Научная статья на тему 'Tool s and approaches to MODEL-iMPROViNG mechanisms for self-ordering in public administration in Ukraine'

Tool s and approaches to MODEL-iMPROViNG mechanisms for self-ordering in public administration in Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
improvement / governance / tools / mechanisms / models / approaches / reform / development / self-ordering system / Ukraine / вдосконалення / державне управління / засоби / механіз- ми / моделі-підходи / реформування / розвиток / самовпорядкування / система / Україна

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Rodchenko Igor Yurievich

The article contains a number of tools and models, approaches to improving the mechanisms of self-ordering in the system of governance in modern Ukraine. In particular, given expert assessment of the basic mechanisms importance of separation in powers between branches and levels of government and administrative reform in the public administration modern system in Ukraine. The analysis needs of institutional and major functional mechanisms in selfordering of the public administration modern system in Ukraine, priority areas such self-ordering in the medium term. Formed a number of models, approaches, including the administrative reform in public administration, to the prediction of the reform of the system and the institutional structure of public administration reform in Ukraine. The purposes of the next stage of administrative reform and the criteria for their achievement. Formulated objectives in the fields of public administration reform.

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У статті наведено низку засобів та моделей-підходів до вдосконалення механізмів самовпорядкування в системі державного управління сучасної України. Зокрема наведено експертні оцінки важливості основних механізмів розмежування повноважень між гілками і рівнями влади та адміністративного реформування в сучасній системі державного управління України. Проаналізовано потреби в розвитку інституційних та основних функціональних механізмів самовпорядкування сучасної системи державного управління України, визначено пріоритетні напрями такого самовпорядкування у середньостроковій перспективі. Сформовано низку моделей-підходів, зокрема до адміністративного реформування системи державного управління, до прогнозування результатів реформування цієї системи та до інституційної структури реформування системи державного управління України. Визначено цілі наступного етапу адміністративного реформування та критерії їх досягнення. Сформульовано завдання за напрямами реформи системи державного управління.

Текст научной работы на тему «Tool s and approaches to MODEL-iMPROViNG mechanisms for self-ordering in public administration in Ukraine»

UDC: 35:002.8

Rodchenko Igor Yurievich,

post-graduate student, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 02000, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (093) 871 00 48, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-1240-761X

Родченко 1гор Юршович,

астрант, Мiжрегiональна Академя управлтня персоналом, 02000, м. Kuïe, вул. Фрометiвська, 2, тел.: (093) 871 00 48, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-1240-761X

Родченко Игорь Юрьевич,

аспирант, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 02000, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (093) 87100 48, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-1240-761X


Abstract. The article contains a number of tools and models, approaches to improving the mechanisms of self-ordering in the system of governance in modern Ukraine. In particular, given expert assessment of the basic mechanisms importance of separation in powers between branches and levels of government and administrative reform in the public administration modern system in Ukraine. The analysis needs of institutional and major functional mechanisms in self-ordering of the public administration modern system in Ukraine, priority areas such self-ordering in the medium term. Formed a number of models, approaches, including the administrative reform in public administration, to the prediction of the reform of the system and the institutional structure of public administration reform in Ukraine. The purposes of the next stage of administrative reform and the criteria for their achievement. Formulated objectives in the fields of public administration reform.

Keywords: improvement, governance, tools, mechanisms, models, approaches, reform, development, self-ordering system, Ukraine.


Анотацiя. У статтi наведено низку засобiв та моделей-пiдходiв до вдо-сконалення механiзмiв самовпорядкування в системi державного управ-лiння сучасно! Укра!ни. Зокрема наведено експертнi оцшки важливостi основних механiзмiв розмежування повноважень мiж гiлками i рiвнями влади та адмШстративного реформування в сучаснш системi державного управлiння Укра!ни. Проаналiзовано потреби в розвитку iнституцiйних та основних функщональних механiзмiв самовпорядкування сучасно! систе-ми державного управлiння Укра!ни, визначено прiоритетнi напрями такого самовпорядкування у середньостроковш перспективi. Сформовано низку моделей-пiдходiв, зокрема до адмiнiстративного реформування системи державного управлшня, до прогнозування резулыапв реформування цieí системи та до шституцшно! структури реформування системи державного управлшня Укра!ни. Визначено цш наступного етапу адмiнiстративного реформування та критери !х досягнення. Сформульовано завдання за напря-мами реформи системи державного управлшня.

