Научная статья на тему 'The review of actual ecological situation in Aktobe region'

The review of actual ecological situation in Aktobe region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Kibatayev K.M., Sakhanova S.K., Urgushbayeva G.M., Umirzak A.A., Kim P.S.

Западно-Казахстанский государственный медицинский университет имени Марата Оспанова, Актобе, Казахстан В данном обзоре обобщены литературные сведения, посвященные разделу экологической медицины, а также проблеме вредного влияния загрязнений окружающей среды на здоровье человека. Ряд исследований показывает, что значительные территории Казахстана подвергаются загрязнению выбросами предприятий черной, цветной металлургии и угледобывающей промышленности. Последствия освоения нефтяных и газовых месторождений Прикаспийского региона, охватывающего Западно-Казахстанскую, Атыраускую и Актюбинскую области, связаны с загрязнениями почвы, водохранилищ и питьевой воды углеводородами нефти. Также регистрируются выбросы хромсодержащей пыли при добыче руд и переработке хроматов на предприятиях г. Актобе. Несмотря на проводимые технические и санитарно-гигиенические мероприятия, с каждым годом наблюдается рост общей заболеваемости среди населения, проживающего вблизи нефтегазовых месторождений, а также работающих на производстве и других промышленных объектах. Ряд авторов обращает внимание на влияние экологических факторов на развитие патологии иммунной, эндокринной, репродуктивной систем, особенно детского населения. Одним из важных показателей экологического благополучия является и радиологическая обстановка территории. В настоящее время исследование радиационного фона Актюбинский области показало, что на территории бывшего военного полигона Эмба-5 уровень гамма-излучения выше средне областных и средних данных по России. Также ученые бьют тревогу по поводу полигона «Капустин Яр» в Западно-Казахстанской области. Поэтому, для решения вопроса об использовании территории бывших военных полигонов в народно-хозяйственных целях требуется дальнейшее комплексное исследование.Бұл шолуда экологиялық медицина бөліміне арналған, сондай-ақ қоршаған ортаның ластануының адам денсаулығына зиянды әсер ету мәселесі туралы мәліметтер қамтылған. Зерттеулер қатары қара, түсті металлургия және көмір өндіру кәсіпорындарынан бөлінетін қалдықтармен ластануға ұшыраған Қазақстанның маңызды территорияларын көрсетеді. Батыс Қазақстан, Атырау және Ақтөбе облыстарын қамтитын Каспий аймағындағы мұнай және газ кен орындарын игерудің салдары топырақтың, су қоймасы мен ауыз су көздерінің мұнайдың көмірсутектерімен ластануымен байланысты. Сонымен қатар Ақтөбе қаласындағы кәсіпорындарда кенді өндіру және хроматтарды өңдеу кезіНде құрамында хром кездесетін шаң қалдықтары тіркеледі. Жүргізілетін техникалық және санитарлық-гигиеналық шараларға қарамастан, мұнай-газ кен орындарына жақын тұратын тұрғындарда, сондай-ақ өндірісте және басқа да өнеркәсіптік нысандарда жұмыс істейтін жұмысшылардың арасында жыл сайын жалпы аурушаңдық санының өсуі байқалады. Бірқатар экологиялық факторларының иммундық, эндокриндік, репродуктивтік жүйелердің, әсіресе балалардағы патологияның дамуына әсерін тигізуіне назар аударады. Экологиялық қолайлылықтың маңызды көрсеткіштерінің бірі аумақтың радиологиялық жағдайы болып табылады. Қазіргі уақытта Ақтөбе облысының радиациялық фонын зерттеу бұрынғы Ембі-5 әскери полигон аумағында гаммасәуленің деңгейі Ресейдегі орташа облыстық және орташа деректерден жоғары екенін көрсетті. Сондай-ақ ғалымдарды Батыс Қазақстан облысында орналасқан «Капустин Яр» сынақ полигоны алаңдатуда. Сондықтан бұрынғы әскери сынақ полигондарының аумағын халық шаруашылығына пайдалану мәселесін шешу үшін қосымша кешенді зерттеулер жүргізу қажетThis review summarizes the literature on the section of environmental medicine, as well as the problem of the harmful effects of environmental pollution on human health. A number of studies show that significant areas of Kazakhstan are exposed to pollution by black and non-ferrous metallurgy and coal mining enterprises. The consequences of the development of oil and gas fields in the Caspian region, covering the West Kazakhstan, Atyrau and Aktobe regions, are associated with pollution of the soil, reservoirs and drinking water with hydrocarbon oil. Chromecontaining dust emissions are also recorded during ore mining and chromate processing at enterprises in Aktobe. Despite the ongoing technical and sanitary measures, every year there is an increase in the overall incidence among the population living near oil and gas fields, as well as working in manufacturing and other industrial facilities. A number of authors draw attention to the influence of environmental factors on the development of the pathology of the immune, endocrine, reproductive systems, especially the children’s population. One of the important indicators of ecological well-being is the radiological situation of the territory. Currently, a study of the radiation background of the Aktobe region showed that in the territory of the former military range Emba-5, the level of gamma radiation is higher than the average regional and average data in Russia. Also, scientists are sounding the alarm about the «Kapustin Yar» test site in the West Kazakhstan region. Therefore, to resolve the issue of the use of the territory of the former military ranges for national economic purposes, further comprehensive research is required

