Научная статья на тему 'State-patriotic education at naval schools of Novorossiysky region in the late 18th - early 20th century'

State-patriotic education at naval schools of Novorossiysky region in the late 18th - early 20th century Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Barskaya O.V.

The article reveals theoretical and methodological foundations of state-patriotic education at naval educational institutions of Novorossiysky region in the late XVIII early XX century. It is detected that the state-patriotic education is a component of the convergent process of spiritual and moral education. Taking into account the chronological and geographical limits of the study, the stages, as well as geopolitical, socio-economic and pedagogical preconditions for naval education formation and development are disclosed. Based on the archival documents, curricula of the period under consideration and scientific literature study, a comprehensive analysis of the future naval officers in Novorossiysky region of the late XVIII early XX century state-patriotic education forms and content was carried out. The forms included the interaction of educational institutions with the first persons of the state, teaching subjects with patriotic background, museum pedagogy elements introduction, cadets cultural and leisure activities organization.

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В статье раскрываются теоретико-методические основы государственно-патриотического воспитания в военно-морских образовательных учреждениях Новороссийского края в конце XVIII начале XX века. Выявлено, что государственно-патриотическое воспитание является компонентом конвергентного процесса духовно-нравственного воспитания. Учитывая хронологические и географические рамки исследования, выявлены этапы, а также геополитические, социально-экономические и педагогические предпосылки становления и развития военно-морского образования. На основе изучения архивных документов, рабочих программ рассматриваемого периода и научной литературы проведён комплексный анализ форм и содержания государственно-патриотического воспитания будущих офицеров военно-морского флота в Новороссийском крае конца XVIII начала XX века, таких как взаимодействие образовательных учреждений с первыми лицами государства, преподавание дисциплин патриотической направленности, внедрение элементов музейной педагогики, организация культурно-досуговой деятельности воспитанников.

Текст научной работы на тему «State-patriotic education at naval schools of Novorossiysky region in the late 18th - early 20th century»

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19. Коломийченко Л.В. Теоретическое обоснование научных исследований по проблемам социального развития и воспитания детей дошкольного возраста в культурологической парадигме образования. Педагогическое образование в России. 2013. Available at: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/kontseptualnye-osnovaniya-bezopasnoy-<br> obrazovatelnoy-sredy 2013


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Статья поступила в редакцию 14.05.19

УДК 37.013

Barskaya O.V., senior lecturer, Foreign Languages Department, Black Sea Higher Naval School n.a. P.S. Nakhimov (Sevastopol, Russia),

E-mail: [email protected]

STATE-PATRIOTIC EDUCATION AT NAVAL SCHOOLS OF NOVOROSSIYSKY REGION IN THE LATE 18TH - EARLY 20TH CENTURY. The article reveals theoretical and methodological foundations of state-patriotic education at naval educational institutions of Novorossiysky region in the late XVIII - early XX century. It is detected that the state-patriotic education is a component of the convergent process of spiritual and moral education. Taking into account the chronological and geographical limits of the study, the stages, as well as geopolitical, socio-economic and pedagogical preconditions for naval education formation and development are disclosed. Based on the archival documents, curricula of the period under consideration and scientific literature study, a comprehensive analysis of the future naval officers in Novorossiysky region of the late XVIII - early XX century state-patriotic education forms and content was carried out. The forms included the interaction of educational institutions with the first persons of the state, teaching subjects with patriotic background, museum pedagogy elements introduction, cadets cultural and leisure activities organization.

Key words: state-patriotic education, spiritual and moral education, naval educational institutions, stages and preconditions, Novorossiysky region.

