Научная статья на тему 'Specificity of upbringing process at a cadet school'

Specificity of upbringing process at a cadet school Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
cadet education / pre-profile and profile training of cadets

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Andrey V. Ryabchuk, Zinaida M. Kuznetsova, Vyacheslav S. Golovnya

The experience of the past can be successfully used in the future and the problem of traditions and innovations combination is one of the most important conceptions, which is urgent in pedagogics. Cadet corpses as educational establishments had the aim of giving upbringing and education to children of military men, being the first step in training officers. Cadet corpses trained not only military men, but also civilian specialistspublic servants, diplomats, judges. Material. The peculiarities of educational-upbringing process at a cadet school. Research methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing, post-event analysis, educational documents analysis, pedagogical observation. Results. The system of educational-upbringing process at a cadet school is organized in a way, that a cadet, coming from a usual school to the 5th form, in 1-2 months differs from his school coevals: he becomes gent, self-disciplined, has a high level of general orderliness and discipline. Within 7 years of study at a cadet school he gets qualitative education, which gives an opportunity to enter higher military and civilian educational establishments, which is provided by pre-profile and profile training at a cadet school. Upbringing-educational process at a cadet school as at a special establishment has its specificity, which is conditioned by the main aim to train cadets to serve native land in military and civilian spheres, by means of gradual formation of the corresponding professional qualities, abilities and skills. Conclusion. Education and upbringing at a cadet school provides many-sided development of spiritual and physical abilities, character formation, understanding of the notion “duty”, inclinations of moral qualities formation, which take the first place in upbringing of a citizen, who serves his Native Land.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Specificity of upbringing process at a cadet school»

DOI 10.14526/01_1111_160


Andrey V. Ryabchuk - candidate of biological sciences, associate professor, colonel of the reserve

Tyumen State University, Physical Culture Institute, associate professor of sports disciplines department, 6, Str. Volodarsky, Tyumen, 625003, Russia Zinaida M. Kuznetsova - doctor of pedagogics, professor Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, 28, Str. Nizametdinova, Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan 423806, Russia

E-mail: kzm [email protected] Vyacheslav S. Golovnya — tutor of a class, lieutenant colonel of the reserve Tyumen Presidential Cadet School, 1, Str. Leo Tolstoy,Tyumen, 625001, Russia E-mail: [email protected]

Annotation. The experience of the past can be successfully used in the future and the problem of traditions and innovations combination is one of the most important conceptions, which is urgent in pedagogics. Cadet corpses as educational establishments had the aim of giving upbringing and education to children of military men, being the first step in training officers. Cadet corpses trained not only military men, but also civilian specialists- public servants, diplomats, judges. Material. The peculiarities of educational-upbringing process at a cadet school. Research methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing, post-event analysis, educational documents analysis, pedagogical observation. Results. The system of educational-upbringing process at a cadet school is organized in a way, that a cadet, coming from a usual school to the 5th form, in 1-2 months differs from his school coevals: he becomes gent, self-disciplined, has a high level of general orderliness and discipline. Within 7 years of study at a cadet school he gets qualitative education, which gives an opportunity to enter higher military and civilian educational establishments, which is provided by pre-profile and profile training at a cadet school. Upbringing-educational process at a cadet school as at a special establishment has its specificity, which is conditioned by the main aim to train cadets to serve native land in military and civilian spheres, by means of gradual formation of the corresponding professional qualities, abilities and skills. Conclusion. Education and upbringing at a cadet school provides many-sided development of spiritual and physical abilities, character formation, understanding of the notion "duty", inclinations of moral qualities formation, which take the first place in upbringing of a citizen, who serves his Native Land. Keywords: cadet education, pre-profile and profile training of cadets.

As it is known, the experience of the past can be successfully used in the future, and the problem of traditions and innovations combination is one of the most important conceptions, which is very urgent in pedagogics.

The first corpse opening, which was built for young nobleman upbringing, was on the 17th of February, 1732. Till that time there were almost no schools for special military and general education of noble men, who "were to serve the state by military service and

education". Founded by Peter the Great mathematical and navy sciences, engineering and artillery schools "were a weak base for the army because of restricted character of a course".

