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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Banartseva Arina Vladimirovna, Kaplina Ludmila Yurievna

The article deals with the independent study as a method student can use to enhance their learning experience within the discipline of a foreign language. We try to determine the role of students’ self-education in learning a foreign language and the conditions for its effective implementation. This article focuses on the development of students’ independent study through the use of Internet resources in order to improve the process of teaching a foreign language. The system of exercises designed to organize individual study requires students to be able to work independently and in collaboration using Internet technologies. The organization of independent study of students through the use of Internet resources makes it possible to effectively form a stable motivation for learning a foreign language and helps to improve the skills and abilities of self-control.

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1) Сбор и подготовка информации, нахождение возможных путей решения задачи.

2) Выполнение и оформление проекта.

3) Публичная защита проекта.

В основе технологии проектов лежит развитие познавательных интересов, самостоятельности и усиления учебно-профессиональной мотивации обучения, вследствие чего повышается качество успеваемости студента.

Таким образом, методы и средства учебно-профессиональной мотивации в процессе обучения специальным дисциплинам условно можно разделить по выявленным особенностям студентов-северян:

1) «Клиповое» мышление, короткий промежуток концентрации внимания - применение технологии проектов при выполнении курсовых проектов и выпускных квалификационных работ по направлению «Отопление, вентиляция и кондиционирование воздуха»; использование интерактивных технологий и средств, таких как интеллект-карты, скрайбинг, Zoom, Skype, Discord, Kahoot, Miro, также электронно-образовательную среду «Moodle»;

2) Сдержанность (инертность) в действиях - активная и творческая работа по командам; участие в олимпиадах, конкурсах, конференциях, семинарах, решение реальных проблемных задач и ситуаций, введение дневника продуктивности по дисциплине «Вентиляция»;

3) Бедная, скудная и эмоционально неокрашенная речь, немногословность, замкнутость - публичная защита проектов на тему курсовых проектов / работ по специальным дисциплинам «Вентиляция» и «Кондиционирование воздуха», решение реальных проблемных задач и ситуаций, семинары-диспуты, учебные дискуссии.

Выводы. По итогам исследования выявлена общая тенденция изменения внешнего, внутреннего и целостного контуров учебно-профессиональной мотивации бакалавров в процессе обучения специальным дисциплинам. На начальном этапе формирования учебно-профессиональной мотивации преимущественно преобладал внешний контур мотивации, обусловленный востребованностью профессии, желанием родителей, похвалой куратора и преподавателя и другими факторами. На втором этапе - внутренний контур увеличивался вместе со целостным, т.к. формировались такие внутренние побуждения как активный интерес к своей будущей профессии, желание учиться и владеть специальными дисциплинами. На последнем этапе внутренние и целостные контуры преобладали над внешними: все больше проявлялась активность со стороны студентов, их содержательный и глубинный интерес к будущей профессии, усиливались стремление и достижение эффективных результатов в учебно-профессиональной деятельности. Таким образом, вышеизложенное даёт нам основание утверждать, что применение современных методов и средств обучения в формировании учебно-профессиональной мотивации при изучении профильных дисциплин приводят к положительным результатам.


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3. Гнездилова, Л.Б. Мотивация обучения студентов как основа эффективной учебной деятельности в вузе: монография / Л.Б. Гнездилова, М.А. Гнездилов. - М.: Спутник+, 2017 - 77 с.

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5. Козляков, К.С. Формирование учебно-профессиональной мотивации студентов высшего учебного заведения: автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук: 13.00.08 / Козляков Константин Сергеевич. - Калининград, 2013. - 23 с.

6. Лиханова, Н.Н. Индивидуальное ориентирование студентов инженерно-технического профиля на профессиональный рост: автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук: 13.00.08 / Лиханова Надежда Никитична. - Чита, 2013. - 26 с.

7. Лукьянов, А.С. Развитие мотивации профессиональной деятельности будущих менеджеров в процессе их обучения в вузе: монография / А.С. Лукьянов. - Ставрополь: СКФУ, 2018. - 177 с.

