УДК 378.4
DOI 10.53065/kaznmu.2021.92.54.056
1 D.T. Adyrbekov, 1 A.T. Akchin, 2 A.Zh. Mustafayeva, 1 Zh.N. Bissenbayeva, 1 L.B. Abdulina
iMilitary Institute of Land forces Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
Almaty, Kazakhstan 2 Asfendiyarov Kazakh national medical university e-mail: zhanat [email protected]
Resume. This article discusses the use of case technology in the process of studying the discipline "Military psychology and pedagogy" among cadets. The article specifies the following conditions for increasing the motivation of cadets to study "Military pedagogy and Psychology" and also specifies methods of independent work on the situation where cadets perform types of analytical activities. The analysis also indicates that in the course of research activities, the following qualities are acquired and developed in cadets, such as: the ability to independently conduct research; ability to work with scientific and technical literature; initiative and creativity; use, expansion and deepening of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills; experience of joint work with teachers of special disciplines; self-affirmation of students in this subject area, etc. In addition, it offers active work of students based on the use of the case, which is designed for individual and group implementation of these situations. Key words: case technology, cadet, military pedagogy and psychology, factors, cadet.
Introduction. Today, very often when using case technology in the process of studying the discipline "Military Psychology and Pedagogy", there is a problem in the case itself in an implicit, disguised form, hidden in the multiplicity of the plot. The task of studying these problems is to clearly formulate and qualify the problem, and then on its basis to develop a certain version of the activity that leads to its explanation and resolution. To do this, it is necessary to identify the main components of the problem. The main factors contributing to its formation and resolution are [1]:
1. Internal stimuli, which are the need, interests and apparent inevitability.
2. Social needs, norms, principles, obligations, permits and prohibitions of activities that have a regulatory impact on the problem and ways to solve it.
3. Conditions for the emergence and solution of a problem, which are understood as phenomena that affect its occurrence, existence, development and resolution. These phenomena are recorded in the tasks of professional activity of an engineer.
4. The activity of people to solve the problem, which includes a set of cognitive and practical actions, methods and methods that are aimed at solving the problem.
The main driving force of the activity is the need. The structure of cognitive needs is determined by the motivational (motives) and emotional (interests) spheres of the individual .The main need of cadets of higher military professional educational institutions is professional development, then the main motive for training for cadets should be the application and development of their professional skills [2].The motive of learning is realized by achieving the goal. The goal guides the activity. Learning objectives are external to the learner and is determined by external factors: the social order of society, under which is formed IN the SES, as well as a number of conditions of organization of teaching process (the number of hours devoted to the study of the subject, material and methodical equipment, etc.) [3].
During the survey among cadets in order to identify the main motives for studying military-professional disciplines, and in particular, "military pedagogy and
psychology". The results showed that negative motives caused by forcing students to study this subject are very significant for cadets. Achievement motives are significant for students, and the main cognitive motives were insignificant. That is, we can say that the cadets actually lack motivation in the study of "Pedagogy and Psychology". We also conducted a study to determine the attitude of cadets to pedagogy and psychology and its role in future professional activities. In parallel with the survey with the help of teachers, a cluster analysis of the state of training of students in the discipline "Pedagogy and Psychology"was carried out.
Research methods. Analysis of the results shows that many cadets have a low level of proficiency in professional competencies. These results served as the main development of the case technology. Stage 1. It assumes the presence of the main stages of work characteristic of research in science [4]: preliminary analysis of available information, conditions and methods for solving problems of this class;
• formulation of initial hypotheses;
• setting questions to solve the problem;
• data collection;
• analysis and generalization of the results obtained;
• hypothesis testing;
• formulation of conclusions.
Under the guidance of the teacher, the cadet's personality develops, his professional knowledge and skills are formed. In the course of research activities, the following qualities of cadets are acquired and developed: the ability to independently conduct research; the ability to work with scientific and technical literature; initiative and creativity; the use, expansion and deepening of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills; experience in working together with teachers of special disciplines; self-affirmation of students in this subject area, etc. [5]. The teacher needs to introduce cadets to the possibilities of applying research activities in the science and practice of managing military collectives. Thus, we can distinguish the following conditions for increasing the motivation of cadets to study " Military pedagogy and psychology»:
• demonstration of the capabilities of the case presented in the form of a system-structured sequence of psychological and pedagogical tasks;
• formulation of situational tasks containing professionally oriented problems;
• individualization of learning: the teacher's willingness to select tasks for the study of psychological and pedagogical processes and phenomena individually for each student;
• demonstration of the practical significance of the solved projects;
• implementation of elements of cooperation and competition between students.
The entire process of training in a military university should be built in such a way that its motivational and target component plays a very important role. The actions of the teacher should be aimed at the appearance of motivation for teaching, as a result of which a positive emotional background is formed in the formation of the main professional competencies of future bachelors of production.
