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The article is devoted to an effective means of forming analytical competence of future specialists in document management and information activities - case study method. Based on the research of the case-study method theoretical foundations and the analysis of its practical use in educational process, the essence of the method, the history of its development and formation, functional capabilities, requirements for development and construction of cases, prospects of the case study method in the process of developing the professional and personal qualities of future specialists are revealed. It is proved that case study is an effective method of forming analytical competence of future experts in document management and information activities, since the work with a case is analytical work.
Case-method (case study), analytical work, analytical competence, future specialist in document management and information activities
Victoria Ishchenko
Post-graduate Student, Pedagogy Chair Lugansk National University named after Taras Shevchenko. 1, Gogolya sq., Starobelsk, Lugansk region, 92703, Ukraine E-mail.ru: [email protected]
1. Introduction 1.1. Relevance
The introduction of case study into the educational environment and directly into the educational process of higher educational institutions of the Ukrainian education system is especially relevant in the current conditions, which is explained by several trends. Firstly, it is the introduction of a competence approach, that is, the change in the educational paradigm from the position "I know that" to "I know how". Secondly, it is the process of Ukraine's educational system European
19 Modern European Researches No 1 / 2018 integration, the search for ways to introduce European pedagogical experience into the educational system of Ukraine. Thirdly, economic changes - globalization, oversaturation with information, the widespread introduction of information and communication technologies. Lastly, the growing demands of the labor market -one must posess not just subject knowledge and skills, but meta-subject skills and personal qualities, be ready to do multitasking work.
1.2. Importance of the investigated problem
At present, analytical competence is regarded as a special quality of a specialist's professionalism. Practical analysis of future experts in document management and information activities training exrerience testifies to the presence of only uncoordinated elements of analytical competence formation, presented in the content of different academic disciplines. However, such elements do not have a systemic character, which significantly reduces the opportunities for carrying out analytical work in both educational and in further professional activities.
Thus, the analysis of pedagogical practice of training future specialists in document management and information activities concerning the development of analytical competence leads to the search for new, as compared with the existing tradition, more effective methods of teaching.
As a result of future specialists in document management and information activities analytical competence forming effective methods research, it was revealed that it is the case study that has significant advantages, as it is characterized by two aspects. The first one is connected with research activity, for which the case study acts as an empirical method of research for any field of science. The second - characterizes the case study as an interactive method of teaching, which is based on theoretical discussion, analysis of a real or simulated situation from a person's life. Thus, the case study is both a method of training and a method of future professional activity for a specialist in document management and information activities.
1.3. Features of specialists in the field of training " Documents management and information activities»
Training of specialists in the field of "Documents management and information activities" is a unique sphere in the education of the CIS countries, in particular Ukraine and Russia. This is because a graduate can work in any field of activity that requires documentation, in the public or private sectors of economy and social sphere. In addition, one can occupy any relevant position at the hierarchy level: secretary, personal assistant, information services manager, documents and information network administrator, head of the documents management department, head of the personnel department, analyst, etc.
Taking this into consideration, the educational process, firstly, should be based not so much on traditional as on active / interactive teaching methods. Secondly, it must be balanced with respect to the use of different teaching methods, both within the framework of one particular academic subject studying, and in the process of mastering a profession in general, which allows to form professional competence and its elements: analytical, communicative, prognostic, creative and other competences.
1.4. Status of the problem
In the context of analytical competence forming problem for future specialists in documents management and information activities, the issue of finding effective methods of training is the most difficult. Analysis of psychological and pedagogic literature allowed to distinguish the case study as a method that stimulates the study of theoretical material and its practical application, developing the intellectual abilities and personal qualities of future specialists among a number of interactive
20 Modern European Researches No 1 / 2018 teaching methods. A special characteristic of the method is that it is both a method of scientific cognition and a method of group learning. It is based on methods of analytical activity (analysis, synthesis, classification, separation of the main and secondary, search for cause-effect relationships, etc.), which allows students to develop analytical competence in practice.
1.5. Hypothesis
The process of forming the analytical competence of future specialists in documents management and information activities will be more effective if the active methods of training are systematically used, in particular the case study, which is based on analytical methods.
