Научная статья на тему 'Virtual museum as the means of future naval officers’ patriotic upbringing'

Virtual museum as the means of future naval officers’ patriotic upbringing Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Del'Vig Natalya Andreyevna, Seleznyova Natalya Evgenyevna, Barskaya Olga Vladimirovna

The article deals with the analysis of effectiveness of innovative forms used in the modern system of education and upbringing. It considers the problem of using the information technologies, one of which is the virtual museum, in the process of military education. Patriotic upbringing is defined as one of the priority directions of the teaching process development at the military educational establishments. Consequently, the contents of the patriotism concept have been revealed. Museum pedagogy, which combines new forms of cognitive, communicative activity and patriotic upbringing, provides almost unlimited potential of educational influence on human mind. The opportunities of the virtual museum are regarded as an effective way of expanding the range of upbringing methods and may widely be used as a way of patriot upbringing of future naval officers in the cadet colleges. The paper is aimed at the analysis of the technical peculiarities of creating displays and contents of virtual museums and advantages of using them in teaching, for example, foreign languages or history. Some basic propositions on the point of arranging the virtual display and main stages of modelling the virtual excursion in a foreign language are discussed as well. It is concluded that such educational technologies as virtual museum, are regarded as the progressive ones and should be used as an essential teaching element.

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Анализируется оценка эффективности использования инноваций в современной системе образования. Рассматриваются проблемы использования информационных технологий, одной из которых является виртуальный музей, в процессе военного образования. Патриотическое воспитание определено как одно из приоритетных направлений развития учебного процесса в военных учебных заведениях. Следовательно, раскрыто содержание концепции патриотизма. Музейная педагогика, сочетающая в себе новые формы познавательной, коммуникативной деятельности и патриотического воспитания, обеспечивает практически неограниченный потенциал воспитательного воздействия на сознание человека. Возможности виртуального музея рассматриваются как эффективный способ расширения спектра методов воспитания и могут быть широко использованы как способ патриотического воспитания будущих военно-морских офицеров в военно-морских и кадетских училищах. Целью статьи является анализ технических особенностей создания экспозиций и содержания виртуальных музеев, а также преимуществ их использования в обучении таким предметам, как, например, иностранные языки или история. Обсуждаются основные положения по организации экспозиции виртуального музея, а также этапы моделирования виртуальной экскурсии на иностранном языке. Сделан вывод о том, что такие образовательные технологии, как виртуальный музей, рассматриваются как прогрессивные и должны использоваться в качестве неотъемлемого элемента обучения.

Текст научной работы на тему «Virtual museum as the means of future naval officers’ patriotic upbringing»

UDC 371.834

DOI: 10 .23951/1609-624X-2018-8-115-120


N. A. Del'vig1, N. Ye. Seleznyova2, O. V. Barskaya2

1 Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, Russian Federation

2 Black Sea Higher Naval School named after P.S. Nakhimov, Sevastopol, Russian Federation

The article deals with the analysis of effectiveness of innovative forms used in the modern system of education and upbringing. It considers the problem of using the information technologies, one of which is the virtual museum, in the process of military education. Patriotic upbringing is defined as one of the priority directions of the teaching process development at the military educational establishments. Consequently, the contents of the patriotism concept have been revealed. Museum pedagogy, which combines new forms of cognitive, communicative activity and patriotic upbringing, provides almost unlimited potential of educational influence on human mind. The opportunities of the virtual museum are regarded as an effective way of expanding the range of upbringing methods and may widely be used as a way of patriot upbringing of future naval officers in the cadet colleges. The paper is aimed at the analysis of the technical peculiarities of creating displays and contents of virtual museums and advantages of using them in teaching, for example, foreign languages or history. Some basic propositions on the point of arranging the virtual display and main stages of modelling the virtual excursion in a foreign language are discussed as well. It is concluded that such educational technologies as virtual museum, are regarded as the progressive ones and should be used as an essential teaching element.

Key words: information technologies, innovations in education, patriotic upbringing, virtual museum, museology.

