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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Takenova Zhyldyz Tunguchbaevna

The article is devoted to the actual issue in the higher educational system-organizing of self-study in foreign language teaching. Moreover, the article deals with its role in developing motivation of non-linguistic major students to foreign language learning. One of the higher educational training priority tasks is training individuals, who possess a set of professional, technological and communicative competencies for effective professional activity. In present conditions of eduсation modernization reforms, multi-level education and integration of competency-based approach in education, self-study is starting to acquire a particular significance. The article represents analysis of theoretical foundations of self study; research results can be used in teaching foreign language in the higher education instiutions.

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Abstract: the article is devoted to the actual issue in the higher educational system— organizing of self-study in foreign language teaching. Moreover, the article deals with its role in developing motivation of non-linguistic major students to foreign language learning. One of the higher educational training priority tasks is training individuals, who possess a set of professional, technological and communicative competencies for effective professional activity.

In present conditions of education modernization reforms, multi-level education and integration of competency-based approach in education, self-study is starting to acquire a particular significance. The article represents analysis of theoretical foundations of self study; research results can be used in teaching foreign language in the higher education instiutions. Keywords: students' self study, modern education, self-efficacy, foreign language teaching.



Такенова Ж.Т. (Кыргызская Республика)

Такенова Жылдыз Тунгучбаевна - магистр филологического образования, старший преподаватель, кафедра технологии, теории и практики английского языка, Институт манасоведения и лингвистики. Кыргызский государственный университет им. Ишенаалы Арабаева, г. Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Аннотация: в статье анализируется актуальная проблема в системе вузовского образования - организация самостоятельной работы в обучении иностранному языку. Также в статье рассматривается роль самостоятельной работы в развитии мотивации к изучению иностранного языка у студентов неязыковых специальностей. Одной из приоритетных задач вузовской подготовки является формирование личности, в совершенстве владеющей комплексом профессиональных, информативных, коммуникативных компетенций будущей успешной профессиональной деятельности.

В условиях модернизаторской реформы образования, перехода на многоуровневое образование и реализации компетентностного подхода в обучении, самостоятельная работа начинает приобретать особый смысл и значимость. Областью применения полученных результатов может стать преподавание иностранного языка в высшей школе. Статья представляет собой анализ теоретических положений самостоятельной работы.

Ключевые слова: самостоятельная работа студентов, современное образование, само-эффективность, обучение иностранному языку.

UDC 378.147

Introduction. New educational paradigm has been reflected in the fundamental changes in higher educational system: its form and content as a response to a challenge of the modern world. Bringing up self-sufficient and professionally and competent person has been one of the vital purposes of the modern education.

As the scholar N.M. Siyaev stated: «Modern education is not the result of education, upbringing and developing the individual, but also a result self teaching, self-education, self-development of a person. That's why nowadays there seems to be a main problem, which solution requires fundamentally new forms, methods and technologies, not just knowledge acquisition, but at the same time simultaneously developed critical thinking, an ability to use the knowledge creatively for solving new tasks and acquiring new information" [1, p. 34].

Since the foreign languages have been acquiring much significance as means of cross-cultural communication, status of the foreign language in the modern society, its ability to expand new professional horizons specialists of different fields, there is a great need in effective language teaching. Much emphasis in organizing effective teaching lies in management of self study, since practical acquisition of the foreign language should rely mostly on students' self study.

The issue of self-study was investigated by a range of scholars (E. Androsyuk, M.A. Aleksanyan, A.A. Verbitskiy, I.A. Zimnyaya, S.N. Kostromina, P.I. Pidkasistyi, A. Gurbanova and others).

Referring this issue, the investigator I.A. Zimnyaya related it with the highest form of academic activity, defining it as a free in choice, intrinsically motivated activity. Moreover, the author noted, that, it is self study which cause motivation, purposefulness, and also self-organization, self-control and other individual qualities of the learner [2, p. 115].

The self-study of non-linguistic specialty students was investigated by M.A. Aleksanyan. In her work, devoted to forming cognitive interest in the course of self-study, M.A. Aleksanyan, having generalized theoretical foundations about significance and interrelation of in-class and out-of-class activities and their influence on forming cognitive and professional interest identified the following conclusions:

• out-of-class activity can and should activize teaching and study process, students' thinking process, develop cognitive interest and cultivate love to the given subject;

• knowledge is formed on the base of interrelation of the content and form of in-class and out-of-class and other different forms of out-of-class activities;

• accurately organized work will continuously facilitate students striving for self-education, and which is, consequently, one of many tasks of educational process.

