УДК 378.4
DOI 10.53065/kaznmu.2021.58.46.054
1 D.T. Adyrbekov, 1 A.T. Akchin, 2 A.K. Kydyrbaeva, 1 Zh. N. Bissenbayeva, 1 L.B. Abdulina
iMilitary Institute of Land forces Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
Almaty, Kazakhstan 2 Asfendiyarov Kazakh national medical university e-mail: zhanat [email protected]
Resume: This article discusses the use of case technology in the development of professional competencies. Works on the problems of development and implementation of training technologies focused on professional training of students are considered. This training technology is based on solving production problems that lie in real-life situations of educational activity. In addition, it is indicated that case technology is a special method of training, which consists in discussing and developing solutions for a certain section of the training course, using specific cases for analysis, and performing certain tasks. The features of the implementation of case technology in the educational process of a medical university for the formation and development of professional competencies of medical students are studied.
Keywords: competence, case technology, case method, student, educational process, training.
Training of future doctors in a medical university should be practice-oriented. Within the framework of this training, activities organized and carried out to achieve the intended result are an absolute priority. In the multi-level structure of training specialists, there is still a gap in the system connections between different stages of educational activity [1].
Training is an organized interaction of subjects of the educational process (teacher and students) to achieve didactic goals. The essence of the learning process consists in stimulating and organizing active educational and cognitive activities of students to master their knowledge, develop their abilities, and develop a worldview [2]. Learning technology is a component of educational technology. In the works of many scientists who develop learning technologies, various requirements are imposed on the content of the educational process. Any training technology includes: target orientation; scientific ideas on which it is based; systems of actions of the teacher and students; criteria for evaluating the result; results; restrictions in use [3]. Research methods
Thus, the following positions characterize the training technology [4]:
• the technology is based on a certain methodological position of the author, developed for a specific pedagogical plan;
• the technological chain of operations, actions, and communications takes the form of a specific expected result, and is built strictly in accordance with the target settings;
• the functioning of the technology provides for the interrelated activities of the teacher and students on a partnership basis, taking into account the principles of individualization and differentiation, the optimal implementation of human and technical capabilities, the use of dialogue, communication;
• step-by-step planning and consistent implementation of the elements of pedagogical technology should, on the one hand, be reproduced by any teacher and, on the other, guarantee the achievement of the planned results by all students;
• diagnostic procedures containing indicators, criteria and tools for measuring performance are an integral part of pedagogical technology.
To create a quasi-professional activity in the classroom of disciplines, it is convenient to use a practice-oriented training technology that takes into account promising areas of development of science and technology. This training technology is based on solving production problems that lie in real-life situations of educational activity.
Therefore, we see the need to develop a technology that activates professionally oriented activities of students aimed at obtaining effective results in real-life situations. Considering the works on the problems of development and implementation of training technologies focused on professional training of students, we noted that among them one of the most effective is considered to be a case technology (or case method) [5;]. In these works, the case method (technology) is used in the study of medical and socio-legal disciplines.
In order for the educational process developed on the basis of case technology to be effective, it is necessary to fulfill two conditions: a good case and a certain method of its use in the educational process, taking into account the requirements of educational standards. A case is understood as a pedagogical tool that presents a complex event that integrates a complex of simple events. By case technology, we mean a professionally oriented training technology based on an integrated approach to solving a situational problem, which is a description of a specific situation that occurs in professional activity, with an explicit or hidden problem.
G. A. Bryansky, Yu.Yu. Ekaterinoslavsky, Yu. D. Krasovsky, and D. A. Pospelov made a significant contribution to the implementation and implementation of the case method in practice-oriented training.
In the studies of teachers, examples of the use of the case method in domestic educational practice that have a professional orientation are given (I. P. Andriadi, A.M. Derkach, N. P. Panfilova, I. G. Pogorelova, N. N. Sudilovskaya.). In the works of these authors, the case method is implemented on the basis of tasks, the solution of which provides the formation of knowledge and skills on the studied material.
Let us consider the main characteristics of the case method [6]:
1. The method is intended for teaching disciplines in which there is no unambiguous answer to the question posed, i.e. the truth is pluralistic. The task of the teacher is focused on obtaining truths in the problem field.
2. The emphasis of training is transferred to the development of knowledge, to the co-creation of the student and the teacher to master the finished knowledge. Hence, in the process of obtaining knowledge, democracy, i.e. the equality of the student with other students and the teacher in the process of discussing the problem, which fundamentally distinguishes this method from traditional methods.
3. The results of the application of the case study, in addition to knowledge, are the development of professional positions, a system of values, life attitudes, as well as skills of professional activity, a peculiar attitude and world transformation.
R. Yin identifies at least 5 possible applications of the case study :
1. First, it is an explanation of the real life of people, little-known phenomena, complex phenomena that are too complex for surveys or experiments. It is the explanation of these processes with the help of cases that makes it possible to develop and apply special programs to improve people's lives.
2. Secondly, it is a description of any type of intervention, innovation in the real life context of how it happened and what it led to.
3. Third, cases can illustrate certain topics-of course, in a descriptive manner and even in a journalistic style, but still there is an assessment of this phenomenon of life.
4. Fourth, the case study strategy can be used where a detailed study of those situations in which the phenomenon under study does not have sufficiently clear and tangible results is required.
