Научная статья на тему 'Linguodidactic model of the process of formation of strategic competence of future interpreters'

Linguodidactic model of the process of formation of strategic competence of future interpreters Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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The article analyzes the linguodidactic model of the formation process of future interpreters’ anglophone strategic competence. The model consists of four blocks (conceptual-target, content-based, procedural and result-oriented). The conceptual-target block of the model reflects the essence of the fundamental approaches (communicative, resource-based, synergetic and reflection strategies approach), which formed the basis for developing our authorial methodology for the formation of anglophone strategic competence of future interpreters. The content-oriented block of the model involves the formation of certain components of the structure of interpreters’ strategic competence through the implementation of the three blocks of exercises, which are to be done by the students, and which constitute the authorial subsystem of exercises and tasks. The result-oriented element of the model determines the levels, criteria and correspoding indicators of the formation of the anglophone strategic competence of future interpreters.

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Лингводидактическая модель процесса формирования в будущих переводчиков стратегической компетентности

Теоретически обоснована лингводидактическая модель процесса формирования у будущих переводчиков англоязычной стратегической компетентности. Омечено, что модель состоит из четырех блоков: концептуально-целевого, содержательного, процессуального и результативного. Концептуально-целевой блок модели отражает сущность фундаментальных подходов, которые легли в основу разработки авторской методики формирования англоязычной стратегической компетентности у будущих переводчиков: коммуникативного, ресурсного, рефлексионно-стратегического и синергетического. Коммуникативный подход предполагает понимание того, что общение является речевой деятельностью, в ходе которой решаются конкретные коммуникативные задачи. Ресурсный подход определяет направленность учебного процесса на определение структуры профессионального потенциала будущего переводчика, формирования его профессионально важных качеств, потребностей, навыков, умений, компетенций. Определение рефлексионно-стратегического подхода обусловлено акцентом на использовании стратегий во всей системе учебного процесса по разработанной методике, а умение рефлексии в учебной деятельности студента даст ему возможность контролировать свои действия, определять последовательность этапов познавательной деятельности. Весомость синергетического подхода обусловлена тем, что субъекты образовательного процесса должны находиться в постоянном саморазвитии, внутренняя сила которого является источником и импульсом каждого из них. Содержательный блок модели предусматривает формирование определенных компонентов структуры стратегической компетентности переводчика через выполнение студентами трех комплексов (блоков) упражнений, которые составляют авторскую подсистему упражнений и задач. Результативный элемент модели определяет уровни, критерии и соответствующие показатели сформированности англоязычной стратегической компетентности будущих переводчиков.

Текст научной работы на тему «Linguodidactic model of the process of formation of strategic competence of future interpreters»


УДК 378.14.015.62

DOI 10.25128/2415-3605.19.1.9


ORCIDID: 0000-0003-3613-330Х [email protected] Lecturer

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv 1 Universytetska Str., Lviv, Ukraine


The article analyzes the linguodidactic model of the formation process offuture interpreters' anglophone strategic competence. The model consists of four blocks (conceptual-target, content-based, procedural and result-oriented). The conceptual-target block of the model reflects the essence of the fundamental approaches (communicative, resource-based, synergetic and reflection strategies approach), which formed the basis for developing our authorial methodology for the formation of anglophone strategic competence of future interpreters. The content-oriented block of the model involves the formation of certain components of the structure of interpreters' strategic competence through the implementation of the three blocks of exercises, which are to be done by the students, and which constitute the authorial subsystem of exercises and tasks. The result-oriented element of the model determines the levels, criteria and correspoding indicators of the formation of the anglophone strategic competence of future interpreters.