О.В. Барская, ст. преп. каф. иностранных языков, Черноморское высшее военно-морское училище имени П.С. Нахимова, г. Севастополь,

E-mail: [email protected]



В статье раскрываются теоретико-методические основы государственно-патриотического воспитания в военно-морских образовательных учреждениях Новороссийского края в конце XVIII - начале XX века. Выявлено, что государственно-патриотическое воспитание является компонентом конвергентного процесса духовно-нравственного воспитания. Учитывая хронологические и географические рамки исследования, выявлены этапы, а также геополитические, социально-экономические и педагогические предпосылки становления и развития военно-морского образования. На основе изучения архивных документов, рабочих программ рассматриваемого периода и научной литературы проведён комплексный анализ форм и содержания государственно-патриотического воспитания будущих офицеров военно-морского флота в Новороссийском крае конца XVIII - начала XX века, таких как взаимодействие образовательных учреждений с первыми лицами государства, преподавание дисциплин патриотической направленности, внедрение элементов музейной педагогики, организация культурно-досуговой деятельности воспитанников.

Ключевые слова: государственно-патриотическое воспитание, духовно-нравственное воспитание, военно-морские образовательные учреждения, этапы и предпосылки, Новороссийский край.

Topicality of the study. The acute problem of value orientations and active civic stand creation in the society primarily concerns the military, because a professional, disciplined and educated in patriotic spirit army is one of the guarantors of Russia

stability. The state-patriotic upbringing priority value in the military schools educational process is outlined at the national legislation level, for example: the Federal laws "On Education in the Russian Federation", "On the Days of Military Glory and Memorable

Dates of Russia"; the President decrees "On the Public Associations Working on Youth Military-Patriotic Education State Support Measures", "On the State Policy in the Field of Patriotic Education Improvement"; the state program "Russian Federation Citizens Patriotic Education for 2016-2020"; "The Russian Federation Armed Forces Servicemen Education Concept" and other regulations. Rich educational work experience has been accumulated in the naval educational institutions of Novorossiysky territory of the late XVIII - early XX century. Thus, to improve the military specialists educational process quality, the fundamental study and creative use of the best naval personnel training traditions is needed. That will contribute into the optimal connection of the past heritage and modern scientific thought innovative achievements.

The novelty of the study and the authors personal contribution lies in the fact that based on the specific historical and pedagogical material naval education in Novorossiysky region of the period under consideration formation and development stages and prerequisites were highlighted; future officers state-patriotic education in Novorossiysky region forms and content holistic analysis was carried out; unknown and little-known archival documents and facts about the naval schools activities in the South of Russia in the late XVIII - early XX century were published.

The extent of the problem development. The naval schools of Novorossiysky region educational activities are concerned in the writings of the ethnographers and historians of the second half of the XIX century: A. Aslanbekov, A. Weinberg, V. Golo-vachev, V. Lyalikov, I. Mikhnevich, A. Sokolov, D. Tolstoy.

In modern pedagogy, moral education theoretical and methodological foundations and future officers of various armed forces branches value orientations formation technologies are revealed by S. Danshov, G. Dozhdikova, N. Igoshev, V. Kazankov, V. Kozlov, V. Kulinkovich, V. Melnikov, A. Nerobeyev, S. Pashkov, V. Sydorchuk, A. Su-shanskij, M. Fomin, V. Shubnikova, T. Yazynina. Thus, the retrospective analysis of domestic scientists' research works testifies that the state-patriotic education at Novorossiysky territory naval schools at the end of XVIII - beginning of XX century problem was investigated fragmentary.

The theoretical significance of the study is that the future naval officers spiritual and moral education convergent nature was revealed, the state-patriotic education was accepted to be one of its elements; naval education in Novorossiysky region of the late XVIII - early XX century formation and development process stages were outlined; state-patriotic education in Novorossiyskiy region of the period under consideration forms and content were analyzed. All the above contributes to the historical and pedagogical knowledge enrichment and the reconstruction of the country's military education system history.

The practical significance and prospects of the study lie in the fact that the provisions and conclusions formulated as the result of the research provide factual material for the experience of the past in modern conditions updating, for the new scientific papers, textbooks and manuals on pedagogy, history of pedagogy, military pedagogy, native and naval history preparation.

The main contents. In the article, the state-patriotic education is considered in the framework of the military spiritual and moral education convergent process. A pedagogue, Professor S.D. Poljakov notes that spiritual and moral education integrates moral, ethical, patriotic, national, international and political education. Each of them is aimed at the formation of a man's spirituality, his desire for self-knowledge; enlightenment in ethics, morality, politics; creativity, a sense of freedom and responsibility for it development [1, p. 64-65].

