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7. Morozova E. A. Factorial analysis of sports result components among the strongest ice-skaters of the World at 500 meters distance.
Pedagogiko-psikhologicheskie i mediko-biologicheskie problemy fizicheskoi kul'tury i sporta [Pedagogical-psychological and medical-biological
Submitted: 11.05.2017 Received: 14.05.2017
problems of physical culture and sport], 2017, Vol. 12, no 1, pp. 22- 28. Available at: html. DOI
8. Panov, G. M Tendencies analysis in dynamics of world records in speed skating and the conclusions for the training methodology improvement / G. M. Panov, V. A. Chursin, L. F. Osadchenko // Modern tendencies in speed skating, short track and figure skating development. - Moscow : "S.Print", 1999. - P. 55-60.
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Ekaterina A. Morozova - post-graduate Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "National State University named after P.F. Lesgaft, Saint-Petersburg", 35, str. Dekabristov, St. Petersburg, 190121, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]
For citations: Morozova E.A. Methodology of ice-skaters' technical mastery and special physical readiness improvement using short-track in the training process, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems ofphysical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 39-47.
DOI 10.14526/01_2017_205
(by the example of darts)
Zinaida M. Kuznetsova — doctor of pedagogics, professor Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, 28, Nizametdinova str., Naberezhnye Chelny, 423806, Russia Yriy D. Ovchinnikov — candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Nadezhda A. Nazarenko — student Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, 161, Budenny str., Krasnodar, 350015, Russia E-mail: kzm [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Annotation. Studying the course "Biomechanics of motor activities", students are faced with the need to understand the biomechanical characteristics of the different trajectories of the movements.
Pedagogically expedient to consider the subject technology profile cycle of biomechanical movements in various types of games, as the game naturally appears a system of movements of the human body. Materials. The study of the movements of the game led to the development of the research direction "Biomechanics of movements in the game", which allows you to see many aspects of playing technique in interaction with the biomechanical characteristics. Research methods: scientific-methodical literature analysis and summarizing, pedagogical experiment, laboratory analysis methods of biomechanics. Results. Future specialists in the field of adaptive physical culture have studied the technique of throwing andfound that the game will help the children feel the distance (near - far), contributes to the development of large andfine motor skills. Darts is not only interesting and useful game for many generations, but is also an international sport that can teach a person to control the movements of your body. The material is used as teaching material in the classroom, in the laboratory work, and to perform individual tasks using the design technologies. Conclusion. Darts has special ingredients of building a movement and trajectory of the throw, and therefore useful for children with developmental and motor activities - cerebral palsy (CP) and down syndrome. Darts has a huge social value: it is safe, attributes of the games are available for children and adults. Keywords: training; biomechanics of motor activities; biomechanics of movements in the game; Darts; throw technique; biomechanical characteristics of the feet; torso; arms, head.
Introduction. There appeared the necessity to consider biomechanics of movements in a game, taking into account tactical and technical peculiarities of different kinds of games. Direction "Biomechanics in a game" [3,4] showed its pedagogical expediency, as students study not only the peculiarities of movements in a game of adults and children, gather information about the game, but also popularize mass sport and forgotten games or uncultivated kinds of sport. Individual tasks become individual projects of informational or educational orientation. The fulfilled task comprehension leads to scientific-research activity development in a subject. The result of students' research work in a subject is social acceptance or scientific works publishing in different editions [5,7]. It should be noted, that with a new group of professional competencies introduction there appeared the necessity to combine pedagogical principles, methodical peculiarities and practical reality. Biomechanical movements study while playing darts broadens methodical base of laboratory works fulfillment and is a pedagogical base for peculiarities of movements study for the specialists in the sphere of adaptive physical culture [6]. Darts has special components of movements and a trajectory of a throw construction that is why it is very useful for children, who have peculiarities of development and physical
activity - infantile cerebral paralysis (ICP) and Down's syndrome.
Darts has deep historical roots, is always popular and is an international kind of sport [5].
Darts has its own rules, as in bowling technique of throwing is very important in darts and it consists of several elements [8].
Urgency. Biomechanical
characteristics of darts are not studied enough and not presented in scientific literature. Scientific research work by V.M. Lyapin, O.B. Nemtsev (2009) is about accuracy of throwing movements formation (by the example of darts). It considers kinematic characteristics of a throw in darts (definite according to dart movement), fulfilled in different conditions, and also several positions of the standard throws fulfillment are shown in this work [2].
During comparative analysis of the throwing technique and kinematics of a throwing tool movement in other kinds of sport we saw the similarity with knives throwing [7]. Technique in darts gives an opportunity to consider static character of a sportsman's pose, taking into account biomechanics of movements.
The aim of the work: structural-methodical aspects orientation while studying the peculiarities of movements biomechanics in darts; study the opportunities of controlling body through modeling different movements.
