International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
Saidova Zilola Urakovna
Lecturer of the department of foreign languages, Journalism and Mass Communications University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent e-mail: [email protected] tel: +998935082024
The article is devoted to the process offormation of the professional competence of students of pedagogical higher education institution. The paper focuses on the modern educational technologies. Foreign language teachers use modern educational technologies to form the professional competence of students in Journalism and Mass Communication University of Uzbekistan. This article gives a brief overview of the analysis of ways of acquiring new knowledge; provide an opportunity to master a higher level of personal social activity; create such learning conditions in which students cannot fail to learn; stimulate students' creative abilities; help to bring studies closer to professional practice, form not only knowledge, skills and abilities in the specialty, but also an active life position.
Keywords: competence, professional competence, modern educational technologies, social and professional success, techniques, politician, political decisions, self-education.
One of the main tasks of the modern higher education system is the training of a specialist due to his\her own independence and originality of thinking is able to acquire new knowledge and analyze it independently, to be competitive in the labor market. Development and the use of modern educational technologies aimed at the training of a specialist of this level is becoming an important direction in the development of the modern system of higher education.
The application and integration of technology in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) contexts may pose challenges and create opportunities which might be different from the ones in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) contexts [Zimnaya, 2004]. Modern requirements in the labor market for graduates of educational institutions are radically changing the approach to training specialists. The secondary
International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
education system is designed to form a noble personality capable of achieving social and professional success in a competitive educational institution. According to the requirements of the State Educational Standard, a modern teacher must effectively manage the educational activities of students in order to obtain the planned result [CHMaeBa, H.n, 2010]
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to use various techniques and technologies. Studying the experience of using innovative methods in pedagogical activity, it is possible to highlight their advantages: they help to teach students active ways of acquiring new knowledge; provide an opportunity to master a higher level of personal social activity; create such learning conditions in which students cannot fail to learn; stimulate students' creative abilities; they help to bring studies closer to professional practice, form not only knowledge, skills and abilities in the specialty, but also an active life position [Selevko G.K, 2009: 286]. Using role-playing games in the lessons ("who are you", "plot-role-playing") as an active method of training, I was convinced of its necessity, because it helps to reveal the professional qualities of a future politician specialist. In practical classes on the "What makes a good politician?", students assign roles, gain skills for their future profession, and also learn the basics of making political decisions in conditions close to real ones, learn interaction, teamwork, responsibility for the result, develop stress tolerance, an active lifestyle. This method promotes rapid learning and self-education. When conducting classes in the form of organizing a "brainstorming", a dual task is solved: on the one hand, as a method, applied in the professional activity of politician, on the other hand, a teacher, because expert groups with the help of working hypotheses consider a wide variety of real situations, prove the importance of the decision made, gain professional experience. In the educational process, I use personal and group projects (multimedia presentations, videos, thematic projects). The result of the projects is the development of the competence of social interaction, possession of professional terms, competencies.
It is known that a student learns when he works independently: solves professional tasks, draws up documents, communicates with external and internal users of information, etc. During the defense of their product, students learn to defend their position in a reasoned manner, to assess the facts of political activity. The project method is focused on achieving the goals of the students themselves, and
International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
therefore it is effective, since it forms the professional competencies of the future specialist. [Lakotsena T.P., Alimova E.E., Oganezova L.M., 2007:256]
In the formation of professional competencies of students, an important role is played by computer technologies involving the use of different educational programs [ Сидорова, Ю.В., 2012: 131-135]. In my lessons, I involve students in creating thematic presentations on the issues of educational material, using professional electronic resources of legal reference systems. This type of activity allows you to learn the ability to work with various sources of information, increase the level of knowledge and skills for making managerial decisions.
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International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
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