Modern researchers of militarymen spiritual and moral education in the historical aspect consider this phenomenon in the context of the military education system of pre-revolutionary Russia formation and development process. In this regard, V. Sidorchuk offers the following stages of the military training system of the period we study formation and development:

- end of XVII - first half of XVIII century - the Russian regular army and navy future officers training system origin and development under Peter I;

- second half of XVIII century - 1917 - officer training development in the Russian Empire [2, p. 20].

V. Sidorchuk divides the last stage into 3 periods:

1) late XVII - mid XVIII century - the creation of military schools for the regular army and navy officers training ;

2) mid XVIII - 60s of XIX century - the creation and functioning of military schools system from cadet corps to military academies;

3) 60-70-ies of XIX century - 1917 - military education system reform and its post-reform operation [2, p. 28].

Similar periodization is presented in the study by a pedagogue A. Sushansky [3, p. 22], while a scientist V. Pashkov [4] analyzes the spiritual and moral education in the military sphere in relation to the Russian state and army as a whole formation and development stages:

1) X - first half of XVI century - principality (old Russian) stage;

2) second half of XVI - early XVIII century. - Tsar Russia stage;

3) XVIII - beginning of XX century - Imperial stage.

Considering the chronological (1783-1917) and geographic (Kherson and Tau-ride provinces of Novorossiysky territory) limits of the study, we suggest the stages of the militarymen spiritual and moral education based on the naval educational institutions system in the Novorossiysky region emergence and development dynamics. Those were the institutions, where future officers were brought up. The educational system transformation was directly dependent on geopolitical, socio-economic and

pedagogical prerequisites. So, within the period under consideration three stages of naval educational institutions in Novorossiysky territory and the system of spiritual and moral education in them formation and development are revealed:

1. The constitutional stage (1783-1853), the lower limit of which is the foundation year of the first in Novorossiysky territory educational institution for officer training - Kherson Naval Cadet Corps (January 31, 1783) [5, p. 861]; upper limit - the beginning of the Crimean war (October 4, 1853). The following preconditions for the naval schools system foundation in Novorossiysky region during the constitutional stage were outlined:

- geopolitical: the Russo-Turkish wars (1768-1774, 1787-1791, 1806-1812, 1828-1829); Kyuchu-Kainadzhirsky Peace Treaty (10 July, 1774); access to the Black Sea obtained by Russia; the formation of Novorossiysky general-governorship; annexation of the Crimea to the Russian Empire (1783); the transfer of power from Catherine II to Paul I;

- socio-economic: the Russian Black Sea Navy formation and development; the vast Northern Black Sea coast territories development; new commercial and naval ports construction (Nikolayev, Sevastopol, Kherson); military shipbuilding rapid growth; low educational level of the young local population in Novorossiysky territory; class principle of admission to naval educational institutions; multi-ethnic population; the region's peripheral position;

- pedagogical: pedagogical process centralization; lack of cadets and qualified teachers in the naval sphere; need for training in foreign countries; close cooperation with the Naval Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg; formation of the library science; "Maritime Collection" magazine foundation (1848).

2. The crisis stage (1853-1871) is marked by the Black Sea Navy operation and training suspension as a result of the Crimean war. The stage is characterized by the following prerequisites that determined the educational process in the naval sphere:

- geopolitical: the Crimean war (1853-1856); the Paris Peace Treaty (March 18, 1856);

- socio-economic: the Black Sea Fleet reorganization into a flotilla; reforms by Alexander II; military reforms; Navy re-equipment from sailing to armored ships;

- pedagogical: educational reforms; Navy command staff training period reduction; general subjects reduction in favor of in-depth specialization; corporal punishment abolition at the legislative level; the activities of most naval educational institutions of Novorossiysky territory suspension; the "Maritime Department Management Regulations" adoption and the Naval Schools Committee establishment (1867).

