DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-1-86-93
The results of studying officials' physical training level inPenal Enforcement
System of the Russian Federation
Albina A. Burt*, Igor Yu. Sandalov
FederalStateEstablishmentScientific- research Instituteof Federal Penitentiary Service
Moscow, Russia ORCID: 0000-0003-0118-3403, [email protected]* ORCID: 0000-0002-4623-5687, [email protected]
Abstract: Sufficient level of physical training among the officials of Penal Enforcement System is professionally important quality. It is conditioned by the specificity of employment activity in the aspect of official tasks fulfillment. Together with the corresponding personality's psychic characteristics physical readiness provides high level of adaptation to employment activity. Materials.Physical training level estimation among the officials of Penal Enforcement System.Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, questionnaire survey, time indices of heart rate variability analysis, spectral component of heart rate analysis, mathematic statistics method. Results. 3379 officials of Penal Enforcement System went through a questionnaire survey and 75 officials of Penal Enforcement System, who have systematic physical training, were examined. The results of a questionnaire survey prove high degree of motivation among the officials and high degree of information, concerning health-protection and perfect physical fitness support. The best results of the training level, according to the results of cardiorhythmography, show the officials of special-purpose department. Among the officials with the prevailing dynamic character of physical load we revealed vivid signs of physical over-training state. Conclusion.The received results drive us at the conclusion concerning the necessity of electrophysiological dynamic monitoring among the officials. They regularly go in for physical training and take part in departmental competitions.
Keywords: Penal Enforcement System, physical training, physical ability level, cardiovascular risk, health-protection.
For citation: Albina A. Burt*, Igor Yu. Sandalov. The results of studying officials' physical training level
in Penal Enforcement System of the Russian Federation.Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport.
2021; 16(1): 69-74. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-1-86-93.
Sufficient level of physical training among the officials of Penal Enforcement System is professionally important quality. It is conditioned by the specificity of employment activity in the aspect of official tasks fulfillment. It was stated that together with the corresponding personality's psychic characteristics physical readiness provides high level of adaptation to employment activity[1].It should be noted that only physical training lessons in terms of service training don't form the level of psychophysical fitness. It would provide productive professional activity of Penal Enforcement System officials. In many cases special directed physical exercises are necessary. They can help to increase significantly the quality of professional activity, optimize it at later stages of labor activity [2]. However, Zezyulin F.M. in his monograph, dedicated to physical training of Penal Enforcement System
officials, mentions that it is necessary to select individually means, forms and methods of physical training lessons. He underlines that it is necessary to take into account the kinds of officials' work [3]. The level of professional training of personnel conditions not only state and social safety, but also personal safety of officials during tactical missions realization, taking into account the specificity of the activity [4]. Professional load influence on an official's organism can be demonstrated as over-tension and regulatory mechanisms of functional systems exhaustion, health level decrease and finally as the quality of the fulfilled work decrease, even inability to continue it in the future [5]. The results, received by us easier, prove distinct sympathetic activation of vegetative nervous system among the officials [6, 7]. It should be noted that most physical training lessons of the officials are characterized by static load prevalence. The following activities are fulfilled during the
lessons: fighting techniques mastering, physical measures mastering, directed toward aggressive crowdopposition, crimes suppressionby means of force method. All these activities can provide functional changes and professional working capacity indices decrease [8]. Most authors mention that divisions training for employment activity realization is reasonable to organize in conditions close to real ones [9]. At the same time, at physical training lessons attention should be paid to physical self-development competencies improvement. This aspect was taken as the base for physical training of law enforcement officials. It is necessary to form urgent multilevel practice-oriented system of a continuous professional education, reconcile professional training content with the changing demands of civil society and state [4]. It is proved by several modern scientific works [10, 11] . The base for competencies formation is an official's volitional qualities. They provide his professional growth. Withthe length of service increase self-control indices increase till a very high level [12]. The aim of the research work was to estimate the results of physical training level among the officials of Penal Enforcement System.
We organized a questionnaire survey among 3379 officials of Penal Enforcement System (among them 1918 men (56,8%) and I46iwomen (43,2%)). The questions were formed on the basis of key competencies nomenclature using A.A. Dulzon and O.M. Vasileva model of competencies, in particular the competencies of health protection [13]. The selection of respondents was realized by means of a random sampling in all territorial bodies of Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.
Among the officials of Penal Enforcement System we examined 75 male officials of Penal Enforcement System in the Republic of Udmurtiya, who had systematic physical training.