8. Львова, А.С. Развитие профессионализма педагога в условиях системно-модульной организации образовательного процесса в магистратуре: автореф. дис. ... д-ра пед. наук: 13.00.08 / Львова Анна Сергеевна. - Москва, 2020. - 42 с.

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10. Ожгибесова, Н.Ю. Формирование интеллектуальных мотивов учения у студентов вуза (на примере изучения иностранного языка) / Н.Ю. Ожгибесова. - Шадринск: ОГУП «Шадринский дом печати», 2014. - 80 с.

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UDC 378.2

senior teacher Banartseva Arina Vladimirovna

Samara State Technical University (Samara); candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor Kaplina Liidmila Yurievna

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education (Samara)


Annotation. The article deals with the independent study as a method student can use to enhance their learning experience within the discipline of a foreign language. We try to determine the role of students' self-education in learning a foreign language and the conditions for its effective implementation. This article focuses on the development of students' independent study through the use of Internet resources in order to improve the process of teaching a foreign language. The system of exercises designed to organize individual study requires students to be able to work independently and in collaboration using Internet technologies. The organization of independent study of students through the use of Internet resources makes it possible to effectively form a stable motivation for learning a foreign language and helps to improve the skills and abilities of self-control.

Key words: independent study, foreign language, non-linguistic university, educational process, training, Internet technologies, Internet resource, motivation, communicative competence.

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается самостоятельная работа в рамках изучения дисциплины - иностранный язык. Мы пытаемся определить роль самообразования студентов и условия его эффективной реализации в процессе обучения иностранному языку. В данной статье основное внимание уделяется развитию самостоятельной работы студентов посредством использования интернет-ресурсов с целью совершенствования процесса обучения иностранному языку. Система упражнений, предназначенная для организации самостоятельной работы, требует от учащихся умения работать как самостоятельно, так и с использованием различных интернет-технологий. Организация самостоятельной работы студентов с

использованием интернет-ресурсов позволяет преподавателям неязыкового вуза эффективно формировать устойчивую мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка и способствует совершенствованию навыков и умений самоконтроля студентов.

Ключевые слова: самостоятельная работа, иностранный язык, неязыковой вуз, образовательный процесс, обучение, интернет-технологии, интернет-ресурсы, мотивация, коммуникативная компетентность.

One of the most important problem facing higher education is to improve the quality of specialist training. A university student, a future specialist, must be able to independently replenish his knowledge, to self-educate; he is distinguished by mobility, dynamism, and constructiveness. He should not only gain knowledge in the subjects of the educational program, master the skills and research methods, but also be able to independently acquire new scientific information. In this regard, independent study of students is becoming increasingly important. Therefore, we can say that the modern education system is focused on independent study of students, so the amount of self-studying is increasing. Modern society makes new demands on the specialist. Today, this should be a specialist who is characterized not only by a set of knowledge, skills and abilities in a certain area, but he must also be a critical thinker, with independent study skills, able to independently and creatively solve problems that arise. Thus, at the university, students should receive training for subsequent self-education, and independent study is the means of achieving this goal. However, this cannot be achieved only by transferring knowledge from the teacher to the student. It is necessary to involve the student in the process of gaining knowledge. In this regard, independent study is an important component of the educational process.

Independent study, which involves studying without direct supervision or attendance in a classroom, is a valuable way to learn, and is quickly growing in popularity among teachers and students. The concept of "independent study" is multifaceted, so it is quite natural that it has not received a single interpretation in the pedagogical literature. At university students need to make use of a wide range of core skills that are essential in a variety of different situations. But it's important to develop effective independent learning strategies. Independent study should be carried out by students as a cognitive activity, becoming a means of gaining such personal qualities as autonomy, activity and responsibility. It also helps to form a creative attitude to perceived information [1]. In this regard, self-education is an important component of the educational process. Students' independent study is the work performed as a part of the educational process under the guidance and control of the teacher. The collaboration of the student and the teacher is built in such a way that the student receives direct instructions and recommendations from the teacher regarding the organization of his self-study, and the teacher performs the function of management through assessment, control and correction of erroneous actions.

