Научная статья на тему 'Aerobic threshold and racing skiers’ (young men) cardiac system potentialities determination and estimation on the basis of step- increasing cycloergometric load'

Aerobic threshold and racing skiers’ (young men) cardiac system potentialities determination and estimation on the basis of step- increasing cycloergometric load Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
young men / racing skiers / test / bicycle ergometry / aerobic threshold / step-like load

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Petrov R. E., Mutaeva I. S., Ionov A. A.

At the present stage of development skiing went through many qualitative changes, concerning the speed of distance overcoming and the technique of skiing. Equipment development and more qualitative skiing tracks helped racing skiers increase the effectiveness of performances. In this connection the demands concerning athletes’ functional side of readiness also increased. The article is about methodological aspects of the correspondence determination ways and estimation between potential working capacity of cardiac system and maximum oxygen consumption and racing skiers’ qualification level. Materials. The research was held on the base stage of sports training preparatory period among male teen-agers racing skiers. The test on “eBike” bicycle ergometer (Russia) was held. The initial load was 30 watt. The test was fulfilled in terms of step-increasing load, where the load was increasing 15 W more every minute. Research methods: scientific-methodical literature analysis, pedagogical observation, testing, estimation, mathematical research results handling. Results. Aerobic heart rate threshold and the power of maximum-aerobic capacities of legs muscles were determined, taking into account body weight. The estimation of relative potential heart working capacity was calculated and then created in W/kg in terms of heart rate 190 beats/min., taking into consideration maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) among racing skiers (young men).The estimation for relative power of maximum-aerobic capacities of legs muscles in W is created, taking into account body weight in case heart rate is 180 beats/min.. Conclusion. The test with step-increasing load helps to receive urgent information for aerobic threshold, potentiality of cardiac working capacity estimation, in case of increasing loads among racing skiers (young men). The results of the test prove that before the preparatory period all skiers are at a low level of functional and physical readiness. The estimation of heart relative potential working capacity is created in W/kg in terms of heart rate 190 beats/min., taking into account maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) for racing skiers (young men). Such kind of an approach helps to correct timely the volume and intensity of the training and competitive loads.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Aerobic threshold and racing skiers’ (young men) cardiac system potentialities determination and estimation on the basis of step- increasing cycloergometric load»

5. Marchik L.A., Marynenko O.S. The effectiveness of different variants of getting dermal extract of athletes for lactate concentration determination. Austrian journal of technical and natural sciences. 2015; 3-4: 7-9 [In Engl.].

6. Savin G.A., Ushakov E.V., Perfileva O.N. Lactate level in dermal extract as athletes' physical training level index. Teoriya I praktika fizicheskoj kul'tury = Theory and practice of physical culture. 2000; 1: 16-17 [In Russ., In Engl.].

7. Sonkin V.D., Tambovtseva R.V. Razvitie myshechnoj energetiki I rabotosposobnocti v ontogeneze [Muscular energy and working capacity development in ontogenesis]. Moscow: Publishing house "LIBRIKOM". 2011: 368 [In Russ.].

8. Khramov V.A., Savin G.A. A simple method of lactate determination in biological substances. Gigiena I sanitariya. 1995: 52-54 [In Russ.].

Submitted: 24.05.2018

9. Shtefko V.G., Ostrovskiy A.D. Shemy klinicheskoj diagnostiki konstitucional'nyh tipov [The scheme of constitutional types clinical diagnostics]. Moscow - Leningrad: State Medical Press. 1929: 79 [In Russ.].

10. Hearth B.H., aCarter L. A modified somatotype method. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop. 1967; 27: 57-74 [In Engl.].

11. Kuznetsova Z., Kuznetsov A., Mutaeva I., Khalikov G., Zakharova A., 2015. Athletes training based on a complex assessment of functional state. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 156-160 (Scopus) [In Engl.].

12. Kuznetsov A., Mutaeva I., Kuznetsova Z., 2017. Diagnostics of Functional State and Reserve Capacity of young Athletes' Organism. In Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 111-115 (Scopus) [In Engl.].