3. The regenerative stage (1871-1917) is marked by the revival of the Black Sea Fleet and the introduction of a new ideology in 1917. The stage is conditioned by such prerequisites as:

- geopolitical: London Convention (March 1, 1871); Russo-Turkish war (18771878); Russo-Japanese war (1904-1905); World War I (1914-1918); the Revolution of 1917;

- socio-economic: compulsory military service introduction; a recruit term of service and level of education interdependence; class principle of enrollment in naval schools rejection; military equipment, weapons, and armor improvement;

- pedagogical: new branches of science emergence; scientific approach to naval tactics and strategy; the use of cinema for educational purposes; library science development.

Having determined the stages and prerequisites for the educational system development in Novorossiysky territory of the period under consideration, we will analyze the forms and content of the state-patriotic component of future naval officers spiritual and moral education. As soon as we consider the triad "For the God, Tsar and Motherland" as a symbol of military devotion and valor during the period under study, we can conclude that patriotism at all times has been the foundation of an individual civil position, personal need for active self-realization and self-sacrifice for the sake of the Motherland, and, in the historical context, the Sovereign. Thus, the process of instilling and nurturing love for the Motherland passed through the loyal feelings and devotion to the Emperor and his family upbringing. The "Military Educational Institutions Regulations" reported on the need to root boundless devotion to the Sovereign and His August House, and sincere devotion to all state regulations in cadets" [6, p. 293]. In Novorossiysky territory educational institutions this aspect of state-patriotic education was implemented in different forms. One of them was military schools personal control and patronizing by the reigning persons and other representatives of the power. Throughout the studied period, first persons of the state sponsored certain educational institutions, visited the schools to be present at the exams, to give inspiring speeches in front of the cadets and graduates. Thus, future officers had the opportunity to feel the Sovereign human generosity, to reinforce the morale and the awareness that the head of the state to who they are selflessly devoted pays them special attention.

The implementation of the above methods of state-patriotic education in Novorossiysky region began at the end of the XVIII century, in the first regional educational institution for cadets - Kherson Naval Cadet Corps. The final examinations there were regularly attended by the Governor-General G. Potyomkin. He headed the commission, which also included all the corps teaching and managing staff, flagship specialists, noble citizens and foreign ministers. G. Potemkin always gave a detailed report about the event to Empress Catherine II. In one of such reports of June, 1788, he wrote that the cadets had held an exam in Russian grammar, German, French and Italian, the Law of God, history, geography, geometry, algebra, physics, artillery, fortification, navigation, ship steering and control skills. Distinctive cadets had been

awarded medals and books, and nobles and foreign ministers had received gifts in the form of artillery and fortification drawings and sketches by graduates. This had been followed by gun shooting exercises and then dancing. The guests had shown their full pleasure seeing the success of the graduates that had met the intentions of Her Imperial Majesty [7, p. 216].

In the Black Sea Navigator and Ship Architecture Schools during graduation exams or other ceremonies teachers and cadets traditionally made speeches in which they honored the Emperor. In 1800 these schools in Nikolayev were visited by Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich. On this occasion, a poetry tournament on the royalty glorification was held among the cadets. The praiseworthy ode of 9 pages, recognized as the best, was read in the highest presence, and then published in the school printing house [8].

In October 1911, Emperor Nicholas II personally inspired the aviation officers to valiant service by a parting speech at the first graduation of the Military Aviation Officer School in Sevastopol. This school was closely connected with the Romanov family, as its foundation was the personal effort of Grand Duke, Vice Admiral Alexander Mikhailovich Romanov, who had to overcome the skepticism of the Military Department regarding airplanes. These efforts were justified during World War I, by the beginning of which Russia had about 250 military pilots [9].

On September 15, 1916 His Imperial Highness the Successor was appointed the patron of Sevastopol Naval Cadet Corps by the order of the Emperor, which was reported in the telegram of the Naval Headquarters No. 2848. In this regard, the school was renamed the Naval of His Imperial Highness Cadet Corps [10].

