DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-4-4-9
UNESCO Collective Consultation on the Safeguarding and Promotion of
Traditional Sports and Games
Zinaida M. Kuznetsova*1, Stanislav A. Kuznetsov2
Ulyanov State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-5558-474X, kzm [email protected] 2TISBI University of Management Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia [email protected]
The fourth UNESCO Collective Consultation on the Safeguarding and Promotion of Traditional Sports and Games (TSG) was held at Sheraton Grand Hotel Atasehir, Istanbul - Turkey, on 13 and 14 August 2018. The Consultation brought together Ministers and representatives of UNESCO Member States arid Group of Friends of UNESCO TSG and non-governmental organizations, experts from sports federations and associations, academics, with the aim of further developing the programme on the safeguarding and promotion of traditional sports and games.
The consultation was held to ensure follow up of the work carried out to implement the programme on the Safeguarding and Promotion of TSG that UNESCO's Ad Hoc Advisory Committee (AAC) and the Working Groups had been tasked with in July 2017, during the third Collective Consultation, held at UNESCO Headquarters. AAC's work targets to further the conclusions of MINEPS III and MINEPS IV with respect to the Member States' emphasis on the safeguarding and promotion of traditional sports and games through a universal framework.
In furtherance of UNESCO and AAC's ultimate goal to encourage all relevant stakeholders from Member States to integrate traditional sports and games actively into their policies and strategies so as to enable the representation of TSG at local, regional and global levels, the fourth Collective Consultation was convened on 13 and 14 August 2018 at the Sheraton Grand Hotel Atasehir in Istanbul, Turkey.
Participants exchanged visions and concerns regarding the TSG Project and its impact on the strengthening of intangible cultural heritage, intercultural and intergenerational dialogues, promotion of peace as well as communities' empowerment. The key topics covered were: leveraging the international platform of TSG through the International Council on TSG; addressing women empowerment through TSG; and the cultural, social and economic benefits of TSG in practical life.
During the discussions, participants agreed on the need to focus on ways to better preserve intangible cultural heritage whilst balancing it with sustainable practices and existent objectives set during the third Collective Consultation held in July 2017, at UNESCO Headquarters. Participants recognized that their collective presence at the Consultation, as representatives of public authorities as well as stakeholders of TSG, demonstrated the commitment of ensuring TSG as part of all areas of cultural promotion. It further signified that there also existed a political desire to move forward, share ideas and pool resources in order to effectively overcome the challenges faced in safeguarding and promoting TSG.
The draft statutes of the 'International Council of Traditional Sports and Games (ICTSG)' were presented before the participants and the establishment of ICTSG as the international platform tasked with ensuring the safeguarding and promotion of TSG whilst aiming to support and assist governments and NGOs, as well as the Sport Movement at national, regional and international levels through harmonization, coordination of efforts, guidance and advice, was agreed to in principle. Participants then deliberated upon the strategy to be undertaken in leveraging the international platform, with the support of the Working Group entrusted with the establishment of the International Platform on TSG, and it was unanimously
upheld that UNESCO and AAC will make use of the experience of various Permanent Delegations involved in the TSG Project for discussions on progressing the strategy of ICTSG. which objectives and functions of the ICTSG and it was decided that the detailed draft Statutes will be circulated for feedback so as to incorporate all aspects relevant to the future operation of the ICTSG.
The further development and improvement of the following were stressed:
(a) the draft Worldwide E-encyclopedia in terms of finalizing an updated and all-inclusive version on the basis of the one published by UNESCO in 2003;
(b) the draft Policy Guidelines on TSG to provide Governments with technical support to adopt TSG policies and provisions;
(c) the statutory framework of the AAC towards a body aligned to UNESCO regulations and policies including, inter alia, representation at global level;
(d) partnership and dialogue with Member States and interested stakeholders for the increased visibility of TSG events such as the World and Regional TSG events, on a regular basis.
In terms of increasing regional awareness of TSG, Member States belonging to the African Continent proposed setting up an African Working Group who would present the action points relating to the TSG Project to the African Union and also liaise with other African countries. Other regions were also encouraged to initiate similar endeavours specific to their respective regions/continents.