2. Methodological Framework
The theoretical and methodological basis for studying the question posed was the work of such domestic and foreign scientists and researchers as Yu. Surmin, O. Sidorenko, A. Furda, I. Zhigiley, I. Gladkikh, Sh. Bobokhuzhaev, Z. Yuldashev, O. Maksimova, S. Sikorskaya, V. Yagodnikova, I. Krasilnikova, L. Lun'ova, O. Ogienko, J. Bjorer, D. Robin, M. Liedere, J. Erskine, M. Norfi, etc. In particular, Yu. Surmin in his works revealed the essential characteristics of the case study, presented the classification and gave the characteristics of cases types, the technology of their creation, and the interdependence of analytical work and case study (Situational analysis or anatomy of the case study (2002)) In his work "Case study: architecture and opportunities (2012), Yu. Surmin considers the method of cases through the prism of changes in society and the world and the practice of its effective use; in the article "Case study: establishment and development in Ukraine" (2015) he describes the history of this method introduction into the Ukrainian education system and the problems faced by practitioners.
3. Results
3.1. History of the method origin and development
The case method or case study method is a method of situational learning based on real life and real problems, which requires from the student to make an appropriate decision in the proposed situation. It includes a description of specific practical situation with the problem, reference and additional information about the situation, methodological materials and instructions. It develops the ability to determine the problem, to consider it from all points of view, to search for missing information, to justify one's point of view (Azimov, 2009).
The name of the method comes from the Latin "casus" - a confusing unusual case and the English "case" - a briefcase, a suitcase and "study" - learning. Thus, the etymology of the word explains the content of the method - a package (briefcase) of information, documents that helps to identify and solve a problem in a given situation with a learning purpose.
Scientific literature presents various approaches to the definition of the case study. I. Gladkikh understands the case as a specially developed and prepared educational material that contains a structured description of a situation borrowed from real practice (Gladkikh, 2005). Sh. Bobokhuzhaev and Z. Yuldashev consider the case as a set of conditions and obligations describing specific, real circumstances at a certain stage (Bobokhuzhaev & Yuldashev, 2006). Yu. Surmin defines the case as a rather complex and multifunctional intellectual structure, characterized by a variety of functions (Surmin, 2015). However, its essence remains unchanged -
21 Modern European Researches No 1 / 2018 encouraging students to identify the problem in the described situation and to find its solution through a comprehensive analysis.
Scientists tend to think that the basis of situations analysis method was founded by Socrates in his main method of dialectics (the so-called "Socratic method") -the search for truth by posing leading questions (dialogue as a method of solving the problem). In addition, it is noted Aristotle's contribution to the development of the situational analysis, who considered the process of analyzing the situation in such aspects as: exercise, conversation, philosophical knowledge. In addition, Aristotle's contribution lies in the justification of the analysis method as such.
Yu. Surmin draws attention to the parables of Jesus Christ, because considering a specific situation and analyzing it, a person comes to this or that conclusion, that can also be considered as a case study. In addition, the author draws attention to theatrical art, opera, ballet, where the situational approach plays the main role from the origin to the present time (Situational analysis or anatomy of the case study, 2002). And the skill of describing the situation in art significantly influenced the requirements to writing modern cases.
The scientific substantiation of analysis method significance by R. Descartes, the development of the central concept of pragmatism by J. Dewey - experience, the emergence of the formal logic of G. Frege, B. Russell and the scientific achievements of many other philosophers and thinkers who made a significant contribution to the formulation of the laws of scientific knowledge, logic laws, the scientific apparatus of studying various problems - thinking, understanding, meaning, communication, etc. - led to the appearance of analytical philosophy in the XX century. And "the integration of analytics, analytical philosophy and the philosophy of pragmatism, which reached a rather high level of development in the US, to the education system led to the emergence of case study" (Surmin, 2012).
For the first time, the case study method was used in the educational process of the Harvard Law School in 1870 by Professor Christopher Columbus Lengdello. In the period from 1909 to 1919 this method was actively used at medical and law faculties. The first textbook on writing situational exercises was published in 1921 by David H. Copeland, a professor at Harvard University. In 1925, the world saw the first collection of cases, published in the reports of Harvard University. Since the 50's of the XX century the case study method has spread among educational institutions of Western Europe. In the Soviet Union, special attention to situational analysis was payed in the 70-80's of the XX century. That was explained by the tendencies to active reform of the economy.