Marchik L.A. - Associate Professor of Human Biology and the Basics of Medical Knowledge of the "Ulyanovsk pedagogical University Named After I. N. Ulyanova", 432030, Russia, Ulyanovsk, Narimanova Avenue, House 97, kv.101, e-mail: marchik.liudmila@,mail.ru

Martynenko O.S. - Teacher of Biology and Chemistry of the Highest Qualification Category, Gymnasium № 33, 432011, Russia, Ulyanovsk, Goncharova str., House 56/2, kv. 52

DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-3-187-199



Petrov R.E.1, Mutaeva I.S.2, Ionov A.A.2

1Yelabuga Institute (branch) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher

Education "Kazan (Privolzhskiy) Federal University" Russia, Yelabuga, [email protected] 2Naberezhnye Chelny College (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Povolzhskaya State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism" Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny, [email protected], [email protected]

Annotation. At the present stage of development skiing went through many qualitative changes, concerning the speed of distance overcoming and the technique of skiing. Equipment development and more qualitative skiing tracks helped racing skiers increase the effectiveness of performances. In this connection the demands concerning athletes' functional side of readiness also increased. The article is about methodological aspects of the correspondence determination ways and estimation between potential working capacity of cardiac system and maximum oxygen

consumption and racing skiers' qualification level. Materials. The research was held on the base stage of sports training preparatory period among male teen-agers racing skiers. The test on "eBike" bicycle ergometer (Russia) was held. The initial load was 30 watt. The test was fulfilled in terms of step-increasing load, where the load was increasing 15 W more every minute. Research methods: scientific-methodical literature analysis, pedagogical observation, testing, estimation, mathematical research results handling. Results. Aerobic heart rate threshold and the power of maximum-aerobic capacities of legs muscles were determined, taking into account body weight. The estimation of relative potential heart working capacity was calculated and then created in W/kg in terms of heart rate 190 beats/min., taking into consideration maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) among racing skiers (young men).The estimation for relative power of maximum-aerobic capacities of legs muscles in W is created, taking into account body weight in case heart rate is 180 beats/min.. Conclusion. The test with step-increasing load helps to receive urgent information for aerobic threshold, potentiality of cardiac working capacity estimation, in case of increasing loads among racing skiers (young men). The results of the test prove that before the preparatory period all skiers are at a low level of functional and physical readiness. The estimation of heart relative potential working capacity is created in W/kg in terms of heart rate 190 beats/min., taking into account maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) for racing skiers (young men). Such kind of an approach helps to correct timely the volume and intensity of the training and competitive loads. Keywords: young men, racing skiers, test, bicycle ergometry, aerobic threshold, step-like load. For quotation: Petrov R.E., Mutaeva I.S., Ionov A.A. Aerobic threshold and racing-skiers' (young men) cardiac system potentialities determination and estimation on the basis of step-increasing bicycle ergometer load use. The Russian Journal of Physical Education And Sport (Pedagogical-Psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sport). 2018; 13(3): 138147. DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-3-187-199.

INTRODUCTION Urgency. At the present stage of development skiing went through many qualitative changes, concerning the speed of distance overcoming and the technique of skiing. These changes were provided by equipment development, more qualitative skiing tracks and competitions organization development. Athletes' success during the competitions depends on a rational training process, not only owing to the volume and intensity of training loads optimization, but also owing to innovative methods of urgent information getting concerning athletes' functional state for further training process correction.

Fulfilled in time diagnostics, a complex functional state and functional readiness level estimation in skiing is a necessary condition for effective sports training among racing-skiers (young men). This age-range of racing skiers is characterized by teenage maximalism and motivation to achieve high sports results in a chosen kind of sport. It is mentioned that

functional parameters formation under the influence of different physical and competitive loads is not steady. The periods of general physical readiness increase and racing-skiers' special qualities development are planned depending on tempo of growth in general or on separate sides of readiness. Defined by us functional training of racing-skiers (young men) is realized in terms of general and special physical training. During the process of the defined training plan realization among young men we faced the problems of cardiovascular system working capacity increase as the limiting part of athletes' general and functional readiness.