It should be noted, there are different models of autonomy of trainees. These models are classified into two types, which are based on levels of development and areas of control of self-study. The first type is focused on creating a general indicator for each level of individual work development. The second type describes the implementation of independent study in various aspects of the educational environment [4].

In non-linguistic universities, independent study of students is one of the most priority areas. This is due to the fact that the number of classroom hours devoted to the study of a foreign language is much less than in language universities. It is assumed that the organization of individual activities of students within the framework of a non-linguistic university should be aimed, firstly, at improving the quality of teaching a foreign language, and secondly, at developing professionally significant personality traits, creative abilities, independence and activity [5].

The correct organization of independent study by students is an important issue in the methodology of teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university. It is important for the teacher to understand what difficulties students experience in organizing independent study; what types of homework are the most difficult and time-consuming for them; why certain types of tasks are difficult; what prevents students from completing difficult tasks in a timely and correct manner; which can facilitate the implementation of these tasks and increase the efficiency [8].

The teacher's task is to direct independent study so that it should be based on knowledge of the physiological and psychological characteristics of the organism. The first basic point is activity of students in the classroom and doing most of the work in the classroom. The second condition for successful independent work is the need to have a stable vocabulary. The third condition for achieving the goal is the availability of valid teaching materials. The fourth condition for achieving the goal formulated above is the presence of personal characteristics, namely, purposefulness, self-discipline, as well as interest and motivation to learn a foreign language [7]. Tentatively speaking, it is possible to distinguish three levels of complexity of independent study in teaching foreign languages: 1) Reproductive level or training - the so-called basic level - at which the foundations are laid for work at all subsequent levels, namely, acquaintance, assimilation and training of new material. As a result of these, a stable lexical and grammatical base is formed, and an algorithm of actions is created. 2) Reconstructive level - involves the transfer of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities to situations similar to those that students have already encountered. (For example, an act of communication in a situation that students worked out earlier, namely on known lexical and grammatical material, with known models of speech behavior). However, this level does not imply only mechanical simulation; it requires students to demonstrate creative abilities. 3) The creative level is the level of formation and development of students' creative abilities and their independence. Students are placed in conditions where they need to work independently, use educational material to express their thoughts, and also apply non-standard approaches to solve the problems assigned to them. The key to the effectiveness of the tasks proposed for independent study should also be feasibility, on the one hand, and the moment of novelty, problematic and suspense, on the other [9].

After analyzing theoretical studies on the problem of arranging independent study of students in the process of learning a foreign language, we will consider a number of advantages of integrating Internet resources into the educational process, including: the ability to study foreign languages on an individual basis; creating a genuine language environment based on intensive communication with native speakers; access to authentic literature; listening to original texts; development of critical thinking, as well as increasing the creative potential of students.

A.V. Bagdueva [2] offers three groups of conditions that contribute to the successful integration of information technologies into the process of teaching a foreign language: didactic, psychological-pedagogical and organizational-methodological. Didactic conditions are the conditions for students to master the theoretical, practical and methodological knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to work with information technology. Psychological and pedagogical conditions imply the development of positive motivation to work with Internet resources and personal acceptance of computer learning technology in general, the development of a person's creative abilities when using Internet resources. Organizational and methodological conditions imply the creation of an environment conducive to the use of Internet resources in the system of foreign language education, the provision of this system with modern computer technology and high-speed Internet access, the organization of classes with regular and purposeful use of Internet resources. These conditions will allow you to integrate online resources.

The use of the Internet as a source of educational resources involves communication in a foreign language, that is, it allows students to organize real communication with native speakers of the language being studied and other users, thus ensuring the practice of intercultural communication as one of the types of individual work [6].