Introduction. The process of restoring the intellectual values is closely related to the development and transformation of patriotic upbringing idea. Today the attempts of bringing these ideas to life both in the society as a whole, and at the level of the state strategy are getting more and more active and topical. In the conditions of modern reality, which is connected with the necessity of rebirth of patriotic upbringing traditions, it is regarded as the top moral value. In the "Concept of Patriotic Education of Russian Federation Residents" it is declared that the most important component of the process of teaching and upbringing is the formation of patriotic attitude and culture which is extremely important in the process of intellectual development of any person. Patriotic education of future generations is one of the most important tasks of contemporary school - which is the most beneficial for the formation of sacred sense of love to the Homeland. Thus, patriotism concept includes:

- respectful attitude to the native places;

- regardful attitude to the language and culture;

- readiness to protect the interests of the native state;

- pride for social and cultural state achievements, national symbols;

- regardful attitude to the historical past of the Homeland, its customs and traditions;

- responsibility for the future of the Homeland and its people;

- humanism, charity, public and moral values [1].

Recently a sociological survey was conducted by Starchikova I. Yu., Moshchenok G. B., and Shakuro-va E. S., which showed that 66% of respondents believe that learning a foreign language contributes significantly to the inculcation of moral qualities and feelings, affects the formation of an individual picture of the world and at the same time serves as a means of its description and verbalization, which determines the spiritual values and world outlook of the individual [2]. Thus, it is necessary to analyze and identify the most effective ways to increase the moral component of foreign language training of servicemen.

One of the most effective means of making the adolescence familiarized with the history and culture of people is by means of search-creative studying, based on such an effective form of activity as museum work. Museum in modern school is an integrated information-pedagogical environment, where the new forms of organizing cognitive, communicative activity and patriotic education are all united together. School museum executes various social functions. It provides almost unlimited potential of educational influence on human mind. Participation in research-work, meetings with interesting people, acquaintance with historic facts provide more opportunities of patriotic upbringing. It teaches to respect the memory of generations, forms the proper attitude to cultural and natural heritage.

So, visiting a museum is an alternative way of realizing both the educational function and the function of patriotic youth upbringing, which is actively con-

ducted in the military educational establishments of the Russian Federation, such as cadet colleges where all the attempts to expand the cadets' knowledge of heroic past are made. Although the existing for centuries regular museum displays definitely have not lost their value and continue to perform their direct mission, the virtual technologies promote more and more ideas of educational innovations. They provide us with certain chances of expanding the opportunities of sharing the information simultaneously drawing wider audience and spreading the certain info.

The relevance of museum pedagogics is defined as specific importance underway the realization of continuous school education program with the help of museum activity. Museum pedagogics as the area of scientific interest that embraces the elements of pedagogical science, psychology, museology, art (as parts of the common culture) connects the past, present and future [3].

Following the definition of the museum by the International Council of Museums (ICM), it is stated that: "A museum is a nonprofit permanent institution in the service of society and its development, and open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits, for purposes of study, education and enjoyment, material evidence of people and their environment" [4, p. 164].

But as far as the new technologies penetrate into almost all the spheres of human life more and more actively, education is not an exception. Increasing the effectiveness of the research and learning process, information technologies became an essential part of teaching and studying. The bright example of info technologies in education may be demonstrated by the opportunities of creating the so-called "virtual museums" - the internet digital resource.

The idea of composing a virtual museum was first proposed by André Malraux in 1947. The concept of an imaginary museum was used as a start [5]. Today the term virtual museum is defined as a collection of digitally recorded images, sound files, text documents and other data of historical, scientific, or cultural interest that are accessed through electronic media [6]. But still having no standard definition it may also be characterized as a logically related collection of digital objects composed in a variety of media, and, because of its capacity to provide connectedness and various points of access, it lends itself to transcending traditional methods of communicating and interacting with the visitors being flexible toward their needs and interests; it has no real place or space, its objects and the related information can be disseminated all over the world [7].

The functions of a virtual museum fully coincide with a regular one. The virtual museum performs the

role of acquisition, storage, documentation, research, exhibition and communication. Moreover, a virtual museum website can be attended by the wider audience.

