Научная статья на тему 'Public administration in Ukrainian coordinate the present'

Public administration in Ukrainian coordinate the present Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Titarenko Liubov Mykolaivna

This paper draws attention to the conditionality of public administration development as an add-reform of public administration; the issues related to the problems of public power optimization, improvement of the management in the context of socio-economic and political modernization of modern Ukraine arereviewed.In addition, one of the fundamental challenges facing the government today is bringing the public power to appropriate standards. This in turn requires managers of all levels to demonstrate high professionalism, innovative thinking, personal responsibility and so on. Given the importance of the use of professional expertise, the employees of public administration, solving complex domestic functional problems of today, have to implement new practises of public administration to reduce the destructive tendencies of social development and improvement of functioning efficacy of the public administration institute in general.Due to the mentioned fact, the article explores the theoretical and methodological principles of public administration functioning and development, as the basic foundation of the governmental power and modernization machinery of society in the complex realities of today.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Public administration in Ukrainian coordinate the present»

UDC: 321.7.364.1

Titarenko Liubov Mykolaivna,

PhD of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Social Political Sciences, Odessa Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 65009, Ukraine, Odesa, st. Genuezskaya, 22a, tel.: 0672718682, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-8994-3467 Титаренко Любое Миколагвна, кандидат полтичних наук, доцент кафедри фшософських та сощально-полтичних наук, Одеський регюнальний тститут державного управлтня На-цональног академп державного управлтня при Президентовi Украгни, 65009, Украгна, Одеська область, м. Одеса, вул. Генуезька, 22а, тел.: 0672718682, e-mail:[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-8994-3467

кандидат политических наук, доцент кафедры философских и социально-политических наук, Одесский региональный институт государственного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 65009, Украина, Одесская область, г. Одесса, ул. Генуэзская, 22а, тел.: 0672718682, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-8994-3467


Abstract. This paper draws attention to the conditionality of public administration development as an add-reform of public administration; the issues related to the problems of public power optimization, improvement of the management in the context of socio-economic and political modernization of modern Ukraine are reviewed.

In addition, one of the fundamental challenges facing the government today is bringing the public power to appropriate standards. This in turn requires managers of all levels to demonstrate high professionalism, innovative thinking, personal responsibility and so on. Given the importance of the use of professional

expertise, the employees of public administration, solving complex domestic functional problems of today, have to implement new practises of public administration to reduce the destructive tendencies of social development and improvement of functioning efficacy of the public administration institute in general.

Due to the mentioned fact, the article explores the theoretical and methodological principles of public administration functioning and development, as the basic foundation of the governmental power and modernization machinery of society in the complex realities of today.

Keywords: public administration, domestic present, governmental power, reforming, political power, the coordinate system, democratic processes in Ukraine, management of social development, the dynamics of the processes, social and political system, institutional approach.


Анотащя. У статт звертаеться увага на зумовлешсть розвитку публiч-ного управлшня, як надбудови реформування державного управлшня, роз-глядаються питання, пов'язаш з проблемами оптимiзацiï публiчноï влади, удосконалення сфери управлшня в контекст соцiально-економiчноï та по-л^ично! модершзацп сучасно! Украши.

^ím того, одним iз засадничих виклиюв сьогодення, що стоять перед державою, е приведення системи публiчноï влади до вщповщних стандартiв. Це, у свою чергу, потребуе вщ управлiнцiв усiх рiвнiв високого професю-налiзму, iнновацiйного мислення, особисто! вiдповiдальностi тощо. Виходя-чи з важливост застосування професiйноï компетентности працiвники пу-блiчного управлiння шд час вирiшення складних функцiональних проблем втизняного сьогодення мають впроваджувати новi практики публiчного управлiння, спрямованi на зниження руйшвних тенденцiй суспiльного розвитку та шдвищення ефективностi функщонування iнституту публiчного управлiння загалом.

У зв'язку iз зазначеним, у статт дослiджено теоретико-методологiчнi засади функщонування та розвитку публiчного управлiння, як базово! основи державно!" влади та мехашзму модернiзацiï життедiяльностi суспiльства у складних реалiях сьогодення.

