DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2019-14-2-5-8 Традиционные виды спорта и игр ЮНЕСКО
Khalil Ahmed Khan1*, Bekbolat Tluehan2
1UNESCO TSG Advisory Committee, Pakistan 2Academic Affairs Committee, Pakistan
Обзорная статья
Аннотация: ЮНЕСКО признает важность традиционных видов спорта и игр для сохранения их культурных ценностей и их способности расширять участие в физической активности и спорте на протяжении почти двух десятилетий. Деятельность ЮНЕСКО в области сохранения традиционных видов спорта и игр (TSG) сосредоточена на научных исследованиях, создании онлайн-энциклопедии, разработке руководящих принципов и создании международной платформы с участием соответствующих заинтересованных сторон. До настоящего времени ЮНЕСКО успешно провела четыре коллективных консультативных совещания, в которых приняли участие министры, правительственные должностные лица, представители постоянных делегаций ЮНЕСКО, эксперты и многие другие заинтересованные стороны. Недавно прошла четвертая коллективная консультация 2018, которая состоялась в Стамбуле, где собралось более 82 участников из 40 стран, включая министров, экспертов с целью дальнейшего развития программы по охране TSG при ЮНЕСКО. Мы искренне надеемся, что по мере того, как все больше и больше государств-членов станут частью группы друзей TSG, поддержка проекта приведет к продвижению и развитию традиционных видов спорта и игр во всех ваших странах и поможет расширить глобальную сеть и ее работу, в том числе ЮНЕСКО. Ключевые слова: народные виды спорта и игры, культурные ценности, физическая активность и спорт.
Для цитирования: Khalil Ahmed Khan, Bekbolat Tluehan. Традиционные виды спорта и игр ЮНЕСКО. Педагогико-психологические и медико-биологические проблемы физической культуры и спорта. 2019; 14(2): 5-8. DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2019-14-2-5-8.
UNESCO traditional sports and games
Khalil Ahmed Khan1*, Bekbolat Tluehan2
1UNESCO TSG Advisory Committee, Pakistan 2Academic Affairs Committee, Pakistan
Review article
Abstract: UNESCO has recognized the importance of traditional sports and games for their intrinsic cultural values and their ability to increase participation in physical activity and sport for almost two decades. UNESCO's work in relation to preserving traditional sports and games (TSG) has focused on scientific research, creation of an online encyclopedia, development of guidelines and creation of an international platform, with the participation of relevant stakeholders. Till now, four Collective Consultation Meetings have been successfully convened by UNESCO, which have been attended by Ministers, government officials, representatives of UNESCO Permanent Delegations, experts and many other stakeholders. The recently held Fourth Collective Consultation 2018 that was held in Istanbul gathered more than 82 participants from 40 countries including Ministers, experts etc. with the aim of further developing the program on the safeguarding of TSG under UNESCO. More and more Member States become part of the TSG Group of Friends supporting the project will result in the promotion and development of traditional sports and games in all your countries and will help expand the global network and its work, including that of UNESCO, from strength to strength. Keywords: folk sports and games, cultural values, physical activity and sport.
For citation: Khalil Ahmed Khan, Bekbolat Tluehan. UNESCO traditional sports and games. The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2019; 14(2): 5-8. DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2019-14-2-5-8.
3rd Collective Consultation 2017 - Paris
UNESCO organized the Third Collective Consultation on the Safeguarding and Promotion of Traditional Sports and Games from 6 to 7 July 2017 at UNESCO Headquarters Paris.
The Meeting was attended by representatives of governments, international associations and relevant stakeholders on traditional sports. During this Meeting, UNESCO established the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on TSG and Mr. Khalil Ahmed Khan, President of IATWS was elected as Chairman of the Committee unanimously.
Members of the Committee were also appointed and Working Groups were established. Tasks were appointed to the Groups by the Chairman and Secretariat.