Cadet corpses as educational establishments had the aim to make the upbringing and education of military men's children easier and were the first step in training officers. Cadet corpses trained not only military men, but also civilian specialists-public servants, diplomats, judges.

Education at cadet corpses provided gradual development of cadets' mental abilities and gave them knowledge of faith and general subjects, which are necessary for further special military education and future military and life activity.

To the middle of the XIX century the following subjects were taught at cadet corpses: God's Law, the Russian language and Literature, French and German (in some corpses English), Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Natural History, Physics, Geography, General and Russian History, Jurisprudence, Statistics, Artillery, Fortification, Tactics.

Foreign languages played a great role in widening military outlook of cadets.

After 1900, when the head of cadet corpses was Great prince Konstantin Konstantinovich, the educational program became wider. Cadets studied Chemistry, Mechanics, the elements of Higher Mathematics, hours of teaching Natural History, Physics increased.

The system of teaching in cadet corpses ""should be coordinated with correct demands of physical and moral upbringing', and general efforts of all teachers and tutors of a corpse should "constantly support cadets' health, power and cheerfulness of body and spirit, strict discipline of mind and will, curiosity and inclination to intellectual work".

200 years cadets transferred from school to state and military service being well-educated and well-mannered people: industrious, honest, kind, devoted to Native land. Among their commandments the first place took "cadetstvo": the sense of partnership and brotherhood, intention not to envy, but help friends, defend juniors; self-possession and ability to bear hardships, fearlessness, nobility.

In modern conditions of reforms in Russia there appeared the problem of an optimal ratio setting between a creative search for new educational technologies and moderate conservatism for the system of the combined military and civilian education - valuable pedagogical experience preservation, which was accumulated by previous generations.

This problem was successfully solved by highly-qualifies specialists of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Defense.

By the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on November, 15, 1997 a created model statute about cadet school was adopted. Its main aim - "...intellectual, cultural, physical and moral development of cadets, their adaptation to life in society, the base formation for training underage citizens to serve Native Land at civilian and military service".

Even nowadays in the whole Russia at cadet schools, classes and corpses teachers-enthusiasts teach and bring up young people the science to defend Native Land, save freedom, honor and dignity of Russia, as it was done by the generations of cadets.

The system of educational-upbringing process at a cadet school is organized in a way, that a cadet, coming from a usual school to the 5 th form, in 1-2 months differs from his school coevals: he becomes gent, self-disciplined, has a high level of general orderliness and discipline. Within 7 years of study at a cadet school he gets qualitative education, which gives an opportunity to enter higher military and civilian educational establishments, which is provided by pre-profile and profile training at a cadet school.

Upbringing-educational process at a cadet school as at a special establishment has its specificity, which influences the process of cadet's personality formation and the duties of a tutor and his professional qualities.

Education and upbringing at a cadet school is aimed at training cadets to serve Native Land at civilian and military service by means of a gradual, since childhood, formation of those coordinated with general starts of the Russian state organization correct notions and desires, which form a firm base for pure devotion to Native Land, realized submission to government and law and the sense of honor, good and justice. Upbringing at cadet schools should provide many-sided development for each cadet and form the following spiritual and physical abilities: form the character correctly, deeply master the notions of devoutness and duty, strengthen the inclinations of those moral

qualities, which are the most important in bringing up a citizen, serving his Native Land, no matter which professional way he would choose in the future.


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Submitted: 01.12.2016 Received: 04.12.2016

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Andrey V. Ryabchuk - candidate of biological sciences, associate professor, colonel of the reserve Tyumen State University, Physical Culture Institute, associate professor of sports disciplines department, 6, Str. Volodarsky, Tyumen, 625003, Russia, E-mail: [email protected] Zinaida M. Kuznetsova - doctor of pedagogics, professor Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, 28, Str. Nizametdinova, Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan 423806, Russia E-mail: kzm [email protected]

Vyacheslav S. Golovnya — tutor of a class, lieutenant colonel of the reserve Tyumen Presidential Cadet School, 1, Str. Leo Tolstoy,Tyumen, 625001, Russia

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