Ключовi слова: публiчне управлiння, вiтчизняне сьогодення, державна влада, реформування, полггична влада, система координат, демократичш процеси в Укра!ш, управлiння суспiльним розвитком, динамiка процеав, суспiльно-полiтична система, iнституцiональний пiдхiд.


Аннотация. В статье обращается внимание на обусловленность развития публичного управления, как надстройки реформирования государственного управления, рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с проблемами оптими-

зации публичной власти, совершенствование сферы управления в контексте социально-экономической и политической модернизация современной Украины.

Кроме того, одним из основных вызовов современности, стоящих перед государством, является приведение системы публичной власти к соответствующим стандартам. Это, в свою очередь, требует от управленцев всех уровней высокого профессионализма, инновационного мышления, личной ответственности и т. п. Исходя из важности применения профессиональной компетентности, работники публичного управления при решении сложных функциональных проблем отечественных реалий жизни должны внедрять новые практики публичного управления, направленные на снижение разрушительных тенденций общественного развития и повышение эффективности функционирования института публичного управления в целом.

В связи с указанным, в статье исследованы теоретико-методологические основы функционирования и развития публичного управления, как базовой основы государственной власти и механизма модернизации жизнедеятельности общества в сложных реалиях нынешнего времени.

Ключевые слова: публичное управление, государственная власть, реформирование, политическая власть, система координат, демократические процессы в Украине, управление общественным развитием, социальная динамика, общественно-политическая система, институциональный подход.

Target setting. Public administration in Ukrainian coordinate system today is a defining category of the government functioning. The state building challenges were and are extremely difficult for modern Ukraine because of the Soviet past burden and the lack of sufficient knowledge in the area of democratic governance. There is a scientists view, that public service institute belongs, among the others, to poorly studied in certain ideological issues [7; 8; 11-13].

Analysis of recent research and publications, the outlined problem is given an important place among the scientific research. The attempts to examine the issues of public administration in modern Ukraine have be-

gun relatively recently. An important contribution to the study of the nature and functioning of public administration development have been made by: V. Averyanov [1] V. Baku-menko [2; 3], I. Vernudina [4], R. Voy-tovych [5], N. Havkalova [6] S. Dat-syuk [7; 8], T. Lukina [10] A. Melnyk [11] M. Minenko [12] O. Obolensky [13; 14] M. Stadnik [17], P. Seriogina, V. Shary [18] and others. Thorough development of certain aspects of problems research and development prospects of the intellectual resources of public authority is contained in the scientific works of V. Gorbatenko, M. Holovaty, V. Lugovoy, V. Knyazev, Yu. Kovbasyuk and others. Their works offer scientific approaches to

the analysis of "the complete image" of public life; meaningful, functional and structural characteristics of competence approach actualization of public officials are interpreted with practical implementation of their skills in public service.

The purpose of the article is an

analysis of institutional change and conditionality of public administration development, as a public body in line with the modernization of the country, namely of the public authorities functioning in the context of Ukrainian present.

The statement of basic materials. It can be noted that until now the very concept of "public administration" and "public service" is still new. Today, defining the changes paradigm in the system of government management towards public administration, the academics outline the mechanisms and concepts of public administration [12, p. 34-37]. According to this understanding, public administration reform and optimization of public authorities nowadays become a priority on the way to modernization of the social order of the state.

Weighted is the scientists view that developing public administration, organizational structure of the government and the links between them, public policy should aim at ensuring stability in the political, economic and social areas which involves the introduction of policies and mechanisms of socio-economic, political and other partnership kinds of different social groups and institutions [7; 8; 14].

This is because the process of public administration reforming in Ukraine towards decentralization and the

choice of the European way, by means of which the domestic science should reorient public administration, local government and civil society towards a systematic vision of the public administration development and its component — public service [14, p. 3-10].