Keywords: anglophone strategic competence, future interpreters, consecutive interpreting, interpreting strategies, communicative strategies



Льв1вський нацюнальний ушверситет ¡меш 1вана Франка вул. Ушверситетська 1, м. Льв1в, Украша


Теоретично обтрунтовано лтгводидактичну модель процесу формування в майбутшх перекладач1в англомовноЧ стратег1чноЧ компетентност1. Вказано, що модель складаеться з чотирьох блоюв: концептуально-цтьового, зм1стового, процесуального та результативного. Концептуально-цтьовий блок модел1 в1дображае сутшсть фундаментальних тдход1в, що лягли в основу розробки авторськоЧ методики формування англомовноЧ стратег1чноЧ компетентност1 в майбутн1х перекладач1в: комунжативного, ресурсного, рефлексшно-стратег1чного i синергетичного. Комушкативний тдх1д передбачае розумтня того, що стлкування е мовленневою дiяльнiстю, у ходi якоЧ виршуються конкретш комунiкативнi завдання. Ресурсний пiдхiд визначае спрямованкть навчального процесу на визначення структури професшного потен^алу майбутнього перекладача, формування його професшно важливих якостей, потреб, навичок, вмть, компетенцш. Визначення рефлексiйно-стратегiчного тдходу зумовлене акцентом на використанш стратегш у всш системi навчального процесу за розробленою методикою, а вмтня рефлексИ у навчальнш дiяльностi студента дадуть йому можливкть контролювати своЧ дН, визначати по^довнкть етатв тзнавальноЧ дiяльностi. Вагомкть синергетичного тдходу зумовлена тим, що суб'екти освтнього процесу повинт перебувати у


постшному саморозвитку, внутршня сила якого е джерелом та iмпульсом кожного з них. Змстовий блок мoделi передбачае формування визначених кoмnoненmiв структури cmраmегiчнoг кoмnеmенmнocmi перекладача через виконання студентами трьох комплекав (блоюв) вправ, яю складають авторську тдсистему вправ i завдань. Результативний елемент мoделi визначае рiвнi, критери i вiдnoвiднi показники cфoрмoванocmi англомовног cmраmегiчнoг кoмnеmенmнocmi майбутшх nерекладачiв.

Ключовг слова: англомовна cmраmегiчна компетентшсть, майбymнi nерекладачi, усний по^довний переклад, перекладацьш стратеги, комунжативш стратеги



Львовский национальный университет имени ИванаФранко ул. Университетская 1, г. Львов, Украина


Теоретически обоснована лингводидактическая модель процесса формирования у будущих переводчиков англоязычной стратегической компетентности. Омечено, что модель состоит из четырех блоков: концептуально-целевого, содержательного, процессуального и результативного. Концептуально-целевой блок модели отражает сущность фундаментальных подходов, которые легли в основу разработки авторской методики формирования англоязычной стратегической компетентности у будущих переводчиков: коммуникативного, ресурсного, рефлексионно-стратегического и синергетического. Коммуникативный подход предполагает понимание того, что общение является речевой деятельностью, в ходе которой решаются конкретные коммуникативные задачи. Ресурсный подход определяет направленность учебного процесса на определение структуры профессионального потенциала будущего переводчика, формирования его профессионально важных качеств, потребностей, навыков, умений, компетенций. Определение рефлексионно-стратегического подхода обусловлено акцентом на использовании стратегий во всей системе учебного процесса по разработанной методике, а умение рефлексии в учебной деятельности студента даст ему возможность контролировать свои действия, определять последовательность этапов познавательной деятельности. Весомость синергетического подхода обусловлена тем, что субъекты образовательного процесса должны находиться в постоянном саморазвитии, внутренняя сила которого является источником и импульсом каждого из них. Содержательный блок модели предусматривает формирование определенных компонентов структуры стратегической компетентности переводчика через выполнение студентами трех комплексов (блоков) упражнений, которые составляют авторскую подсистему упражнений и задач. Результативный элемент модели определяет уровни, критерии и соответствующие показатели сформированности англоязычной стратегической компетентности будущих переводчиков.

Ключевые слова: англоязычная стратегическая компетентность, будущие переводчики, устный последовательный перевод, переводческие стратегии, коммуникативные стратегии.

