УДК 39
Nurmyradov D.
International horse breeding Academy named after Aba Annaev THE ROLE OF THE HORSE IN THE LIFE OF THE TURKMEN PEOPLE
In the past, horses occupied a worthy place in the life of the Turkmen people. As a result of excavations carried out on the territory of the country for many years, finds related to horses were discovered. This article analyzes information about the role of the horse in the life of Turkmens. The horse occupies a special place in the life of the Turkmen people. The horse is a miracle of the spiritual wealth of the Turkmens. Because our ancestors, who connected the horse with the soul, raised it to the level of holiness. If you listen to the sounds of the past about this, you will be able to see the obvious truth.
Ключевые слова: horse breeders, customs, rural community, steed, traditions Turkmens.
Since ancient times, Turkmen horses have been one of the central characters of beliefs. This situation can be explained by its great importance in the Turkmen family. Turkmen horses were considered a symbol of wealth and statehood, and the beliefs associated with them have survived many centuries and have undergone many changes. But the study of these beliefs helps to reveal the spiritual world of that time. The Greek Roman authors of ancient sources also left valuable records about the beautiful Parthian roots on the territory of Turkmenistan, which have no equal in beauty. In the campaigns of Oguz Khan, Alp Arslan, Togrul bek, Chagra bek and many other historical figures, the horse was a faithful companion and patron of the Turkmen rulers. Being a faithful friend and companion of the young man, the Turkmen horse played an important role in the life and fate of this man. Therefore, the horse was elevated to the rank of Turkmen holiness. He was considered the dearest and closest friend. Even in the epic "Gerogly", the sacred heavenly horse helps its master to win. Wherever Gerogly went, Gyrat was always there, his confidant when he was sitting and when he was fighting. When Gerogly came to Girat in his knight's clothes and was about to follow Ovez, at the sight of this tears flowed from the eyes of the faithful horse. Gerogly addressed Girat with the words: "My trusted man, my friend, my companion in difficult days."
Turkmen life and psychology are focused on horses. The Hungarian traveler and orientalist Arminius Vamberi wrote the following about Turkmen horses: "Turkmens bravely breed their horse, protect it from cold and heat, and the beautiful decoration of the saddle is amazing. The most popular and high-status horses of the Akhal Teke are noble horses, especially the so-called herogles and akhals. They are very friendly and helpful. Horses of this type proudly hold their beautiful head and neck...". In history, horses have been the main means of migration for Turkmens. Because, in addition to beauty, Turkmen horses are distinguished by strength and endurance in running for several kilometers without rest. Turkmens considered the horse to be their dearest faithful friend and faithful assistant. Therefore, they made it a rule to surround their horses with special care and decorate them with various ornaments.
A feeling of pride rises in the heart when you look at the magnificent Akhal-Teke horses. The travelers who came to the Turkmen land noted in their memoirs the steadfastness of the horses. Russian diplomat and traveler N. Muravyov in his book "Journey to Turkmenistan and Khiva" writes: "There are cases when Akhal-Teke horses are not given water for four days. "Turkmens cover 900 miles (954 km) on horseback in 12-15 days, and on camels in three weeks." Also N. Muravyov in He wrote in his memoirs: "Behishdi horses carry loads weighing up to 8
pounds (128 kg) separately from the horse when passing 160 stages (169.6 km). "Turkmens love their horses, which have such a high reputation," he said. There are different opinions among horse breeders of the world about the origin of Turkmen Akhal-Teke horses. Well-known scientists note that in order to study the origin of Akhal-Teke horses, one should first study the history of the people who created the breed. This is quite fair.
The study of the origin of Turkmen horses begins with a thorough study of the history of our people. The results of scientific research prove that the ancestors of the Turkmens lived in Altai, Mongolia and southern Siberia, in Turkestan, and bred world -famous Oriental horses there. The problems associated with the emergence of the horse cult among the Turkmens have been the focus of attention of many scientists. In the fifth millennium BC, all the tribes living on the plains were known as "Aryans" and acquired a large number of horses. The cult Horses must have originated first in these tribes. It should also be noted that the ancient ancestors of the Turkmens were formed by sedentary tribes such as Arias, Khorezms and others. The other part consisted of Scythian tribes (Scythians) and Massagets, cattle breeders and semi-cattle breeders. They were called "Turanians". According to Academician V.V. Bartold, "the Turanians, being another branch of the Aryans, were less cultured." In the Avesta they are called "fast tours". Professor S.N.Bogomovsky notes that the rich historical culture of Central Asia, in particular Turkmenistan, is known for the whole world with its ancient Anau culture, which is close to the Hittite and Mittanian cultures. Список использованной литературы:
1.Gundogdiev O. "The horse and cavalry of the Turkmens". Ashgabat, 1999.
2.Gundogdiyev O. "The origin and development of horse riding". 2013. No. 1
3.Bayramov K., Gulniyazov R. Name games of Turkmen. Ashgabat, 2003.
©Nurmyradov D., 2024
УДК 39
Алтыев С.,
Старший преподаватель Сарманов Г., Старший преподаватель Ораздурдыев М.,
Туркменского Государственного института Физической культуры и спорта РАЗВИТИЯ СПОРТА В ТУРКМЕНИСТАНЕ
Спорт — организованная по определённым правилам деятельность людей, состоящая в сопоставлении их физических или интеллектуальных способностей, а также подготовка к этой деятельности и межличностные отношения, возникающие в её процессе.
Спорт- многогранное общественное явление, составляющее неотъемлемый элемент культуры общества, одно из средств и методов гармоничного развития человека, укрепления его здоровья.
Цель спорта- наряду с укреплением здоровья и общим физическим развитием человека достижение высоких результатов и побед в состязаниях.
В современном понимании спорт - стремление человека к расширению границ своих физических возможностей, реализуемое через систему физических упражнений.