Accordingly, one should have a clearer idea of the category of "public administration", "public service" and the relationship of such a management with the mechanisms of state power realization and decision-making.

It should be noted that the research on this issue does not lose its relevance in the world and in Ukraine. Indeed, over 25 years the domestic system of public administration, structure and functions of public authorities at all levels were changing. New market mechanisms and various social institutions require a transformation of public administration, as well as the entire bureaucracy, for an effective system of governance, working for people.

The famous Ukrainian scientist in the field of public administration, PhD in Public Administration, Professor V. Bakumenko claims that "understanding the nature of government has evolved due to the development of democracy and civil society in the world, and particularly in Ukraine. So, today the aspect of cooperation between the state and civil society in governance is quite important in contrast to the traditional vision of the government as organizing and regulating influence of the state on social livelihood of people with a view of its ordering, saving or transformation, based on its ruling power" [2, p. 18.]

It is natural that today one of the strategic tasks in the administrative

reform is forming a new functioning ideology of executive power and local government as an activity, responsible for ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, the provision of quality public services. On this occasion, accordingly, public administration has to change.

The decisive criterion for these changes are the modern challenges facing the leaders of the Ukrainian state, the introduction of public service, i. e. the introduction in Ukraine of the European standards of citizen service and professional and effective functioning of the administrative and political management in the country [4, p. 32].

Despite the fact that it has been a long time since the beginning of social changes in our country, unfortunately, we have seen that modern Ukraine has acquired the status of permanent crisis phenomenon in the Ukrainian-public space of management and is on the verge of many challenges.

In terms of sociological research in late 2016, 69,9 % of respondents assessed the current situation in Ukraine as intense, yet 23,2 % of all respondents consider it explosive. Only 5,2 % indicate that the situation in the country is stable, and 1,9 % did not give a clear answer to this question [9, p. 2].

The criteria, in the conventional sense, is a set of internal and external factors: a sociological study "Sociopolitical situation in Ukraine" conducted by the service, "Socis" and the sociological group "Rating" on the prospects of coordination of the Ukrainian society demonstrate that 54,3 % of respondents identified the war conflict in the Eastern Ukraine as a major problem that needs immediate resolution. Besides the banking crisis, the de-

struction of the population purchasing power, reduction of foreign exchange earnings, capital flight, withdrawal of investment from the country, rising unemployment are increasing depressive pressure on the executive and local authorities, such are the indicators for assessing the current situation in the country [7-9].

Critical is the idea of S. Datsyuk: "the ruling regime in recent years supports the oligarchs and practises corruption; it is effectively destroying the middle class and Ukrainian banking system, accelerates inflation and hides it." This regime is not able to defend the interests of the people; it has showed its inability for professional discussions, a broad public discussion of matters affecting the whole country [8, p. 3].

Of course, this problem has its specific properties and requires study and conceptual definition. On February 18-20, 2017 has Ukraine celebrated the third anniversary of the Revolution of dignity. Sharing the scientific position of the political expert P. Datsyuk, we note: "to make a civilizational breakthrough in public administration it needs the ruling class with the ideas about the development of civilization" [8, p. 2].

Admittedly, the reason for the continuation of Ukrainian political crisis is in that its main reasons have not been overcome, they continue to operate and threaten Ukraine. Revealing the essence of public administration in the context of the Ukrainian present, we support the thesis: "if the government is on the side of the community, it must come from a position of protecting its long-term interests, social security and basic values" [ibid, p. 4]

In particular, there is general scientific view that the tasks of public administration should be synergistic combination of the concepts of rational bureaucracy, new public management and good governance, the main ones are: changes in the functions and structure of executive bodies towards avoiding duplication of powers; the reform of budget expenditures and revenues; the reform of government regulation; reorganization of state control; deregulation and simplification of administrative procedures; organization of free access to information about the activity of state bodies, implementation of government-public consultations on policymaking; ensuring an effective system of incentives for administrative reform at the level of local authorities; the use of modern information technology; the reform of civil service; realization of accountability principle and accountability of government to public organizations etc. [3; 4; 6; 7].

