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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Banartseva Arina Vladimirovna, Vlasova Irina Vladimirovna, Kaplina Ludmila Yurievna

The purpose of the research is to substantiate the necessity and importance of in modern conditions of educational development and to describe the types of educational activities that teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages use to improve the quality of mastering a foreign language by students at a technical University. The scientific novelty of the research is to analyze the use of blended learning methods in teaching foreign languages to full-time and part-time students at a technical university, their advantages and disadvantages, and to emphasize interrelated and interdependent components that characterize the readiness of students for self learning activities. The authors also reflect the methodological foundations of self-learning of students and the features of independent educational activity. At the end of the paper, conclusions are given on the results of the active use of blended learning as an effective form of organizing language education at a University in conditions, when students and teachers are forced to stay at home due to quarantine or self-isolation. The blended form of education has shown its relevance, feasibility and effectiveness, thanks to the use of information technology in the process of learning a foreign language using virtual educational platforms such as Zoom and Moodle.

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государства. Потому и требуются инновации и введения инновационных способов обучения тьюторству, направленных на приобретение наиболее необходимых умений, а также создание новой концепции подготовки кадров.


1. Гаврилова С.В. Тьюторское сопровождение профильного обучения в современной школе / С.В. Гаврилова, Ю.Э. Дьяченко. - URL: http://science.ncstu.ru/conf/past/2010/sc-potential/theses/ped/049.pdf/

2. Иванов Д.А., Митрофанов К.Г., Соколова О.В. Компетентностный подход в образовании. Проблемы, понятие, инструментарий. - М.: АПКиППРО, 2008. - 101 с.

3. Лепшокова Е.А. Структурные и семантические особенности фразеологических единиц в современном английском и русском языках/ Е.А. Лепшокова. // Ученые записки университета имени П.Ф. Лесгафта. - 2020 - № 4 (182). - Часть 1. - С. 272-275

4. Лепшокова Е.А. Некоторые концептуальные положения организации дистанционного обучения иностранному языку на базе компьютерных телекоммуникаций / Е.А Лепшокова // Традиции и инновации в системе образования: Материалы международного сборника научных статей. Выпуск XIX - Карачаевск: Издательство: Карачаево-Черкесский государственный университет им. У.Д. Алиева, 2020. - С. 109-114

5. Лепшокова С.М. Роль языка в поликультурном пространстве и его функции / С.М. Лепшокова // Английский язык и литература в полилингвальном мире: вопросы изучения и преподавания (XVI Кирилло-Мефодиевские чтения): материалы Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием. - Карачаевск: Издательство: Карачаево-Черкесский государственный университет им. У.Д. Алиева, 2020. - 347 с.

6. Тоторкулова К.А. Стратегии поведения родителей, воспитывающих агрессивного ребенка / К.А Тоторкулова // Традиции и инновации в системе образования: Материалы XII международной научно-практической конференции. - Карачаевск: Издательство: Карачаево-Черкесский государственный университет им. У.Д. Алиева, 2017. - С. 219-223


UDC 378.2

senior teacher Banartseva Arina Vladimirovna

Samara State Technical University (Samara); lecturer Vlasova Irina Vladimirovna

Samara State Technical University (Samara);

Ph. D. in pedagogy, associated professor Kaplina Liidmila Yurievna

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education (Samara)



Аннотация. Цель исследования - обосновать необходимость и важность в современных условиях развития образования и описать виды учебной деятельности, которые используют преподаватели кафедры иностранных языков для повышения качества овладения иностранным языком студентами технического вуза. Научная новизна исследования заключается в анализе использования методов смешанного обучения при обучении иностранным языкам студентов дневной и заочной форм обучения в техническом вузе, их преимуществ и недостатков, а также в акцентировании взаимосвязанных и взаимозависимых компонентов, характеризующих готовность студентов к самостоятельной учебной деятельности. Авторы также отражают методологические основы самообучения студентов и особенности самостоятельной учебной деятельности. В конце статьи приводятся выводы о результатах активного использования смешанного обучения как эффективной формы организации языкового образования в вузе в условиях, когда студенты и преподаватели вынуждены оставаться дома из-за карантина или самоизоляции. Смешанная форма обучения показала свою актуальность, целесообразность и эффективность, благодаря использованию информационных технологий в процессе изучения иностранного языка с использованием виртуальных образовательных платформ, таких как Zoom и Moodle.

