Научная статья на тему 'The results of autoexperiment involving the use of the training process organization complex method while training a female athlete for the Russian swimming Championship among veterans'

The results of autoexperiment involving the use of the training process organization complex method while training a female athlete for the Russian swimming Championship among veterans Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
adaptation laws / a complex method of the training process organization / expediency and an optimal character of training loads / respiratory exercises in training / pre-start laser stimulation

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tatiana N. Pavlova, Sergei E. Pavlov, Alexsandr S. Pavlov

Literary sources analysis helps to find sufficient evidence of low effectiveness concerning traditionally used periodization method of training process organization in training swimmers. In this connection the search for more effective method of the training process organization in sports swimming is very urgent. Materials. A complex method approbation of the training process organization in a training cycle of a female athlete (age56) for the Russian Swimming Championship among veterans. Research methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing, the method of sports working capacity laser stimulation, experiment. Result. The article presents the results of an individual experience of using a complex method of the training process organization while training the female athlete for the Russian Swimming Championship among veterans. It has been reported about the effectiveness of using respiratory exercises, fulfilled according to the methodology of A. V. Sidersky, in training the female athlete-veteran, as well as about the effectiveness of a course use of general health-improving Tibetan herbal tea, prepared according to N. A. Badmaev formula and about the effectiveness of using the sports working capacity laser stimulation method in pre-start training of the female athlete. Conclusion. The use of a system physiology laws in the training process planning and organization, purposiveness and an optimal character of the training loads in combination with full regeneration of an athlete between the training lessons guarantee its effectiveness.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The results of autoexperiment involving the use of the training process organization complex method while training a female athlete for the Russian swimming Championship among veterans»

Nadezhda A. Nazarenko - student Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, 161, Budenny str., Krasnodar, 350015, Russia

For citations: Kuznetsova Z.M., Ovchinnikov Y.D., Nazarenko N.A. Biomechanics of movements in the main phases of a motional action (by the example of darts), The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems ofphysical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 47-54.

DOI 10.14526/01_2017_206


Tatiana N. Pavlova - candidate of Pedagogics, associate professor Sergei E. Pavlov - candidate of Medicine, Alexsandr S. Pavlov - candidate of Pedagogics, lecture Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPC)", 4, Sireneviy boulevard, Moscow, 105122, Russia

E-mail: dr [email protected]

Annotation. Literary sources analysis helps to find sufficient evidence of low effectiveness concerning traditionally used periodization method of training process organization in training swimmers. In this connection the search for more effective method of the training process organization in sports swimming is very urgent. Materials. A complex method approbation of the training process organization in a training cycle of a female athlete (age- 56) for the Russian Swimming Championship among veterans. Research methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing, the method of sports working capacity laser stimulation, experiment. Result. The article presents the results of an individual experience of using a complex method of the training process organization while training the female athlete for the Russian Swimming Championship among veterans. It has been reported about the effectiveness of using respiratory exercises, fulfilled according to the methodology of A. V. Sidersky, in training the female athlete-veteran, as well as about the effectiveness of a course use of general health-improving Tibetan herbal tea, prepared according to N. A. Badmaev formula and about the effectiveness of using the sports working capacity laser stimulation method in pre-start training of the female athlete. Conclusion. The use of a system physiology laws in the training process planning and organization, purposiveness and an optimal character of the training loads in combination with full regeneration of an athlete between the training lessons guarantee its effectiveness.

Keywords: adaptation laws, a complex method of the training process organization, expediency and an optimal character of training loads, respiratory exercises in training, pre-start laser stimulation.

Literary sources analysis helps to find sufficient evidence of low effectiveness concerning traditionally used periodization method of training process organization in training swimmers. In this connection the

search for the training process organization more effective method in sports swimming is very urgent. One of such kind of methods is a complex method of training process organization, which was created in 70-s of the

XXth century by the Olympic champion, Merited Master of Sports, Merited Trainer of the USSR, doctor of pedagogics A.P. Bondarchuk. The base of such kind of the training process organization method forms adaptation laws, which state structural-functional specificity of motor acts and adaptive changes of an organism [9, 14], modern principles of the training process organization (expediency and an optimal character of the used training loads, purposefulness of the training process organization in general)[1, 2], and also the laws of training transfer state [13]. The experience of the training process organization complex method use in sports swimming was stated in the articles of S.E. Pavlov, T.N. Kuznetsova, I V. Afonyakin (2001) and T. N. Pavlova, E.A. Mekhteleva, S.E. Pavlov (2015) [10, 12].

This complex method of the training process organization was used by us in the training cycle of the female athlete (age-56) for the Russian Swimming Championship among veterans (Penza, April, 2017). The female athlete trained three times a week (with 4 days of rest). In general she had 26 training lessons. During each training lesson one and the same standard complex of exercises was fulfilled, initially it included freestyle swimming 25 meters distance with different speed. Freestyle swimming 50 meters distance was included into the training task during 5 final training lessons before the Russian Championship. General volume of the female athlete swimming load during one training lesson

wasn't more than 600 meters (including warming-up in water). At the same time, 15% of the swimming load during each training lesson included the work over swimming technique. Training work at maximal and submaximal speed of swimming was 30%. During the same period (during 2 weeks every day) the female athlete was fulfilling a complex of respiratory exercises according to the methodology of A.V. Siderskiy in order to increase the effectiveness of external respiration apparatus [5, 6]. Additionally during 4 weeks this female athlete every day took general health-improving Tibetan herbal tea, prepared according to N. A. Badmaev formula. Just before the competitive start the female athlete had the session of laser stimulation using photonic- magnetic-laser infrared therapeutic apparatus "MILTA-Sport" using the method of transcutaneous polyzonal laser impact [4, 7, 8, 11, 14].