From the standpoint of domestic scientists, with the implementation of the accountability principle of the government to NGOs, the values of the new public service in Ukraine arise, such as: professionalism, creativity, innovation, moral responsibility of the management elite [2; 4; 10; 14].

However, the multifunctionality of the state determines the internal differentiation of public service. The two main types of public service are the service in governmental bodies (public service) the service in local authorities (municipal service). There are no fundamental differences in the work of state officials and local authority officials.

The organizational principles of the social development management,

socio-political interaction between representatives of power structures require an expert analysis, scientific forecasts and critical thinking. The analysis of socio — political cooperation between representatives of power structures is studied in the works of C. Adamchuk, V. Bakumenko, R. Voy-tovych, R. Romaniuk, A. Rudik, S. Se-riogina, O. Obolensky and others.

It is defined in the scientific literature that modern studies on harmonization of national interests and the interests of society in the activity content or public management forms that it acquires and which it operates, are based on legal norms. The legislation of Ukraine has never used the term "public service" until recently.

For the first time in modern Ukraine the term "public service" was used at the legislative level by the Administrative Justice Code of Ukraine (doc. 2747-15, current edition. of 05/01/2017), which stipulates that public service is an activity on public political positions, professional activities of judges, prosecutors, military service, alternative (non-military) service, diplomatic service, another public service, service in governmental bodies, local government. Obviously, this definition is overly broad and is set forth on purpose in this Code. It is necessary at a minimum to separate public service from the activities of politicians at the state political positions and judges, while these positions are not official by their nature.

Given the institutional aspect, public service in the broadest sense can be performed by all employees of public sector organizations, public authorities (not only executive, but also legislative

and judiciary), state enterprises and institutions, local governments, public enterprises and institutions. Thus, the concept of public service activities includes the activity of employees of all institutions that perform public tasks, including those of public or municipal doctors, teachers, etc. [4; 12; 13; 18]. In a narrow sense in the institutional dimension, public service is regarded as the activities of state employees and local governments.

The functional aspect is characterized by the fact that the tasks of public administration in many countries are carried out not only by the public (state and municipal) sector bodies, but are delegated to NGOs. That is, it is the expansion of the entities involved in the performance of public functions and defining the boundaries of public service through the implementation of public tasks [ibid].

When choosing an approach to understanding the sense of the public service, in our view, one should be guided by practical needs. Is it because the most rational is the institutional approach that limits the scope of the public service by the framework of public administration, i. e. in Ukraine these are first of all the executive authorities and local governments.

The leading scientists think that the means of public interaction of authorities should be aimed at the ensuring of social harmony (considering the identity of the population) on the background the efficient use of material — labour and financial resources in the management of state affairs [5, p. 30-34].

No doubt that the factors of public interaction of the authorities influence the development of such impor-

tant sectors as political, educational, scientific, healthcare, social protection of citizens, the level of economic performance and so on. However, recognizing the public administration as complex and multifaceted phenomenon, most scientists point out that so far there is no sustainable, comprehensive and universally wording of it. [5, p. 30-34]. The scholars come to the definition of public administration from the position of a real activity content or forms that it takes and where it operates. Thus, according to A. Melnik, "public administration" is oriented towards the implementation of public (common) interests and includes such components as: public administration (with the public authorities as a subject) and public administration (with the public institutions as a subject) [11, p. 8-14].

As the elements of public administration, public and governmental management interact, complement each other, based on the unity of public interests and feasibility of harmonization of administrative influence for the purpose to enhance its effectiveness. In the coordinate system of public administration the governance plays a decisive role, it has an impact on all spheres of public life.

The understanding of public administration as a process that is based on the will of the community (group of people) and implemented by the entities identified by the community in order to satisfy the needs and to meet the objectives of the community as an object of control we find in the works of professor O. Obolensky [13, p. 27-33]. Another Ukrainian scholar V. Avery-anov considers public administration

as a "power-organizing influence of governing entities on the joint activities of people for the purpose of organizing them, coordinating and directing for the effective achievement of the general (common) goals and objectives of this activity" [1, p. 78].