Ключевые слова: смешанное обучение, методологическая основа, дистанционное обучение, синергетический подход, самообучение, самообразование, преимущества, недостатки.

Annotation. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the necessity and importance of in modern conditions of educational development and to describe the types of educational activities that teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages use to improve the quality of mastering a foreign language by students at a technical University. The scientific novelty of the research is to analyze the use of blended learning methods in teaching foreign languages to full-time and part-time students at a technical university, their advantages and disadvantages, and to emphasize interrelated and interdependent components that characterize the readiness of students for self learning activities. The authors also reflect the methodological foundations of self-learning of students and the features of independent educational activity. At the end of the paper, conclusions are given on the results of the active use of blended learning as an effective form of organizing language education at a University in conditions, when students and teachers are forced to stay at home due to quarantine or self-isolation. The blended form of education has shown its relevance, feasibility and effectiveness, thanks to the use of information technology in the process of learning a foreign language using virtual educational platforms such as Zoom and Moodle.

Keywords: blended learning, methodological basis, distance learning, synergetic approach, self-learning, self-education, advantages, disadvantages.

Blended learning is one of the widely used areas of modern education and was previously most actively used only for students of the correspondence department of the university, when students could simultaneously practically study their specialty and get theoretical knowledge. [9]. Given the current stage of development of society, it is assumed that the combination of traditional forms of teaching students in the classroom with elements of e-learning by themselves, in which special information technologies are used, such as computer graphics, audio and video,

interactive elements will remain relevant in the future. The purpose of this paper is to consider blended learning as a synergistic interdisciplinary technology to answer the question how to improve the quality of training future technical specialists in a modern non-linguistic university using the example of teaching a foreign language, and if blended learning will allow more effective use of the advantages of full-time and e-learning, mutually compensating for the disadvantages of each of them [1]. The peculiarities of modern economic development in our country and the epidemiological situation with the coronavirus have led to the need to apply blended education not only in the correspondence department of the university, but also in full-time, too. Undoubtedly, one of the advantages of this type of training is the simultaneous acquisition of both practical and theoretical skills. While writing this article, we relied exclusively on practical experience of working with full-time and part-time students of our university, which allowed us to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of blended learning. In the course of practical work, we identified the following advantages:

1. unlimited time to receive feedback from the teacher, the possibility of interactive handling of educational materials (textbooks developed by the teachers of the department).

2. a large amount of information posted on electronic media.

3. hypertext structure of information presentation (the ability to add text prompts, compact placement of large amounts of information and grammatical comments to the texts).

4. when preparing materials for students' self-learning, they are offered texts on their specialty, which arouses their interest and motivates them to study professional vocabulary.

5. students develop the ability to creatively rethink available information.

Now let's consider some of the disadvantages of blended learning in educational process:

1. low degree of individualization.

2. low ability to communicate with classmates.

3. insufficient development of listening skills [7].

The discipline "Foreign language" is included in the basic block of disciplines for teaching students, both fulltime and at the correspondence department of the Samara Technical University, carried out by the Department of Foreign Languages. The discipline is aimed at developing the ability of graduates to communicate orally and in writing in foreign languages to solve the problems of interpersonal and intercultural interaction. The content of the discipline covers a complex of issues related to the professional orientation of the discipline "Foreign language", focused on the mastery of professional vocabulary in the profile of training. Teaching the discipline provides practical training and self-learning of students. The following types of control are used: current control of progress in completing assignments in practical classes and intermediate discipline control, which takes the form of a test or exam and includes testing in the Moodle distance learning system. The basic principle of building classes in classrooms with students can be characterized as learning through the action of learning-by-doing. That is, students do not engage in boring, inactive study of theory on the grammar of a foreign language in practical classes, but already directly apply their theoretical knowledge of grammar or vocabulary, acquired independently, while completing the teacher's tasks, which are predominantly communicative.

The entire training program is based on a synergistic approach that contributes to the formation of students' value attitudes towards a foreign language. The program is designed so that students know the basic norms of a modern foreign language, they know how to use basic reference literature and dictionaries of a foreign language, have the skills to make literate and logically consistent dialogical and monologic statements in a foreign language and basic skills in translating specialty texts [6]. This scheme or project for the course represents those types of communication exercises, in the course of which students consistently come to the achievement of the main task, namely, improving the quality of mastering a foreign language through action in a blended learning environment.

