Научная статья на тему 'Respiratory technologies in professional-applied physical culture among electric train drivers in the aspect of adaptation to psycho-emotional loads of professional activity'

Respiratory technologies in professional-applied physical culture among electric train drivers in the aspect of adaptation to psycho-emotional loads of professional activity Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
professional-applied physical culture (PAPC) / professional activity of electric train drivers / psycho-emotional tension / adaptation / self-regulation / respiration

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Stepan A. Goniyants, Ilona V. Adamova, Vladimir A. Rvachev

The profession of an electric train driver is connected with a high level of psycho-emotional tension [4]. A successful long-term activity is a definite guarantee of social well-being and motivates a person to have necessary level of physical condition for professional disqualification prevention. Material. The article is about the problem of the of adaptation increase level in professional activity of subway electric train drivers. Respiratory practices influence in professional-applied physical culture both on psychophysiological adaptation and psychological component of a regulation process. Research methods: scientific-methodical literature analysis and summarizing, sociological methods: questionnaire survey (including expert estimation, interview and others), medical-biological methods, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical-statistical data handling. Results. A complex of special physical exercises is formed, which are directed at respiratory muscular-system development. This complex was used in physical-conditional training and in regenerativepreventive work. Special attention was given to the questions of self-regulation through the parameters of respiration management. Lung capacity and the duration of breath holding during inhalation among people from the experimental group changed greatly and validly. Conclusion. The results of the pedagogical experiment showed, that a complex use of multidirectional dynamic and static-dynamic exercises of aerobic character had a positive influence on sympathetic division of ANS functioning and a functional state of cardio-respiratory system.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Respiratory technologies in professional-applied physical culture among electric train drivers in the aspect of adaptation to psycho-emotional loads of professional activity»

DOI 10.14526/01_2017_181


Stepan A. Goniyants - candidate of pedagogics, Ilona V. Adamova - candidate of pedagogics, Vladimir A. Rvachev - postgraduate Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, 4, Sireneviy boulevard, Moscow, 105122, Russia

E-mail: [email protected]

Annotation. The profession of an electric train driver is connected with a high level of psycho-emotional tension [4]. A successful long-term activity is a definite guarantee of social well-being and motivates a person to have necessary level of physical condition for professional disqualification prevention. Material. The article is about the problem of the of adaptation increase level in professional activity of subway electric train drivers. Respiratory practices influence in professional-applied physical culture both on psychophysiological adaptation and psychological component of a regulation process. Research methods: scientific-methodical literature analysis and summarizing, sociological methods: questionnaire survey (including expert estimation, interview and others), medical-biological methods, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical-statistical data handling. Results. A complex of special physical exercises is formed, which are directed at respiratory muscular-system development. This complex was used in physical-conditional training and in regenerative- preventive work. Special attention was given to the questions of self-regulation through the parameters of respiration management. Lung capacity and the duration of breath holding during inhalation among people from the experimental group changed greatly and validly. Conclusion. The results of the pedagogical experiment showed, that a complex use of multidirectional dynamic and static-dynamic exercises of aerobic character had a positive influence on sympathetic division of ANS functioning and a functional state of cardiorespiratory system.

Keywords: professional-applied physical culture (PAPC), professional activity of electric train drivers, psycho-emotional tension, adaptation, self-regulation, respiration.

Urgency. The profession of an electric train driver is connected with a high level of psycho-emotional tension [4]. A successful long-term activity is a definite guarantee of social well-being and motivates a person to have necessary level of physical condition for professional disqualification prevention.

The specificity of physical culture is in the fact that it combines social and biological aspects in a person. Body development, the functions of an organism optimization, his

physical abilities realization don't happen independently of his social functions, without a considerable influence of social relations. At the same time, physical potential development depends on a person's activity, which can purposefully influence this objective process, taking into consideration its laws and aims [2].

Considering professional activity as a stress-factor we can define the levels of adaptation: physiological and psychic. PAPC

with its multifunctional character and the range of specific and non-specific functions gives an opportunity to activate the process of professional adaptation to labor and rest regimen change, parameters of work environment, being one of the factors, which provides high level of labor productivity, professional health preservation [5].

Taking into consideration the specificity of professional activity among drivers [3, 6,7], special attention in all components of PAPC (small forms of lessons in the system of a scientific labor organization (SLO)); complex organized and independent lessons like physical-conditional training with a professional and recovery-preventive orientation), considered by us, it is necessary to pay special attention to self-regulation techniques mastering and use.

Before the pedagogical research during the examination among drivers we revealed, that 40% of diseases had respiratory character. That is why special attention we paid to respiratory exercises.

The methodologies of respiratory exercises fulfillment differ owing to the following characteristics: purposeful orientation, power, depth of respiration, intensity (with the recurrence rate), regimen and duration (order ofphases and cycles) [1].

Methods: scientific-methodical literature analysis and summarizing, sociological methods: questionnaire survey (including expert estimation, interview and others), medical-biological methods, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical-statistical data handling

Results. The effectiveness of respiratory exercises use in practice of PAPC depends on the adequacy of the chosen methodologies and on the degree of their individual mastering. Great attention in physical-conditional training and in regenerative-preventive work we paid to respiratory exercises. It is known that the function of respiration is vital for a person. With the help of special methodologies of physical respiratory exercises fulfillment it is possible to influence respiratory function development. The same as health-improving gymnastics, respiratory gymnastics provides a complex of special physical exercises fulfillment, which are directed at respiratory muscular-system development.