The initial result of the female athlete in freestyle swimming 25 meters distance was 15,80 seconds. The best result at the same distance at the end of the training cycle was 14,51 seconds. The initial result of the female athlete in freestyle swimming 50 meters distance was 34,69 seconds. During the Russian Championship among veterans (Penza, Russia, April, 2017) in freestyle swimming 50 meters distance she had the following result: 33,19 seconds (picture 1). With such kind of result the female athlete took the 1st place at the Russian Swimming Championship among veterans in freestyle swimming 50 meters distance.

Picture 1 - Training and competitive results in freestyle swimming with maximum speed at 25 meters distance from the start and 50 meters distance from the start

Результаты проплывания дистанции 25 метров вольным стилем со старта (ceK)-the results of freestyle swimming 25 meters distance from the start (sec.)

Тибетский травный сбор по рецептуре Н. А. Бадмаева- Tibetan herbal tea, prepared according to N. A. Badmaev formula

Дыхательные упражнения по методике А.В. Сидерского-Respiratory exercises according to the methodology of A.V. Siderskiy Тренировочные занятия-training lessons

Результаты проплывания дистанции 50 метров вольным стилем со старта (сек)- the results of freestyle swimming 50 meters distance from the start (sec.) Лазерная стимуляция перед стартом-laser stimulation before the start Тренировочные занятия и соревнования-training lessons and competitions

The cycle of 26 training lessons wasn't enough in order to improve the female athlete's fitness state (the state of sports fitness is characterized by the stability of the demonstrated by a sportsman results during training lessons and during competitions), which correlates with the results received by A.P. Bondarchuk (2015), who claims that in order to achieve the state of fitness, using a complex method of the training process organization, 40 and more training lessons are necessary [3]. To a certain extent the state of fitness formation was violated by the content change of the training lessons (replacement of the exercises "swimming with maximal and submaximal speed 25 meters distance from the start" by the exercises "swimming with maximal and submaximal speed 50 meters

distance from the start" during the training lessons at the final stage of training). At the same time, purposeful and optimal character of the training loads, in case of enough time for recovery of the female athlete between the training lessons, provided the increase of her special training level and it is reflected in the dynamics of the results, stated during the training lessons.

We consider 4 weeks course of general health-improving Tibetan herbal tea, prepared according to N. A. Badmaev formula, effective.

Earlier we were sceptical about the effectiveness of a single pre-competitive (pre-start) laser stimulation, not denying, however, the urgent effect of a sportsman' s working capacity increase after a single laser procedure.


The use of transcutaneous polyzonal laser method impact by the female athlete at the Russian Championship helped us to reconsider the attitude to the use of laser stimulation during pre-start training of athletes, however, we still think that the course use of laser stimulation at the stage of pre-competitive training is more effective.

According to the results of the held research we came to the following conclusions:

1. The use of a system physiology laws in the training process planning and organization guarantees its effectiveness.

2. Purposiveness and an optimal character of the training loads in combination with full regeneration of an athlete between the training lessons is the base for an effective training process.

3. The effectiveness of a swimmer's training process organization complex method is proved.

4. The effectiveness of respiratory exercises, according to the methodology of A.V. Siderskiy, in training a swimmer was proved.

5. A course use of general health-improving Tibetan herbal tea, prepared according to N. A. Badmaev formula, is effective as an additional means of sports working capacity increase.

6. Additional evidence was received about the effectiveness of pre-start laser stimulation with the use of transcutaneous polyzonal laser method impact for sports working capacity increase.


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Submitted: 10.05.2017 Received: 13.05.2017

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Tatiana N. Pavlova - candidate of Pedagogics, associate professor Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPC) ", 4, Sireneviy boulevard, Moscow, 105122, Russia Sergei E. Pavlov - candidate of Medicine, Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPC) ", 4, Sireneviy boulevard, Moscow, 105122, Russia

Alexsandr S. Pavlov - candidate of Pedagogics, lecture Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPC) ", 4, Sireneviy boulevard, Moscow, 105122, Russia, E-mail: dr [email protected]

For citations: Pavlova T.N., Pavlov S.E., Pavlov A.S. The results of autoexperiment involving the use of the training process organization complex method while training a female athlete for the Russian swimming championship among veterans, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 54-58.

DOI 10.14526/01_2017_207



Sergey P. Arshinnik - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Galina N. Dudka - senior teacher, Vasiliy I. Tkhorev - doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor FGBOU VO "Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism" (KGUFKST),

161, St. Budennogo, Krasnodar, 350015, Russia

E-mail: arshinnik [email protected]

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