An objective: it is possible to study biomechanical movements playing darts only considering the stages and positions of a throw and the position of the body parts in it. During the technique of throwing study by students 7 main parameters were determined, which help to understand biomechanical characteristics of a throw in darts. Such kind of scientific approach helps not only to broaden methodical basis of "Biomechanics of motional activity" course study in unit "Kinematics", but also helps to create new laboratory work of the applied character with further experimental works among the groups of different specialties students [6]. Thus, it will be possible to study fully the peculiarities of movements in darts, taking into account age-related characteristics and contraindications in case of diseases.
Research results.
At the initial stage of the applied studies (they include educational experimental research works) students study the structure of movement. Let's define structural-methodical aspects in peculiarities studying of movements biomechanics in darts.
1. Legs position determination in a
A sportsman stays towards the target in a side position (on the right) [3, p. 34-36]. The reference position form straight legs. Feet of the legs are placed at shoulder length and reference point is chosen. The scheme of the reference point is formed, as it is constant from a throw to throw. One leg is placed near the line of throwing and fully rests on a foot, in another leg the reference point is a toe. Biomechanical movements in darts are determined by three main poses of body before fulfilling a throw: side, main and front. A sportsman independently chooses comfortable pose. Specialists- practitioners consider, that correctly chosen pose makes a throw more technically correct, it means that a dart achieves the aim. From the point of biomechanics poses differ in body position relative to the target plane, which directly depend on feet position.
Let's consider side positions before a throw fulfillment and its biomechanical
characteristics. In a side position not big angle of body turn (90°), relative to the target plane is used. The right foot is parallel to the target plane at the line of a throw, the left foot is led back at the distance of shoulder length and leans on a toe. Parts of the body control happens according to the following trajectory of a movement biomechanics: legs, pelvis and shoulders are in one plane; body and head are leaned in the direction of the target, general mass center is translocated forward towards a stationary foot. The right hand is on the line of the shoulders, the angle between it and the line of shoulders is approximately 180°, the left hand is down. Let's analyze the peculiarities of a sportsman's body poses. The main body pose differs from the side pose in the angle of turn decrease (45-60°). The right leg is on the line of a throw, the foot is turned with the toe forward towards the target at the angle approximately 45° with the body lean towards the target, general mass center is translocated forward towards a stationary foot. The angle, formed by the hand, which fulfills the throw, and the shoulder line, is 100-120°. It is important for a sportsman not to lean hard in order not to lose the balance. Head is half-turned with orientation to the target and lean towards the leading hand. In case of front initial body position the angle of turn is almost absent. In case of front position of a foot legs are parallel to each other and are moved apart towards the target. It should be noted that during the throw general mass center is translocated forward and towards the hand. The head is tilted towards the target, a sportsman sees the target, muscles are in tension.
2. Biomechanical characteristics of body position.
Body position of a sportsman is vertical, with a slight lean forward and creation of the constant reference point during the definite time of a throw fulfillment. Body muscles are in a definite settled position while watching the training process of sportsmen.
Picture 1 - Pose of movement shows the direction of the head and neck muscles
Picture 2 - During such kind of a lean there is no any reference point necessary for a throw
Picture 3 - Body, hands and legs position in the ready position to fulfill a throw. Legs are
3. Biomechanics of head movements is important for a qualitative aiming.
Neck muscles, which hold the head in a vertical position and take part in turning of the head towards the target, shouldn't be tense, or
a sportsman will lose the balance. As the held research shows, it is not always possible to alleviate tension, a sportsman should be in the mood to relax.
Picture 4 - Eye-muscle tension. An optimal distance determination for a throw
4. Biomechanical characteristics of hands position.
Hands movements modeling in a throw (Izotov E.A.) [1]. The lifted hand is directed towards the target, forming the angle between the body and a shoulder 70°, bending. The
shoulder of the leading hand is at the stage of fixation in a shoulder joint owing to tension of the corresponding muscles. Hand position change in a throw gives different angle (from 10 till 160°). If the angle in an elbow joint is within the range of 10 - 90°, the hand is leaned
back towards a forearm, if the angle is more than 90°, the hand is leaned forward. A shoulder, forearm, hand should be in one plane - the plane of a throw. Let's consider the position of the other hand (not leading). It differs from the position of the leading hand. Not leading hand is along the body of a sportsman and fulfills an auxiliary function of
Picture 5,6,7 - Positions of a dart in hand
darts holding. Fingers tension shouldn't be excessive, as it can lead to general tension of body muscles. It is important for a sportsman to train the fingers, in order to feel own fingers and be able to release tension in time. Moreover, a sportsman should be able to feel a dart by fingers.
Conclusion. For the first time the applied scientific research works with adaptive and health-improving physical culture (AHPC) faculty students were held in "Biomechanics of motional activity" laboratory work. More than 100 pictures of different biomechanical movements were taken. Nadezhda Nazarenko professionally goes in for knives throwing (World champion in this kind of sport) [7]. She showed the ways of body control while playing darts. This game develops coordination of movements, orientation in space, at the same time, the eye-muscle is very active (distance close-far). Students- recreation therapists got the first experience of fine and gross motor skills development among children with peculiarities in movements.
