УДК 130.2
Suleymanova U.,
Garryev A.,
Head of the Department.
International horse breeding academy named after Aba Annayev
Baymyradova A.,
Omirov H.
Turkmen Agricultural University Named after S.A. Niyazov.
This essay explores the captivating history and enduring legacy of the legendary Akhal-Teke horses. Originating from Turkmenistan, these majestic creatures have long been revered for their remarkable beauty, unmatched endurance, and unparalleled grace. Through centuries of selective breeding, they have become symbols of national pride and cultural heritage. Delving into their rich past, this essay sheds light on their significance in various historical contexts, from ancient nomadic tribes to modern equestrian sports.
Akhalteke horses, turkmen nationality, horse breeding, selective breeding.
The horse has always been a measure of material and spiritual values for Turkmens. Yes, argamak was considered a sign of well-being and prosperity, but at the same time it was never considered a bargaining chip, since nobility, devotion, friendship have no price. Namely, these qualities are possessed by the famous Turkmen horses. If the lion was rightly called the king of animals by the level of his authority in the animal world, then the people elevated the dignity of the Akhal-Teke people to a higher rank, calling them "heavenly" horses. In fact, a person, having given such an assessment to a horse, equated take her to yourself.
The Akhal-Teke people have seen and experienced a lot in their centuries-old history. There was glory, but there was also oblivion. Today it is hard to believe that even decades ago the pure-blooded Akhal -Teke dragged out a miserable existence. Thoroughbred horses were ruthlessly put under the knife, and a horse is the soul of Turkmens. Now the former glory of Turkmen horses is being revived. During the years of independence, the "heavenly" horses regained their lost wings. They compose songs about them, make films, write books and paintings, and erect monuments to them. The proud profile of the Akhal-Teke is placed in the center The State Emblem of Turkmenistan. The Akhal-Teke is the same symbol of the nation as the famous Turkmen carpets.
The Turkmens, having presented the world with an invaluable gift - the Akhal-Teke horse, did not just bring out an unsurpassed breed of horses. Having tamed the horse many centuries ago, they managed to make argamak not only a reliable assistant, but also a faithful friend. A horse raised by a man has adopted his best features, passing them on from generation to generation. And, perhaps, a person has also learned something from the "heavenly" horses, for example, courage, modesty, kindness... As my friend, a famous horseman, once said, "The blood of an Akhal-Teke is part of the blood of Turkmens, and Turkmens with You can't take a horse."
The Akhal-Teke horse is considered the most beautiful of the existing horse breeds. This is due to their spectacular coat and slender morphology. It is also suitable for a wide range of window disciplines, especially in endurance racing and horse riding competitions. But that's not all, these horses were the favorite breed of soldiers and kings from Kazakhstan to China. It is even known that Alexander the Great rode the predecessor of
the Akhal-Teke in his battles. This is a horse of Turkish origin with very good jumps, good movements, excellent jumping ability and endurance, which deserve to be mentioned. In the 500 km endurance races held in Russia, this breed has always taken the first place. Despite this, today it is a breed used mainly for dressage and jumping due to their great potential.
Little is known about the origin and origin of this breed. This fact, together with their striking appearance, gave them a reputation as mystical horses. They are considered one of the oldest breeds in the world, bred for centuries by the Teke tribe in the Akhal oasis in the Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan. The breed has undergone several name changes, but is still known as the "heavenly horse" or "pearl of Turkmenistan". An animal whose description cannot but include the adjectives: slender and slim. With a height of about 160 cm in males and 155 cm in females, these are horses with elongated lines. They have a long thin neck, which sometimes has an S-shape, which gives the head an arrogant appearance. The back is long, as are the slender limbs, where the tendons are clearly visible.
Horses with cream, palomino, or bayo-cream fur usually have a metallic hue, which gives them a golden shade of body hair. White horses, gray liart, Perkins... the same thing happens, but the feeling of silvery wool. This curious effect is due to the fact that proteins contained in wool emit metallic iridescences when light falls on them. Although dark-colored horses do not have this effect, their fur is shiny. This means that the most valuable and desirable are albinos and kremellas, who have silver and mother-of-pearl metallic sheen. And, of course, palominos with an incredible golden effect, which gives them a "cream gene", which is why these animals are called "gilded horses". References:
1. Gurevich D.Ya. Handbook of equestrian sports and horse breeding.2000
2. Красников А.С., Хотов В.Х. Коневодство. - М.: Издательство МСХА, 1994.
3. Krasnikov A.S. "Horse breeding" - Moscow: 1981
©Suleymanova U., Garryev A., Baymyradova A., Omirov H., 2024
УДК 39
Гурбанов А.
Преподаватель института Телекоммуникации и Информатики Туркменистана
Мовламов Д.
Преподаватель института Телекоммуникации и Информатики Туркменистана
В данной научной статье рассматривается роль выдающегося туркменского поэта Махтумкули Пираги как символа национального самосознания и культурного наследия. Исследование основано на анализе его поэтического наследия, идеологии и философии, а также влиянии на развитие тюркской поэзии. Автор приходит к выводу о значимости Махтумкули Пираги как ключевой фигуры в формировании туркменской литературной традиции и национальной идентичности.
Ключевые слова:
Махтумкули Пираги, туркменский поэт, национальное самосознание, культурное наследие, идеология, философия, тюркская поэзия, традиции, литературная традиция, национальная идентичность.