First Technical Meeting of the Advisory Committee was convened in December 2017 chaired by Mr. Khan. The Meeting took many decisions to strengthen the TSG Project. It decided to establish UNESCO TSG Group of Friends that would consist of UNESCO Permanent Delegations of Member States. Till now, 21 Member States have officially joined the Group by signing the Letter of Commitment.
4th Collective Consultation 2018 - Istanbul
UNESCO organized the Fourth Collective Consultation on TSG with the support of the World Ethnosport Confederation (WEC) and the Advisory Committee on TSG, in Istanbul, Turkey, on 13 and 14 August 2018. The Consultation gathered Ministers and representatives of UNESCO Member States and Group of Friends for UNESCO TSG, as well as NGOs, experts from sports federations, academics, with the aim of further developing the following strategic achievements; continue synergetic efforts to implement objectives set out during the Third Collective Consultation held at UNESCO Headquarters in 2017 and achieve the following: Developing the E-Encyclopedia on TSG as a digital and interactive platform completed with a mobile application and educative materials; Leveraging the International Platform on TSG to establish the International Council of TSG (ICTSG); Elaborate Policy Guidelines on TSG; Fostering TSG cultural events at local, regional and international levels, such as the 2021 World Traditional Sports
and Games. The Consultation also innovatively focused on women empowerment through TSG, raising high expectations from the civil sphere and representatives of Governments on addressing this challenge.
Meeting with Iranian Officials On the invitation of the office of the Supreme Leader of Iran and Ayotallah Mohsen Araki, Member of Assembly of Experts in Iran and Secretary General of the World Forum for Proximity of
Islamic School of Thought Chairman AAC Mr. Khalil A Khan visited Tehran - Iran in the last week of November 2018. During their meeting, the traditional sports of Iran were discussed along with future road map. It was decided that the Government of Iran will explore and look out for opportunities to host TSG events in near future including the technical meetings and/or Fifth Collective Consultation on TSG in close collaboration with AAC. UNESCO expert meeting on TSG UNESCO organized expert meeting on traditional sports and games alongside Silk Road during first week of December 2018 in Ashgabat. Experts, stakeholders, members of AAC gathered at the occasion and discussed the importance of safeguarding and promotion of traditional sports and games and appreciated the Chairman for efforts done so far for TSG.
The members of AAC and Working Groups attended AAC's Meeting under chairmanship of Mr. Khan.
Meeting with Philippines official AAC Rapporteur Mr. Shammi Rana and Mr. Hari Osias Banaag met with Emmanuel Dapidras Manny Pacquiao, Philippine politician and senator in Los Angeles where they discussed the Concept Note and future roadmap of UNESCO Traditional Sports and Games. Manny Pacquiao vowed to support TSG Project and promised to meet the delegation again to discuss the detailed agenda. In the same context the House of Representatives in Philippines has unanimously approved on third and final reading a bill seeking to preserve the indigenous games of the country.
ASPAC Plenary Session 2019 Chairman AAC Mr. Khalil Ahmed Khan attended the Plenary Meeting of UNESCO Permanent
Delegations (Asia-Pacific Group).
Mr. Khan presented the TSG Project to the worthy Ambassadors of respective Member States who appreciated the efforts for promotion of TSG under UNESCO and assured their support for TSG. At the occasion the Islamic Republic of Pakistan officially joined the UNESCO TSG Group of Friends by presenting the Letter of Commitment to Chairman.
Chairman's visit to Abu Dhabi On the invitation of His Excellency Shiekh Sultan bin Khalifa Al Nahyan, Chairman AAC Mr. Khalil Ahmed Khan visited Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates in March 2019. During the visit, Mr. Khan and Shiekh Sultan discussed the possibilities of strengthening TSG Project and vowed towards great cooperation in the future. Mr. Khan also attended the Forum of Asian Chess Federation along with AAC Member Mr. Mohammad Nouhi
UNESCO TSG visit to Republic of Korea Chairman AAC Mr. Khalil Ahmed Khan and Rapporteur Mr. Shammi Rana visited Republic of Korea during the month of March 2019. The visit included Meetings with potential sponsors, Mayors of different cities, National Commission of UNESCO in Korea, Members of Parliament, President of Korean Olympic Committee and many other stakeholders. During the visit, the possibilities of hosting future TSG events in Korea were discussed. Mr. Khan and Mr. Rana also met local TSG representatives and sought report of the development on the promotion of TSG in South Korea under the umbrella of UNESCO TSG.
