A COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH TO TEACHING STUDENTS IN ENGLISH OF THEIR SPECIALTIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
specialty sciences / innovative technologies / creative approach / communicative competence / integrated skills / strategy. / ixtisoslik fanlar / innovatsion texnologiyalar / kreativ qarash / kommunikativ kompentensiya / integratsiyalashgan ko’nikmalar / strategiya.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Akobirova, Madina Buronovna

This article discusses the specifics of teaching and improving the quality of knowledge using innovative technologies in the teaching of special subjects in foreign languages in schools and universities. The special role of the approach to the development of students' independent and free thinking and creative abilities in a foreign language, the development of communicative competence and integrated skills approach in the teaching process is highlighted.

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Ushbu maqolada maktab va oily ta’lim muassasalarida ixtisoslik fanlarni chet tilida o’qitishda innovatsion texnologiyalardan foydalanib o’qitish va bilim sifatini oshirishning o’ziga xos xususiyatlari. Talabalarning chet tilida mustaqil va erkin fikrlash hamda kreativ qobiliyatalrini rivojlantirish, kommunikativ kompentensiyani rivojlantirish hamda integratsiyalashgan ko’nikmalar yondashuvining dars jarayonidagi alohida o’rni yoritib berilgan.


International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"


d https://doi.org/10.24412/2181-1784-2022-20-404-408

Akobirova Madina Buronovna

Bukhara State University, Department of Technological Education e-mail: [email protected] tel: +998973048848


This article discusses the specifics of teaching and improving the quality of knowledge using innovative technologies in the teaching of special subjects in foreign languages in schools and universities. The special role of the approach to the development of students' independent and free thinking and creative abilities in a foreign language, the development of communicative competence and integrated skills approach in the teaching process is highlighted.

Keywords: specialty sciences, innovative technologies, creative approach, communicative competence, integrated skills, strategy.


Ushbu maqolada maktab va oily ta 'lim muassasalarida ixtisoslik fanlarni chet tilida o'qitishda innovatsion texnologiyalardan foydalanib o'qitish va bilim sifatini oshirishning o'ziga xos xususiyatlari. Talabalarning chet tilida mustaqil va erkin fikrlash hamda kreativ qobiliyatalrini rivojlantirish, kommunikativ kompentensiyani rivojlantirish hamda integratsiyalashgan ko 'nikmalar yondashuvining dars jarayonidagi alohida o'rni yoritib berilgan.

Kalit so'zlar: ixtisoslik fanlar, innovatsion texnologiyalar, kreativ qarash, kommunikativ kompentensiya, integratsiyalashgan ko 'nikmalar, strategiya.


Over time, language education has developed in schools and has become a part of the education curriculum around the world. In some countries language education (also referred to as World Languages) has become a core subject along with main subjects such as English, Mathematics and Science.

In the Communicative Approach, real communication and interaction is not only the objective in learning, but also the means through which it takes place. This approach started in the 70s and became prominent as it proposed an alternative to the


International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

then ubiquitous systems-oriented approaches, such as the Audio-lingual method. That means that, instead of focusing on the acquisition of grammar and vocabulary, the Communicative Approach aimed at developing the learner's competence to communicate in the target language, with an enhanced focus on real-life situations.

Developing communicative competence.

•Using language for different purposes and functions;

•Varying the use of language according to the setting and participants;

•Producing and understanding different types of text;

•Maintaining communication despite linguistic limitation through the use of different


This change has had a huge impact on classroom materials, course books, teaching techniques and the teacher's role in the classroom, and still influences English language teaching and learning up to this day.

Some key features of the Communicative Approach.

Lessons have communicative aims. Communicating meaning is the main goal in communicative language teaching, and language is seen as a tool for learners to reach this aim. For this reason, the syllabus of courses that adopt a Communicative Approach to teaching favour lesson aims that will help students practice and develop their linguistic competence, rather than their grammatical competence. In order to achieve this, different types of syllabi were created, amongst them, the functional-notional syllabus, that enables learners to focus on the meaning of language and practice it in a realistic setting:

Functional-notional syllabus.