The review of Public Administration in the coordinate system of modern Ukraine deserves a consideration of foreign opinion. As for the term "public administration", the United Nations Development Programme refers to the definition proposed by the American scientist J. Shavritz in the International Encyclopaedia of Public Policy and Administration. According to the scientist, "public administration is a branch of practice and theory, which is a key for public administration and is focused on the internal functioning of state institutions, in particular addressing such managerial issues as control, management, planning, organizational supply, providing information technologies, human resources and evaluating the effectiveness" [3, p. 322].

According to the professor of Public Administration of Leuven Catholic University K. Pollitt, the term "public management" can be used in such aspects as: the activities of public officials and politicians; structures and procedures of government agencies; systematic study of activities, or structures and procedures [20, p. 8].

For these reasons, it is appropriate to emphasize that the category of "public administration" is complex in nature. Its system is easier to describe than to provide a clear definition. In our opinion, it is more appropriate to provide a specification of public administration that would help to understand its nature.

Today the system of public administration encompasses many subsystems. Its area of interests includes political, economic, social, administrative, legal, humanitarian system etc. The scope of its formation and development is influenced by both internal (unbalanced socio-political system of the state) and external (geopolitical challenges, global trends in social transformations, etc.) factors.

The semantic definition of "public administration" is carried out through the prism of understanding of its role in life of society, the state and every individual. There is a modernizing of the semantic content of the term "public administration" [12-14; 17; 18].

We can consider that, both in Ukraine and in Western academic circles, the theory of public power is being meaningfully grounded so far, respectively, public administration as well. The term "governance" is often used to describe the category of "public administration" in scientific literature. Frequently the translation from English to Ukrainian of the terms "public administration" and "public management" is unified as "governance" [6; 10; 11; 19-21]. This is due to the fact that Ukrainian scientists mainly base public management concept on the classical view of the management in the public sector, proposed by the German scholar M. Weber. The main feature of such public management is a system authoritative direction, which origins are in the state will, and its prevalence extends to all social life [1; 3; 14].

It should be noted that the classical Weberian model of governance prevails today in the public sector of Ukraine. The definition of public administration

as a dominant in social relations is the best demonstration of how the term "governance" is perceived and understood in Ukraine.

The government is the basic mechanism of public administration, while a key aspect of governance is the people. Therefore, the modern German researcher of public administration G. Bukert notes that "public administration is not some neutral, technical process, whereas an activity that is closely linked to politics, law, and civil society" [21, p. 16].

You can see that public administration is not identical definition of political activity. Public administration and political activity inherently and by peculiarities of legal regulation forms separate social institutions. However, these categories closely interact in general public processes. For example, the fact that political decisions are mostly implemented through the mechanisms of public administration. Accordingly, public administration is the type of management, which is implemented by certain entities, primarily by state and local governmental bodies. It is meant, for instance, that particular characteristic of government is that it has an external focus of its activities. Public administration at the state authorities level is manifested in external relations of executive bodies with other bodies of public authority and private individuals.

In general, it seems expedient to support the scientific justification that public administration and internal — managerial activities of public authorities differ in legal regulation, legal consequences, subject composition, etc. [12, p. 127-128].

One may agree with the doctor of jurisprudence R. Melnyk that public administration is a complex activity not only in external but in internal dimension, as it is realised by means of many tools that lead to different legal consequences for the objects of management influence [11, p. 8-14]. Importantly, if public administration considers implementing powers based upon the law, the public administration further focuses on the efficiency of the administration providing maximum satisfaction of social needs.

Concerning the exercise of public management at the local government level, the priority in this direction is the implementation in Ukraine of the local government reform, which aims to replace an inherited centralized authority system by decentralization.

According to the approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine order № 333 of 04.01.2014, the concept of reforming the local government and territorial organization of power in Ukraine, such changes take place in control system in regions [15, p. 18].