In our opinion, the formation of skills and abilities of students' independent study will be more effective when they do exercises aimed at self-mastery of knowledge in the process of active cognitive and practical activities. Training should be structured in such a

way as to involve students in oral (listening, speaking) and written (reading, writing) communication using modern computer technologies. The effectiveness of independent study largely depends on the control exercised. Control is a fundamental condition for individual work and should be systematically carried out both at the final stage and at intermediate ones. The purpose of control is significant - firstly, it allows teachers to monitor the quality of students' mastery of knowledge and skills, secondly, it is feedback that will help to anticipate possible mistakes at the right time, and thirdly, it is a way to identify possible shortcomings in using a particular technique and correct them in time [11, 3]. There are many forms of control with the help of modern Internet resources -it's up to the teacher which one to choose (for example, the Moodle program developed by teachers). In our case, the assessment of the results of organizing students' independent study is carried out in the form of testing.

Focusing on various approaches to the use of Internet resources in the process of students' independent study, we came to the conclusion that the correlation of meaning, emotions, motives and goals of activity is found in the frame of student's interest, that is, there is an awakening of interest in the activity itself and cognitive interest in its content. Having studied modern approaches to the use of Internet resources in foreign language education, we came to the conclusion that, in didactic terms, Internet resources include two main components: forms of telecommunications (or educational resources) and information resources [10]. Using the Internet as an educational resource involves communication in a foreign language, that is, it allows students to organize real communication with native speakers in the language being studied and other users, thus ensuring the practice of intercultural communication. The second approach involves the integration of authentic audio, video and text materials into the traditional process of teaching a foreign language.

We have developed a system of exercises for independent study of students in a foreign language through the use of Internet resources. Taking into account the different classifications of exercises and the specifics of organizing students' individual work, and having studied the main approaches this problem, we have chosen the following technologies: a blog with subsequent printing and analysis (writing and reading) and videoconferencing (listening, speaking) for our experimental work.

The topic of our experimental work was Time management - Work-life balance. Videoconferencing exercises included the following tasks: discuss with a partner the main time eaters, give each other advice on how best to maintain a work/study-life balance, what skills help you manage time effectively, talk about your hobby or tell the others what you like doing in your free time. Blog-based exercises suggested writing a blog post about the importance of maintaining work/study - life balance, and sharing impressions about what goals (short-term and long-term) students set for themselves and what helps them achieve these goals . One of the tasks was also to invite other users to the discussion.

Experimental work was carried out on the basis of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Samara State Technical University. The experiment involved two groups of first-year students of the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology. We divided them into experimental and control groups. In the process of experimental work, the advantages of Internet resources over traditional teaching aids were revealed, such as: increasing the level of motivation to learn a foreign language and better self-control. At the final stage of the experiment, participants in the control and experimental groups were tested. The results showed that the level of motivation and self-control of students in the experimental group was much higher compared to the control group. At the same time, the test for assimilation of the material showed a better result in the experimental group compared to the control group.

Thus, the results of the experimental work allow us to come the following conclusions: 1. the organization of students' independent study in a higher educational institution involves an orientation towards active methods of mastering knowledge, as well as the development of students' creative abilities 2. the organization of students' independent study through the use of Internet resources allows them to effectively form a sustainable motivation to learn a foreign language and contributes to the improvement of the skills and abilities of independent work in learning a foreign language.

However, we note that although today computer tools and the Internet recourses have enormous potential, making the lesson attractive and truly modern, students' readiness for independent activity in studying the material is determined by: the presence of basic learning skills in all types of speech activity, namely: speaking, listening, reading, writing; the presence of translation skills and methods of working with a dictionary and reference literature; and ability to work with computer software and the Internet. The maximum motivation is observed in the case when the material does not consist exclusively of absolutely new information for students, but most of it should be within the knowledge and skills of students. Only in this case there will be motivation, which means that there is a great chance of productive individual work [12]. The skills of self-studying obtained in practice when learning a foreign language in a non-linguistic university make it possible to increase the effectiveness of mastering a foreign language, contribute to the formation of the skills necessary for an active specialist capable of self-education and self-development.

The teacher is required to organize the educational process in such a way as to arouse the student's need and interest in learning a foreign language and equip him with the necessary skills of educational activities. The fact that students have a desire to learn a foreign language and formed skills of intellectual activity through the accurate performance of independent study, in turn, will create the necessary prerequisites for the development of their cognitive activity.


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