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Похожие темы научных работ по строительству и архитектуре , автор научной работы — Kibatayev K.M., Sakhanova S.K., Urgushbayeva G.M., Umirzak A.A., Kim P.S.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The review of actual ecological situation in Aktobe region»


УДК 614.7:502/504(574.13) МРНТИ 76.33.33, 87.01.75



West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov State Medical University, Aktobe, Kazakhstan

Information about authors/ авторлар туралы аппарат/ информация об авторах: Кибатаев К.М. — к.м.н., ассоцированный профессор, старший научный сотрудник радиологической лаборатории НПЦ;

Саханова С.К. — д.м.н., руководитель НПЦ;

Ургушбаева Г.М. — магистр естествознания, научный сотрудник радиологической лаборатории НПЦ;

Умирзак А.А. — студент 4 курса факультета «Стоматология»;

Ким П.С. — студент 4 курса факультета «Стоматология»;

Кенжегазова Г.К. — магистрант 1 курса факультета «Общественного здравоохранения»


библиографиялы| сттеме/ библиографическая ссылка:

Kibatayev K.M., Sakhanova S.K., Urgushbayeva G.M., Umirzak A.A., Kim P.S., Kenzhegazova G.K. The review of actual ecological situation in Aktobe region. Medical journal of West Kazakhstan 2018;60(4):18-22.

Кибатаев ^.М., Саханова С.К., Ургушбаева Г.М., Умирзак А.А., Ким П.С., КенжеFазова Г.^. А|тебе облысынын i^ipri экологиялы| жаедайына шолу. Батыс ^аза^стан медицина журналы 2018;60(4): 18-22.

Кибатаев ^.М., Саханова С.К., Ургушбаева Г.М., Умирзак А.А., Ким П.С., КенжеFазова Г.Обзор современной экологической обстановки территорий Актюбинской области. Медицинский журнал Западного Казахстана 2018;60(4): 18-22.

The review of actual ecological situation in Aktobe region

K.M. Kibatayev, S.K. Sakhanova, G.M. Urgushbayeva, A.A. Umirzak, P.S. Kim, G.K. Kenzhegazova

West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov State Medical University, Aktobe, Kazakhstan

This review summarizes the literature on the section of environmental medicine, as well as the problem of the harmful effects of environmental pollution on human health. A number of studies show that significant areas of Kazakhstan are exposed to pollution by black and non-ferrous metallurgy and coal mining enterprises. The consequences of the development of oil and gas fields in the Caspian region, covering the West Kazakhstan, Atyrau and Aktobe regions, are associated with pollution of the soil, reservoirs and drinking water with hydrocarbon oil. Chrome-containing dust emissions are also recorded during ore mining and chromate processing at enterprises in Aktobe.

Despite the ongoing technical and sanitary measures, every year there is an increase in the overall incidence among the population living near oil and gas fields, as well as working in manufacturing and other industrial facilities.

A number of authors draw attention to the influence of environmental factors on the development of the pathology of the immune, endocrine, reproductive systems, especially the children's population.

One of the important indicators of ecological well-being is the radiological situation of the territory. Currently, a study of the radiation background of the Aktobe region showed that in the territory of the former military range Emba-5, the level of gamma radiation is higher than the average regional and average data in Russia. Also, scientists are sounding the alarm about the «Kapustin Yar» test site in the West Kazakhstan region. Therefore, to resolve the issue of the use of the territory of the former military ranges for national economic purposes, further comprehensive research is required. Keywords: Ecology, oil industry, morbidity, pollution from motor transport, ecological well-being, radiation background, radioecology.