The possibility of digitizing the collections has certain advantages: a better way of preserving the cultural heritage, making the information content more accessible to the wider audience in an attractive manner. Modern information technologies, such as VR, AR and Web3D are widely used all over the world to create virtual museum displays both in an authentic museum environment and on the World Wide Web.

As far as the idea of patriotic upbringing is fully realized in the cadet colleges and naval schools of Russia, we consider that the idea of creating a virtual museum can be effectively brought to life in Sevastopol cadet college and higher naval school. Among the exhibits of the virtual display there may be the ones connected with the history of the Black Sea region.

Today the modern system of professional maritime training is at the stage of global renovation, when it is necessary to define the priority directions of military education on the basis of preserving its historical-pedagogical traditions, forming the intellectual values of future officers, modernizing their professional training, developing readiness to self-improvement and scientific activity, ability to share their experience and knowledge with future generations. Thus, it is fully realized via objective evaluation, creative estimation and using the best achievements of the history of pedagogical science, as well as using the results of not only the outstanding educators' activity, but also Russian Navy commanders for well-balanced combination of classical heritage of the past and modern scientific achievements.

In Russian history, foundation and development of the Russian Black Sea Fleet is one of the most important events, connected with the names of Russian Navy commanders of the end of the 18th - beginning of the 20th centuries such as Ushakov, Senyavin, Ar-kas, Lazarev, Nakhimov, Butakov, Greig, Kornilov, Romanov, Klado and many others who firmly demonstrated not only the humanistic attitude to subordinates, as well as the art of training and educating the naval complement, but also contributed greatly to the national maritime school development, pedagogical and scientific ideas of the period mentioned above paying a lot of attention to education and upbringing the new generation of naval cadets - the future elite of Russia.

Thus, it proves the necessity of preserving our heritage, increasing the interests to our past by organizing the thematic displays, which are quite topical for conducting the policy of patriotic upbringing.

In one of the books "The medium is the museum" written by R. Silverstone, dedicated to the aspect of virtual museum culture, it is stated that "museums are in many respects like other contemporary media. They entertain and inform; they tell stories and construct arguments; they aim to please and to educate; they define, consciously or unconsciously; effectively or ineffectively, an agenda; they translate the otherwise and inaccessible into the familiar and accessible" [4, p. 164].

A serious research work concerning the museum sector development has proved that information technologies such as the World Wide Web enhanced by three-dimensional visualization opportunities can provide valuable help to achieve the aims mentioned above. The idea of creating a virtual museum has become a reality thanks to constant introduction of new information technologies and decrease in their cost. Information technologies provide solutions to the ways of space limitation, especially of grand exhibitions cost and of curator's questions concerning the fragility of some museum artifacts.

The museums play a really important role in influencing the human moral, but certain problems should be solved in the process of creating the display. Among them are the tasks to be primarily done:

- working out the concept of selecting the material as well as defining the principles of virtual museum collection organization;

- determining the set of interface for providing the access to the museum documentation;

- choosing the requirements to the linguistic processor of the system and determining the way to organize the museum catalogue;

- setting the structure of the global net, providing the continuous work of the virtual display;

- selecting precisely the set of the exhibits of the display.

The basic task to be fulfilled by the project managers is the technological workout of the information systems, designed for storing and demonstrating various data for displaying the electronic collections.

Mind that the museum exhibits can be displayed in the form of ideographic information (descriptions, books, articles), pictures and images, audio and video presentations, bibliographic information, data lists, archives documentation. So, a virtual museum definitely has to possess certain characteristics, providing its continuous work. Moreover, it should be available for the potential user from the point of view of simplicity of use. The data is considered to be valuable only when it is organized in the proper way and is available for all the net users.

The effective structure of the multifunctional virtual museum is based on the existing international standards and can be categorized as:

- personalities (biographies, achievements, results);

- artifacts - related to certain personalities;

- personalities' cultural and educational achievements;

- main events;

- archive documentation, photos, canvases etc.;

- thematic collections.

