TO A NEW INTERPRETATION OF ECOLOGICAL TOURISM CONTENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Karpenko T., Lakomova O.

Traditionally, ecological tourism is important, as it introduces uncontaminated, reserved territories. The statistic rethinks the traditional approach to the meaning of the environmentally friendly tourism, especially in the regions with the developed industry. In such regions, before ecologic tourism, it was necessary to bring the price up to the enterprises, which they knew about the transformation from the people’s side.

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Several years ago, according to the order of the State Council of PRC, the Committee on State Development- Reform of PRC, Ministry of Water Management, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development announced "The 13thfive-year plan" for reforming and development of the water sector. It was planned to increase the number of the reservoirs in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region from 18 to 25.This plan also specified that "The Chinese government in the following years will make financing from the state budget for cultivation of fish and aquatic invertebrates inhabiting in small and large reservoirs located in the border zone". This step will lead to pollution and reduction of transboundary rivers and groundwater flowing between Kazakhstan and China.

Thus, the violations in the Ili riverbed primarily cause decrease in the amount of the water flowing into Lake Balkhash. This may lead to desiccation of Lake Balkhash, which is known as a regulator of the overall environmental situation in Central Asia. If the Aral

tragedy will be repeated on Lake Balkhash, not only Zhetysu region in Kazakhstan will suffer from it, but it will also pose a threat to the territory up to the Takla-makan desert in China. Therefore, in accordance with the international agreement, both countries should determine responsibility for common use of the Ili River and protection of its environmental situation and strive for common well-being of the mankind. And the Ka-zakhstani side should also aware of all its responsibilities under the agreement, legislate its obligations and prevent any illegal actions in this regard. Otherwise, humanity will face severe disasters in the future.


1. http://adilet.zan.kz/kaz/docs/U950002331_

2. "On water affairs of Kunes district", Akhatbek Ualkhanuly, "Historical materials of Kunes", 8th book, 2004.

3. http://adilet.zan.kz/kaz/docs/K030000481_

4. http://adilet.zan.kz/kaz/docs/K070000212_


Karpenko T.

Assistant, Krivoy Rog State Pedagogical University, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine Post-graduate student, Uman National University of Horticulture,

Uman, Ukraine Lakomova O.

Candidate of geografical science, Krivoy Rog State Pedagogical University,

Krivoy Rog, Ukraine


Traditionally, ecological tourism is important, as it introduces uncontaminated, reserved territories. The statistic rethinks the traditional approach to the meaning of the environmentally friendly tourism, especially in the regions with the developed industry. In such regions, before ecologic tourism, it was necessary to bring the price up to the enterprises, which they knew about the transformation from the people's side.

Keywords: ecological tourism, anthropogenic landscapes, industrial regions,industrial tourism, traditional eco-tours, new ecological tourism objects.

Of course, ecological tourism is understood mainly as visiting the most environmentally balanced, unpolluted, protected areas [1,2]. This position was facilitated by the people's need to escape from cities full of technology and industrial sites. The leading reason for participating in traditional eco-tours is the desire to enjoy the pristine nature. According to the WTO, ecological tourism accounts for 7-10% of the annual revenue of the whole tourism industry. The social significance of this type of tourism consist in primarily in the educational and recreational meaning [9]. However, environmental processes always have, figuratively speaking, the "downside". In industrial and urban areas, anthropogenic landscapes and man-made processes dominate everywhere. Therefore, the challenge was to rethink the traditional approach to defining the content of ecological tourism, especially in industrialized regions.

The present step of development of the landscape sphere, especially during the twentieth century, is characterized by truly planetary human intervention to the state of nature. By direct or chain paths, humanity has achieved that there are no natural landscapes on Earth at all. All modern landscapes are transformed by man. In the mining and urban areas, there are generally newer man-made landscapes, humanity has created a

lot of environmental problems [5]. Hence the important methodological question: if the consequences of anthropogenic transformative activity of nature is an element of the ecological framework of the territory, is a product of human life, is a component of modern human environment, why by defining the content of the ecological tourism we pay attention only to a part (also called "positive") human environment and at the same time forget about the other side of human development (which is called "negative")? The various consequences of human activity are also an environmental component of society. We need to review the content of traditional ecological tourism.

If one considers rigorously the content of all environmental knowledge without favoring one of its parts, then the sence of the traditional interpretation of the ecological tourism becomes very incomplete and onesided. The restriction of the content of ecological tourism, as tourism only to protected areas, is more reminiscent of the result of subjective intervention in the theory of tourism science. However, science always requires objectivity [3]. Therefore, we believe that the content of eco-tourism should also include traveling to the regions and sites that are most heavily, or to some extent, suffered by high quality human transformation.