Актебе облысынын «33ipri экологиялык жаFдайына шолу ^.М. Кибатаев, С.К. Саханова, Г.М. Ургушбаева, А.А. Умирзак, П.С. Ким, ГД. Кенжегазова

Марат Оспанов атындагы Батыс ^аза;стан мемлекетпк медицина университета, А;тебе, ^аза;стан

Бул шолуда экологияльщ медицина белiмiне арналган, сондай-а; ;оршаган ортаньщ ластануыньщ адам денсаулыгына зиянды эсер ету мэселеа туралы мэлiметтер ;амтылган.

Зерттеулер ;атары ;ара, туст металлургия жэне кемiр ендiру кэсшорындарынан белшетш ;алдык;тармен ластануга ушыраган ^азак;станныц мацызды территорияларын керсетедг

Батыс ^аза;стан, Атырау жэне А;тебе облыстарын ;амтитын Каспий аймагындагы мунай жэне газ кен орындарын игерудщ салдары топыра;тъщ, су ;оймасы мен ауыз су кездершщ мунайдыц кемiрсутектерiмен ластануымен байланысты. Сонымен ;атар А;тебе ;аласындагы кэсiпорындарда кендi ендiру жэне хроматтарды ецдеу кезiнде курамында хром кездесетш шац ;алдык;тары тiркеледi.

Журпзшетш техникалы; жэне санитарл^1;-гигиенал^1к; шараларга ;арамастан, мунай-газ кен орындарына жа;ын туратын тургындарда, сондай-а; ендiрiсте жэне бас;а да енеркэсiптiк нысандарда жумыс ютейтш жумысшылардыц арасында жыл сайын жалпы аурушацды; саныныц есуi бай;алады.


Кенжегазова Г.К. e-mail: [email protected]

Received/ Келт tyctî/ Поступила: 24.10.2018


Басылымра к,абылданды/ Принята к публикации: 26.11.2018

ISSN 1814-5620 (Print) © 2018 The Authors. Published by West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov State Medical University


Батыс ^азацстан медицина журналы 60 (4) 2018

Б1р;атар экологияльщ факторларыньщ иммундьщ, эндокриндж, репродуктивтiк жуйелердщ, эсiресе балалардагы патологияньщ дамуына эсерш тигiзуiне назар аударады.

Экологияльщ крлайлыльщтьщ мацызды керсеткштершщ бiрi - аума;тын радиологиялы; жагдайы болып табылады. ^аз1рп уакьпта А;тебе облысыньщ радиацияльщ фонын зерттеу б^рынгы Ембь5 эскери полигон аумагында гамма-сэуленщ децгеш Ресейдеп орташа облысты; жэне орташа деректерден жогары екенш керсетп. Сондай-а; галымдарды Батыс ^аза;стан облысында орналас;ан «Капустин Яр» сына; полигоны аландатуда. Сондьщтан бщ>ынгы эскери сына; полигондарыньщ аумагын хальщ шаруашылыгына пайдалану мэселесш шешу ушш ;осымша кешенд1 зерттеулер журпзу ;ажет.

Негiзгi свздер: Экология, м^най вндеу внеркэсiбi, аурушацдыц, автокелж ластануы, экологиялыц эл-ауцаты , радиациялъщ фон, радиоэкология.

Обзор современной экологической обстановки территорий Актюбинской области

^.М. Кибатаев, С.К.Саханова, Г.М.Ургушбаева, А.А.Умирзак, П.С. Ким, ГД. Кенжегазова

Западно-Казахстанский государственный медицинский университет имени Марата Оспанова, Актобе, Казахстан

В данном обзоре обобщены литературные сведения, посвященные разделу экологической медицины, а также проблеме вредного влияния загрязнений окружающей среды на здоровье человека.

Ряд исследований показывает, что значительные территории Казахстана подвергаются загрязнению выбросами предприятий черной, цветной металлургии и угледобывающей промышленности.

Последствия освоения нефтяных и газовых месторождений Прикаспийского региона, охватывающего Западно-Казахстанскую, Атыраускую и Актюбин-скую области, связаны с загрязнениями почвы, водохранилищ и питьевой во-ды углеводородами нефти. Также регистрируются выбросы хромсо-держащей пыли при добыче руд и переработке хроматов на предприятиях г. Актобе. Несмотря на проводимые технические и санитарно-гигиенические мероприятия, с каждым годом наблюдается рост общей заболеваемости среди населе-ния, проживающего вблизи нефтегазовых месторождений, а также работаю-щих на производстве и других промышленных объектах.