The question is whether blended learning will make it possible to more effectively use the advantages of face-to-face and e-learning, mutually compensating for the disadvantages of each of them. Since the article has a practical focus, we analyze the use of blended learning methods in teaching foreign languages to full-time and part-time students at a technical university. The Department of Foreign Languages of the University has developed a whole series of teaching aids for both full-time and part-time students, including a variety of lexical and grammatical tasks for students of technical specialties [2, 3, 4, 8]. Practice shows that students are quite successful in this type of work.

The blended learning program provides for a limited number of classroom hours compared to self-learning, which is given priority. Self-learning of students consists of studying additional literature recommended by the teacher and doing homework. The organization of independent work of students is combined with all teaching methods used in a technical university, and together with them it constitutes a single system of means of acquiring knowledge and developing skills. In addition, we invite students to take tests to assess their knowledge, skills and abilities.

Students are offered various types of homework assignments for extracurricular self-study to prepare for the next lesson [10]. These tasks are aimed at:

- the formation and consolidation of lexical and grammatical language skills;

- the formation and development of communication skills in various types of speech activity;

- obtaining linguistic and cultural knowledge about a foreign language and countries of the target language;

- familiarization with professionally important information provided in a foreign language;

- maintenance and improvement of the achieved level of communicative competence.

While completing these tasks, students gain experience in performing various types of work related to their professional activities, in searching for foreign language materials (including on the Internet) on professional topics.

Intermediate control in the form of translation of technical texts in the specialty allows students analyze errors and set tasks for their elimination.

As noted earlier, the methodological basis for teaching a foreign language by full-time and part-time students is the personality-activity and synergetic approach [13]. Self-education is a form of learning that corresponds to a didactic goal in each specific situation: assimilation of educational content, which forms students at all stages of their movement from ignorance to knowledge; helping to solve a certain class of cognitive tasks and to carry out the corresponding advancement from lower to higher levels of mental activity; developing in the student a psychological attitude to his desire to independently systematically replenish his knowledge and develop the ability to navigate in the flow of scientific and public information when solving new cognitive tasks. As the goal of self-education of students, it is proposed to expand and consolidate the knowledge gained by students in traditional forms of classes. University teachers are faced with the tasks of creating and introducing into pedagogical practice new, more

advanced methods aimed at increasing the level of students' motivation for the development of components of readiness for independent work [5, 12].

We build independent work so that it contributes to the development of the creative potential and personal qualities of students [11].

We create appropriate conditions for students' self-learning, namely:

1. readiness and desire of students to independently improve their knowledge of a foreign language;

2. the ability of students to act in accordance with their internal motives and goals;

3. teachers' ability to create the suitable conditions for autonomous learning and correctly determine their place in this process.

Readiness for self learning activity is characterized by a number of interrelated and interdependent components: firstly, it is a psychological component, that is, motivation, attitude to this activity, intellectual capabilities and abilities of students, their volitional potential; secondly, communicative competence; thirdly, the methodological component, the methods of independent activity students master.

As a result of using blended learning as an effective form of organizing language education at a University in modern conditions, we came to the conclusion that the use of the learning-by-doing principle in practical classes with students and the priority role of students' self-learning leads to an increase in the quality of mastering a foreign language in a non-linguistic university.

Control of students' self-education in the process of blended learning is carried out by completing practical tasks of a communicative orientation (briefings, interviews, discussions, round tables, presentations), checking completed tasks and passing a test or exam in the Zoom and Moodle distance learning system, in preparation for which students independently decide the task of updating and systematizing educational material, applying the acquired knowledge and skills as structural elements of competencies, the formation of which is the goal and result of mastering the educational program. An important aspect of the introduction of blended learning is the readiness of teachers and students to new methods and technologies of teaching. Having conducted a survey of students who completed a course of learning foreign languages using the platforms Zoom and Moodle, we came to the following conclusions: 72% of students note an increase in efficiency, 69% - note a high level of activity, 85% - note a high level of trust, 75% - note an increased use of video and audio materials. It must be admitted that traditional teaching methods, with all their undoubted advantages, have a number of disadvantages, in particular, they are limited by time and place. But distance learning also has its weaknesses, for example, problems with communication or the Internet connection, frequent delays in communication between teachers and students, limited amount of information received, etc. Therefore, modern education does not negate basic classroom teaching, but combines these two approaches to obtain the best result. Taking into consideration all written above we can conclude that the combination of technology and pedagogy is certainly a big step towards improving the effectiveness of the educational process. A methodically correctly organized educational process using electronic educational resources can bring foreign language teaching to a qualitatively new level.