Scientific-methodical literature

analysis and our observations showed that it is necessary to define training and competitive loads. Taking into account real abilities of young men's functional state gives an opportunity to predict the parameters of training loads volume and intensity in a yearly cycle. In this connection, many specialists underline differentiated cardio-vascular system working capacity study, as the base

for a successful training and competitive load organization [1,2,3].

We can't but mention the works of Biological sciences doctor Y.S. Vanyushin and his followers, who studied chronotropic and inotropic heart functions in terms of increasing physical loads. They underline the influence of the increasing cyclical loads on heart contractile force. They mention that endurance development in ski races is determined by a steady physical working capacity of an athlete's heart [4].

As the authors mention (Hedman, 2015; Prakash, 2015) that the reaction of cardiac system to the increasing physical loads having cardiac stroke volume increase and then high increase of heart rate, characterizing the work of muscular system in a functional limit [13,14]. The research works of the following authors: Polat, 2016; Ettema, 2017; Dahl, 2017, held with racing-skiers underline limiting value of heart rate, especially in submaximal zone of power, with maximum indices of oxygen consumption by the functioning muscles [16,17,18].

It should be noted that heart functioning study using the loads of moderate and great power, doesn't give full information about cardiovascular system functioning, as most of all maximum aerobic abilities of legs muscles in HRtanm (heart rate threshold of anaerobic metabolism) are determined. Such kind of the research demands differentiated individualized approach application [23,24,25,26].

That is why, in our opinion, bicycle ergometer test use during step-increasing load gives more information about heart reaction to the load and also about muscles reaction.

Step-increasing physical loads use in sports training of racing-skiers, in our opinion,

is the base for getting quick information about functional readiness of an athlete to fulfill training loads. Functional state of racing-skiers' organism monitoring during a yearly cycle of training will help to realize differentiated planning of the training process [19,20,21,29].

Thus, the aim of our research work

was the methodology testing of anaerobic threshold, potentialities of racing-skiers' (young men) cardiac system determination and estimation.


Research methods and research organization. For racing-skiers' (young men) functional state control and diagnostics we tested them on a bicycle ergometer.

Eight 16-17 year old racing skiers with the 1st category and the candidate masters of sports, who are included into the national regional teams of the Russian Federation (the Republic of Tatarstan and Udmurtia) and who go in for cross-country skiing in terms of Sports school for children and teenagers, took part in the experiment.

The research was held in 2017 at the basic stage of the preparatory period of training. At the first stage of the research a test was held on "eBike" (Russia) bicycle ergometer. The initial load on the bicycle ergometer was 30 W. The test was held in terms of step-increasing load, where the load was increasing 15 W more every minute. The respondents had to keep a steady tempo during the whole period of testing (62-70 rotations per min.). At the end of each minute the frequency of heart rate (HR) was registered with the help of "Adidas miCoach" (the USA) system, which registers statistical data with the help of wireless connection [29].

Picture 1 presents a computer hardware, which should be used in the training process of young racing-skiers.


Picture 1 - The elements of "Adidas miCoach" device

The range of HR and the individual Picture 2 presents data, which is

pulse zones change among the respondents shown on miCoach display. was registered automatically with further screen layout.

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Picture 2 - The received information representation on miCoach display

During the test respondents were forbidden to change hands and body position, get up. During the work with the bicycle ergometer it was allowed to push the pedal only with the extensor muscles of the hip. The test was stopped when the maximum volume of heart rate 180 beats per minute was achieved, as this heart rate level is the beginning of a dangerous zone of heart myocardium contraction.

The initial testing was held before the beginning of the first mesocycle, then at the end of each 4th week (3 loading weeks and 1 delivery week) the test was repeated. The test was held after the delivery week of training, after a day of rest during the first part of the day before the training.

