THE MAIN APPROACHES FOR FORMATION OF SOCIAL COMPETENCE OF FOREIGN STUDENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
social competence / foreign student / competence approach / system approach / cultural approach / axiological approach / participatory approach / environmental approach.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Lukatska Ya.S.

The article is devoted to the analysis of pedagogical approaches for formation of social competence of foreign students. The author investigates the scientific researches of Ukrainian and foreign scientists who have devoted their works to the formation of social competence and studied the peculiarities of teaching foreign students; on the basis of it competence approach, system approach, cultural approach, axiological approach, participatory approach, environmental approach were determined as those that effectively form social compe-tence of foreign students during the educational process, improve adaptation, intercultural communication, which in turn has a positive effect on the quality of mastering professional knowledge, skills and abilities and makes possible to graduate a competitive specialist.

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UDS 378.147

Лукацкая Я. С.

аспирант кафедры инновационных технологий по педагогике, психологии и социальной работе, Университет имени Альфреда Нобеля (Днепр, Украина) преподаватель кафедры филологии Днепровского государственного аграрно-экономического университета (Днепр, Украина) DOI: 10.24412/2520-2480-2020-3183-58-60 ОСНОВНЫЕ ПОДХОДЫ К ФОРМИРОВАНИЮ СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТИ


Lukatska Ya.S.

PhD student of Department of Innovative Technologies in Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work of Alfred Nobel University (Dnipro, Ukraine) Teacher of Philological Department of Dnipro State University of Agriculture and Economics

(Dnipro, Ukraine)




The article is devoted to the analysis ofpedagogical approaches for formation ofsocial competence of foreign students. The author investigates the scientific researches of Ukrainian and foreign scientists who have devoted their works to the formation of social competence and studied the peculiarities of teaching foreign students; on the basis of it competence approach, system approach, cultural approach, axiological approach, participatory approach, environmental approach were determined as those that effectively form social competence of foreign students during the educational process, improve adaptation, intercultural communication, which in turn has a positive effect on the quality of mastering professional knowledge, skills and abilities and makes possible to graduate a competitive specialist.


Статья посвящена анализу педагогических подходов к формированию социальной компетентности иностранных студентов. Автор опирается на научные исследования украинских и зарубежных ученых, которые посвятили свои работы формирования социальной компетентности и исследовали особенности обучения иностранных студентов, и определяет компетентностный подход, системный подход, культурологический подход, аксиологический подход, партисипативний подход, средовой подход как те, которые позволят результативно формировать социальную компетентность иностранных студентов во время образовательного процесса, позволят улучшить процессы адаптации, межкультурной коммуникации, что в свою очередь положительно отразится на качестве усвоения профессиональных знаний, умений и навыков и даст возможность выпустить конкурентоспособного специалиста.

Keywords: social competence, foreign student, competence approach, system approach, cultural approach, axiological approach, participatory approach, environmental approach.

Ключевые слова: социальная компетентность, иностранный студент, компетентностный подход, системный подход, культурологический подход, аксиологический подход, партисипативний подход, сре-довой подход.

Introduction. Due to globalization processes in the modern world the international mobility of students increases every year. After Ukrainian government signed the Bologna Declaration, the number of foreign students from all over the world has come to study to Ukraine. According to the Ukrainian State Center for International Education at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 80,470 foreign students from 158 countries studied in Ukraine in 2019 [1]. Foreign students are important for the educational system of each country first of all because of increasing academic prestige and financial benefits for higher educational establishments and the state as a whole. Vocational education aims toward professional and personal development, the student acquires certain knowledge, skills, abilities in a particular specialty, but becoming a specialist is impossible without acquiring a number of

competences which allow a person to participate effectively in various activities of social and working life. The success of studying of foreign students, their final result and the level of preparation depend significantly on the level of development of their social competence which helps foreigner to carry out the process of social and cultural adaptation, to improve intercultural communication, to optimize the educational process, to broaden mind, to develop a positive attitude to the country of study, to increase motivation for further education.

Analysis of recent researches and publications.

Much attention has been paid to the formation of social competence as a pedagogical problem in the works of Ukrainian scientists. Researchers have studied different aspects of the formation of social competence using different approaches and defined variously the structure of it. Analysing Ukrainian and foreign sources, we found

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out that most scientists consider the competence approach as leading for the formation of social competence because it makes possible the formation of key competencies (social inclusive) for successful training of students in any field (O. Subina, O. Hrybanova, O. Yurchenko, O. Lytvyshko).

I. Shychko identifies a personality-oriented approach as the most relevant not only for the formation of social competence, but also as an obligatory step in the process of improving the educational system. According to her, during such educational activity the student develops a certain system of values, self-respect, pride for done work [7, p. 95].

O. Zhukova notes the need for using a systems approach, humanistic approach, resource approach, syn-ergetic approach, axiological approach, cultural approach, hermeneutic approach, functional approach, innovative approach, competence approach [3, p. 92-95]. O. Moskovchuk [4], taking into account the age of a student of higher educational establishment and the need to form professionally important qualities during vocational education, identifies competence, pragma-tist and personality-oriented approaches for the organization of educational process.