Naval institutions of Novorossiysky territory curricula content also contributed to the royalty eminence in the eyes of the cadets. In the second half of the XIX century in the Russian language and literature curriculum for cadets, comedies written by Catherine II, a brief essay of her educational instructions, and her letters, in which she expresses her views on the education to Prince Saltykov were included [11]. Thus, young people had the opportunity to get acquainted with the philosophical thought and literature talent of Catherine the Great. In turn, the "Instruction for Junkers during the Voyage on the Training Ships of the Black Sea Navy" of 1874, found in the Russian State Navy Archive, contains an explanation of how great the role of the state in the organization and financing of the educational process is and of how obligatory for the future officers it is to justify the trust placed in them.

Such subjects as history, naval history and tactics were given an important role of the Russian statehood study, as well as deepening the knowledge of the Russian arms glory. The history lessons required "a thorough cadets' familiarization with the events of modern and general history, which has a close connection with the Russian state development." The course of Russian history consisted of 5 sections: the Russian State Formation; South-Western Russia under the Rule of Lithuania; North-Eastern Russia is Concentrating around Moscow; Moscow and Lithuania Russia; Empire Russia. The last section was recommended to be taught in more details, and in our context it is of particular interest. This section included such topics as "State Reforms by Peter the Great"; "The Clergy and the Schism"; "The Reformer's Family and Personality"; "Russian Education in XVIII Century"; "The Nobles, Lower Classes, Literature and Science"; "Further Development of the National Unity and Political Power"; "Catherine

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II's Personality and the Main Figures of Her Reign"; "Military Schools and Literature Movement"; "The Crimea and New Wars"; "The Acquisition of Novorossiyskiy Territory and the Crimea"; "The Italian Campaign of A. Suvorov"; "The Crimean War" [12, p. 96-97]. On naval history and tactics wars at sea conduct was studied in great details on the examples of foreign, and, what's more important, domestic famous naval commanders. In our context, the topics of particular interest are: "Combat Power Material and Spiritual Elements"; "Black Sea Fleet Foundation and its Activities in the Second Turkish War under Admirals Voinovich, and then Ushakov"; "Actions of Vice-Admiral Ushakov off the Coast of Italy and Vice-Admiral Makarov off the Coast of Holland" [13]. In addition to the lessons of history thematic leisure reading was recommended to maintain students' keen interest in the fate of the Motherland. The stories about the Russian fleet outstanding persons, whose activities could serve as a good example were especially desirable: "Educators should have in mind that the character firmness and fearlessness are born in cadets most of all from reading a live story about the deeds of the great men, whose bravery and love for the Motherland became immortal for posterity. That is why not only the history teachers should never forget this, but also other teachers should acquaint cadets with such examples, especially from the national history", - the Regulations went [6, p. 294]. Books about the victorious battles of the Russian arms not only told about the state and military figures geopolitical successes, but also implemented another aspect of state-patriotic education - instilling awareness of the oath sanctity, reverence for the state and military symbols, pride of belonging to the Russian army. For this purpose, naval schools libraries had a range of specialized books for young soldiers. The books explained the meaning of the oath, the banner, military discipline, subordination, published reasoning about the benefits of physical exercise, that also strengthens the spirit and willpower: N. Kolesnikov "Moral Element. A Collection of Interviews with Cadets and Lower Ranks", A. Lieven "The Spirit and Discipline of our Fleet", M. Sokol "About the Duty of Obedience to the Authorities", N. Chuchmar "To a Young Soldier about the Oath, Banner and Discipline", N. Shilling "To the Russian Fleet Crews" and many other books.

In addition to the above forms of future naval officers state-patriotic education the following set of activities was proposed: visiting the historical-patriotic museums and their opening in military educational institutions; marble boards creation with the names of those graduates who had distinguished themselves on the battlefield, so that the environment of the schools had educational function as well; participation in patriotic conversations, listening to lectures; visiting battle places, excursions of patriotic orientation; the native city and area study from a historical, geographical and military point of view; the celebration of highly significant days, anniversaries, participating in parades; saying prayers of a certain content.