The selection of respondents was realized by means of a random sampling during routine inspections. We defined 4 groups of officials: 39 are the officials of special-purpose department "Krecher" (further- SPD); 14 officials, who fulfill regularly both static and dynamic loads; 14
officials, who take only static load, and 8 officials, who fulfill only dynamic load. All officials of Penal Enforcement System departments, except the officials of special-purpose department, fulfilled regular physical exercises during free time and owing to their achievements took part in departmental competitions. The group with static and dynamic loads fulfilled systematic regional physical exercises with the mixed (aerobic and anaerobic) component of energy production prevalence. The group with static load fulfilled predominantly regional physical exercises with anaerobic component of energy production prevalence (power training, including training with weight). The group with dynamic load fulfilled systematic cyclic exercises of aerobic character (running, skiing, swimming, cardio training simulators).
The officials of special-purpose department systematically fulfilled global static-dynamic physical loads 2-3 times a week, directed toward strength, power-speed and endurance development with the mixed aerobic-anaerobic type of energy supply. Theaverageageoftheofficialswas 33 years old (8=6,0). The average duration the service in Penal Enforcement System was 11 years (8=5,2). There were no differences between the groups according to age (p>0,05).
In order to examine the officials we organized cardiointervalography - ECG signals registration with the help of "Varikard 2.51" complex in the II nd standard lead at rest and during orthostatic test.
Intervalcardiograms analysis was realized using "Iskim-6" program, version 6.2 (Build 1.494). The research was held in accordance with the recommendations of a working group of European Cardiology Society and North American Cardiac Stimulation and Electrophysiology Society [14]. We estimated time and spectral parameters of heart rate. Tension index (stress-index) estimation was held according to R.M. Baevskiy method [15,16,17,18]. Vegetative reactivity estimation was held according to tension index increase. We revealed normal, hypersympathicotonus and asympathicotonus types of vegetative reactivity.
Statistical data handling was organized using the analysis package Microsoft Exceland the package of statistical programs SPSS
i7.o.Comparison of groups was realized with the help of non-parametric Mann Whitney criterion. Criticallevelofresultsvaliditywasp<0,05.For qualitative characteristics we calculated an absolute frequency of the feature demonstration (number of the respondents) and the frequency of the feature demonstration in percentage (%).
According to the results of the questionnaire survey more than 2/3 of the officials follow a healthy life style: 26,7% constantly lead a healthy life style, a 50,2% - from time to time lead a healthy life style. Morethanhalfoftheofficialsgoinforsportssections, 23% of themdo it regularly, 29,4% - do it from time to time. Amongthe respondents 37,2% mentioned that they didn't have enough time and opportunity to attend the sections.
Among the officials, who took part in the survey, the third of the sampling mentioned, that they go in for physical culture once-twice a week (33,8%),18% do it 3-4 times a week, 4,6% train every day. 10% of the officials consider it not important to develop own physical abilities. At the same time, even free time more than 30% of officials prefer to spend having physical culture exercises, 42,5% only sometimes do it, 22,4% do it seldom and 4% - never spend their free time doing physical exercises.
22,7% of the officials consider their physical fitness perfect, 64% of respondents estimate it as satisfactory and 13% mentioned that their physical fitness was weak. 31,5% of respondents mention positive role of physical activity in adaptation to the conditions of working in Penal Enforcement System. 32,4% of respondents consider this role possibly positive. Partially positive influence of physical load on the conditions of adaptation to service mentioned 24,9% of officials and the absence of physical activity influence on adaptation mentioned 11,7%.
The officials were asked about the ratio of physical and psychic health factors influence on a high level of working capacity in changing conditions of employment activity. More than half of the respondents (52,6%) mentioned that both groups of factors were equally important for working capacity support. 24,9% mention that more important are the factors of psychic health and 13,4% think that
physical health factors were more important.Only 10% of the respondents mentioned that neither physical nor psychic health factors were important for employment activity.
Thus, the results of the questionnaire survey show high degree of motivation among the officials and high degree of information level concerning health protection and perfect physical fitness support.
During the results analysis it was revealed that the most distinct differences were between the officials of special-purpose department and all the rest groups of officials (picture 1).Special-purpose department officials had considerable time indices of heart rate increase. It proves significant predominance of heart rate variability and good adaptive abilities. Special-purpose department officials had the highest RR-interval (p<0,05) values, the greatest range between maximal and minimal RR-intervals (p<0,05) and validly the highest variation coefficient (p<0,05). Moreover, the officials of this department had considerably high SDNN index, the decrease of which lower than 39 mc means high risk of sudden heart death among men [15]. This index decrease lower than 50 mc means heart rate stabilization. Special-purpose department officials have 5-10 times cardiointervals dispersion excess. It also shows good adaptive abilities.