Some researches studying the problem of virtual museums effectiveness even propose their classification. For example, L. Teather considers that the whole virtual museum system may contain the following categories:

1. The brochure museum, informing future visitors about the museum and mainly used as a marketing instrument containing basic information such as location, opening hours and sometimes a calendar of events etc. [8], which also creates motivation of a visit.

2. The content museum which presents a website created under the reason of spreading the information about the museum collections available embracing the information about the display itself.

3. The learning museum which is a website providing different points of access to its virtual visitors, categorizing them by the criteria of their age, background, sphere of special interests. Moreover, the site is educationally enhanced and linked to additional information intended to motivate the virtual visitor to learn more about a subject of particular interest to them and to visit the site again [9].

Museums employ such basic forms of cultural-educational activities as excursions, lectures, consultations, scientific conferences, meetings, historical games and holiday celebrations. Crimea and Sevastopol with their glorious naval history and contemporary military museums present a wonderful source of material for modelling virtual excursions in such museums as Black Sea Fleet Museum, Museum of the Heroic Defense of Sevastopol, Military Historic Museum of Fortifications, Balaklava Underground Submarine Museum, etc. Virtual museum excursion can be used as effective means of foreign language education within the educational program of the naval school or cadet college. It's especially valuable for activation of the lexis in the visual context and development of linguistic-cultural competence as part of the communicative foreign language competence of the future naval officers alongside with their patriotic upbringing [10].

Moreover, as Rose J. highlights, it requires museum educators to recognize that each visitor is an individual learner and simultaneously a member of multiple collective communities that he or she is identified with, and acquires great potential for inter-cultural as well as national moral education [11].

Modeling the virtual excursion in a foreign language includes 3 stages: preliminary, preparation, excursion. Preliminary stage implies presentation and practice of the lexis with the regional component necessary for the preparation of the excursion, studying texts, maps, pictures, sites of the museums, setting the route of the excursion. At the preparation stage in the form of the group work cadets prepare specific virtual museum exposition and choose the guide of their segment who will give the excursion in the foreign language. Finally, during the actual excursion the guide actively involves the audience in his presentation encouraging communication via introductory questions, comments, quiz questions, inquiring their opinions and evaluation of events and personalities.

Finally, among numerous advantages of using a virtual museum there is one more - the display may

certainly be used as a good supplement to history classes owing to the fact that the cadets will not just be informed about this or that event, but they will be able to emerge into the historical atmosphere which will increase their positive motivation and help to get more involved into the future profession.

Conclusion. Interactive methods, techniques and information technologies of museum pedagogics, namely creation and application of virtual museums, make the process of education in naval schools and cadet colleges more innovative, creative and efficient. The interdisciplinary character and integration of knowledge from different spheres of educational and professional activity contribute to the development of communicative professional competence as well as the patriotic education of the future naval officers in the context of their inter-cultural education.


I. Postanovleniye Pravitel'stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 5 oktyabrya 2010 g . № 795 g . Moskva "O gosudarstvennoy programme "Patrioticheskoye vospitaniye grazhdan Rossiyskoy Federatsii na 2011-2015 gody" [Decree of Russian Federation Government "On the State Program "Patriotic Upbringing of the Russian Federation Residents for 2011-2015": Russian Federation Government, October 5th 2010 . No . 795] . Sobraniye zakonodatel'stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii - Russian Federation Legislative Collection, 2010, no . 41, art . 5250, p . 2 (in Russian) .

2 . Starchikova I . Yu . , Moshchenok G . B . , Shakurova E . S . Sotsiologicheskoye issledovaniye vliyaniya izucheniya inostrannykh yazykov na

formirovaniye mirovozzreniya i dukhovnykh tsennostey studencheskoy molodezhi [Sociological study of the influence of studying foreign languages on the formation of the world outlook and spiritual values of student youth] . Mezhdunarodnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy zhurnal-International Research Journal, 2017, no . 11 (65), pp . 147-151 (in Russian) . DOI: 10 .23670/ IRJ .2017 .65 .001

3 . Sapanzha O . S . Muzeynoye obrazovaniye i muzeynaya pedagogika v rossiyskoy akademicheskoy traditsii i praktike muzeynogo dela:

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4 . Silverstone R. The medium is the museum. Towards the Museum of the Future. Routledge (Eds . Miles R., Zavala L .), London/New York, 1994 .

