DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-4-73-79
Physical readiness increase among female students on the basis of innovative approach use to teaching swimming in terms of "Physical culture" discipline at a pedagogical higher educational establishment
Evgeniya A. Raspopova1, Yuliya A. Postolnik2
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism
Moscow, Russia ORCID: 000-0002-1129-4492, [email protected] 2Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University Moscow, Russia [email protected]
Abstract: Physical upbringing in the system of high school is included into curriculum of higher educational establishments according to all specialties as an obligatory discipline. It is realized on the basis of a complex program for higher educational establishments. Physical culture lessons are directed toward physical capacities of an organism increase. Different physical culture means help to use different means of sports for students' physical readiness improvement. Materials. The article presents the results concerning the effectiveness of teaching swimming with a complex means use of water kinds of sports. They are reflected not only in swimming results improvement, but also in physical readiness increase among female students at a higher educational establishment. Methods. Pedagogical experiment, physical and swimming readiness testing, methods of statistical data handling. Results. The differences in the level of physical readiness among female students from the control and experimental groups are revealed at the end of the experiment. The results of female students, who train according to experimental innovative methodology, with water sports exercises inclusion, were validly higher than the results of the female students from the control group at the end of the experiment. Conclusion. A modern approach to the process of teaching swimming is in the opportunity to use a wide variety of exercises. They are directed toward a steady swimming skill formation. It also provides physical readiness increase among students.
Keywords: female students, swimming, physical readiness, water aerobics, synchronous swimming, water polo, platform diving.
For citation: Evgeniya A. Raspopova, Yuliya A. Postolnik. Physical readiness increase among female students on the basis of innovative approach use to teaching swimming in terms of "Physical culture" discipline at a pedagogical higher educational establishment. The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2018; 13 (4): 62-66. DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-4-73-79
Physical upbringing in the system of high school is included into curriculum of higher educational establishments according to all specialties as an obligatory discipline. It is realized on the basis of a complex program for higher educational establishments [1,5]. The result of working according to this program should become physical readiness, motor skills and abilities improvement and a high level of life powers development, students' moral, aesthetic and intellectual development [2,4,6,7,8,9,10].
The aim of physical upbringing among students is a personality's physical culture formation and the ability creation to use different physical culture and sport means for health preservation and strengthening, psychophysical and self-training for the future life and professional activity [3,11,12,13].
One of the most important skills for people of any age is swimming. Correctly formed swimming skill preserves for the whole life. During professional education at higher educational establishment swimming is one of the main parts of "Physical culture" discipline [14,15,16,17].
A great amount of books and articles present the profit of swimming. However, not all people can swim and like swimming. One of the factors, which decrease the interest in swimming lessons is monotony of the lessons and exercises. They are directed toward a swimming skill formation. That is why we tried to 62 make the process of teaching swimming interesting on the basis of different means of water sports use.
It should be noted that swimming lessons are directed not only toward a swimming skill formation, but also toward physical abilities of an organism increase, toward the applied skills formation of saving people on water. This skill is important for students. Their future professional activity will be connected with people [4,18,20].
The aim of the research work is to increase general physical readiness of the future teachers in terms of physical culture lessons on the basis of innovative methodology using water sports means [19].
The objectives of the research:
- to substantiate the most effective exercises of water sports during teaching swimming female students of humanitarian pedagogical higher educational establishment.
- to show effectiveness of different water sports means for a steady swimming skill formation and general physical readiness increase among female students of a pedagogical higher educational establishment.
Materials and Methods
84 female students took part in the experiment (17-23 years-old). They were divided into three experimental groups and three control groups. Each group included 14 people.
Physical culture lessons were held twice a week. One lesson was held in a gym hall (Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University). According to the curriculum students studied and mastered the elements of sports games techniques (in autumn- volleyball, in spring-basketball). Lessons in a gym hall in both groups were held according to the same program. The second lesson was held in a swimming pool, where the main curriculum of the department was sports ways of swimming study and mastering: front crawl, back crawl, breast stroke, dolphin (in parts) and the applied swimming. In the control group lessons were held according to the traditional methodology of teaching swimming. In the experimental group we used the experimental methodology using exercises from water sports.
The experimental methodology of teaching swimming included water sports exercises. They are used at the initial stage of training female athletes in synchronous swimming, water polo, platform diving [6].
All female students were almost healthy. Their level of swimming readiness was estimated as "inconfidently floating" [7]. The experiment was held during 3 years.
Results and Discussion
At the beginning of the experiment female students went through swimming and physical readiness tests. Female students' physical readiness indices at the beginning of the experiment, presented in table 1, didn't show valid differences and it proved identity of the groups.
Table 1 - physical readiness indices among female students of the experimental and control groups at the beginning of the experiment
Studied indices Groups P
experimental n= 42 control n=42
X ± 0 X ± 0
30 m running, sec 5,49±0,40 5,53±0,32 > 0,0.5
1000 m running, sec 358,76±24,39 359,12±19,92 > 0,05
Standing long-jump, cm 157,35±18,14 155,42±13,69 > 0,05
Body lifting within 30 squantity 18,52±3,25 19±2,87 > 0,05
Hands power press-ups, quantity 7,69 ± 4,37 7,78±3,89 > 0,05
The experimental program of lessons included the following exercises from synchronous swimming: planar positions (front swimming, back swimming); planar constructions; rowing hands and legs movements; the simplest figures; back and forward turns in grouping; rotations in grouping; "pike" figure. The exercises were fulfilled with a fixed support, as well as without it, and with the help of the supporting equipment (a belt). These exercises were directed toward adaptation to water and water-supporting reactions formation. They are necessary for teaching swimming; holding body on the surface and balance preservation in water, body movement; the elements of the applied swimming mastering and emotional appeal of the lessons increase.