5. Fifth, a case study can be a meta-assessment-the study of another evaluative study.
As a result of the organization of the educational process on the basis of a case study, students [3]:
• master the techniques of comprehensive analysis of the situation (praxeological, systemic, predictive, problematic, causal, axiological, recommendation, situational) and skills from the professional sphere of activity, which contributes to the development of their thinking;
• hone and develop skills in developing alternative solutions, their subsequent evaluation and selection of an acceptable option, as well as skills in constructive critical assessment of the points of view of others;
• increase the motivation of learning, develop communication skills, form perseverance in achieving the goal in the process of discussing real situations in the student audience;
• expand professional horizons due to the variety of situations considered;
• practice the ability to correctly formulate questions for "understanding" and "development", i.e. to request additional information necessary to clarify the initial situation;
• acquire skills to analyze practical problems in the application of theoretical knowledge;
• acquire the skills of accurate and clear presentation of their own point of view in written or oral form, i.e. verbalization skills;
• develop the ability to present, justify and defend their point of view convincingly, i.e. to make a presentation;
• master practical experience, based on feedback data, benefit from their own and others' mistakes;
• develop the experience of solving typical problems, which is born from professional intuition;
• develop communication skills, a sense of leadership, business ethics, perseverance in achieving goals in the process of discussing real situations in the student audience, and the ability to cooperate.
Thus, the case study serves as a special training method, which consists in discussing and developing solutions for a specific section of the training course, using specific cases for analysis, and performs the above tasks [7]. The case method has quite diverse creative aspects. They permeate both the process of discussing the case and the case itself as a whole. By creativity we mean innovative, unconventional solution of the problem. O. G. Smolyaninov highlights the most important features of creativity : First, the fundamental novelty, innovation and originality in solving the problem. Deviation from tradition always characterizes a creative solution.
Secondly, the increase in the quantitative and qualitative potential and complexity of the studied phenomena, in which the results are obtained by different methods (the pluralistic nature of the cognitive process), since several search fields are built, and methodological pluralism is achieved.
Third, there is a combination of cumulation, elimination and neogenesis in the creative process of generation. Fourth, the dominance of lateral thinking in the cognitive process of educational activity, which differs from vertical thinking and is based on image, intuition, feeling, association, etc. Conclusion
The studied features of the implementation of the case technology attracted us by the practical possibilities of using it in the educational process of a medical university for the formation and development of professional competencies of students. The technology itself, as we found out above, includes various sections of the case: practical, training and research. It is the content of these sections that conceals high opportunities in the training of a specialist in demand by modern science and practice.
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1 Д.Т. Адырбеков, 1 А.Т. Акчин, 2 А.К. Кыдырбаева, 1 Ж.Н. Бисенбаева, 1 Л.Б. Абдулина
1Военный институт Сухопутных войск МО РК, Алматы, Казахстан 2 Казахский национальный медицинский университет имени С.Д. Асфендиярова
Резюме: В данной статье рассматриваются вопросы использования кейс-технологии в развитии профессиональных компетенции. Рассматриваются труды по проблемам разработки и реализации технологий обучения, ориентированных на профессиональную подготовку студентов. Данная технология обучения основана на разрешении производственных проблем, лежащих в реально существующих ситуациях учебной деятельности. Кроме этого указано, что кейс-технология это специальный метод обучения, заключающийся в
обсуждении и выработке решений по определенному разделу учебного курса, использовании конкретных случаев для анализа, и выполнения определенных задач. Изучены особенности реализации кейс-технологии в образовательном процессе медицинского вуза для формирования и развития профессиональных компетенций у студентов-медиков. Ключевые слова: компетенция, кейс-технология, кейс-метод, студент, образовательный процесс, обучение.
1 Д.Т. Адырбеков, 1 А.Т. Акчин, 2 А.К. Кыдырбаева, 1 Ж.Н. Бисенбаева, 1 Л.Б.Абдулина
ЩР К,М Курлыц эскерлертщ эскери институты, Алматы, Казацстан 2С.Ж. Асфендияров атындагы Казац улттыцмедициналыцуниверситет/
Туши: Бул мацалада кэаби цyзыреттiлiктi дамытуда кейс-технологияларды пайдалану мэселелерi царастырылады. Студенттердщ кэаби дайындыгына багытталган оцыту технологияларын эзiрлеу жэне кке асыру мэселелерi бойынша ецбектер царастырылады. Оцытудыц бул технологиясы оцу с эрекеттщ нацты жагдайларында болатын вндiрiстiк мэселелердi шешуге негiзделген. Сонымен цатар, кейс-технология-бул оцу курсыныц белгш бiр бвлiмi
бойынша шешiмдердi талцылау мен эзiрлеуден, талдау ушт нацты жагдайларды пайдаланудан жэне белгш бiр тапсырмаларды орындаудан туратын арнайы оцыту эдс Медициналыц студенттердщ кэаби цузыреттшктерш цалыптастыру жэне дамыту ушт медициналыц университеттщ бшм беру процесшде кейс-технологияны енгiзу ерекшелiктерi зерттелдь Тyйiидi свздер: цузыреттМк, кейс-технология, кейс-эдк, студент, быт беру процеа, оцыту.