UDC: 378.147.091.33-048.63:614.253.4
Boreiko L. D., Senyuk B. P., Antoniuk - Shtefanika L. O., Boreyko O. S.
Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2023-20179-8-11 THE USE OF THE CASE METHOD IN THE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF FUTURE NURSES
Борейко Л.Д., Сенюк Б.П., Антонюк-Штефатка Л.О., Борейко С.О.
Буковинський державний медичний утверситет, Чернiвцi, Украна
The article substantiates the effectiveness of using the case method in the professional training of future nursing specialists; the peculiarities of the case method, its principles, structure, influence on the formation of qualitative characteristics of the specialist and the peculiarities of its application in the preparation of future nurses for professional activities are defined.
У cmammi обтрунтовано ефективтсть використання кейс-методу у професштй пiдготовцi май-буттх фахiвцiв з медсестринства; визначено особливостi кейс-методу, його принципи, структуру, вплив на формування яюсних характеристик фахiвця та особливостi його застосування у пiдготовцi майбуттх медичних сестер до професшно1 дiяльностi.
Key words: case, case method, nurse, professional competence, professional training.
Ключовi слова: кейс, кейс-метод, медична сестра, професшна компетенттсть, професшна тдго-товка.
Introduction. One of the priority directions of medical education is the training of competitive nursing specialists capable of self-study, analysis, synthesis, and generalization of information. Reducing the gap between the professional capabilities of graduates and the needs of patients is a priority of medical education. This is facilitated by a large number of different interactive teaching methods, in particular, the case method (case study, analysis of specific situations, the method of situational analysis, etc.).
The case method is considered as an effective tool for quality education renewal, which contributes to the development of the ability to solve problems taking into account specific conditions and in the presence of factual information. In some sense, the method contributes to the formation of a person's professional and personal qualities. It forms a sense of confidence, helps to overcome excessive self-confidence or excessive timidity. The case method develops in future medical professionals such personal characteristics as the ability to analyze and diagnose problems, communicate, discuss, perceive and evaluate information, the ability to clearly formulate and express one's position [3].
The purpose of the work was to study the case method in the educational process to improve the training of future nurses.
Main part. A significant amount of theoretical material for each disease (pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and nursing interventions) and the traditional educating method of teaching clinical disciplines often reduce students' motivation to study. The use of the case method, which has the advantages of specificity, flexibility, and interactivity, can help students understand information through a variety of clinical situations.
Studying with the help of cases develops the ability to analyze, teaches to avoid mistakes that often occur when performing specific tasks.
This method is a pedagogical tool that allows you to apply theoretical knowledge to solving practical problems. Solving cases is based on students' basic medical knowledge and clinical analysis under the careful planning and guidance of the teacher, and also meets the learning objectives and requirements for the learning content [5].
The case method when studying clinical disciplines requires certain prerequisites. From students J mastering theoretical knowledge of etiology, disease mechanism, symptoms, diagnosis and scope of nursing interventions in order to fully conduct case analysis and discussion to achieve the learning goal. The role of the teacher is also changing: from the bearer of knowledge to the creator of conditions under which the student will
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be able to develop appropriate professional and personal qualities, form the ability to independently make decisions in conditions of uncertainty, identify a problem, analyze, forecast the further development of the situation, develop an action plan for solving a certain situation , develop teamwork skills, etc.
The main function of the case method is to teach students to solve complex unstructured problems that cannot be solved analytically, that is, by considering certain situational problems, where a description of real or close to reality specific situations is used. After all, during training, students' motivation for professional formation and personal growth as a qualified specialist in the future occurs under the condition that they feel the importance of their own participation in such a process, and not only determine their goal to master the knowledge offered by the teacher [1, 4].
Future nurses have the opportunity to independently analyze the task before them and find the most appropriate ways to solve it. This educational method ensures better assimilation of theoretical knowledge, acquisition of practical skills, develops the ability to think independently and cooperate collectively, contributes to the improvement of analysis skills to recognize and solve specific problems, and also teaches correct management ideas, communication skills and teamwork, creates a basis for using the acquired experience when making decisions in practical professional activity.
Through equal interaction and discussion between teachers and students, students and students, students' clinical logical thinking, ability to reason and analyze to achieve high cognitive learning goals are trained [5].
In the educational process, the case method can be used as an independent method and in the organization of trainings of various directions (oriented to the development of analytical abilities by solving professional problems, making responsible decisions, organizing effective interpersonal interaction with staff, determining the level of knowledge and skills, etc.) [1 ].
Solving cases plays a crucial role in the development and improvement of clinical skills necessary for future specialists [6]:
1. Diagnostic justification: cases on relevant topics provide an opportunity to develop diagnostic skills in assessing information about the patient, determining his actual and potential problems, and making a nursing diagnosis. By analyzing a variety of scenarios, students can hone their ability to consider different possibilities, weigh evidence, and diagnose disease.