1. A.V. Banartseva. Blended learning as a form of organization of language education at a University. Bulletin of the Samara State Technical University. Series "Psychological and pedagogical sciences", No. 2 (20). - 2018. -pp. 77-84.

2. Banartseva, A.V., Vlasova I.V. Chemistry in Medicine: teaching aid / A.V. Banartseva, I.V. Vlasova. -Samara: SamSTU, 2015. - p. 100

3. Banartseva, A.V., Vlasova I.V. Chemistry in Engineering: study guide / A.V. Banartseva, I.V. Vlasova. -Samara: SamSTU, 2017. - p. 100

4. Banartseva, A.V., Vlasova I.V. Chemistry in Nanosphere: study guide / A.V. Banartseva, I.V. Vlasova. -Samara: SamSTU, 2019. - p. 100

5. Banartseva A.V., Kaplina L.U. Distant Learning Development in the Modern High Eduvational Process. -Yalta: Problems of Modern Pedagogical Education, No 70(1). - 2021. - p. 36

6. Blinov V.I., Vinenko V.G., Sergeev I.S. Teaching method in higher education. Educational and practical guide. - Moscow: Yurayt, 2013. - p. 315

7. Vlasova I.V. On some problems of professional and foreign language training of students of technical universities in the conditions of the activity approach. In the collection: Teaching foreign languages in a multidisciplinary university: materials of a scientific-practical conference with international participation. - Samara: Samara State Technical University, 2013. - pp. 22-28.

8. Vlasova I.V., Nechaeva A.A. The relevance of the use of blended learning in teaching foreign languages to distance learning students. Problems of modern teacher education. - Collection of scientific papers: - Yalta: RIO GPA, 2019. - Issue. 64. - Part 2. - p. 335

9. Kyuregyan A.L., Rybalchik O.A. Eng. Workshop. - Samara: Samara State Technical University, 2011. - p. 118

10. Nesterenko V.M., Ionesov V.I.Man in the system of spatio-temporal relations: projections and problems of sociocultural communication. - Bulletin of the Samara State Technical University. Series "Psychological and pedagogical sciences", No. 2 (20). - 2013. - pp. 142-148

11. Psychology and pedagogy of higher education / L.D. Stolyarenko [and others]. - Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2014. - p. 620

12. Mamaeva V.A. Actual problems of independent work of students // Actual problems of science and education in a modern university: Proceedings of the III Intern. scientific-practical Conf., June 7-10, 2017, Sterlitamak. - Part II. from. - P. 512-516

13. Modern educational technologies: textbook / authors call under the guidance of N.V. Bordovskaya. - M.: KNORUS, 2010. - p. 432


УДК 378

кандидат исторических наук, доцент Батагова Людмила Хазретовна

Северо-Осетинский государственный университет имени К.Л. Хетагурова (г. Владикавказ)


Аннотация. В статье раскрываются роль и значение преподавания курса «История России» в вузе как весомый фактор формирования солидарной российской идентичности. Автор анализирует современные методологические подходы, а также возможности учебного материала для конструирования общероссийской идентичности. С опорой на данные социологических опросов, проведенных среди студентов СевероОсетинского государственного университета, показано позитивное влияние преподавания истории на формирование гражданского самосознания и солидарной российской идентичности.

Ключевые слова: преподавание, идентичность, общероссийская идентичность, этническая идентичность, гражданская идентичность, Северный Кавказ, История России.

An^tat^. The article reveals the role and significance of teaching the course of Russian History at higher educational establishments as one of the determinants forming solidary Russian identity.The author analyzes modern methodological approaches as well as the possibilities of educational materials for constructing the All-Russian identity.The positive impact of teaching history on the formation of civic consciousness and solidary Russian identity is shown based on the data of sociological surveys conducted among students of the North Ossetian State University.