Ключовi слова: вдосконалення, державне управлiння, засоби, мехашз-ми, моделi-пiдходи, реформування, розвиток, самовпорядкування, система, Укра!на.


Аннотация. В статье приведен ряд средств и моделей-подходов к совершенствованию механизмов самоупорядочения в системе государственного управления современной Украины. В частности, приведены экспертные оценки важности основных механизмов разграничения полномочий между ветвями и уровнями власти и административного реформирования в современной системе государственного управления Украины. Проанализированы потребности в развитии институциональных и основных функциональных механизмов самоупорядочения современной системы государственного управления Украины, определены приоритетные направления такого самоупорядочения в среднесрочной перспективе. Сформирован ряд моделей-подходов, в частности к административному реформированию системы государственного управления, к прогнозированию результатов реформирования этой системы и к институциональной структуры реформирования системы государственного управления Украины. Определены цели следующего этапа административного реформирования и критерии их достижения. Сформулированы задачи по направлениям реформы системы государственного управления.

Ключевые слова: совершенствование, государственное управление, средства, механизмы, модели-подходы, реформирование, развитие, самоупорядочение, система, Украина.

Target setting. In the domestic branch of science "Public Administration", in recent times, attention has been focused on the synergistic approach, in particular to the study of self-organization and self-regulation processes. In this context, in our opinion, attention should be paid to the consideration and analysis of tools and models of approaches to improving self-ordering mechanisms in public administration system in modern Ukraine.

Analysis of recent publications on issues. Various aspects and assessments of the reasons influencing the processes of self-regulation in the system of public administration, as well as tools and models-approaches to their improvement are highlighted in a number of works as foreign (D. Bell, F. Gaek, M. Castells, D. Neysbit, D. Tap-scott, E. Toffler, F. Fukuyama, etc.) and domestic (V. Averyanov, V. Bakumen-ko, O. Valevsky, V. Golub, Y. Kannish, V. Knyazev, P. Nadolishniy, C. Seryogin, V. Tertychka, O. Chervyakova, I. Cher-lennyak, etc.), scientists.

The purpose of the article. The purpose of this article is to consider and analyze tools and models of approaches to improving self-ordering mechanisms in the system of public administration in modern Ukraine.

The statement of basic materials. The article contains a number of tools and models, approaches to improving the mechanisms of self-ordering in modern public administration system in Ukraine context of the assessment of the importance of national experts. The latter included civil servants who were trained at the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.

Each state body, as a rule, implements not one, but a set, or system, functions, that is, it exercises several types of controlling influence. Each of these species is relatively independent, specific, but all of them are interrelated and only in a coherent set ensure the execution of tasks. Therefore, for the system of public administration it is expedient to use all available types of interaction coordination.

At the present stage in the public administration system in Ukraine it is necessary to focus on the introduction of more flexible coordination mechanisms related to the standardization of norms, processes and results. This will involve mechanisms for more effective separation of powers between branches and levels of government. This opinion is supported by high enough experts' opinions on the importance of the main mechanisms for delimiting powers between branches and levels of government and administrative reform in the modern system of public administration in Ukraine. The scores were distributed in the range of 4.2-4.65 on a scale of 5 "very important" to 0 "not at all important" in all positions of the survey on the issue (see Table 1).

According to experts, among the main mechanisms of administrative reform in the modern system of public administration in Ukraine, the provision of real independence (functional and financial) of the judiciary (4.65 points) is a key factor. In the system of government the Court (mostly administrative) is the mechanism actually able to influence the processes of self-ordering system.

Currently, state and municipal authorities are receiving a huge number of

Evaluation of the importance of the basic mechanisms in powers separation between branches and levels of government and administrative reform in public administration modern system in ukraine

Mechanisms Valuation

ensuring real independence (functional and financial) of the judicial branch of power 4,65

avoid duplication of functions of executive 4,35

a clear definition of the responsibilities and authorities of the relevant officials 4,35

avoid duplication of functions of executive and local authorities 4,2

a separation of political and administrative positions 4,2

illegal decisions, there are unlawful actions. Many of these illegal decisions are subsequently successfully challenged in administrative courts. However, an official who has made such a decision is almost never responsible. Under such conditions, it will never be possible to successfully fight corruption, nor to discipline the executive branch. The authorities will never fear a court that can not punish her for unlawful acts. In this regard, it seems advisable to establish indefinite general administrative responsibility of officials for making illegal decisions, committing unlawful actions or illegally inactivity with appropriate punishment in the form of large fines and/or disqualification.