2. Decision-making: cases represent situations that require students to make informed decisions about diagnostic search options and nursing interventions. By examining a variety of cases, students can develop their decision-making skills by considering factors such as patient adherence, risk analysis, and evidence-based recommendations.
3. Application of medical knowledge: cases reduce the gap between theoretical knowledge and its practical application. They require students to apply their medical knowledge and develop the ability to adapt it to different clinical situations.
4. Problem solving skills: case studies often present complex clinical disease scenarios, challenging students to think critically and creatively to find appropriate solutions. By solving these complex problems, they develop problem-solving skills, learn to navigate uncertainty, and gain experience managing complex patient cases.
5. Teamwork: many cases involve the cooperation of nurses with doctors and other medical professionals. Through this collaboration, future nurses learn about the importance of interdisciplinary teamwork, effective communication, and understanding the role of different professionals in providing comprehensive patient care.
6. Ethical Issues: Case studies often involve ethical issues, requiring nurses to navigate issues such as patient autonomy, confidentiality, informed consent, and end-of-life care. Working through these ethical issues in a controlled environment helps them develop ethical decision-making skills and a strong ethical foundation.
7. Continuous learning and professional development: case studies encourage continuous learning and professional development. They highlight areas where nurses need to deepen their knowledge, identify skill gaps, and encourage them to seek appropriate solutions, guidelines, or resources to improve their professional practice.
As a result of active participation in solving situa-tional tasks in cases, in the context of performing specific actions in simulated situations, students can improve their diagnostic skills, ability to make decisions, ability to solve problems, presentation and self-presentation of optimal models of professional actions, ability to persuade, work in a team, make responsible decisions, etc. This experience contributes to the formation and development of students' professional competence, making them better prepared to provide high-quality care to their patients. Thus, this method can be considered as a complex system in which simpler methods are combined: discussion, problem method, system analysis, modeling, etc. [1].
L.V. Kozak and other researchers [2, 4] in their studies note that the case method allows you to form competencies and successfully solve the following tasks: master the skills and techniques of comprehensive situation analysis from the field of professional activity, which helps in solving similar problems that will arise in real life practical activities; to form problemsolving skills, which are developed in the process of modeling one's own actions in a problem situation, which enables students to check their own beliefs, theoretical knowledge and prejudices; to make decisions quickly - "here and now", as well as in uncertain situations; draw up an action plan aimed at achieving a positive result; acquire the skills of presenting one's own point of view in oral or written form; develop the ability to convincingly justify and defend one's point of view; practice communication skills; practice the skills of constructive critical assessment of the point of view of others; mastering the practical experience of benefiting from one's mistakes, as well as from the mistakes of other professionals.
For effective use, cases must meet the criteria [2,
1) the case should meet the learning objectives, covering a clinical topic. To give students an opportunity during the discussion to use theoretical knowledge when solving a situational task, to deepen their understanding of the key and difficult moments of diseases and the participation of a nurse, as well as to deepen their understanding and mastery. At the same time, students' clinical thinking extends from the local to the whole, which improves the students' analysis and problem solving [5].
2) the case should be as close as possible to real professional activity and be objective, bright, to arouse the interest of students for further discussion.
3) the task should provide for different ways to search for solution options;
4) cases may differ in the level of generalization, the amount of information presented, the complexity of the problem; the case should be of a certain degree of complexity, but not too simple. It is necessary in some cases to consciously choose difficult and critical cases, in which mistakes are often made, which as a result arouses the interest of students in learning, investigating the causes of the problem, access to information and deep analysis. In addition, in order for the key questions to be reflected in the case, teachers should provide clear information to facilitate the use of cases and case learning [5].
5) case material should not be outdated, it should be updated and improved in accordance with changes in practical health care.
It should be noted that the case method can only complement the classical teaching method to achieve a perfect educational effect.
Thus, cases have a clearly defined nature and purpose. As a rule, they are related to situations that arise in real life and the practical solution of which is necessary. The choice of the best solution in the context of the given problem occurs through the analysis of the situation and the evaluation of the developed alternatives.