• intellectual requirements of student youth to a great extent are take shape in the frame of out-of-class time.

Also, she highlighted additional factors, which condition the cognitive interest: 1) the amount of time, spent on independent accumulation of knowledge and extension students' scope of mind on the choosen subject; 2) content of free time in terms of quality, that is the activity, directly done by the student to learn English language.

The author also proposes role games, Olympiads and tests as effective forms of self-study which activate students' cognitive interest. The author, also, by highlighting the tests' potential in English language teaching, stated that, systematic usage of tests facilitates the students' interest and endeavors for knowledge. Moreover, the investigator, empasizing the role of the tests, as an independent work, which are given to the students in advance as a homework, can raise the cognitive activity of the students. As M.A. Aleksanyan noted, the problem of testing being far from completion, necessitates a search for upgrading this perspective method. Also, as the author noted, the Olympiads are one of the mass and widely accessible types of out-of-class work, which contribute to the increase the students'

self-study level of. Moreover, the author also noted that the principle of education prposed in the Bloom' s taxonomy to use in self-study [3, p.13].

Also, the research done by M.Y. Vaslyava is of great interest. In her work the author proposes the model of self study which consists of five blocks: target, informative; technological; pedagogical conditions, assessment based.

The author, by highlighting the issue listed the advantages of using Internet such as an opportunity of learning languages in individual mode according to the goals and interests of every student, increasing independence and responsibility in creating natural language environment on the base of intensive communication with native speakers, access to foreign literature, listening to original texts, developing critical thinking skills and creative potential of the students, thinks that target unit of the model matches the target goal, as well as the main goal of foreign language which is communication competence.

Content block of the model represents all the structural components of self study:

motivational, content and informative, procedural, reflexive.

Pedagogical block comprises a set of pedagogical conditions, proposed by V.V. Vartanova: didactic, psycho-pedagogical and organizational-methodological. As V.V. Vartanova suggests it is important to assist students in copying with technical and psychological challenges. In this relation, the author underlines the importance of working with students on using Internet in the classroom equipped with computers for students to continue work at home or in the hall of Internet resouces.

Organizational-methodical conditions suggest possibilities for creating environment, which facilitates using Internet in the system of foreign language education, supplying this system with necessary computer equipment and high speed Internet access, organization classes with regular and purposeful usage of Internet resources. In case of lack of these group of conditions, some tasks of preparation may be done in Internet cafés.

Technological block is presented in two main working approaches with Internet resources. The first approach is related to using Internet resources as a source of development for the sudents' self academic-cognitive activity (telecommunication foms or educational resources), such as e-mail, chat, forum, blogs, lists, mailing.

The second approach is connected with using Internet as a source of information resources, for instance, textual, audio and visual materials in teaching foreign language [4, 245].

A range of authors dealing with effective methods of self study identified game techniques-role play situations, professional or business games:

- Methodology of modelling problematic situations - creating some speaking situations as well as from the sphere of professional interests, containing a problem and requiring its solution by using foreign language.

- Methodology of project work or project methodology is self-study of the students directed to solution of practical tasks with aim of acquiring knowledge.

The given process, according to the researchers, go along with active search of necessary information and working with it. Since every work is oriented to final product of the activity-presentation, report, article, essay, composition and etc., it has a real practical significance for students in everyday life and professional and social spheres. As authors noted the choice of the theme must be oriented to students and generate their interest. The value of the project methodology is in the possibility of language learning in are maximally close to real conditions, while their goal of situational analysis or case method is learning through solution of specific tasks. The given methodology suggests consideration and analysis of specific situation, which is professional oriented and containing a problem. The goal of the situation is isolating and studying problematic sides of the issue, search for possible options of the issue and choice of the most acceptible version. The usage of the given methodology at the English lessons faciliatates development of communicative skills in foreign language, and also promote general and professional development [5, p. 1143].