The diagram of HR curve was created according to the results of bicycle ergometer test in terms of the increasing load of 15 W. On Y-axis diagram the conventional line was drawn according to the first significant heart rate turning point, where heart potentialities were defined in W when HR was 190 beats

per minute. Potentialities of cardiac system were understood as maximum abilities of oxygen delivery to the working muscles in terms of HR 190 beats per minute.

During the test on the bicycle ergometer the following indices were defined:

- according to the diagram of the significant HR turning point the power of legs muscles aerobic threshold was defined in W;

-relative power of legs muscles aerobic threshold in W, taking into consideration body weight;

- HR of legs muscles aerobic threshold;

- the power of maximum-aerobic abilities of legs muscles in W in case of HR of 180 beats per minute achievement;

- relative power of maximum- aerobic abilities of legs muscles, taking into consideration body weight;

- relative potential power of cardiac system, taking into consideration the respondents' weight (picture 3).


Young men's cardiac-functional indices estimation helps to define individual pulse zones of HR and the zones of HR tanm. It also helps to estimate the range of aerobic load transfer to anaerobic ones, owing to power and speed of the load increase. HR indices are very convenient for the control.

Young men testing in case of step-increasing load on the bicycle ergometer helped to define HR aerobic threshold and power in W. We determined the dependence between HR indices and power on the level of

Note: 1 - HR aerobic threshold, power of aerobic threshold in W; 2 - power in terms of HR 180; 3 - HR 190 beats per minute in terms of conventional line from aerobic threshold; 4 - cardiac system potential ability power in W;

Picture 3 - Aerobic threshold, potentiality of cardiac system determination among young men, who

go in for cross-country skiing

Table 1 - The correspondence estimation between cardiac system potential working capacity and maximum oxygen consumption and the level of qualification in skiing race among men

Relative potential working capacity of cardiac system, taking into consideration the weight in W/kg in terms of HR b 190 beats per minute Correspondence with maximum oxygen consumption ml/kg/min Correspondence with the level of a skiing race qualification among men Estimation

5,64 W/kg < 75 ml/kg/min < World level High

According to Myakinchenko, (2009) during 75-78 W work on the bicycle ergometer within one minute muscles consume 1 liter of oxygen. It means that for 1 W/min we spend 12,8-13,3 ml of oxygen [27]. On the basis of these results the scale of relative potential working capacity of heart in W/kg in terms of HR 190 beats per minute was calculated and then created. In this case maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) for racing-skiers (young men) was taken into consideration. Then this scale was compared to the level of racing-skiers' qualification (Table 1).

5,26 - 5,63 W/kg 70-74,9 ml/kg/min World-class athlete Above the average

4,89 - 5,25 W/kg 65-69,9 ml/kg/min Master of sports Average

4,51 - 4,88 W/kg 60-64,9 ml/kg/min I-st senior degree, candidate master of sports Below the average

4,14 - 4,50 W/kg > 55-59,9 ml/kg/min > I-II-nd senior degree Low

The power volume study of legs muscles on bicycle ergometer in case HR is 180 beats per minute gives information about the level of maximum oxygen consumption by the active muscles or maximum-aerobic abilities. The higher this index is, the higher is anaerobic threshold of legs muscles.

Taking this information into account we created the estimation of maximum-aerobic abilities relative power of legs muscles in W, taking into consideration weight in case HR is 180 beats per minute. 12,8-13,3 ml of oxygen are spent for 1 W/min (Table 2).

Table 2 - Relative maximum-aerobic power estimation of legs muscles among young men-senior

maximum-aerobic power estimation of legs muscles, W/kg Oxygen consumption, ml/kg/min Estimation

4,51 W/kg < 60 ml/kg/min < High

4,13 - 4,50 W/kg 55-59,9 ml/kg/min Above the average

3,76 - 4,12 W/kg 50-54,9 ml/kg/min Average

3,39 - 3,75 W/kg 45-49,9 ml/kg/min Below the average

3,38 W/kg > 44,9 ml/kg/min > Low

Every minute 15 W load increase provides gradual and minimal recruit of muscle fibers during the test and defines aerobic threshold in W or power indices of slow muscle fibers and also pulse zone of aerobic threshold according to HR diagram.