Ряд авторов обращает внимание на влияние экологических факторов на развитие патологии иммунной, эндокринной, репродуктивной систем, особенно детского населения.

Одним из важных показателей экологического благополучия является и радиологическая обстановка территории. В настоящее время исследование радиационного фона Актюбинский области показало, что на территории быв-шего военного полигона Эмба-5 уровень гамма-излучения выше средне об-ластных и средних данных по России. Также ученые бьют тревогу по поводу полигона «Капустин Яр» в Западно-Казахстанской области. Поэтому, для решения вопроса об использовании территории бывших военных полигонов в народнохозяйственных целях требуется дальнейшее комплексное исследо-вание. Ключевые слова: Экология, нефтедобывающая промышленность, заболеваемость, загрязнение от автотранспорта, экологическое благополучие, радиационный фон, радиоэкология.

Nowadays ecological situation in the world is beginning to get worse and worse. Anthropogenic and technogenic disadvantageous effects especially have destructive action on people's health and can be a reason of a lot of illnesses. This problem is an actual not only in the medical topics, but in the social life too [1].

Ecological situation in Kazakhstan is characterized by having an officially known ecological disaster areas. In spite of this fact, there are questions without any answers like, which areas we can named as ecological dysfunctional, which kind of economic activity we have to restrict and the main problem is what we should do to improve it [2].

It's also known that old equipment, paucity of treatment facilities, dated factories, accumulation of toxic substances, a big amount of outdated car's engines, a big increase of unutilized household waste, not enough green areas in the cities and not enough modern ecology factories. All these facts get a big unpleasant influence on the Kazakhstan ecological situation [2, 3].

The cartographic data compiled for today testify to the dangerous levels of pollution of the main habitats of the population of large regions. This refers to the pollution of atmospheric air, water supply systems, soil cover; the sanitary state of drinking water in water pipes [4].

Currently, the territory of Kazakhstan is exposed to

pollution by emissions from enterprises of black, non-ferrous metallurgy and coal mining industry. There is a danger of contamination by heavy metals near the mining of ore at the metallurgical combine of Temirtau and Balkhash mining and smelting complex, Aktobe chrome plant, Pavlodar chemical plant.

There has been an acceleration of oil and gas fields with the development of the chemical industry and he pace of development of oil and gas fields in the world including Kazakhstan.

The consequences of the development of oil and gas deposits in the Caspian region, covering the West Kazakhstan, Atyrau and Aktobe regions are associated with contamination of soil, reservoirs and drinking water with oil hydrocarbons. In addition, emissions of chromium-containing dust are recorded during mining and processing of chromates at enterprises in Aktobe [5].

The main reserves of associated natural gas and oil in Kazakhstan are concentrated in Aktobe (Kenkiyak and Zhanazhol fields) and West Kazakhstan regions (Karashyganak). During the processing of gas and oil, a large number of different xenobiotics are emitted into the atmosphere: hydrogen sulphide, sulfur dioxide, mercaptans, nitrogen dioxide, sulfurous anhydride, carbon monoxide, saturated hydrocarbons. In addition, oil and petroleum products are very common and dangerous contaminants of natural waters, and solid and liquid wastes of oil production lead to acidification of the soil solution [6,7].

At the same time, according to the annual data «National report on the state of the environment and on the use of natural resources» in the Aktobe region in 2016, there is a decrease in the total volume of pollutant emissions into the environment (Table 1) [8,9].

Currently, the territory of Kazakhstan is exposed to

pollution by emissions from enterprises of black, non-ferrous metallurgical and coal mining industry. There is a danger of contamination by heavy metals near the mining of ore at the metallurgical combine of Temirtau and Balkhash mining and smelting complex, Aktobe chrome plant, Pavlodar chemical plant.

With the development of the chemical industry, the pace of development of oil and gas fields in the world, including Kazakhstan, is accelerating. (An average of 37-42%) (Table 2). The main load from polluting substances thrown out by motor transport the regional center of Aktobe.

In order to improve the state of the environment, Akim (Governor) of the Aktobe region developed and approved an action plan for improving the environmental situation in the Aktobe region for 2015-2017. There is a decrease in the total amount of pollutant emissions into the environment due to a decrease in the volume of associated gas flaring and an increase in the volume of utilization by oil producing enterprises, and some reduction in emissions was made by mining and construction enterprises.