In the content component of the learning process, the
central place is occupied by a situational task based on a real-life problem. Training tasks and training activities presented in the practical, training and research sections of the case, displayed in the program map, lead cadets to the solution of the situational problem. We have defined the principles of forming the content of the case: scientific, accessible, consistent, clear, problematic, systematic and professional orientation. The technological component of the learning process is responsible for the methods, means and forms of organizing classes. The principles of organizing the activities of cadets are: consciousness, independence, consistency and systematicity. Since the main form in practical classes in Military pedagogy and psychology we have defined independent work, the leading principles for us are the principles of consciousness, stability and independence. They assume a strong mastery of competencies through directed meaningful active independent educational and cognitive activity. The task of the teacher is to organize independent work and activate all components of this activity. These principles are very important for our research and can be implemented through various active learning methods and forms of independent work.
The preparatory stage includes work on understanding and building the case. At the main stage, when working with the case, the reproductive, productive, search and creative levels of learning are implemented. This stage has a complex structure and is divided into 4 stages:
informational and cognitive, computational and modeling, research and creative. The final stage is used to summarize the results of the research activity and solve the main situational problem. Tasks of the preparatory stage:
1. Search and familiarization with educational and scientific-technical literature.
2. Primary analysis of the research problem.
during independent work on the situation, cadets perform the following types of analytical activities: problem analysis (understanding problems), situational analysis (modeling the situation), system analysis (considering the object from the point of view of a systematic approach), praxeological analysis (optimizing activity processes), predictive analysis (predicting the development of the situation), causal analysis (determining the causes that led to this situation) [6].
Stage 2. Its purpose is to determine and adjust the level of knowledge and skills of cadets in the field of research of psychological and pedagogical patterns using a situational task.
Further implementation of the case technology is reduced to step-by-step work on the situation to solve a professionally oriented problem. Tasks of the main stage of the case technology [7]:
1. Determine the level of cadets ' knowledge of social objects.
2. Give cadets basic knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology.
3. Teach to perform the main stages of solving multi-level socio-psychological situations.
4. Systematization and generalization of knowledge in pedagogy and psychology.
5. Develop the ability to work in groups and the ability to speak in front of an audience.
6. Development of the ability to implement project activities based on the solution of a professionally oriented research problem.
Thus, the further organization of training based on the use of the case involves the active work of students who receive tasks designed for individual and group performance.
The developed method of using case technology in the educational process, which forms a professional orientation in the activities of cadets of military universities when teaching Military pedagogy and psychology, allows us to solve a whole range of tasks related to the formation of professional competencies of the future officer.
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1 Д.Т. Адырбеков, 1 А.Т. Акчин, 2 А.Ж. Мустафаева,1 Ж.Н. Бисенбаева,
1 Л.Б. Абдулина
1Военный институт Сухопутных войск МО РК, Алматы, Казахстан 2 Казахский национальный медицинский университет имени С.Д. Асфендиярова
Резюме. В данной статье рассматриваются вопросы использования кейс-технологии в процессе изучения дисциплины «Военная психология и педагогика» у курсантов. В статье указаны следующие условия повышения мотивации курсантов к изучению «Военной педагогики и психологии» а также указаны методы самостоятельных работ над ситуацией, где курсанты выполняют разновидности аналитической деятельности. Такжеуказан анализ, что в ходе научно-исследовательской деятельности приобретаются и развиваются следующие качества у курсантов такие как: умение самостоятельно проводить исследование;
умение работать с научно-технической литературой; инициатива и творчество; использование, расширение и углубление психолого-педагогических знаний и умений; опыт совместной работы с преподавателями специальных дисциплин; самоутверждение учащихся в данной предметной области и т.д. Кроме этого предлагается активная работа учащихся на основе использовании кейса, которая рассчитана на индивидуальное и групповое выполнение данных ситуаций.
Ключевые слова: кейс-технология, курсант, военная педагогика и психология, факторы, курсант.
1 Д.Т. Адырбеков, 1 А.Т. Акчин, 2 А.Ж. Мустафаева,1 Ж.Н. Бисенбаева,
1 Л.Б. Абдулина
1КР КМ Курлыц эскерлертщ эскери институты, Алматы, Казацстан 2 С.Ж. Асфендияров атындагы Казац улттыц медициналыцуниверситет/
Тушн. Бул мацалада курсанттарда "Эскери психология жэне педагогика" пэнт оцу процестде кейс-технологияны цолдану мэселелерi царастырылады. Мацалада курсанттардыц "эскери педагогика мен психологияны" оцуга деген ынтасын арттырудыц келеа шарттары, сондай-ац курсанттар аналитикалыц цызметтщ турлерш орындайтын жагдай бойынша вз беттше жумыс стеу эдiстерi кврсетлген. Сондай-ац, талдау кврсеткендей, гылыми-зерттеу цызметi барысында курсанттардан келеа цасиеттер алынады жэне дамиды: зерттеудi вз беттше жyргiзе блу; гылыми-техникалыц
эдебиеттермен жумыс стей блу; бастамашылыц жэне шыгармашылыц; психологиялыц-педагогикалыц бшм мен дагдыларды пайдалану, кецейту жэне терецдету; арнайы пэндер оцытушыларымен бiрлескен жумыс тэжiрибесi; осы пэн саласында окушылардыц взт-взiбеюту жэне т.б. сонымен цатар, осы жагдайларды жеке жэне топтыц орындауга арналган кейстi пайдалану негiзiнде оцушылардъщ белсендiжумысы усынылады.
Тyйiндi свздер: кейс-технология, курсант, эскери педагогика жэне психология, факторлар, курсант.