Pp.161-176 .

5 . Sinclair P. A. S . , Martinez K . , Millard D . E ., Weal M . J . Augmented reality as an interface to adaptive hypermedia systems. New review of

hypermedia and multimedia, Special Issue on Hypermedia beyond the Desktop, 2003, № 9 (1), pp . 117-136 .

6 . Scali G ., Segbert M . , Morganti B . Multimedia applications for innovation in cultural heritage . Proceedings of 68th IFLA Council and General

Conference. Glasgow, U . K, August 2002 . Pp . 18-24 .

7 . Roussou M . Immersive interactive virtual reality in the museum. Proceedings of TiLE . London, U . K, June 2001. Pp . 3-10 .

8 . Teather L .A museum is a museum . Or is it?: Exploring museology and the web . Proceedings of the Conference Museums and the Web (Eds .

Bearman D ., Trant J . ) . Pittsburgh, 1998.

9 . Antuf'eva O . V. et al . Tekhnologiya sozdaniya virtual'nogo shkol'nogo muzeya: 7 shagov k real'nosti [The technology of creating a school virtual

museum: 7 steps to reality] . 2014 . (in Russian) URL: http://327spb . edusite ,ru/DswMedia/virt_ museum_327_kip_2014 . pdf (accessed 23 July 2018) .

10 . Dudina G . O . Muzeynaya pedagogika kak sredstvo obucheniya russkomu yazyku kak inostrannomu (na primere modelirovaniya

virtual'noy ekskursii po muzeyam Sankt-Peterburga) [Museum pedagogy as the means of teaching Russian as a foreign language (at the example of modeling a virtual excursion to the museums of St . Petersburg)] . Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya - Modern problems of science and education, 2017, no . 6 (in Russian) . URL: http://science-education . ru/ru/article/view?id=27246 (accessed 23 July 2018) .

II. Rose J . Commemorative museum pedagogy. Beyond Pedagogy, Reconsidering the Public Purpose of Museums (Eds . Trofanenko B . & Segall A .) . Rotterdam, Sense Publ . , 2014 . Pp . 115-133 . DOI: 10 . 1007/978-94-6209-632-5_9

Del'vig N. A., Sevastopol State University (ul. Universitetskaya, 33, Sevastopol, Russian Federation, 299026). E-mail: [email protected]

Seleznyova N. Ye., Black Sea Higher Naval School named after P.S. Nakhimov (ul. Dybenko, 1a, Sevastopol, Russian Federation, 299028). E-mail: [email protected]

Barskaya O. V., Black Sea Higher Naval School named after P.S. Nakhimov (ul. Dybenko, 1a, Sevastopol, Russian Federation, 299028). E-mail: [email protected]

Received 25 August 2018.

DOI: 10 .23951/1609-624X-2018-8-115-120


H. А. Дельвиг1, Н. Е. Селезнева2, О. В. Барская2

1 Севастопольский государственный университет, Севастополь

2 Черноморское высшее военно-морское училище имени П. С. Нахимова, Севастополь

Анализируется оценка эффективности использования инноваций в современной системе образования. Рассматриваются проблемы использования информационных технологий, одной из которых является виртуальный музей, в процессе военного образования. Патриотическое воспитание определено как одно из приоритетных направлений развития учебного процесса в военных учебных заведениях. Следовательно, раскрыто содержание концепции патриотизма. Музейная педагогика, сочетающая в себе новые формы познавательной, коммуникативной деятельности и патриотического воспитания, обеспечивает практически неограниченный потенциал воспитательного воздействия на сознание человека. Возможности виртуального музея рассматриваются как эффективный способ расширения спектра методов воспитания и могут быть широко использованы как способ патриотического воспитания будущих военно-морских офицеров в военно-морских и кадетских училищах. Целью статьи является анализ технических особенностей создания экспозиций и содержания виртуальных музеев, а также преимуществ их использования в обучении таким предметам, как, например, иностранные языки или история. Обсуждаются основные положения по организации экспозиции виртуального музея, а также этапы моделирования виртуальной экскурсии на иностранном языке. Сделан вывод о том, что такие образовательные технологии, как виртуальный музей, рассматриваются как прогрессивные и должны использоваться в качестве неотъемлемого элемента обучения.