The initial test of young men, who go in for cross country skiing, before the experiment showed that 4 respondents have the average level of cardiac system potentialities, three respondents have below the average level of cardiac system potentialities and one respondent had a low level of cardiac system potentialities. Also, the results of aerobic threshold power and work power in case HR180 showed that two

athletes had below the average level test results and other respondents had low level results. The test results prove that before the preparatory period all athletes are at a low level of functional and physical readiness. That is why in all kinds of sport, where endurance is the base, one of the most important limiting functions of training level is considered functional working capacity of cardiac system. Low levels of cardiac system potentiality proves a low level of myocardium contractile force, which then is reflected by a great increase of HR in terms of small and average intensity loads. According to test results all respondents had the average and low level of cardiac system potential working

capacity. All young men were offered to increase equally "aerobic distance" means in

the 1st mesocycle of training till 70% of all planned time of physical training (Table 3).

№ sport session Weight of an athlete (kg) AeT power of legs muscles (W) Relative AeT power (W/kg) HR of legs muscles AeT (beats/min) HRi80 power (W) Relative HR180 power (W/kg) Potential power (W) Relative potential power (W/kg)

№ 1 64 135 2,11 (2) 135 240 3,75 (2) 330 5,16 (3)

№ 2 65 105 1,62 (1) 138 210 3,23 (1) 300 4,62 (2)

№ 3 76,5 115 1,5 (1) 145 215 2,81 (1) 323 4,22 (1)

№ 4 64,5 130 2,02 (2) 141 230 3,57 (2) 325 5,04 (3)

№ 5 70 125 1,79 (1) 139 225 3,21 (1) 320 4,57 (2)

№ 6 71,5 120 1,68 (1) 142 210 2,94 (1) 350 4,89 (3)

№ 7 72 130 1,80 (1) 138 220 3,06 (1) 370 5,14 (3)

№ 8 64 110 1,72 (1) 137 195 3,05 (1) 300 4,70 (2)

mark - high.

The results of the repeated test showed, that cardiac system potentialities increased among all examined young men. The increase of heart working capacity happened owing to a high volume of aerobic load. Among three young men heart potentiality became above the average level, among two young men - the average level and among two young men - below the average level and one young man still had a low level. An athlete «№ 3» also had the increase, but the level of relative heart potentiality stayed at the same low level. A low level is connected with the fact that this respondent had the highest weight level, that is why heart volume increase is difficult and demands more training. Taking into account low indices of heart potentialities among young men «№ 2, 3, 5, 8», for the next mesocycle of training 60% of aerobic load was planned. Among other respondents 50% of physical training time was planned.

A relative power of aerobic threshold and a relative power of legs muscles in terms


of HR180 also increased among all examined young men. A relative aerobic power among three athletes was below the average level, others had a low level. As the mark of aerobic power turned out to be not high among all respondents, the load of power character increased by 25 and 30%. The athletes, who had a low level of the grade, had 30% power training during the next mesocycle, those, who had below the average level, had 25% of power training from the total time of physical training. Higher marks of heart potentialities among young men «№ 1, 4, 6, 7» helped to include "speed" and "tempo" work into their training process. Young men «№ 1, 4, 7» were added 8% of "speed" and 2% of "tempo" work. An athlete «№ 6» had only 5% of "speed" training because of the average mark of the relative potential power.


This methodology of research helps to estimate different functional abilities of racing-skiers (young men) without any

difficulties and then use the received results in practice for a differentiated planning of the training process. The positive moment of the research is in cardiac system and muscles potential and functional abilities testing under the influence of the load, which gives adequate information concerning each respondent before the next mesocycle of training.