At present Ukrainian coordinate system, in terms of democratic reforms, the activity of public service professionals and public bodies in managing not only social but also public affairs is increasing [17; 18]. This in turn requires researchers to encourage managers at all levels for the capacity and ability to continuously improve the educational level, to perfect professional knowledge, related to professional and public activities.

We hope that decentralization of power will allow achieving important aspects of public administration at the local level. Such management aims to

improve the development of local communities, which can perform managerial influence themselves on the areas that need improvement and development and solving of urgent problems of today [15, p. 18].

Therefore, in accordance with the recommendations of the Committee of Ministers "On the participation of citizens in local public life", there is a need to encourage the members of the general public and individual organizations to work together to achieve results. [16]. This is emphasized by professor O. Obolensky, arguing that the population is crucial among the subjects of public administration.

The people identify, claim, control and evaluate in direct or representative ways: the goals of civil society actors, including bodies of public administration, strategic program solutions to achieve them; ways to meet the needs of the population and solution of the significant current problems for the community [14, p. 3-10].

Conclusions. The complexity of the tasks of public administration is that the changes in the Ukrainian government structures observed in recent decades have failed to overcome the cumbersome, non-transparent administrative-command system, to create an effective public administration.

Unfortunately, the research on public administration pays little attention to anti-crisis technologies; not sufficiently developed and justified in both global and domestic practice are the mechanisms for implementing the objectives of public management in crisis conditions, methods and procedures of their bodies' activities.

So, today's crisis of Ukrainian politics is above all a crisis of confidence. People have lost confidence in political institutions, in the virtue of leading politicians and parties, institutional capacity of the government and its leaders to implement reforms in democratic direction that was won and clearly proclaimed by the Revolution of dignity.

In turn, politicians do not trust either each other or the society and no longer rely on the support from citizens. This makes governmental institutions unable to purposefully lead the country through reforms.

Therefore, the definition of strategic and perspective directions of public administration reform according to the best European and world standards provides a comprehensive approach in the coordinate system of modern Ukraine and demands socially equitable governance that would ensure harmonization of public interests and the interests of society the most effectively.

This is possible thanks to the improvement of the system of public administration and balancing the interests of all members of society.


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4. I. Vernudina. Features of public administration in Ukraine: Challenges and civilizational progress / I. Vernudina // Public Administration: Ways of Development: mater. sci. and practical. conf. by intern. acc. (November 26, 2014. Kyiv): in 2 v., V. 1 / [on science. Ed. V. Kovbasiuk, S. Roma-niuk, O. Obolensky]. — Kyiv: NAPA, 2014. — P. 30-32.

5. R. Voytovych. Efficiency of public administration in search of identity new geopolitical identity of Ukraine / R. Voytovych // Public Management: Ways of development: mater. sci. and practical. conf. by Intern. acc. (November 26, 2014, Kyiv): in 2 v. V. 1 / [on science. Ed. V. Kovbasiuk, S. Romaniuk, O. Obolensky]. — Kyiv: NAPA, 2014. — V. 1. — P. 30-34.

6. N. Havkalova. Public Management: methodological aspect / N. Havkalova // Public Administration: Ways of Development [Text]: mater. sci. and practical conf. by intern. acc. (November 26, 2014, Kyiv): in 2 v. V. 1 / [on science. Ed. V. Kovbasiuk, S. Roma-niuk, O. Obolensky]. — Kyiv: NAPA, 2014. — P. 16-18.

7. P. Datsyuk. Chronic political crisis.: Ukrainian Pravda. April 22, 2016 // — Access: http: // blogs. pravda. com. ua/authors/datsuk/

8. P. Datsyuk. The essence of current emergency situation in Ukraine. — Ukrainian Pravda / http: // blogs. pravda. com. ua/authors/ datsuk/58a6bb95e2919/v

9. Kyiv International Institute of Sociology conducted a survey among the

adult population of Ukraine about confidence in politicians and public institutions.: KIIS: http: // 24tv. ua/ stalo_vidomo_komu_ukrayintsi_do-viryayu

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