Thus, the state-patriotic element of spiritual and moral education at naval schools was performed by means of: interaction of cadets with the first persons of the state during visits of the latter to the exams, ceremonies; schools patronizing by representatives of the Imperial family; works written by Reigning persons inclusion in the curriculum; teaching of domestic, naval history and tactics; museum pedagogy elements introduction; leisure reading and a complex of other cultural and leisure activities implementation.

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2. Сидорчук В.А. Духовно-нравственное воспитание курсантов военных институтов на традициях российской армии. Диссертация ... кандидата педагогических наук. Рязань, 2008.

3. Сушанский А.С. Духовно-нравственное воспитание в военно-учебных заведениях России XVIII - начала XX вв. Диссертация ... кандидата педагогических наук. Москва, 2002.

4. Пашков В.И. Традиции духовно-нравственного воспитания военнослужащих в русской армии конца XIX- начала XX в. Диссертация ... кандидата педагогических наук. Москва, 2013.

5. Указ о переводе Училища для иностранных единоверцев при Артиллерийском кадетском корпусе учрежденного, в город Херсон. Полное собрание законов Российской империи. Санкт-Петербург, 1830; Т. 21: 861.

6. Устав для военно-учебных заведений 2-го класса. Полное собрание законов Российской империи. Санкт-Петербург, 1830; Т. 5: 290 - 295.

7. Ордера и письма князя Потемкина. Записки Одесского Общества Истории и Древностей. Одесса, 1872; Т. 8: 191 - 238.

8. Ода на всерадостное прибытие Его Императорского Высочества Государя Цесаревича и Великого Князя Константина Павловича в черноморские училища октября 1800 года. Николаев: Тип. Черноморского штурманского училища, 1800.

9. Зимина А. Первая в России школа военных лётчиков. Крымский журнал. Available at: http://journalcrimea.ru/pervaya-v-rossii-shkola-voennyh-lyotchikov

10. Маслов К. Рота Его Высочества Наследника цесаревича морского кадетского корпуса. Морской архив. Available at: https://secrethistory.su/126-rota-ego-vysochestva-naslednika-cesarevicha-morskogo-kadetskogo-korpusa.html19-11-2013

11. Журнал юнкерам 1877 г. Российский государственный архив военно-морского флота. Санкт-Петербург, ф. 100, оп. 1, д. 43: 57.

12. Общая программа и инструкция для преподавания учебных предметов в юнкерских училищах. Санкт-Петербург: Изд. комиссионеров военно-учебных заведений Н. Фену и Ко, 1882.

13. Программа по предметам Морского училища. Санкт-Петербург: Типография А. Якобсона, 1874. References

1. Polyakov S.D. Realisticheskoe vospitanie. Moskva: Pedagogicheskij poisk, 2004.

2. Sidorchuk V.A. Duhovno-nravstvennoe vospitanie kursantov voennyh institutov na tradiciyah rossijskoj armii. Dissertaciya ... kandidata pedagogicheskih nauk. Ryazan', 2008.

3. Sushanskij A.S. Duhovno-nravstvennoe vospitanie v voenno-uchebnyh zavedeniyah Rossii XVIII - nachala XX vv. Dissertaciya ... kandidata pedagogicheskih nauk. Moskva, 2002.

4. Pashkov V.I. Tradicii duhovno-nravstvennogo vospitaniya voennosluzhaschih v russkoj armii konca XIX - nachala XX v. Dissertaciya ... kandidata pedagogicheskih nauk. Moskva, 2013.

5. Ukaz o perevode Uchilischa dlya inostrannyh edinovercev pri Artillerijskom kadetskom korpuse uchrezhdennogo, v gorod Herson. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sankt-Peterburg, 1830; T. 21: 861.

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6. Ustav dlya voenno-uchebnyh zavedenij 2-go klassa. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sankt-Peterburg, 1830; T. 5: 290 - 295.

7. Ordera i pis'ma knyazya Potemkina. Zapiski Odesskogo Obschestva Istorii i Drevnostej. Odessa, 1872; T. 8: 191 - 238.

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