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In cross country skiing lower extremities provide gradual great contribution to a skier's movement in terms of speed increase by means of "double poling", in order to support the reaction ability of the upper body part muscles [30]. It is also mentioned, that aerobic energetic contribution of legs muscles among racing-skiers is higher, than the contribution of shoulder girdle [31]. That is why in cross country skiing it is important to test lower extremities muscles.

This kind of testing gives more information according to cardiac system working capacity, as maximum oxygen consumption is restricted by cardiac system abilities to deliver oxygen to muscles [32].

The initial test of the racing skiers showed that most respondents had a low and partially average level of cardiac system potentialities. It is connected with the fact that during the rehabilitation stage of training, 6 months before the test, physical load was decreased and as a result there was cardiac system potential ability decrease. Or low marks of these skiers show low heart functional abilities development. Further differentiated approach in physical training of young racing-skiers, taking into consideration marks of legs muscles testing will help to increase effectively sports result at different stages and control young sportsmen's cardiovascular system reaction to the load. In addition to this research we should also consider the test of shoulder girdle muscles on bicycle ergometer and in complex plan physical training, taking into consideration the marks.


Thus, before the preparatory season in cross country skiing, it is necessary to define functional abilities of the organism. The test

with the increasing step-like load helps to get urgent information for aerobic threshold, cardiac system potential ability estimation of young men, who go in for cross country skiing. However, several research works should be held using certified equipment in order to understand what the registered level of hands and legs aerobic abilities is conditioned by.

The results of the test prove that before the preparatory period all athletes have a low level of functional and physical readiness. That is why in all kinds of sport, where endurance is the base, one of the main limiting factors of the training level is functional working capacity of cardiac system.

The created estimation of relative potential working capacity of heart in W/kg in case HR 190 beats per minute, taking into account maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) for racing skiers (young men) helps to control timely the quality of training loads realization.


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Submitted: 07.08.2018

Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 111-115 (Scopus).

Author's information:

Petrov R.E. — Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Yelabuga Institute (branch) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Kazan (Privolzhskiy) Federal University", 423604, Russia, Yelabuga, 10 Years of Tatarstan Str., House 24b/5, e-mail: [email protected]

Mutaeva I.S. - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor, Naberezhnye Chelny College (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Povolzhskaya State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism", 423807, Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny, Batenchuk Str., House 21, e-mail: [email protected]

Ionov A.A. - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Naberezhnye Chelny College (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Povolzhskaya State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism", 423807, Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny, Batenchuk Str., House 21, e-mail: [email protected]

DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-3-199-206



Fedorov N.A.1, Vanyushin Y.S.1, Elistratov D.E.1

1 Federal State Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Kazan State Agrarian


Russia, Kazan, nik-f-84@,mail.ru, [email protected]

Annotation. It is stated that the types of blood circulation influence the reaction of an organism during physical loads. At the same time, there are contradictory opinions concerning the cardiovascular system dependency on the peculiarities of blood circulation during physical load. The aim of the work is cardiorespiratory system indices determination among the athletes in terms of increasing power load depending on typological peculiarities of blood circulation. Materials. 105 men at the age of 18-35 took part in the experiment. According to HI (heart index) value athletes were divided into the groups according to the type of blood circulation. Research methods: In order to reveal CSV (cardiac stroke volume) differentiated rheogram was recorded. In order to define the indices of external respiration we used pneumotachograph; V.Kubichek- a physiological estimation of cardiorespiratory system state, mathematical research results handling. Results. It was revealed that hypokinetic type of blood circulation (HTB) is more efficient in case of the highest inotropic hear function. It is considered as the most effective mechanism of urgent MBV (minute blood volume) adaptation to a load. Threshold of an adequate hemodynamic reaction in the groups of athletes is conditioned by typological peculiarities of blood circulation. The value of MRV (minute respiration volume) in different groups was achieved by different combination of RR (respiratory rate) and RC (respiratory capacity) indices. Conclusion. It is stated that the types of

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