Despite the technical and sanitary-hygienic measures being carried out, general diseases among the population living near oil and gas fields, as well as those working in industry and other industrial facilities, is growing every year. There is an increase in diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory systems, gastrointestinal tract A number of authors draw attention to the influence of environmental factors on the development of the pathology of the immune, endocrine, reproductive systems, especially among the children

In recent years, there are a sufficient number of facts that indicate the adverse effects of various environmental pollutants on the functional state of the thyroid gland [17,18]. H.I. Kudabayeva and co-authors (2016) show

Table 1. The emissions from stationary sources in the Aktobe region

Information about pollution. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Total industrial air emissions, thousand tons 182,5 178,3 169,5 168,05 134,3* 155,6

Sulphur dioxide emissions, thousand tons 38,2 35,4 31,2 28,35 23,4* 32,5

The amount of nitrogen dioxide emissions into the air, thousand tons 14,6 13,5 12,98 14,24 12,7* 13,6

The volume of particulate emissions into the air, thousand tons 13,5 12,2 11,96 9,964 18,1* 16,7

Carbon monoxide emissions into the air, thousand tons 68,1 64,4 60,45 61,67 28,8* 31,6

Emissions of other substances. 51,1 52,8 52,91 53,826 28,1* 33,9

* - data of the National report on the state of the environment and the use of natural resources for 2016, paragraph 12.2.1.Aktobe region,

Table 2. Emissions of pollutants from vehicles in Aktobe.

Name. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Number of vehicles (units). 166524 173383 174296 175369 194798

Emissions of pollutants (thousand tons) 98,04 92,5 91,4 92,3 93,47


EaTbic ^a3a^CTaH Meg^HHa ^ypH&nbi 60 (4) 2018

that the relative frequency of goiter in schoolchildren of all age groups in oil and gas bearing areas is much higher than in the control group, and thyroid dysfunction in the pathology of the thyroid gland plays a leading role in the region.

One of the important indicators of ecological well-being is the radiological situation of the territory.

The natural radiation background represents ionizing radiation acting on a person on the Earth's surface from natural sources of cosmic and terrestrial origin.

A number of authors in experimental studies have demonstrated the effect of irradiation on regenerative processes and the healing the wounds in rats. The state of the internal organs of experimental animals under irradiation was studied. K.M. Kibatayev and co-authors (2013) found that on the first day after irradiation with sub lethal doses of gamma radiation in the internal organs, the permeability of the walls of the vessels, the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract and the reproductive system is impaired - a violation of blood circulation in the testicles of the testes, as well as in the tissues of the kidneys [22, 23, 24].

The importance now is being given to radio-ecological research in relation to development of nuclear energy.

The important feature of radioactive contamination of the terrain is the relatively rapid precipitation of long-lived radionuclides on the soil surface leading to prolonged irradiation of a human [25, 26].

Based on the results of a survey of the Semipalatinsk testing ground, it was found that soil radioactivity is caused by microparticles containing beta and / or alpha emitting radionuclides [27].

In this connection, it is necessary to study the factors affecting the migration of radionuclides in the soil-plant system.

A number of authors argue that when the level of radionuclides in the soil increases, the ratio of biogenic

elements and various carbohydrates changes in plants [28, 29].

In the natural environment, the effect of ionizing radiation is often manifested against the background of unfavorable environmental factors, as a rule, changing the reaction of plants to irradiation. The study of the combined effect of irradiation and the accompanying environmental conditions of non-radar nature is important for predicting the consequences of numerous anthropogenic impacts on individual plant species, their populations and communities [30, 31, 32].

At the moment, however, plant radio-stimulation, radio-protective action of preliminary irradiation of seeds in small doses is used to increase their productivity and stability of the genetic structures of cells to subsequent irradiation and to other damaging mutagenic factors [33]. But at the same time there is a significant change and contamination of soil and the environment [34,35,36,37].

Identifying areas suitable for agricultural work is an open question. At present, the study of the radiation background in the Aktobe region showed that in the territory of the former military testing ground, Emba-5 level of gamma radiation is higher than the average regional and average data for Russia. Also, scientists are sounding the alarm about the testing ground «Kapustin Yar» in the West Kazakhstan region. Therefore, to resolve the issue of using the territory of former military testing ground for economic purposes, further complex research is required [38,39,40,41,42].

It is necessary to attract attention public attention, doctors, ecologists, workers of industrial enterprises, state institutions and teachers of educational institutions to the important problem of preserving ecological well-being, reducing the technogenic impact on the environment and reducing the growth of ecologically caused morbidity in the population.

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