It deserves attention to the expert assessment of such mechanisms of self-ordering in the public administration system, as: avoid duplication of functions of executive (4,35 points); avoid duplication of functions of executive and local authorities (4,2 points); the distinction between political and administrative positions (4,2 points). In our opinion, in general, they can be reduced to a mechanism such as a clear definition of the responsibilities and au-

thorities of the relevant officials, their structural units and individual officials (4,35 points).

It is necessary to consolidate the powers of various public administration bodies so that the combinations of such powers in different central executive bodies (ministries, others) are coordinated. For this purpose, it is necessary to use the various forms of consolidation of powers and their regulation correctly.

The results of expert evaluation of the needs for the development of the main functional mechanisms of self-ordering in the modern public administration system in Ukraine are summarized in Table. 2. It is possible to clearly identify three groups of such mechanisms, namely: resource allocation (average score of 4,43 points); planning (average score 4,2); scientific and analytical support (average score 4,15 points).

The specificity of the implementation of the distribution function in the model of the budget "centralism" in the Ukrainian state is that the reform of the intergovernmental fiscal relations system takes place in difficult conditions, when the mechanisms of market

The need to develop the main functional mechanisms of self-ordering in the modern public administration system in ukraine

Mechanisms Valuation

resource allocation: 4,43

An justification of expenses of state financial reserves 4,65

ensuring the balance of revenue and expenditure parts of the state budget 4,6

ensuring the justification of state budget financing 4,45

the use of clear budget execution and accountability for public expenditure 4,4

increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of public financial control 4,35

an avoidance of differences in necessary expenses for implementation of policies with possibilities of budget financing 4,1

search "golden mean" in the balance of state and territorial parts of budget expenditures 4,05

planning: 4,25

the formation and implementation of national projects 4,45

the formation and implementation of targeted programs and projects at the regional and local levels 4,2

the formation and implementation of state target programs 4,05

scientific and analytical support: 4,15

the scientific support of state strategic management and planning 4,4

the policy tasks regular updating (review, refinement, correction) 4,1

the analytical support for the processes of formation and implementation of state policies 4,0

self-regulation, inherent in the market economy of democratic states, are not yet fully operational.

At the same time, as the world experience shows, during the crisis periods there is a tendency to centralize economic and political power, at least to overcome the general crisis. But for such a centralization, there are a number of limitations. These are issues related to the acquisition, possession and distribution of information and information flows necessary for the adoption of optimal social, economic and political decisions.

It should then be noted an interesting fact that revealed the results of

an expert survey on the application of institutional mechanisms for the self-ordering in the modern public administration system in Ukraine. The initial hypothesis of the study was based on the assumption that the most effective self-ordering mechanisms are precisely in the field of institutional reform in the system. However, in general, the low rating by experts requires the development of institutional mechanisms of self-ordering in the modern public administration system in Ukraine (average score of 3,4 points, in the range from 3,0 to 4,0 on a scale of 5 "very necessary" to 0 "not at all need") somewhere refutes this hypothesis (see Table 3).

Requirements for the development of institutional mechanisms ofself-ordering in the modern public administration system in ukraine

Mechanisms Valuation

the powers division between the branches of public authority 4,0

the administrative reform of the central executive bodies structure 3,5

the public spheres separation of public administration between central executive authorities 3,45

the administrative reform of the government structure 3,4

the administrative reform of the power hierarchy structure 3,35

the territorial determination spheres of public administration between local administration bodies 3,3

the administrative-territorial reform 3,2

The formation and implementation of the power hierarchy structure 3,0

The most relevant institutional mechanism of self-ordering in the modern public administration system, as discussed above, experts consider the powers division between the branches of public authority (4 points).

The change in the structure of the public administration system, as well as the structure of the apparatus of certain public administration bodies, if not supported by their functional modernization, is not effective. Unfortunately, the system of domestic public administration has long been involved in an expensive and ineffective process of institutional changes. The central executive authorities "united" and "unbundled", changed their names, but all this happened almost without changing the functional mechanisms of their activities, most likely at the demand of the political situation, than the objective state of affairs.

In our opinion, the feature of the post-Soviet states, including Ukraine, is that they should not only reform, but also create new administrative systems

in something. This feature is not always taken into account in practice, which leads to "patch holes" without system changes and increase the efficiency of the system as a whole.