Speaking about R.M. Baevskiy stress-index it should be noted that it was within normal values among special-purpose department officials. This index was increased among other officials, but no valid differences were revealed (p>0,05).
The results of heart rate variability spectral analysis show considerably high variability level among SPD officials (picture 2). Totalpower index is 5-10 times exceeded the index in the groups of other Penal Enforcement Systemdepartments. Separate waves of heart rate spectrum values prevailed multiple times. Lowfrequencywaves index was considerably higher, than in other groups (p<0,05).During calculation of partial components of heart rate spectrum we reveled that in the group of the officials of special-purpose departmentapart from general variability there was extra-low-frequency component activity predominance (ULF
- ultralowfrequency), which in the opinion of officials and correlates with earlier received results
some authors, shows the influence of descending of scientists-psychologists of Penal Enforcement
neurosomatic control on vegetative nervous system. System concerning the differentiation of volitional
It in general proves high volitional control of these self-control in different departments.
Picture 1 - Comparative analysis of time indices of heart rate variability in the examined groups
S000 7G00 6000 iOOO 4000 3000 2000 1000
□HF: mc2
» LF, mc2 ■VLF, mc2 HULF. mc2
officials of SPD
officials with static -dynamic load
Picture 2 - Comparative analysis of heart rate Among the officials of other departments of territorial body there were no valid differences in terms of the fulfilled by them physical load. Moreover, interesting was a low degree of physical fitness among the officials. They take dynamic loads. These officials have higher stress-index increase (137 units.), than the officials with other character of physical load. It is not typical for athletes-runners.
offici al s with static Id ad offici al s with dynamic
spectral components in the examined groups It shows possible over-training state among the officials and the necessity to correct the regimen of trainings. At the same time according to the results of time indices they had sufficient activity of parasympathetic element of vegetative regulation. It proves good adaptive reserves of an organism. On the basis of this we can suppose that, in case of adequate training regimen, tension index items can
return to normal values.
According to spectral content of heart rate the officials, who didn't have such strict regimen of physical training, as the officials of special-purpose department, had low absolute indices of very slow and ultra-short waves. At the same time, their partial contribution is more significant in the group of static load. Summary contribution of very slow and ultra-short waves in this group was about 34% against 29% and 24% in the group of officials with the mixed and dynamic load.
During vegetative reactivity estimation we revealed the same ratio of normal and pathological types of vegetative reactivity among all examined officials. About 40% of the officials demonstrated hypersympathicotonus type of reactivity. Most had normal reaction to orthostasis.
We didn't reveal any asympathicotonus types of vegetative reactivity. They characterize sympathetic nervous system, among the officials.
1. The results of a questionnaire survey prove high degree of motivation among the officials and high degree of information, concerning health-protection and perfect physical fitness support. Morethan 70% oftherespondentsare for a healthy life style. More than 55% of the officials go in for physical culture regularly, including free time. More than 80% of the officials estimated their physical fitness as perfect and satisfactory. More than 70% of the respondents understand positive role of a healthy life style and physical activity for working capacity and fighting capabilitysupport.
2. The best results of the training level, according to the results of cardiorhythmography, show the officials of special-purpose department, who constantly develop their physical fitness. They have low risk of cardiac death, according to SDNN results, and low stress index. High possibility of a very low-wave component of heart rate proves neurohumoral character of factors, which influence heart rate, which shows great role of volitional self-control among these officials.
3. Among the officials with different character of physical load we define the officials with static load predominance, who have high
relative influence of volitional component and the officials with the prevailing dynamic character of physical load, who had evident features of overtraining state. It means they had high tension index in terms of parasympathetic nervous system activity predominance.
The received results drive us at the conclusion concerning the necessity of electrophysiological dynamic monitoring among the officials. They regularly go in for physical training and take part in departmental competitions.
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Submitted: 23.01.2021 Author's information:
Albina A. Burt - CandidateofMedicalSciences, LeadingScientificMember, Federal State Establishment Scientific- research Institute of Federal Penitentiary Service, 125130, Russia, Moscow, Narvskaya str., House 5, Building 1, e-mail: [email protected]
Igor Yu. Sandalov - ResearchOfficer, Federal State Establishment Scientific- research Institute of Federal Penitentiary Service, 125130, Russia, Moscow, Narvskaya str., House 5, Building 1, e-mail: [email protected]