Keywords: teaching, identity, all-Russian identity, ethnic identity, civic identity, North Caucasus, Russian History.

Введение. Формирование солидарной идентичности - проблема актуальная для всех многонациональных государств непосредственным образом влияющая на состояние общества, стабильность его развития, реализацию гражданами конституционных прав и свобод, на целостность и безопасность государства. Плюрализм, открытость и конкуренция, присущие современному миру и обществу, признаваемые и гарантируемые конституциями большинства демократических стран, в том числе и РФ, делают реализацию политики идентичности особенно значимой. Важнейшее значение политика идентичности имеет в многонациональном и многоконфессиональном российском социуме. Российское государство как важнейший субъект политики идентичности заинтересовано в становлении гражданского самосознания личности на основе толерантного восприятия культурного многообразия российского общества, принятия базовых ценностей единых для всего социума. Проводником политики идентичности наряду со многими другими общественными институтами выступает система образования. Непрерывность, последовательность, преемственность российского образования позволяют конструировать общее образовательное пространство, выстраивать единую образовательную политику.

В школе закладываются основы гражданского самосознания обучающихся, дальнейшее становление которого происходит в вузе, где преподавание дисциплин социально-гуманитарного и профессионального цикла открывает новые научные и мировоззренческие горизонты, задает более высокую планку осмысления ценностей, ориентиров и смыслов бытия. Важнейшую нагрузку в этом плане несут гуманитарные вузовские дисциплины: философия, культурология, политология, история и др. История как одна из форм самосознания и социальной памяти человечества, на наш взгляд, имеет наибольшую значимость в контексте формирования солидарной российской идентичности.

Цель статьи - рассмотреть преподавание истории в вузе как значимый фактор формирования российской идентичности, раскрыть методологические подходы и возможности учебного материала в контексте обозначенной проблемы. Автор использует данные социологических опросов, проведенных им среди студентов Северо-Осетинского государственного университета как эмпирическую основу исследования, подтверждающего совместимость разных уровней идентичности и позитивное влияние преподавания истории на процесс формирования общероссийской идентичности.

Изложение основного материала статьи. Термин «идентичный» толковые словари обозначают как «полностью совпадающий, тождественный» [7, с. 236]. В обществоведческом дискурсе «идентичность» рассматривается как самосознание человека, «ощущение самости, ассоциирующееся с идентификацией личности с определенными социальными конструкциями» [11, с. 135]. Поэтому понятие «идентичность» наполняется множеством смыслов, т.к. характеризует самосознание личности на разных этапах ее развития. В контексте рассматриваемой проблемы наибольший интерес представляет социальная идентичность индивида. Как отмечает С.В. Орловский: «Социальная идентичность охватывает совокупность отношений и поведение человека, являющихся результатом его принадлежности к различным группам: возрастным, гендерным, социальному классу, нации. Социальная идентичность строится через различные взаимодействия между человеком и обществом» [8, с. 176]. Взаимодействие базируется на выполнении индивидом правил и норм поведения, ценностных ориентаций, принятых в том или ином сообществе, что обеспечивает групповую солидарность и ощущение психологического комфорта. Л.М. Дробижева рассматривает идентичность «как самоотождествление себя с общностью, представление о ней, эмоциональное переживание этих представлений и готовность действовать» [4, с. 72].

Многонациональность и многоконфессиональность российского общества неизбежно приводит к возникновению множества идентичностей одновременно существующих в обществе: этнической, конфессиональной, региональной, корпоративной, гражданской и т.п. На первых этапах строительства современной российской государственности (90-е гг. ХХ в.) в сознании людей доминировали этническая и конфессиональная идентичности, которые зачастую приобретали гипертрофированные формы ксенофобии к представителям других этносов и конфессий. Эта негативная тенденция ярко проявилась на Северном Кавказе наиболее многонациональном и многоконфессиональном регионе России с застарелыми территориальными проблемами, вызванными противоречивым национально-территориальным размежеванием, осуществленным в предшествующие исторические периоды. На сегодняшний день ситуация на Северном Кавказе стабилизировалась, деятельность деструктивных сил пресечена или минимизирована, идеология сепаратизма не находит поддержку у основной массы населения региона, уставших от потрясений

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