With respect to the announcement of the Host Nation for the First World Traditional Sports and Games in 2021, Member States were invited to take ownership of strategic development in terms of organizing regional and national TSG events as well. This would efficiently deliver the shared objective of UNESCO and all TSG stakeholders by taking leadership, engaging in political discussions and adopting the same in national legislations of Member States.
Summarizing the conclusions of the two-day Consultation, UNESCO and the AAC expressed their sincere gratitude to the Government of Turkey for hosting the 4th Collective Consultation in Istanbul and to the World Ethnosport Confederation (WEC) and its President, Mr. Bilal Erdogan, for extending their gracious hospitality by co-organising the two-day Meeting as an endeavor to ensure the development and sustainability of TSG at all levels. The insight shared and contributions made by the participants during the interactive sessions and debates throughout the programme were aiso noted and highly appreciated.
The fifth Collective Consultation to be held in the future would aim to further develop the work achieved by UNESCO, the AAC and the Working Groups; follow up on the implementation of the communique issued at the conclusion of the 4th Collective Consultation on 14 August 2018; and provide an opportunity to explore the mandate of the ICTSG and seek opportunities to advance its scope of work as
List of Participants
Mr Khalil Ahmed Khan Chairman Ad Hoc Advisory Committee (AAC)
Mr Necmeddin Bilal Erdogan President World Ethnosport Confederation (WEC)
Mr Marcellin Dally Programme Specialist Coordinator TSG UNESCO
Dr Mehmet Muharem Kasapoglu Minister of Youth and Sports Republic of Turkey
H. E. Mr Salah bin Ghanem Al Ali Mihister of Culture and Sports State of Qatar
Mr Paulin Danho Minister of Sports Republic of Cote d'Ivoire
Hon. Hadrammeh Sidibeh Minister of Youth and Sports Republic of the Gambia
Mr Kanat Amankulov Minister of Sports Kyrgyz Republic
Mr Vanja Udovicic Minister of Youth and Sports Republic of Serbia
Mr Muhammad Faiszer Mustapha Minister of Sports Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Mr Fadeba Keira Deputy Minister of Sports/Secretaire General Guinea
H.E. Mrs Harifera Elisa Rabemananjara Ambassador Permanent Delegation of Madagascar to UNESCO
Mrs Marie Veronique Faratiana Representative Permanent Delegation of Madagascar to UNESCO
Mr Rocke Rajaofetra Cultural attache Permanent Delegation of Madagascar to UNESCO
Mr Arshad Mirza Federal Secretary Education Government of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Mr Michael Shamsu Mustapha Director of Sports Ministry of Sports of Sierra Leone
Mr Ishmael Suma Assistant Secretary Ministry of Sports of Sierra Leone
Mr Abdallah Ally Mtolea Member of Parliament United Republic of Tanzania
Mrs Elazabith Kiondo Ambassador to Turkey United Republic of Tanzania
Mr Yahya Al-Mataar Jobe Deputy Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of the Gambia to UNESCO
Mr Voitoych Yaroslav Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports Ukraine
Mr Aaron Scott Wendel President US Traditional Wrestling Society
Mr Abdul Hamid Muradi President Local and Rural Games of Afghanistan
Mr Abu Zafar Sadiq Deputy Secretary Ministry of Sports (IPC) of Pakistan
Mr Afet Jashari Representative Ministry of Cultural Affairs of Macedonia
Mr Aman Kumar Sharma Member Working Group AAC
Ms Ana Claudia Collado Garcia President Federation Mexicana de Juegos y Deportes Autoctonos y Tradicionales
Ms Ana Cristina Zimmermann Professor University of Sao Paulo of Brazil
Ms Areeba Khalil Rapporteur AAC Working Group
Mr Bakyt Karnakbayev Representative Kazakhstan Falconry Association