In independent Ukraine, the case method was first widely introduced in 1992 at the Institute of Public Administration and Local Government with the direct participation of specialists from the School of Government named after John F. Kennedy at Harvard University (Surmin, 2015). In 2002, specialists of the Center for Innovations Yu. Surmin, A. Sidorenko, V. Loboda, A. Furda published the fundamental work "Situational analysis, or anatomy of the case study method".
Today, there are two case study schools in the world - Harvard (American) and Manchester (European), wich have insignificant differences. So, the first one is aimed at finding the only correct solution to the problem issue, and the second one is aimed at the multivariance of the solution of the problem. In addition, the volume of Harvard cases is 20-25 pages, plus 8-10 pages of supplements, and the Manchester case is 1.5-2 times shorter.
In our time, the case study method is in the field of view of many scientists and practitioners of the Ukrainian educational system. And the introduction of the method as interactive one in the learning process of individual disciplines
22 Modern European Researches No 1 / 2018 is at the stage of comprehension and adaptation of foreign experience to the Ukrainian realities of professional activity.
3.2. Advisability of using the case study method for the preparation of future specialists in documents management and information activities
A specialist in documents management and information activities is a specialist in a wide range of activities, which are based on working with information in all its forms and kinds, requiring developed intellectual abilities, adaptation to rapidly changing circumstances, persistence in stressful situations, teamwork, readiness to decision making and responsibility. Professional work of a document expert requires initiative, self-learning and self-improvement, that is, developed cognitive skills. In connection with the global informatization of all spheres of human life, a specialist in documents management and information activities should be able to work with electronic devices, the Internet, have the skills of Internet heuristics, be able to master and freely operate new ICT. All this requires, on the one hand, stable, and on the other hand, constantly developing skills at analytical work, that is, analytical competence of a specialist in documents management and information activities.
Analytical competence of the future specialist in documents management and information activities is a constituent part of professional competence, which is a dynamic, integrative, constantly developed personal quality reflecting the willingness and ability to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in the process of analytical work, in order to obtain new qualitaty knowledge for operative and effective support of the decision-making process in various spheres of activity.
Thus, "one of the main principles of higher education is the organization of the educational process, which will contribute to the formation of the professional experience structure in the learning environment, in the classroom, even before the actual inclusion of the future specialist in independent practice" (Zhigiley, 2012).
Competent approach to teaching at the university highlights as the key factor of professional qualification that the graduate has the competences necessary to perform professional tasks but not the knowledge of the facts and conclusions made by others. This approach in education makes it possible "to comprehend the possibilities and limitations of teaching methods in a new way. In addition, not only to expand the possibilities of their application, but to make the choice of this or that method more conscious in terms of the expected result" (Zhygilev, 2012).
Active learning methods, in particular the case study method, contribute to the formation and structuring of professional experience, the assimilation of the most effective methods of professional thinking and behavior. Situational tasks have interdisciplinary, meta-subject character and are associated with subject knowledge in the field of philosophy, logic, informatics, modern ICT, analytical and synthetic information processing, rhetoric, etc., as well as with the content of such professionally oriented disciplines as documents management, records keeping, archival studies, business communication, documentation support of management activities, management of information products, etc.
O. Maksimova notes that the case study method makes it possible to integrate other methods of cognition, which become the driving forces of professional development in general, and the formation of skills and analytical skills, in particular. These are such methods as modeling, thought experiment, method of classification, system analysis, game methods, brainstorming, discussion and others (Maksimova, 2013).
Although the predominant function of the case study method is to acquire the skills of the situation analysis, it also includes a number of other important functions. Yu. Surmin singles out the following functions:
training - teaching students the skills of working in changable situations;
learning - mastering knowledge of dynamic stochastic objects;
analysis - acquisition of analytical work skills;
research - acquisition of fundamentally new knowledge of stochastic developing objects;
systematization - systematization of situational knowledge;
forecasting - obtaining information about the future of stochastic systems (systems in which it is impossible to identify interrelated processes, to trace causes and consequences, that is, one can only talk about probable processes, their causes and consequences) (Situational analysis or anatomy of the case study, 2002).
According to the dominant function, the corresponding types of cases are selected: training, learning, analytical, research, systemic, prognostic. P. Sheremeta and L. Kanishchenko offer another typology of cases:
- a case requiring decision;
- a case requiring strategy development;
- descriptive case;
- a case requiring problem identification;
- a case requiring theoretical concepts use (Sheremeta & Kanishchenko, 1999).