The development of effective pedagogical procedures, in our case, the methodology of teaching, requires the need for designing a pedagogical process, a comprehensive and systematic view of the main advantages and possible drawbacks that will enable rapid response, improvement or correction of individual elements of the pedagogical system. The creation of a methodology for the formation of anglophone strategic competence of future interpreters implies the consideration of many factors, the use of a number of techniques, and the observance of fundamental approaches, which urges us to design, first and foremost, the linguodidactic model of this process, the application of which will ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of our authorial methodology.

According to A.S. Budnik [1, p. 98], didactic modeling enables us to design the educational process so that it can correspond to the problems and interests of students, their social needs. Moreover, such modeling allows us to reproduce not only the static elements of the learning process, but also its dynamics, to predict the development of object models [13, p. 319]. In this aspect D. H. Levites differentiates between the notion of didactic modeling and didactic design, noting that the second concept is oriented to a distant future plan, while modeling involves creating a prototype / analogue of a real object (not the one that will appear in the future) [7, p. 33].


N. Yu. Rusova [12, p. 7] believes that didactic modeling involves adapting the knowledge component to the needs of the subjects of the educational process through the methods of activity that tackle specific tasks, which is achieved through the interrelated combination of different ways of systematization and organization of information elements of the content of teaching.

The objective of the article is to analyze and assess the significance of the key elements of the linguodidactic model of the formation process of future interpreters' anglophone strategic competence.

The formation of anglophone strategic competence of future interpreters as a didactic model of the learning process should be based on certain approaches and have the appropriate methodological basis, so let us dwell in more detail on the characterization of key approaches that became the foundation of our authorial methodology, namely communicative, resource-based, reflection strategies and synergetic.

In scholarly pedagogical research, the methodological approach is generally viewed as the principal and fundamental orientation of the study, the point of view from which the object of study is considered, as a concept or principle that governs the overall research strategy [14, c. 63].

The choice of communicative approach [9, p. 82-83] is predetermined by the understanding that communication is a speech activity in which specific communication tasks are solved. Moreover, communication involves an active and interactive exchange of information in order to achieve the appropriate communicative goal. As it is pointed out by N.V. Zinukova, "one of the main goals of linguistic education (and this is what the education of an interpreter is - a note by the author of the article) at different stages of studying is the formation of a communicative foreign language competence, taking into account linguistic, socio-cultural, discursive and other components", since learning a foreign language involves mastering its system, which belongs to the super-complex types of systems and is part of the communicative field in a particular communicative environment. At the same time, the aforementioned scholar emphasizes the specific circumstances in which the translation mediation is carried out, that is, the situation of bilingualism (sometimes multilingualism), therefore the communicative approach used against the background of the bilingual environment should be one of the leading methods in the foreign language training of future translators/interpreters [6, p. 252].

The introduction of the resource-based approach into our methodological framework is conditioned by the fact that educational process should be aimed at determining the structure of the professional potential of future interpreters, formation of professionally important qualities, needs, skills, abilities and competencies that will significantly intensify the process of formation and development of a professional interpreter capable of employing the necessary communication and interpreting strategies in their professional activity depending on the situation.

Our focus on the resource-based approach is determined by the fact that the methodical system developed and analyzed in the research focuses on the development of the linguistic personality of the interpreter, his/her personality as a subject of training and future professional activity, the performer and the creator of this activity. Accordingly, the effectiveness of interpreting depends on the potential capabilities of the subject-student and the subject-teacher (internal resources), as well as the capabilities of the external resources (e.g. Internet video clips, linguodidactic model of the learning process and subsystem of exercises and tasks, a complex of different kinds of training, which are all aimed at stimulating the activity of the student (prospective interpreter) as a subject and the optimal use of all other training resources that are available).