Ключевые слова: информационные технологии, инновации в образовании, патриотическое воспитание, виртуальный музей, музееведение.

Список литературы

I. Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации от 5 октября 2010 r . № 795 r . Москва «О государственной программе «Патриотическое воспитание граждан Российской Федерации на 2011-2015 годы» // Собрание законодательства Российской Федерации . 2010 . № 41. Ст . 5250 .С .2 .

2 . Старчикова И . Ю . , Мощенок Г . Б ., Шакурова Е . С . Социологическое исследование влияния изучения иностранных языков на формиро-

вание мировоззрения и духовных ценностей студенческой молодежи // Междунар . науч . -исследоват . журн . (International Research Journal) . 2017 . № 11 (65) . С . 147-151. DOI: 10 .23670/ IRJ .2017 .65.001

3 . Сапанжа О . С . Музейное образование и музейная педагогика в российской академической традиции и практике музейного дела: грани-

цы использования понятий и их содержание // Общество: социология, психология, педагогика . 2017 . Вып . 1. С . 91-95 . DOI: 10 .24158/ spp.2017 .1. 17

4 . Silverstone R . The medium is the museum . In: Miles R . , Zavala L . (Eds .) . Towards the Museum of the Future . London; New York: Routledge,

1994.P. 161-176 .

5 . Sinclair P. A. S ., Martinez K . , Millard D . E ., Weal M . J . Augmented reality as an interface to adaptive hypermedia systems // New review of

hypermedia and multimedia, Special Issue on Hypermedia beyond the Desktop . 2003 . № 9 (1) . Р . 117-136 .

6 . Scali G ., Segbert M ., Morganti B . Multimedia applications for innovation in cultural heritage . In: Proceedings of 68th IFLA Council and General

Conference . Glasgow, 2002 . P. 18-24 .

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

7 . Roussou M . Immersive interactive virtual reality in the museum // Proceedings of TiLE . London, 2001. P. 3-10 .

8 . Teather L .A museum is a museum . Or is it?: Exploring museology and the web, in: Bearman D ., Trant J . (Eds .) . Proceedings of the Conference

Museums and the Web . Pittsburgh, 1998.

9 . Антуфьева О . В . и др . Технология создания виртуального школьного музея: 7 шагов к реальности . URL: http://327spb . edusite.ru/

DswMedia/virt_museum_327_kip_2014 . pdf (дата обращения: 23.07 .2018) .

10 . Дудина Г . О . Музейная педагогика как средство обучения русскому языку как иностранному (на примере моделирования виртуальной экскурсии по музеям Санкт-Петербурга) // Современные проблемы науки и образования: науч . электронный журн . 2017 . № 6 . URL: http:// science-education . ru/ru/article/view?id=27246 (дата обращения: 23.07 .2018) . 11. Rose J . Commemorative museum pedagogy Trofanenko B . & Segall A. (Eds) . Beyond Pedagogy, Reconsidering the Public Purpose of Museums . Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2014 . P. 115-133 . DOI: 10 . 1007/978-94-6209-632-5_9

Дельвиг Наталья Андреевна, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, Севастопольский государственный университет (ул. Университетская, 33, Севастополь, Россия, 299026). E-mail: [email protected]

Селезнева Наталья Евгеньевна, старший преподаватель, Черноморское высшее военно-морское училище имени П. С. Нахимова (ул. Дыбенко, 1а, Севастополь, Россия, 299028). E-mail: [email protected]

Барская Ольга Владимировна, старший преподаватель, Черноморское высшее военно-морское училище имени П. С. Нахимова (ул. Дыбенко 1а, Севастополь, Россия, 299028). E-mail: [email protected]

Материал поступил в редакцию 25.08.2018.

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