harmonious functioning in society, they are not equivalent: social efficiency is generalizing, final; economic is primary, initial.

The effectiveness of public authorities is determined not only by the size of economic benefit but first and foremost by social and political results of the authorities' performance. The performance of public authorities is one of the most important but not the only indicator of its effectiveness. Productivity characterizes the relationship between the authorities' performance outcomes expressed by amount of work executed and the cost of managerial labor. Effectiveness of government bodies in addition to its productivity is characterized by the quality of work, its complexity and timeliness. It should be noted that the effectiveness of public authorities should be considered as a social

and economic and political category which reveals the interconnection of the performance of government bodies expressed by technical and economic characteristics and social outcomes.

In the conditions of changes in the political and social environment, the problem of building the adequate system of public administration which is capable to respond effectively to the challenges of the external environment is of great importance so, consequently, criteria development for the effectiveness of public authorities and establishing the reliable system of scientifically-based assessment is the issue of the day.

Conclusions. To summarize, efficiency is a managerial concept that correlates the results of activities with the stated goals. The main criterion for assessing the effectiveness of public authorities is social efficiency which is difficult to measure and is poorly quantified. The methodology and approaches to assessing the effectiveness of public authorities are not perfect, and require further examination.

The factor of public authorities' efficiency in general, and the factor of individual efficiency in particular, is professionalism. In this regard, the effectiveness of public administration is directly related to the level of professionalism at all levels of the state hierarchy.

Thus, changes in the requirements for management personnel to administrate the process of liquidation of the consequences of emergencies are determined by the new needs of the Civil Protection system as a component of the unified system of national security of Ukraine.

Further areas of research should be focused on the development of special approaches and methods for determining such qualitative characteristics of applicants for leadership positions that would enable to assess correctly the skills of the future manager to analyze problems and alternative planning strategies appropriately, creatively solve issues in the future, efficiently manage the actions of subordinates under the emergency, set goals, objectives and achieve them.

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