The case study method has its own learning characteristics. S. Sikorskaya
highlights the following: consolidation of theoretical knowledge in discipline; acquisition of professional skills; increasing cognitive interest in discipline; contribution to the development of research, communication, creative skills (Sikorskaya, 2013).
Yu. Surmin singles out epistemological, praxeological and axiological features of the case study method. In particular, such epistemological features as:
1. Ambiguity of the obtained knowledge - knowledge, that is obtained by the student, is not self-sufficient, but is only one of the situational knowledge variants.
2. A variety of knowledge sources - including the statements of the discussion participants.
3. Creative process of cognition - thanks to the condition of free ideas expression, students and teachers realize their individual creativity.
4. Collective nature of cognitive activity provides for the exchange of opinions, brainstorming, discussion, division into groups and subgroups, game interaction, etc. Collectivity is an important condition for the synergistic effect - multiplying the efforts of participants in the learning process and multiplying the obtained cognitive result.
5. The accelerated process of obtaining knowledge - immersion in the situation allows us to avoid a purely logical model of cognition. Here mechanisms of imaginative, insight cognition take place, thinking from linear is transformed to lateral (Situational analysis or anatomy of the case study method, 2002).
The case study method has certain learning advantages: it facilitates the integration and application of knowledge; it is based on the mutual exchange of experience in the most convenient and economical way; it develops the ability to solve complex but useful examples of problems; sharpens the assessment of priorities and values (Golik, 2016).
The training case has corresponding tasks. For example, V. Yagodnikova singles out the following:
- acquisition of skills to use theoretical material for the analysis of practical problems;
- development of skills to assess the situation, select and organize the search for basic information;
- development of skills to formulate a question and requests;
- development of skills to work out multivariant approaches to the implementation of the action plan;
- formation of skills to make a decision independently in conditions of uncertainty;
- formation of skills and techniques for a comprehensive analysis of the situation, forecasting the options for the situation development;
- formation of constructive criticism skills (Yagodnikova, 2008).
Thus, the work with the case develops in students such skills as:
- analytical: the ability to highlight essential information; to distinguish between essential and nonessential information; to classify; to extract information, analyze and represent it; think clearly and logically;
- practical: practical skills acquisition of theory, methods, principles, etc. applying;
- creative: ability to generate alternative solutions;
- communicative: ability to make conversation, discuss, persuade, use visual material and media, cooperate in groups, defend one's own views, persuade opponents, draw up a short and convincing report;
- social: skills of assessing people's behavior; ability to listen, support an idea or reasonably reject it during a discussion; ability to control oneself and others (Golik, 2016).
In addition, V. Yagodnikova notes the great educational potential of the case study method from the viewpoint of personal qualities development:
- development of diligence;
- development of creativity;
- formation of competitiveness;
- formation of readiness to take responsibility for the results of own analysis of the situation and for the work of the whole group;
- formation of self-confidence;
- formation of the need for achievement;
- development of strong-willed qualities, purposefulness;
- formation of work skills in a group;
- formation of communicative culture skills;
- formation of socially active and vitally competent personality, capable of self-development, self-improvement and self-realization (Yagodnikova, 2008).
Case study method is a specific practical method of organizing the learning process, a method of discussion from the point of view of stimulating and motivating the learning process, and also a method of laboratory-practical control and self-control (Situational analysis or anatomy of the case study method, 2002). Thus, the method of situations analysis provides the formation of readiness components for analytical activity - motivational-value, cognitive, activity-technological and reflexive ones.
Case study method has other features, in particular, technological:
1. The method is a kind of specific analytical technology, that is, includes operations of the research process and analytical procedures.
2. The case study method is a technology of collective learning, the most important component of which is working in groups and subgroups, information exchange.
3. The case study method may be considered as a synergetic technology, the essence of which is to prepare a procedure for immersing a group into a situation, forming the effect of multiplying knowledge, insight, sharing discoveries, etc.
4. The method of situation analysis integrates the technologies of developmental learning, includes procedures for individual, group and collective development, formation of a variety of personal qualities.
5. The case study method is a specific type of project technology.
6. The case study method concentrates in itself significant achievements of "creating success" technology.
7. The technology of the case study method is the process of information field formation, its activation, organization of information communications, collision of positions, replenishment of the field with information and the use of information that accumulates in it.