V. Shakhrai carried out the research, where she defined principles of formation of social competence based on the status-role theory of explaining the relation between the personality and society [6]. The researcher analyses the concepts of "social role", "role behaviour" and identifies the status-role component of social competence, which consists in adequate orientation in social statuses and internalization of socially significant social roles; perception the content of selected roles; proper quantitative and qualitative composition of the role set; an acceptable degree of role decentralization; the ability to prevent role conflicts; ability to quickly transition from one role to another [6; p.50].

There are other scientists who researched formation of social competence, among them V. Ko-valenko, M. Fedoruts, O. Varetska, H. Khlypavka, R. Skyrko. Issues of teaching foreign students are studied in scientific works of I. Dyrda, Zh. Ragrina, O. Pal-chikova, O. Rezvan, D. Porokh, I. Renchka.

Isolation of previously unresolved part of a common problem. Native and foreign scholars have studied the formation of social competence of different categories of students, but approaches for the formation of social competence of foreign students have not received much attention.

Aim of research. The purpose of this article is to define and substantiate approaches for the formation of social competence of foreign students.

Presentation of the main research material. In modern science there is no single definition of "social competence", depending on the field of science, researchers have different views on the interpretation of this phenomenon. Social competence was studied taking into account various aspects, the importance of its development for students of different age groups and at different levels of education was noted, the influence of the level of social competence development on professional activity and professional achievements as well as means and methods of its development were studied.

The social competence of international students has a complex structure that contains many components. After analysing the scientific works of scientists about social competence of foreign students, we identified methodological approaches on which the technologies of formation of social competence of foreign students are built. The model of formation of social competence of foreign students should include competence approach, system approach, cultural approach, axiolog-ical approach, the participatory approach, environmental approach.

Competence approach (I. Bekh, O. Ovcharuk, I. Zymnia, O. Pometun, N. Bibik) focuses on result of education as the ability to act in different situations; it directs the educational process to formation and development of the ability to practically and creatively apply the acquired knowledge and experience in various work and life situations. This is the priority orientation of education towards its results: the formation of the necessary general cultural and professional competences, self-determination, socialization, the development of individuality and self-actualization.

System approach (Ye. Yudin, Yu. Shabanova, V. Afanasiev) in pedagogy shows the unity of pedagogical theory, pedagogical experiment and pedagogical practice. This approach defines the educational process as a single system, a set of interrelated activities for the formation of views and concepts, systems of thinking, mechanisms of creative development of the individual. According to S. Vitvitska, the system approach has certain features: continuity and purposefulness, structuring, ordering, classification of the whole; the relation between external and internal; integration of individual elements and connections [2]. The formation of social competence of foreign students is a complex process consisting of interrelated stages, which should be considered not separately but in a certain relation, so the use of a systematic approach is justified in this area of researches.

The cultural approach is based on the theory of "dialogue of cultures" of M. Bakhtin and V. Bibler, the theory shows the possibility or impossibility of understanding between cultures, the differences of linguistic systems of different languages, the discursive condi-tionality of the perception of realities. The cultural approach provides the study of the theoretical basis of the development of the multicultural personality of a foreign student; it allows proper selection of material for educational purposes, taking into account the cultural characteristics of a particular foreign student.

Axiological approach is closely related to the cultural (I. Ziaziun, V. Ogneviuk), it considers a person as the highest value of society. Each participant of the educational process is recognized as a value-motivated subject of activity, considered as a subject of cognition, communication, creativity. The formation of social competence of foreign students is based on the formation of social interaction skills based on understanding and acceptance of the values of partner, this determines the choice of axiological approach to the formation of social competence of foreign students.

Participatory approach (O. Sukhomlynska, Ye. Nikitina) came from the theory of participatory management, which means management that is based on participation. The participatory approach in higher education provides deepening and expansion of interaction of subjects of education. According to Ye. Nikitina, the participatory approach in the educational process ensures that the opinion of each student is taken into account when solving a socially significant problem; purposeful, systematic attempts to identify and use the individual and collective wisdom of all participants; corporate decision-making; corporate identification of problems and appropriate actions [5]. The formation of social competence of foreign students is impossible without elements of a participatory approach: the activity of all participants, close interaction of the subjects of educational process, maximum involvement in this process, interested in it.

Environmental approach (Yu. Manuilov, M. Bratko, V. Zhelanova) is based on the importance of the conditions in which a person is, and which affect his personal and professional development. This approach focuses on helping the foreign student to feel in the context of his new environment, to perceive himself as an element of a certain society, thus realizing his purpose.

The application of the above mentioned approaches in the complex is a significant basis for the formation of social competence of foreign students in the educational process of modern higher educational establishment.

Conclusion and propositions. Analysis of approaches for the formation of social competence of foreign students allows us to see the complexity and diversity of this process. In our opinion, the combination of competence, systemic, cultural, axiological, participatory, environmental approaches allows to form effectively the social competence of foreign students in the course of vocational education, which improves the processes of adaptation, intercultural communication

and affects positively the quality of professional knowledge and skills. This analysis is the basis for following development of principles for the formation and structure of social competence of foreign students.


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УДК 378.016:004

Gibalova Nataliia,

Candidate of Sciences in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the department ofprimary education, natural and mathematical disciplines and methods of their teaching of Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University

Protsai Lyudmyla Candidate of Sciences in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the department ofprimary education, natural and mathematical disciplines and methods of their teaching of Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University



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