Taking into account the above assessment, the following can be noted:

• the option of preserving the existing system in public administration, which undergoes some local changes (at the level of individual institutes and positions), is rather insufficiently implemented in Ukraine so far, but they are aimed, rather, at leveling out the most obvious shortcomings in the work of the system, than on its restructuring;

• at the same time, as a recommendation for a possible reform of the system in the immediate time and political perspective, the option of modernization, which involves redistribution and reorientation of budget expenditures in the system in public administration, as well as its substantive reorganization with the creation of new institutions and changes in the principles of work, is seen as optimal;

• the options for a more radical restructuring of the public administration system (marketing and reducing the role of the state) are less acceptable to Ukraine because it requires radical changes in the entire political system and its economic bases. At the same time, there is some hope for a change in the nature of the political regime and its official setting for Western-type re-

forms that are characteristic of the new European Union countries.

At the same time, we have sufficiently reliable theoretical and methodological grounds to propose the following directions of self-ordering (through the reformation) in the modern public administration system in Ukrainein the medium term (Table 4).

Table 4

of self-ordering

The direction of self-ordering the direction contents

1 2

Improvement of the legislative and regulatory framework Examination of the normative and legal basis of the civil service; development of regulatory and legal acts necessary for the implementation of new approaches to the organization of civil service

Introduction of new approaches to the organization of civil service (personnel policy) Implementation of official regulations and service contracts; creation and use of professional development system; development of indicators system and criteria for assessing the performance of civil servants; development of mechanisms for identifying and resolving conflicts of interest in the civil service; determination of duties, powers and responsibility measures

Improvement of training, retraining and advanced training of civil servants Creating an effective recruitment mechanism; increasing the prestige of the civil service; systems of non-interrupted vocational education of civil servants, personnel provision planned rotation; a personnel reserve formation on a competitive basis; an objective evaluation of the performance of an attestation or qualification exam; standards improvement and training programs on the basis of open competitive selection of these programs

Material and technical conditions creation Analysis of the existing material and technical base in the civil service; the standards development for civil servants' offices and standards for their placement, as well as standards of logistics in the civil service; preparation of proposals preparation for the construction, reconstruction and technical equipment of buildings and premises in the central apparatus of state bodies

Reform of the civil service management system Ensuring the unity of the civil service, the state bodies interaction with civil society structures, coordination of activities in state bodies on admission to the civil service, passing and termination of civil service, as well as professional development in civil servants

Optimization of the state power structure and functions Conduct functional reviews to identify redundant and duplicate functions, a system of outsourcing system, increase the efficiency of procurement for state needs, combat corruption; approbation of new methods in planning the activities of state bodies (higher and central level)

1 2

Management by results Implementation of the planning and project management system according to the activity goals and tasks. Application of methods in program-target financing of the civil service, oriented on activity results; the use of the balance-sheet method of resources inventory and modern forms of the efficiency evaluation in budget expenditures

standardization and regulation Implementation of public service standards; orientation of executive bodies on the interests of users; the administrative regulations development and implementation; the standards for budget services development

Increasing openness and accountability in state authorities Increasing the openness of the civil service management system for citizens and civil society; increasing the transparency of the budget process; transparency in the public procurementsystem

In order to formalize the tasks of administrative reform, in our opinion, it is expedient to use a number of models-approaches. The model approach, as already mentioned earlier, is a schematic representation of the approach with a particular model. The model approach is fundamentally different from the algorithm that in it is important to simplify means of circuit engineering perception of the general way of solving a problem.

The algorithm, as is known, implies a certain logical sequence of operations and represents a set of systematic rules for the execution of the process, which necessarily leads to the solution of a certain class of tasks after a finite number of operations [1].

The model approach to the administrative reform of the public administration system is presented in Figure, where the Central Election Commission is the central executive authority.

An indispensable element of developing the reform program is the definition of the next stage reform goals and the criteria for their achievement (see Table 5).

Each of the reform directions in the public administration system in Ukraine involves solving a number of key tasks (see Table 6).

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In our opinion, the key role in the approach to the institutional structure of reforming the system in public administration in Ukraine should be the President of Ukraine, which, in accordance with its constitutional powers and the current legislation, carries out the goal setting of administrative reform and bears political responsibility for its results. The role of an advisory body under the President of Ukraine in this case is appropriate to put on the Council of the Regions or similar organization (state or public) in its essence.