Yu. Surmin notes that working with the case is a comprehension of a certain situation, which requires the inclusion of various types of analytical activity. For example, such analytical methods as:
- problem analysis - provides identification of the problem, formation of the problem field, classification of the problem;
- system analysis - determines the need to consider the object from the position of system approach as a specific system that is characterized by structure and functions and, in its turn, is divided into descriptive (the formation of functions based on the existing structure) and constructive (creating a structure based on the functions that are specified) analysis;
- praxeological analysis - consideration of activity processes from the point of view of their optimization (analysis of activity ways of optimization, algorithmization and modeling of activity);
- prognostic analysis - formation of predictions regarding the future development of the situation in the normative (the future state of the system and the methods for achieving it are determined) and the search options (due to the construction of trend models the future situation is determined) (Surmin, 2012).
The presented analytical methods constitute a certain operational system of work with cases, which corresponds to the stages of analytical activity:
1) implementation of problematic structuring;
2) definition of characteristics, structure of a problem situation;
3) determining the cause of its occurrence;
4) diagnostics of the activity content in the situation;
5) constructing a system of the situation assessment;
6) making forecasts for the development of the situation;
7) formation of recommendations;
8) development of activities program for solving the situation.
3.3. Case as a technology
Since the case involves several types of analytical activities necessary for the situation comprehension, an important condition for the implementation of the case study method tasks is the high level of the teacher's methodological culture. The use of the case study method is a complex process of professionally-oriented learning, which technology of implementation involves several stages. In addition, the effectiveness of learning process on the basis of the case study method is possible under the following conditions: 1) availability of expedient case of high quality; 2) specific methodology for its use.
The construction of the case, its direct writing in text form, must meet the following requirements: to be a skillfully told real story; to describe a real management problem; to describe a dramatic situation; to include contrast comparisons; to tell about specific employees of specific companies; to refer to recent events; to allow evaluation of the accepted management decisions; to be short (the optimal volume of text should not exceed 8-12 pages, plus 5-10 pages of supplements, and mini-cases can have a volume of 1-2 pages of text); to contain the necessary statistical information.
The case, as a rule, includes the following elements:
- name of the case;
- description of the main idea;
- purpose;
- place in the curriculum (for independent planning of the educational process);
- formulation of the problem and a plan for studying the materials;
- a step-by-step task to perform;
- issues for discussion;
- requirements for registration of the results of work with the case;
- reference materials;
- reference to additional information resources (for independent study).
The size of the case directly depends on its purpose. There are three categories: a mini-case - intended to take part of an academic lesson; a medium-sized case -usually takes one academic lesson; a bulky case - intended for several practical lessons.
The work on the case creation includes the following stages:
1. Formulation of didactic purposes of the case. This stage includes determining the place of the case in the structure of the educational course, identifying its "zones of responsibility" for the knowledge and skills of students.
2. Construction of a program case map consisting of the main theses to be highlighted in the text.
3. Search for an institutional system (firm, organization, department, etc.), which directly relates to the theses of the program map.
4. Collection of information in the institutional system regarding the theses of the program case map.
5. Construction or selection of the situation model reflecting the activities of the institute.
6. Choice of the case style.
7. Writing the text of the case.
8. Diagnostics of the case correctness and effectiveness.
9. Preparation of the case final version.
10. Introduction of the case into educational practice, providing for its use during the classes, as well as its possible publication.
3.4. Sources of cases.
The case is the result of the teacher's work, his intellectual product. Like any other intellectual product, the case has its sources. The basic or primary sources for cases are: life, science, education. Equally important for the creation of cases are secondary sources: belles-lettres and journalistic literature, local sources (when there are representatives of a company whose situation is being discussed, or there are students who use products or services of the company whose situation is analyzed in the group), statistical materials, monographs and scientific articles, Internet resources.
Let us consider the Internet with its resources, as an inexhaustible source of materials for creating cases and a source of ready-made case versions.