• Introducing yourself

• Ordering food at a restaurant

• Making a hotel reservation

• Apologizing and responding to apologies

• Making predictions about the future

• Making a complain

Besides that, the syllabus might also include work on the four skills (Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking), as their development is vital for students to perform real-life goals. The skills are many times worked with simultaneously in what is known as integrated-skills approach. For instance, in a listening lesson, students can be asked to watch a video online and post their opinion about it in the

International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

comment section. Instead of just asking learners to leave their comment, the teacher might work on the appropriate language, vocabulary and register for this text explicitly, integrating the writing skill in a listening lesson.

This is desirable when adopting the Communicative Approach because it seems more realistic: in genuine communication, skills are seldom employed in isolation, and an integrated-skills approach simulates what happens in real life. The source of the texts in skills lessons is also important. In the Communicative Approach, authentic texts are usually favored, as they might provide learners with exposure to a more genuine use of language.

Teacher acts as a facilitator in the learning process. [Richards, Rodgers: 1999, 64]. In the Communicative Approach, learners are at the centre of instruction. That means that the teacher's role has changed when compared to previous methodologies such as Audio lingualism and the Direct Method. The teacher is now seen as a facilitator in the learning process, and some of the responsibilities attributed to them are:

The role of the teachers in the Communicative Approach.

•Setting the communicative context of the lesson;

•Managing learners and creating opportunities for communications;

•Maintaining leaner motivation;

•Establishing a welcoming and safe environment;

•Giving instructions and setting activities;

•Monitoring learning and providing constructive feedback.

Fluency and accuracy practice:

In order to help learners improve their communicative competence, it is important to provide a range of practice activities. Although the ultimate aim is genuine communication, there is room for activities and exercises that ensure students practice language in a more controlled manner, focusing on the development of accuracy. These should not, however, be the only source of language practice. Activities that focus on the development of fluency are a vital part of a Communicative Approach lesson, as they give learners the opportunity to communicate meaning. [Sayfullayeva, 2021: 58]

Activity types and classroom tips:

As the teacher is not the centre of instruction anymore, activities in the Communicative Approach usually favor student-student interaction and maximize learner's opportunities to speak. The activities below can be used to provide learners

International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

with practice of the language, and the level of support given might vary depending on the stage of the lesson, the lesson aim, and the students' level of ability. Nevertheless, it is important to stress that preparing students to perform tasks is a vital step for the successful completion of activities and the development of their communicative competence. [Sayfullayeva, 2017:154]

Here are some activities that can be used in a Communicative Approach lesson:


In role-plays, learners are given an imaginary situation and are asked to perform a different role or act as themselves in a particular scenario. Role-plays enable learners to imagine themselves in realistic situations and "rehearse" before they need to use English in real life. They are also fun and motivating for some learners.

Information-gap activities

Information-gap activities require learners to talk to each other and find out missing information they need to perform a certain task. The information missing might include words, numbers and even drawings. The main point is to get students to talk and work collaboratively to share all information they need.

Jigsaw activities

Jigsaw activities involve learners reading, listening or performing different tasks at the same time and later sharing what they have done with their peers. For example, half of the students can be asked to watch a video on a certain topic and the other half can be asked to watch a different video, with a different viewpoint. After learners watch the videos and complete tasks for comprehension, they are asked to share what they had found out with their peers.

Open-ended discussions and debates

Debates and discussions can be a useful tool for fluency practice. They enable learners to share their own views on topics and use their communicative resource to convey ideas, make points, and agree and disagree with others. Debates are usually engaging and provide a rich resource for teachers to assess their learners' communicative competence. However, preparation for debates should be done thoroughly to help students succeed. [Olimov, 2012:199-201]


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