Water aerobics exercises were used for physical qualities development using physical characteristics of water. The exercises were used for hands and shoulder girdle muscles, lower extremities muscles, abdomen and back muscles development and also for joint flexibility development and relaxation. These exercises provided support rowing formation, motor readiness level increase, mastering the skills of transfer from vertical to horizontal position, mastering the skill of muscles tension and relaxation.
From jumps into water the following were used: jumps from swimming-pool nosing, from a starting block and platform diving (1, 3 and 5 meters). Falls, dismounts, squats, rolls were fulfilled. The exercises fulfillment was directed toward the technique of pushing-off and diving mastering (legs down and head down). The starting jump and the applied swimming elements mastering, under water orientation provided courage, resoluteness upbringing and emotionality during swimming lessons.
Water polo exercises included the ways of movement in water: side stroke swimming "scissors" legs; front crawl (water polo crawl); "trudgeon"; diving legs and head down; "transfer from front crawl to back crawl" and "transfer from back crawl to front crawl".
The exercises are directed toward the ways of the applied swimming mastering and are specially-applied. They are directly connected with the first aid on water.
All mentioned above exercises were preparing the female students from the experimental groups in order to study the basis of sports and applied swimming.
At the end of the experimental work control test of swimming and physical readiness was held among the female students from the experimental and control groups. In order to check the effectiveness of offered by us methodology the indices, which reflect the skills of students' swimming and physical readiness, were used.
At the end of the experiment the control test of female students' swimming and physical readiness was held. We estimated swimming readiness of female students taking into account time of distance overcoming (50 m) using the chosen kind of swimming and the results of 12-minute K. Kuper test in swimming. Time comparison of 50 m distance overcoming using a chosen kind of swimming by female students from the control and the experimental groups is presented in table 2.
The indices presented in table 2 show that the results of 50 m distance overcoming by female students from the experimental group is validly higher than the results of the students from the control group (p<0,05). It shows higher level of swimming readiness among female students of the experimental group.
Table 2 - Time comparison of 50 m distance overcoming using the chosen way of swimming by female students from the control and the experimental groups at the end of the experiment
Distance EG CG P
Time of 50 m distance overcoming, sec 0,52±0,07 0,71±0,13 < 0,05
Distar№)Xcovered by the students within 12 m(Kuper test) 502,4 ± 95,45 383,0±99,56 < 0,05
Swimming readiness estimation 4,16±0,48 3,19± 0,74 < 0,05
The results of 12-minutes test (K. Kuper) showed that female students from the experimental group managed to overcome the distance of 502,4±95,45 meters within 12 minutes. We estimate their swimming readiness in the average as 4,16±0,48 points. Female students from the control group managed to overcome the distance of 383,0±99,56 meters within this time period and their swimming readiness can be estimated as 3,19±0,74 points, which is lower than the indices of the experimental group, p<0,05.
Physical readiness indices comparison among female students from the control and experimental groups at the end of the experiment showed (table 3) that in the experimental group all speed-power related indices improved validly (p<0,05). Length index of the jump increased for 21,5 cm.
Table 3 - Physical readiness indices comparison among female students from the experimental and control groups at the end of the experiment
Studied indices Experimental n= 42 Control n=42 P
X ± 0 X ± 0
mrunning, sec 4,96±0,22 5,36±0,31 < 0,05
1cmrunning, sec 314,31±25,15 346,36±18,40 < 0,05
Standing long-jump, cm 178,85±12,60 162,66±6,85 < 0,05
Body lifting within 30 sec, quan tily 23,04±2,49 20,14±2,15 < 0,05
Hands power press-ups, quantity 15,92±3,50 10,54±2,85 < 0,05
This fact, in our opinion, is conditioned by the condition that during swimming lessons respondents fulfilled a great number of exercises with jumps into water, which included the elements of pushing off from the wall and from a starting block longwise and to a depth, jumps from platforms (1, 3 and 5 m). Exercises and complexes from water aerobics, which were fulfilled with water density, thickness and pressure resistance, influenced speed-power and power-related indices.
General endurance index valid improvement in running test (1000 m running) among female students from the experimental group proves a higher level of general endurance level increase, which happened owing to constant swimming and exercises from water sports. Exercises changing helped to resist fatigue and increased working capacity during swimming lessons.
The held research showed that physical culture with swimming lessons inclusion and using different exercises of water sports not only increase the level of female students' swimming readiness, but also provide considerable physical readiness indices improvement.
A modern approach to the process of teaching swimming is in the opportunity to use a wide variety of exercises. They are directed toward a steady swimming skill formation. In our opinion, such kind of approach will provide not only thorough applied swimming skills mastering. They are necessary in pedagogical activity, but also general physical readiness increase among female students. It will also provide interest creation and motivational readiness increase among young people to go in for physical culture lessons.
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Submitted: 27.11.2018
EvgeniyaA. Raspopova - Doctor ofPedagogics, Professor, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, Sirenevyi blvd., House 4, Moscow, Russia, 105122, e-mail: raspopova48@
Yuliya A. Postolnik- Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University, 1-j selskokhozyaystvennyi proezd, House 4, Moscow, Russia, 129226, e-mail: postolnik.julia@