Based on the common definitions of the concept of "tourism" [8], we have proposed a new interpretation of the content of ecological tourism, based on the motivation of tourists. Ecological tourism is the temporary transfer of people from their place of residence to another area in their spare time for the purpose of visiting protected and severely anthropogenically disturbed landscapes with negative ecological processes and severe ecological status of the territory, without having a paid-work at the visited place.

Visiting anthropogenic landscapes under the new ecological tourism concept should take into account all possible tourist requests and have a single purpose. The purpose of ecological tourism travel to ecologically strained territories is to familiarize and visually observe the different forms and results of anthropogenic impact on nature [6]. Figuratively, these trips are actually tourism to the "dumps of humanity." There are many forms and results of anthropogenic influence and changes in nature, so their definition for the purposes of ecological tourism will be territorial.

In substantiating the wealth of ecological tourism options, it is necessary to rely on the level of industrial attractiveness, the exotic nature of disturbed landscapes. The development of routes takes into account the educational ecological value, cognitive and historical value of anthropogenic landscapes and ecological processes. Industrial attractiveness means the beauty,

Table 1

Example of matrix of content development tour of the ecological tourism line at the territory of the enterprise

structure, complexity, presentability, expressiveness of the ecological state of a technogenic object or ecological process in the form in which it exists today [4].

New ecological tourism objects in industrial regions are: enterprises, quarries and dumps, mine dips, underground landscapes of mines, trunk and industrial channels, drainage channels around industrial sites, sedimentation tanks, rubbish dumps, lands contaminated with radionuclides, flooded lands, territories of "Badland" - arable agricultural lands, watercourses and reservoirs turned into ravines and streams in places of heavy pollution with waste water, territories around the enterprises with strong dust and gas pollution and noise pollution and so on.

In the territory of Ukraine, the best region where almost all known anthropogenic landscapes and negative ecological processes are developed is Kryvbas. Here, the best and most varied can be implemented all possible programs of tours ecological tourism with new content. When developing a local area product, the following must be taken into account - problems and processes within them, the location of these phenomena in the territory. As an example, to develop future possible excursions and tours, we propose a subject matrix (Table 1). The proposed model can be implemented in the related regions of the rest of Kryvbas, Donbass and Industrial Dnieper.

№ of the object Name of the object The main technological process Ecological phenomenon and processes, problems as objects of observation

1 Ore quarry (310 m deep, 3 km in diameter) Poor iron ore mining, handling, drilling and blasting Air pollution, disturbance of the lithosphere, landslide-scree processes on the sides of the quarry, man-made earthquakes, destruction of soil and biota, the formation of new forms of relief

2 Rock dumps (height 80-110 m, total area of 1433 ha) Road and rail (dump-cars) dumping Air pollution by dust, destruction of soil and vegetation, secondary erosion of slopes, technical and biological reclamation, flooding of lands by infiltration and condensation waters, formation of new forms of relief, landfills on dumps

3 Mining and Transportation (length of railways - 352 km) Organization of heavy-duty vehicles and freight rail transport Atmospheric air pollution from roads and crushers, pollution of soil cover and vegetation by air dust

4 Crushing plant # 1 Crushing of crude iron ore

5 Crushing plant # 2

6 Enrichment Factories (# 1 & # 2) Enrichment of poor iron ores - production of agglomerate and concentrate Powerful dust and air pollution, noise pollution

7 Sludge storage facilities -United, Voikivske, Hrusho-vatske (603 ha area, 135 m rowing height, over 60 km of pipelines) Piping (slurry) slurry -enrichment of poor iron ore Air pollution by dust, destruction of soil and vegetation, flooding of lands by infiltration and condensation waters, formation of new forms of relief, drainage of infiltration waters, reclamation, danger of technogenic villages, accidents on pipelines and pollution

Various excursions should become the main form of tours in the new ecological tourism programs. There is a certain touch of the content of ecological tours with industrial tourism. The only difference in ecological tourism is to focus more on reviewing and getting acquainted with environmental processes and phenomena, not just manufacturing technologies and enterprise products. Excursionists visit industrial sites where is almost no need for animation. The environmental situation is quite real, so the tourists themselves come under the influence of negative ecological processes, which they go to get acquainted with. Thus, ecological tourism in industrial regions does not provide for the recovery of tourists, its stay in environmentally dangerous areas is temporary [7].

The new interpretation of the content of ecological tourism allows us to look at the prospects for the development of this type of tourism in Ukraine. A new reading of the ecological tourism has particular importance for industrial regions where industrial sites are in fact the only competitive resources for inbound tourism based on local resources.


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