International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
Khasanova Gulsanam Khusanovna
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Head of Foreign Languages Department, Journalism and Mass Communications University of Uzbekistan.
Case study is a streamlined, optimal approach to education, information, communication, and management. This article discusses about case study method, essential features of the case-stage and its essence.
Keywords: case study, case-study style, case-stage, problematic situation, educational process.
Case study was first used in foreign education as a method of teaching based on the analysis and solution of practical situations: it was first used in 1870 at Harvard Law School. In 1920, after Harvard Business School (HBS) teachers chose to analyze and discuss specific situations in economic practice as the main method of teaching, based on the experience of teaching lawyers, this teaching method began to be widely used.
Since then, HBS has compiled a rich collection of cases, bringing this style to the level of an independent concept of education.
For this reason, the case-study style is often referred to as the Harvard style. In essence, the Harvard method is an intensive training of students to solve practical situations using video materials, computers and software.
There are two classic schools of Case-stadium - Harvard (America) and Manchester (Europe). At Harvard, this is the only way to teach Muslub to find the right solution, and the second school offers a variety of problem-solving solutions described in the case. American cases contain tens of pages of text and many drawings. The size of European cases is slightly smaller.
An average of 25% to 90% of the study time is devoted to the study of typical situations in business schools abroad. For example, 25% of study time at the University of Chicago School of Business accounts for cases, 30% for Columbia University, and 40% for Wharton.
International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
Harvard, its "first inventor," leads in the number of hours devoted to this method. The average student-student reviews up to 700 cases while studying at HBS. spends up to 90% of its study time.
It should be noted that the share of cases in schools specializing in financial sciences is much lower than in schools specializing in basic sciences - management, marketing, information technology, personnel management, and so on.
In the field of education in our country, the case study is mainly used in the system of retraining and advanced training, especially in the field of management. In recent years, there has been a growing interest among university teachers in developing and implementing cases.
Factors determining the relevance of the case study in the educational process. The relevance and necessity of the case-study to be widely used in economics and in the practice of all higher education and continuing education is due to the following factors:
First of all, the general direction of economic education in the country is not only the formation of concrete knowledge in students, but also the activity of thinking in students, the readiness to apply theoretical knowledge in practice and the development of this ability. With its focus on developing independence and initiative in professionals, the ability to understand a wide range of issues related to various aspects of research in management and economics.
"If you catch a fish in your hand - one day it will be full, and if you teach a man to fish - he will not know what hunger is for the rest of his life," says a Chinese sage.
It is impossible to be a good manager if you do not have the skills and abilities to make management decisions in the audience. In order to develop their own management policy for future careers, students need to acquire the skills and abilities to analyze various situations in the enterprise and the economy as a whole, to develop the ability to analyze, to acquire managerial skills. .
It is true that "advice can be given, but it cannot be taught to use such advice." There is no single, universal way or method that will allow you to become a successful economist, financier, or manager once you learn it.
Students-students master the technology of case development, the ability to analyze the practical problem situations presented in the case, to search individually and collectively for optimal solutions, to develop functional competence in the future specialist formation - helps to design their own management and organizational
International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
technologies in professional activity, ways to build the logic of the professional process, as well as ways to solve professional tasks independently and mobile.
Second, the market economy needs professionals who have the ability to act rationally and effectively in non-standard situations, to make rational decisions.
The case provides a description of various life situations and is required to observe their consequences or to evaluate the effectiveness of the participants 'actions or to suggest ways to solve the problem. But in any case, working on a model of practical action is an effective means of shaping the professionally important characteristics that learners - future professionals require in the labor market.
Case study is a streamlined, optimal approach to education, information, communication, and management that provides an intermediate way to achieve the learning objectives and solve the practical problem situation described in the case. and educational technology consisting of a set of tools.
The essence of the case-study is that, in essence, the following students are offered to act as advisors on the problematic situation under consideration:
- to understand and analyze the situation when the case is described, which at the same time reflects a typical practical problem of organizational life and actualizes a set of knowledge that needs to be mastered and applied in solving this problem in practice;
- search for ways and means to solve the problem situation in an appropriate
- evaluate the proposed alternatives and choose the most appropriate one for the problem;
- develop a detailed solution for the implementation of the chosen alternative with all the details.
We express the essential features of the case-stage:
1. The existence of a model of the institutional system, presented in the form of a situation that restores the real state of affairs at a particular discrete time on the main parameters of the state.
2. The problematic nature of a given situation.
3. The situation is not fully schematic and, as a result, has an ambiguity that requires independent, non-template solutions.
4. Solutions have many alternatives: each participant offers his / her own version based on his / her knowledge, experience and intuition.
International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
5. The optimal solution of the problem situation is developed individually, and then as a team and presented to the public (it is also allowed to work with the case absolutely individually and present the results individually).
6. The sole purpose of analyzing the problem situation and developing a solution
to it.
7. System of group performance evaluation.
8. The presence of controlled emotional tension in learners.
9. The teacher and the student-student are both responsible and free in the learning process:
- The teacher is responsible for the preparation of the case and its teaching and learning, as well as its effective use.
- The listener-student is responsible for the preparation for the lesson and the effective completion of case studies on the case, while at the same time working freely to develop solutions and conclusions as a result of analyzing the problem situation.
- The listener-student may make mistakes in analyzing and resolving a problem situation in the learning environment, but he or she must feel a sense of responsibility for the wrong decision made in real life.
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International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
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