1. Izotov E. A. Idioterna training in darts game in the context of representations quality interrelation with efficiency of mastering the dart throw equipment. Teoriya I praktika fizicheskoj kul'tury [The Theory and practice of physical culture], 2014, No. 2, pp. 16-19. (in Russian).
2. Lyapin V. M., Nemtsev O. B. Forming of throwing movements accuracy (on the example of darts). Fizicheskaya trenirovka studentov [Physical training of students], 2009, No. 2, pp. 64-73. (in Russian).
3. Ovchinnikov Yu. D. Biomechanics for development of children motility. Fizicheskaya kul'tura
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4. Ovchinnikov Yu. D. Biomechanics of movements. Development in a game of children athletic ability. Doshkol'noe obrazovanie [Preschool education], 2014, No. 4, 49 p. (in Russian).
5. Ovchinnikov Yu. D., Skvortsova V. A. Darts
- a useful game and the international sport. Unnyj uchenyj [The Young scientist], 2015, No. 8. (in Russian).
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Submitted: 05.04.2017 Received: 08.04.2017
obrazovanie v sovremennom mire [Professional education in the modern world], 2016, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 310-316. (in Russian).
7. Ovchinnikov Yu. D., Nazarenko N.A. To the biomechanics of movements in case of knife throwing. Tematicheskie vypuski fizicheskoj kul'tury I sporta [Topical issues of physical culture and sport], 2016, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 42-46. (in Russian).
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9. Kouznetsova Z.M., Dyrson M. Sports clash of civilizations or bridges over cultural differences? The Olympics as a legacy and the legacy of the Olympic games. Pedagogiko-psyhologicheskie I mediko-biologicheskie problem fizicheskoj kul'tury I sporta [Pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports], 2013, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 108-116.. Available at:
10. Kouznetsov S.A., Kouznetsova Z.M. The history of the development of Paralympic sport in the world. Pedagogiko-psyhologicheskie I mediko-biologicheskie problem fizicheskoj kul'tury I sporta [Pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports], 2014, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 46-53. Available at: DOI: 10.14526/00_1111_06.
11. Margaret Whitehead, Andy Pennington, Lois Orton, Shilpa Nayak, Mark Petticrew, Amanda Sowden, Martin White. How could differences in 'control over destiny' lead to socio-economic inequalities in health? A synthesis of theories and pathways in the living environment. Zdorov'e i mesto. [Health and Place]. Vol. 39, pp. 51-61. DOI http :// healthplace.2016.02.002 (Scopus)
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Zinaida M. Kuznetsova - doctor of pedagogics, professor Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, 28, Nizametdinovastr., Naberezhnye Chelny, 423806, Russia, E-mail: kzm [email protected] Yriy D. Ovchinnikov - candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, 161, Budenny str., Krasnodar, 350015, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]
Nadezhda A. Nazarenko - student Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, 161, Budenny str., Krasnodar, 350015, Russia
For citations: Kuznetsova Z.M., Ovchinnikov Y.D., Nazarenko N.A. Biomechanics of movements in the main phases of a motional action (by the example of darts), The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems ofphysical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 47-54.
DOI 10.14526/01_2017_206
Tatiana N. Pavlova - candidate of Pedagogics, associate professor Sergei E. Pavlov - candidate of Medicine, Alexsandr S. Pavlov - candidate of Pedagogics, lecture Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPC)", 4, Sireneviy boulevard, Moscow, 105122, Russia
E-mail: dr [email protected]
Annotation. Literary sources analysis helps to find sufficient evidence of low effectiveness concerning traditionally used periodization method of training process organization in training swimmers. In this connection the search for more effective method of the training process organization in sports swimming is very urgent. Materials. A complex method approbation of the training process organization in a training cycle of a female athlete (age- 56) for the Russian Swimming Championship among veterans. Research methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing, the method of sports working capacity laser stimulation, experiment. Result. The article presents the results of an individual experience of using a complex method of the training process organization while training the female athlete for the Russian Swimming Championship among veterans. It has been reported about the effectiveness of using respiratory exercises, fulfilled according to the methodology of A. V. Sidersky, in training the female athlete-veteran, as well as about the effectiveness of a course use of general health-improving Tibetan herbal tea, prepared according to N. A. Badmaev formula and about the effectiveness of using the sports working capacity laser stimulation method in pre-start training of the female athlete. Conclusion. The use of a system physiology laws in the training process planning and organization, purposiveness and an optimal character of the training loads in combination with full regeneration of an athlete between the training lessons guarantee its effectiveness.
Keywords: adaptation laws, a complex method of the training process organization, expediency and an optimal character of training loads, respiratory exercises in training, pre-start laser stimulation.
Literary sources analysis helps to find sufficient evidence of low effectiveness concerning traditionally used periodization method of training process organization in training swimmers. In this connection the
search for the training process organization more effective method in sports swimming is very urgent. One of such kind of methods is a complex method of training process organization, which was created in 70-s of the