In our research work we studied a group of drivers (men of the second adulthood - 30-60 years old), the main group (n=35 people). Special attention was given to the questions of self-regulation through the respiration parameters management. During the preparatory period a gradual methodology mastering was directed at the following:

- individual norm of the rhythm (number of breaths within a minute) at rest;

- different techniques of "breath" mastering. Slow and deep breathing (with the help of abdomen muscles) decreases nervous centers sensibility, provides muscular relaxation. Often (thoracic) respiration provides a high level of organism activity, supports nervous-psychic tension;

- mastering the exercise for the duration change of the phases using a definite counting for the phases of "inhalation", "exhalation" and "a pause" (unit of counting is 1 second);

- mastering the exercise of fractional inhalation- exhalation, breathing with counting;

- respiration rate regulation without additional counting on the basis of "the sense of time interval" and individual norm.

The exercises were fulfilled in the following positions: standing, sitting on the chair with a correct bearing fixation, which is conditioned by a working pose of a driver.

Preparatory stage organization helped to use respiratory techniques effectively during the work and for the processes of rehabilitation optimization. The exercises of regenerative-preventive character are included into the program of complex combined lessons, planned in a month cycle and fulfilled mainly at heart rate 110-130 beats per minute.

Taking into consideration health-improving effectiveness, considerable coordinating simplicity, availability and eccentricity, attractiveness, especially for people with a low level of physical fitness, we mastered the exercises from "paradoxical" gymnastics by A.N. Strelnikova, which increases resistance of respiratory system to hypoxia and indirectly influences psychic state.

Lung capacity and the duration of breath holding during inhalation (Stange's test) among people from the experimental group changed greatly and validly (in case P< 0,05) changed to 0,63l (18%) and 20,2s (44%).

Before the experiment most respondents from the experimental group were in the group "with moderately decreased value" (75%), after the experiment the percentage was the following: 25%.

It is conditioned by a considerable volume of aerobic running exercises (2025%), used in physical-conditional training of professional orientation and a complex of special respiratory exercises.

Conclusion. The results of the pedagogical experiment showed, that a complex use of multidirectional dynamic and static-dynamic exercises of aerobic character had a positive influence on sympathetic division of ANS functioning and a functional state of cardio-respiratory system.


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Submitted: 30.02.2017 Received: 01.03.2017

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Stepan A. Goniyants - candidate of pedagogics, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, 4, Sireneviy boulevard, Moscow, 105122, Russia

Ilona V. Adamova - candidate ofpedagogics, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, 4, Sireneviy boulevard, Moscow, 105122, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]

Vladimir A. Rvachev - graduate student, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, 4, Sireneviy boulevard, Moscow, 105122, Russia

For citations: Goniyants S.A., Adamova I.V., Rvachev V.A. Respiratory technologies in professional-applied physical culture among electric train drivers in the aspect of adaptation to

psycho-emotional loads of professional activity, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogical-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 33-35. DOI 10.14526/01_2017_181

DOI 10.14526/01_2017_182


Leonid A. Zelenin - doctor ofpedagogics, professor, Alexsandr N. Legotkin - candidate of pedagogics, associate professor, Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU), 29, Komsomolsky Prospect, Perm, 614990, Russia

E-mail: [email protected]

Annotation. The article considers theoretical training with physical exercises introduction into educational process, which are fulfilled at training simulators and devices. Theoretical training gives necessary scientific knowledge concerning the use of technical means, correct fulfillment of physical exercises using them, helps to choose corresponding exercises, methodology of their use, dosage and load and also forms abilities and skills for training simulators use in order to improve health of those, who train. Research methods: scientific-methodical and special literature analysis and summarizing, the method of non-traditional training at training simulators, general-pedagogical methods of influence, the method of conjugate impact and the method of circuit training. Materials. With the help of scientific-methodical and special literature necessary theoretical and methodical knowledge was gained, physical exercises fulfillment with the help of technical means helps to form actively abilities and skills of independent thinking, develops self-control and self-analysis skills of own organism and own activity. Results. In a pedagogical process technical means help to consider educational-training process as an integral whole, organically connected unity of the elements in the ability to enlarge the range of means, approaches, techniques and methods of technical, physical, tactical, psychological, theoretical, intellectual and other kinds of training. Power training at training simulators (artificial environment conditions) psychologically directs to a rational, correct fulfillment and a high speed of information and feedback of programming handling in motional actions technique fulfillment in conjugate development of conditional qualities. Technical means present the elements of novelty, which stimulate the opportunity of power abilities development, activate intellectual activity, improve emotional state and problem tasks setting in motional actions technique realization is an organizational-methodical instrument of pedagogical process. Conclusion. Scientific-theoretical knowledge, gained at the lessons with the use of training simulators and technical means, gives students an opportunity to fulfill independently physical exercises with a correct methodology, corresponding load, approaches and necessary techniques, actively provides power, speed-power, power endurance, coordination of movements development, in particular, improves balance, activity, flexibility and endurance. Physical culture with the use of training simulators helps to reduce time for controlling movements, typical for a definite lesson motional qualities and abilities mastering; provide abilities and skills of control and self-control formation in mistakes prevention and correction.

Keywords: technical means (anthropotechnics), health improvement with the help of technical means, the basis of knowledge gaining, physical (conditional) qualities, motivation of training at simulators.

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