27 Modern European Researches No 1 / 2018 The Internet is characterized by large scale, flexibility and efficiency, which are the key features of its attractiveness. It simplifies and facilitates the work of the teacher in preparing cases. Firstly, it is free and open access to information about organizations, their activities, description of situations and solutions that have been applied to overcome the problem. Secondly, it's free access to collections of cases that have proved to be effective. For example, the Ukrainian resource: http://www.management.com.ua/cases/ - the portal is positioned as a virtual environment for professionals in the management sphere and it is aimed at the exchange of topical methodological information, practical experience, as well as at the discussion of theoretical aspects and problems of applying managerial ideas; the portal is intended for executives of various levels in business, management consultants, university professors and business schools instructors, as well as students of these institutions. The Russian resource: http://www.casemethod.ru/ - the site specializes in the method of situational analysis, allows teachers to learn methodology of the case study method as the most effective form of education, which has a prospect of domination in the nearest future. The English-language resource for case studies: http://sciencecases.lib.buffalo.edu/cs/ - the site's activities are aimed at facilitating the development and dissemination of materials and practice of teaching subjects using case study methodology, the site provides access to the case collection.
4. Conclusion
The complexity and ambiguity of human life processes in modern social and cultural conditions, rapid growth of the information space and, as a consequence, the urgency of knowledge reliability problems, force the society to apply analytical activity actively. This, in its turn, generates relevant demands on the labor market and the need for changes in the professional training of specialists in various fields of activity, including future specialists in documents management and information activities.
At present, the most urgent issue is the search for effective teaching methods that would allow to form analytical competence as one of the leading competences of a modern specialist in documents management and information activities.
The analysis of theoretical foundations and practice of preparing students for analytical work allows us to state that the most effective method of forming analytical competence is an interactive method of teaching - the case study based on the achievements of philosophy, logic and other sciences that have generated analytics, theory and practice of analytical activity. Case study method provides comprehensive analysis of the specific situation conditions, identification of cause-effect relationships, modeling of possible options for the further development of events and the search for the most effective problems solutions.
The work of future specialists in documents management and information activities with a case suggests:
- assimilation of theoretical knowledge about analytical activity as a component of the future professional sphere;
- awareness of the need to master different methods of analytics (analysis, synthesis, analogy, comparison, classification, etc.) and the ability to apply them in practice;
- mastering analytical procedures (assessing the information value on certain criteria, identifying cause-effect relationships, modeling, etc.);
- formation of creativity (generation of alternative solutions);
- acquisition of socially significant skills (teamwork, ability to listen, to defend one's own opinion or position of a like-minded person, to master self-control, ability to make decisions and bear responsibility, etc.);
- development of personal abilities, qualities (diligence, criticality and creativity of thinking, responsibility, self-confidence, initiative, competitiveness, etc.).
Systemic use of the case study method in the educational process in the course of different disciplines study allows future experts in documents management and information activities to gain experience in analytical work in the classroom even before the beginning of professional activity, which is a significant indicator of the competitiveness of graduates; skills of self-organization form a strong need for professional development, self-training.
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The urgency of the problem under investigation is determined by the interest of psychological science in the phenomenon of self-consciousness. At the present stage the necessity of reflecting the problem of self-consciousness within the framework of specific professional activity is especially clearly recognized. This problem is of special importance in connection with the fact that modern society needs a special type of personality - a person who not only adapts to the existing reality, but strives for success, showing activity, initiative and responsibility in his professional activities. The article substantiates the urgency of the problem of the development of professional self-consciousness of students-psychologists, the theoretical analysis of the basic approaches to the concept of "professional self-consciousness" is presented. The author presents the results of an experimental study of the level of the formation of professional self-consciousness of students-psychologists studying at the fourth (final) course. The effectiveness of training technology in the development of professional self-consciousness of students-psychologists as a pledge of their success in the future professional activity is considered. The materials of the article can be used by teachers of practical psychology in the process of training psychologists at the university in order to improve the quality of professionalization and the level of professional self-consciousness of students in the learning process.
professional self-consciousness, the structure of professional self-awareness, training of development of professional self-consciousness, students-psychologists
Tatyana I. Kulikova Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University. 125, Lenin Av., Tula, 300026, Russia E-mail: [email protected]
Modern higher professional education, taking into account the needs and tendencies of the development of society, cannot be limited only to the tasks of transferring professional knowledge, skills and habits. The process of professional self-determination includes the development of self-consciousness of the individual, the formation of a system of value orientations, modeling of the future, the construction of standards in the form of an ideal image of a professional. The definition of one's place in the chosen profession among students is closely intertwined and interrelated with their personal development.