As noted by M. Demyanchuk [1], in order to provide methodological tools to medical college teachers in the application of the case method in order to update the professional training of future nurses, an algorithm for the methodology of using the case method has been developed, which consists of the following stages:
- preparation of the necessary materials (for example, charts, images, a videos and the necessary equipment for its demonstration; handouts; text and a script for the presentation of a professional situation, etc.) to better attract the attention of students, improve learning;
- students' involvement in the problem, which should be logically "embedded" in the topic of the lesson, reveal the purpose, significance and usefulness for the future professional activity of a nurse, which is a significant motivational factor for activating the educational and cognitive activity of students;
- clear instructions for the work of each student (participant in a situational task, analyst, critic, etc.) and time limits;
- organization of individual and group work to include all students, gradually leading to a general group discussion;
- presentation of solutions (on a flip chart, blackboard), considering that visualization of solutions is more effective than oral discussion;
- discussion of the obtained results, which involves the active participation of each student. It is important to anticipate possible clinical ideas and perspectives that students may present. according to the discussion's clinical relevance and degree of difficulty, allocate time for discussion, using various ways to effectively control the discussion process in the classroom to achieve the desired effect. The teacher must listen carefully to the case analysis, raise key questions in time, make students think more deeply about the problem or adjust the direction of clinical thinking; help students understand clinical ideas and form their views based on sound medical theory.
- summing up, when the teacher structures the conclusions, summarizes and gives an example from the professional activity of the nursing staff, relevant to the discussed situation.
After summarizing, it is important for the teacher to receive feedback from students regarding the advantages and disadvantages of solving cases. Students pointed to such positive aspects of this method as: the opportunity to share experiences, close communication, the formation of the ability to find consensus, the development of communication skills through group discussion, seeing one's mistakes, the opportunity to express oneself to everyone, overcoming the barrier in communication, a sense of interest and attention to oneself on the part of others, mobilization of logical properties of thinking, development of teamwork skills, resolution and agreement of conclusions, and discussions promoted interaction between the teacher and students and interaction between the students themselves.
In doing so, the teachers felt that case studies created a calm, nonthreatening, low-stress learning environment that introduced students to clinical skills in a way that built their confidence in future patient encounters, and allowed them to make diagnostic and treatment errors without risk and negative consequences. impact on patient safety [5].
Therefore, the use of the case method requires the teacher to first perform complex creative work on creating a case and questions for its analysis. This is carried out outside the classroom and involves scientific research and methodical activity of the teacher. Then the teacher is important already in the classroom, where he gives an introductory and closing speech, organizes small groups and discussions, maintains a business-like attitude in the classroom, evaluates the contribution of students to the analysis of the situation.
The use of the case method contributes to the formation of such qualities, which are necessary for future specialists to carry out professional activities, namely: the ability to make and make decisions; ability to learn; systemic thinking; independence and initiative; readiness for changes and flexibility; ability to work with information; tenacity and determination; communication
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skills; the ability for interpersonal contacts; problematic thinking; constructiveness [2].
Conclusion. The use of the case method in the preparation of future nurses for professional activity is particularly significant, since its application in the educational process requires students to get as close as possible to real situations of professional activity and make adequate decisions. With the help of the case method, future nursing specialists have the opportunity to study complex professional issues, develop the ability to identify problems, analyze and develop action programs, which will allow them to act wisely in a real situation in the future.
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6. Teachmemedicine.org. Case Studies https://teachmemedicine.org/case-studies/
УДК 378.147:811
Olena Bryntseva
Senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Language Training, European Integration and International
Cooperation, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy
Alina Podorozhna
Senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Language Training, European Integration and International
Олена Бринцева
Старший викладач кафедри тшомовно'1 пiдготовки, европейсъко'1' ттеграцИ та мiжнародного
спiвробiтництва, Укратсъко!Iнженерно-ПедагогiчноiАкадемП
Алша Подорожна
Старший викладач кафедри iншoмoвнoi niдготовки, европейсъKoi iнтеграцii та мiжнародного cnie-
робтництва, Укра'1'нсъко'1'Iнженернo-ПедагoгiчнoiАкадемП
In the article, the authors discuss the issue of introducing a metaconcept approach in the context offoreign language teaching of future engineering specialists in the context of higher professional education. The relevance of the study is determined by the necessity of developing a holistic worldview offuture engineers on the basis of meta-subject integration, defined as a condition for the development of the student's personality and achievement of high-quality learning outcomes.
The paper provides a thorough review of national and foreign psychological, pedagogical and linguistic literature, covering the practical experience of applying the metaconcept approach in foreign language teaching at an engineering university; the authors emphasise that the competence-based training in the context of higher engineering education involves the forming a set ofprofessional and supra-professional, soft skills or metacompe-tencies in future specialists. Metacompetence is considered as the ability to manage information, knowledge, personal qualities for further self-development in professional activities. The study analyses the teaching tools providing the development of metacompetence in future engineers and the pedagogical conditions for implementing the metaconcept approach in the process of foreign language teaching at an engineering university based on the MOODLE platform.
У статтi авторки розглядаютъ питання запровадження метапредметного niдхoдуу кoнтекстi нав-чання то.земно'1' мови майбутнiх фахiвцiв iнженернoгo профшю в умовах вищого профестного навчання.