Mr Batyr Abdyyev Head of International Affairs Ministry of Sports and Youth policy of Turkmenistan
Mr Bekbolat Tiluekhan President Kazakhstan Ethnosport Association
Mr Bekhzad Mistimisod Representative Office of National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan
Mr Boris Filipovic Grcic President Alka of Sinj, Croatia
Mr Chief Willie Littlechild President Confederacy of the First Six Nations Treaty
Mr Darko Udovicic Assistant Sports Minister Republic of Serbia
Mr Dunicagli Pablo Green Solis Representative Panama Traditional Sports Association
Mr Elis Alizhan Representative Ministry of Sports of Kyrgyz Republic
Mr Ezzeddine Bouzid Member AAC
Mr Farid Mansurov Head of International Affairs Ministry of Sports of Republic of Azerbaijan
Ms Fatma Toru Belediye Baskani/Mayor Meram, Turkey
Mr Francis Bolou First Secretary Embassy of Cote d' Ivoire in Turkey
Mr Ganesh Bahadur Kunwar President Nepal Belt Wrestling and Goresh Federation
Mr Gholamreza Jafari President Local and Rural Games of Islamic Republic of Iran
Mr Hakan Kazanci Vice President WEC
Mr Hamid AN Tariq Secretary to Chairman Office of the Chairman AAC
Mr Hari Osias Catolos Banaag Member AAC
Mr Harpreet Singh Arora Joint Secretary Global Sikaran Federation
Mr Hisham S Kh Aljaser President Kuwait Belt Wrestling Federation
Mrs Ivana Dukic Advisor to Minister of Sports Republic of Serbia
Mr lyor Paulyuk Representative Ministry of Sports of Russian Federation
Prof Mrs Jerono Rotich Professor North Carolina Technical and State University USA
Mr Jung Han Kun Member AAC Working Group
Mrs Karima El Khomry Representative Ministry of Sports of Kingdom of Morocco
Mr Kenneth Tobago Middleton President Botswana Traditional Sports Confederation
Mr Kim Jong Tae Member AAC Working Group
Mr Lancinet Keita Kabassan Director Sports Ministry of Sports of Guinea
Mr Lee Jong Hak Member AAC
Prof Luis Bruzon Delgado Representative Central American Educational & Cultural Coordination
Mr M Levent Akici International Affairs Coordinator WEC
Prof Dr M Ocal Oguz President Turkish National Commission of UNESCO
Mr Matviy Bidnyi Director Non-Olympic Sports Ministry of Sports of Ukraine
Mr Mohammad Al Bloushi Representative Ministry of Culture and Sports of Qatar
Mr Mohammad Nouhi Member AAC Working Group
Mr Mukhamejan Tazabek Representative Kazakhstan Ethnosport Association
Mr Pere Lavega Burgues Member AAC
Mr Petru Mutruc Representative Ministry of Education of Moldova
Mrs Rajwinder Kaur President Traditional Martial Arts Games Committee of India
Mr Rakat Zhaksybay Executive Director Kazakhstan Ethnosport Association
Mr Ravi Sahu Member AAC
Mr Sami Serdar Secretary General WEC
Mr Shammi Rana Rapporteur AAC
Mrs Soraia Chung Saura Professor University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Mr Tariq Ali Representative IATWS
Mr Umid Akhmatjanov President Uzbekistan National Olympic Committee
Mr Vikas Kaushik Vice President Amateur Belt Wrestling Federation of India
Mrs Viktoria Racheva-Slavkova Director of EU Programmes, Projects and 1C Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Bulgaria
Mr Wolfgang Baumann Member AAC
Mr Zayed Al Madeed Al Gannas Board Member Qatar Falconry Club
Mrs Zinaida Kuznetsova Professor Russian Ministry of Education
Submitted: 01.11.2018 Author's information:
Zinaida M. Kuznetsova* - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Ulyanov State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk, Russia, the 100 Anniversary of V.I. Lenin's Birth Square, House 4, 432700, e-mail: kzm [email protected]*
Stanislav A. Kuznetsov - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, TISBI University of Management, 423800, Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny, Tatarstan str, House 10, e-mail: [email protected]