A special government body should play a leading role in ensuring organizational arrangements, coordination, scientific and analytical support and monitoring of the results of the reform. We will call it the National Center for Assistance to Administrative and Administrative-Territorial Reform, which should be created under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the basis of the design structure. Interaction with


The analysis of the functions of the CEBs was carried out, proposals were prepared and partially implemented to eliminate redundant and duplicate functions The institutional reorganization of the CEB was conducted


Measures for the continuation of administrative reform are inertial (completion of the formation of the authorities in their new configuration) There are no mechanisms for implementing the powers of the CEBs for their work in the new environment The reform touched only the central level of executive power


"Inertial work" completion Transferring the emphasis on structural reforms to reforming the content and internal mechanisms of the CEBs of all levels The administrative reform implementation at the regional and local levels

Hypothetical problems of the next stage

Reforms require a huge number of coordinated and synchronized solutions at all levels in the administrative vertical

At the forefront is the purposeful formation of a large number of new mechanisms in the CEB's work, which is possible only within the framework of an

effective system of change management, which greatly complicates the coordination function

New mechanisms can not be created by the

CEBs themselves within the framework of current activity and

the formed linear management structure

The assessment of the quality of the decisions taken and realized at the second stage should be carried out not so much by the indicators of the actions carried out, but by the final results of their impact on the economy and the social sphere

Model-Approach to Administrative Reform in the Public Administration System

local government bodies and local self-government bodies is carried out by the Center's offices, also executed in the form of project structures.

In conclusion, it should be noted that administrative reform is a permanent process. Thus, the task of self-ordering in public administration is that its reform should go leading position rapidly. The system must not only respond to the challenges of time, but also anticipate future needs, be prepared

not only to respond quickly to socioeconomic changes, but also to program them.

Therefore, the prospect of further research in the context of the identified task, in our opinion, is:

- development and substantiation of effective mechanisms of prediction, forecasting, programming and assessment of the public administration system capacity to efficient self-ordering;

The next stage of administrative reform objectives and the criteria for their


objectives criteria

Increasing the executive bodies ability of state power and local self-government to provide concrete results the achievement level of the main indicators of executive bodies activity in state power and local self-government. Approximation of quality indicators in public administration to the developed countries level

Improving the quality and availability of state and municipal services compliance with the standards of state and municipal services

Reducing costs from inefficient procurement for government and municipal needs Increasing the measured level of procurement efficiency for state and municipal needs

reduction of excessive state interference in the economy Reduced business costs associated with excessive government regulation

reducing the level of corruption reducing corruption in the economy

Increasing public trust in the state Increasing public support for public policy

Table 6

Tasks in the reform areas in the public administration system

Directions Task

Management by results implementation of the results management mechanisms; implementation of budgeting mechanisms by results

standardization and regulation implementation of state standards and municipal services; implementation of administrative regulations

optimization of functions optimization of functions of executive authorities; elimination of ineffective state interference in the economy; the reform of the supervisory authorities

Resource supportoptimization resource management optimization in public administration; development in the system of outsourcing administrative and managerial processes; improving the quality in the public procurement system

reform of local executive bodies and local self-government bodies local self-government reform; reforming territorial bodies in central executive authorities

Ensuring administrative reform staffing potential of reform development; promoting the dissemination of best practices for informing the public

Increasing the effectiveness of interaction between the state and society ensuring transparency and efficiency of executive authorities interaction with civil society structures; creation and implementation of effective anti-corruption mechanisms; creation of mechanisms for pre-trial appeal; creating a system for monitoring the results of activities and assessing the course of reform

Further improvement of approaches, principles, methods and models of state personnel policy on the basis of taking into account processes and aspects of self-ordering in public administration system.

Conclusions. The article presents a number of tools and models of approaches to improving self-ordering mechanisms in the system of public administration in modern Ukraine. The expert assessments of the main mechanismsimportance in separation of powers between branches and levels of power and administrative reform in the public administration modern system in Ukraine are presented. The needs for the development of institutional and main functional mechanisms of self-ordering of the public administration modern system in Ukraine are analyzed, priority directions of such self-ordering in the medium-term perspective are identified. A number of model approaches have been formed, in particular, to the administrative reform

in the public administration system, to predict the results of reforming this system and to the institutional structure of the reform in the public administration system in Ukraine. The goals of the next stage of administrative reform and the criteria for their achievement are determined. The task of reforming the system of public administration is formulated.


1. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. "Algorithm: definition of the term", available at: http://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Algorithm (Accessed 14 June 2017).


1. Алгоритм : визначення термшу. Ма-терiал з ВшпедИ — вшьно1 енцикло-пед11 [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу : http://uk.wikipedia. org/wiki/Алгоритм

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