Analysis of the research carried out by L.L. Sorokina showed that learners' self-study can not be effective, if it is not organized and managed by the teacher. Also, the result of the research

done on the extent of independence in performing the work may be of interest. According to the reaserch, 41, 2% of the students consider the work in pairs with groupmates to be effective, 23,5 % of the respondents prefer working in groups, while 23,5% of the respondents prefer working under direct guidance of the teacher, and only 13,7% of the respondents prefer working mostly individually. According to the students, the most comfortably type of the self-study activity is working on the common pattern or model (57,2%), 23,8% prefer creative approach and only 19% prefer a variety of approaches [6, p. 68].

In the State Educational Standard the foreign languge subject as a subject of general educational cycle is in the general education cycle. It should be noted, that insufficient amount of hours were planned to a foreign languge subject. It seems to be obvious, that the amount of the hours allocated to the foreign language subject is not sufficient for learning the language more thoroughly. In fact, solely planned in-class hours are not sufficient to acquire language at the level of interpersonal and professional communication, and consequently, the knowledge which is obtained by the graduates do not meet the employers' requirements. Most foreign firms and companies require the graduates to have language proficiency at Upper-Intermediate and Advanced levels. In this relation, quality language training necessiates searh for more effective methods, optimization the potential of the self study despite scarcity of the class hours, therefore, there is a need on rational allocating in-class hours and strengthening of self-study management.

Foreign languge teaching requires up-to-date high quality training, which meets the modern conditions with the emphasis on communicative approach, developing students' critical thinking and employing interactive methods, Internet technologies, Internet based teaching programs during in-class teaching a good relations between teacher and students.

Being one of the most important component of teaching process, self-study requires acute attention. Self-study has a potential to expand knowledge of the students, if it has good organization. In any activity, and mostly in self study it is important to develop students' confidence and belief in their abilities. As it was noted in the J.Brophy's work, the researchers Bandurra and Shunk have studied self-efficiency of the students. According to the given scientists, self-efficacy is judgment of the learners about their abilities of the task performance in single achievement situation. The studies done Bandurra and Shunk show that efforts h persistence increase, in that case if people have the sense of efficiency and competence, if they believe that they have all necessary strategies for solving the tasks by making all necessary efforts. The given judgment, according to investigators, can influence the choice of the task and the quality of performance. People with high feeling of achievement are likely deal with such situations more confidently, and are involved in the tasks more persistently more willingly. However, people, who do not feel confident about their abilities in acquiring some skill, refuse to do so. If they do not give up at first for some reason, they easily give up and get frustrated.

The scholars Bandurra and Shunk having highlighted the direct relation of self-efficacy with the quality of the activity and the individual' involvement in task performance suggest teachers the following ways for optimization students' self-efficacy and motivation:

1. Motivating students to set specific, uneasy, but at the same time achievable aims;

2. Modelling and guiding students to use effective strategies on working with the tasks;

3. Providing feedback and an accurate assessment of the sudents' activity, facilitating students' achievements;

4. Motivating students by providing them a clear picture of their improved abilities in case if they take challenges and make sufficient amount of efforts [7, p. 57].

We think that proposed solutions are effective also in organization of students' self-study. Motivating the students to set and achieve highest goals, to use their potential at the maximum level, be involved in intellectual tasks makes possible to increase the quality of education, and academic achievements of the students.

Study and analysis literature on self-study enables us to make conclusions that self-study in teaching forein language serves the following functions:

1. Cognitive - in the course of self-study the students are taught to language skills and acquire necessary competencies

2. Developmental - in the course of self-study the students expand, deepen their knowledge about language and culture, extend their scope of mind. Acquired knowledge leads to holistic development and actualization of the individual.

3. Compensatory- self study significantly compensates time deficiency and lack of natural language environment, creates favourable conditions for successful instruction.

4. Motivating - by working with different types of tasks under the right conditions one can get a positive motivation towards learning foreign language.

5. Educational - self study cultivates in students ability of self search of task solution, responsibility and creativity initiative, an ability of effective free time management, and consequently trains them for their future professional activity.


Like any other activity, self-study of the students is effective, when it is motivated. It is worth assuming, that by motivating the students to set academic goals, guiding them to the make achievements and get insight into the target language, we will be able to increase the efficiency of teaching.

References / Список литературы

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