World Traditional Sports and Games 2021 First-ever World Traditional Sports and Games will be held in Nur Sultan (Astana), Kazakhstan in 2021 under UNESCO Advisory Committee on Traditional Sports and Games.
UNESCO TSG Delegation visited Nur-Sultan (Astana) in May 2018 at the invitation of His Excellency Mr. Arystanbek Mukhameduily, Minister of Culture and Sports of Kazakhstan. During the visit, the Government of Kazakhstan through Minister of Culture and Sports and Kazakhstan Ethnosport Associaion through its Vice President
signed a Letter of Intent (Lol) with the UNESCO Ad Hoc Advisory Committee through its Chairman Mr. Khalil Ahmed Khan for future cooperation.
Mr. Khan along with Mr. Shammi Rana and Mr. Marcellin Dally attended the Asian Championships on traditional sports of Kazakhstan.
Kazakhstan officially presented its Intent during the Fourth Collective Consultation Meeting of UNESCO TSG in August 2018 in Istanbul, Turkey by filling the Expression of Interest Form which was available at the UNESCO's official website.
Kazakhstan presented a video showing its cultural heritage, geography, history and traditional sports to the participants. It was appreciated by all the participants.
"Kazakhstan was unanimously approved as the host nation for the 2021 1st WTSG. 'Astana 2021' was officially announced with all formalities to be followed by the Organizing Committee in due course. President of the Kazakhstan Ethnosport Association Mr. Bekbolat Tileukhan expressed his gratitude for being given the opportunity and invited all participants to visit Kazakhstan in 2021 for the event."
Extract from Final Report
The ICTSG will act as an international organization aiming to serve as an international platform for the preservation, promotion and development of traditional sport and games (TSG) at global level. ICTSG's main objective and mission will be to develop, implement and regularly update a working programme that contributes to, without limitation, the: - promotion and development of international cooperation in the field of Traditional Sport and Games with a view of contributing to peace, tolerance, respect and mutual understanding between people of different social and cultural backgrounds; - facilitating the understanding and integration of social, economical and educational aspects of TSG by encouraging Member States to incorporating the same into national policies; -collection of information and the dissemination of research, analysis, publication, data, scientific
works, relevant documents and findings related to the improvement of TSG; - advocating the need to raise awareness of the role and impact of TSG on the achievement of Education For All (EFA) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The aim of the Council is to help all concerned and interested governmental and non-governmental national, regional and international organizations in the harmonization and coordination of efforts and capacity in view of providing guidance, counseling and to sustain 17 initiatives and programmes that pertain to TSG for policy-makers, stakeholders and concerned parties.
SICA Council of Ministers 2019
The Council of Ministers of Central America met
in Guatemala during the first week of April 2019. Under the chairmanship of CECC/SICA Secretary General Mr. Carlos Staff and Minister of Culture and Sports of Guatemala Mr. Elder Suchite Vargas, the Meeting decided to promote the integration of the SICA countries into the group of friendly countries of the TSG. Chairman AAC
Mr. Khalil Ahmed Khan addressed the Ministers through a video message and encouraged to support TSG under UNESCO and join the UNESCO TSG Group of Friends by signing the Letter of Commitment. Mr. Luis Bruzon of SICA presented the related documents to the Ministers on behalf of the AAC.
Статья поступила в редакцию: 15.05.2019
Khalil Ahmed Khan - Chairman of UNESCO TSG Advisory Committee, Pakistan, e-mail: [email protected]
Bekbolat Tluehan - Chairman of 2Academic Affairs Committee, Pakistan