In this context, it should be noted that the conceptual ideas of the resource-based approach received a scientific justification relatively recently (in the last decade of the twentieth century; economist B.F. Wernerfelt is considered to be the founder of this approach [2, pp. 103-104]), which determines the modernity and timeliness of the aforementioned approach. Moreover, taking into account the resource-based approach in the study of the peculiarities of the professional development of future interpreters in terms of forming their strategic competence will allow us to consider the requirements imposed by the external conditions of the organization of the pedagogical process, as well as internal capabilities that are aimed at meeting these requirements [11, c. 48].

Definition of a reflection strategies approach is conditioned by the emphasis on using strategies in the whole system of educational process based on the developed methodology. At the same time, the students' abilty to use reflection in their learning activities will enable them to control their



actions, to determine the sequence of stages of cognitive activity, to implement the dialectical approach to the analysis of situations, etc. [10, p. 78].

L. Ya. Zienia emphasizes that the process of productive activity (and we consider the pedagogical system of future interpreters' training to be such kind of activity) necessarily ends with the reflection phase [4, p. 143].

According to I. P. Zadorozhna [3, p. 42], successful functioning of specialists, in particular interpreters, in modern society, in which they, as never before, feel the pressing need for rapid adaptation to changes in the professional environment, is possible provided that there is a continuous reflection of their own achievements aimed at correcting them in order to maximize the achievement of the goal.

Of particular interest to us is the subject-characteristic view of the essence of the reflection process presented by V. B. Shapar that clearly represents the idea of reflection as a process in which the subjects mirror each other, and where the subject can take at least six positions: the subject presented just the way he/she is when involved in some activity; the subject as he/she sees himself/herself; the subject as seen by the other subject; the subject who accepts the other subject in the activity; the subject who accepts the other subject just the way he/she is; the subject who presents his/her view of the other subject and the way he/she perceives him/her [18, p. 145].

The importance of the synergetic approach to accomplishing the objectives and tasks of our study is clearly reflected in I. O. Zymnia's position, according to which the subjects of the educational process are "doomed" to self-development, the inner power of which is the source and impulse for each of them [5].

We cannot but agree with O. V. Torichnyi, who points out that the conception of development constitutes a higher level of philosophical dialectics, since "the idea of development is based on the assumption about the possibility of certain quantitative and qualitative changes that facilitate the increase in the general or special personality level, which fully reveals fundamentally new features in comparison with the previous forms" [16, p. 17].

However, in the context of investigating the peculiarities of the professional development of future interpreters, the phenomena of self-development and self-organization, which are considered to be the main ideas of synergetics and have been analyzed in a number of works on the philosophy of education [17; 19], are becoming crucially important.

Therefore, in the context of the problems investigated in this study it is vitally important to take into account the principles of synergetics and the need to identify variants of the possible development of the educational process in accordance with the authorial methodology. Accordingly, in the course of going through the stages determined by this methodology, following the principles of the synergetic approach involves self-organization of activities by the students, which will manifest itself in the self-coordination of the interaction, particularly, when fulfilling the tasks of the proposed set of different kinds of training.

The analyzed approaches enable the observance of the corresponding general didactic and specific methodological principles in the course of developing a methodology for the formation of future interpreters' anglophone strategic competence.

The principle of the communicative orientation of the teaching process involves the formation of communication and interpreting strategies by using video clips of speakers at international scientific and academic events (conferences, meetings, symposiums, seminars, etc.), that is, it is based on speech samples taken from real typical communicative situations that future interpreters will encounter in their professional activity.

The principle of cognitive-intellectual orientation lies in stimulation of the cognitive potential of students, development of the guessing strategies and overcoming interpreting difficulties with the help of context, background knowledge and personal communicative experience.

The principle of taking into account the linguistic experience of students implies the awareness that they have language skills and abilities (that is, it presupposes future interpreter's acquired linguistic competence) on the basis of which the formation and development of the corresponding strategies can be carried out.

The principle of adequacy of the choice of exercises and their position in the system of exercises suggests that it should be taken into account that all exercises are done with the aim of forming and



developing certain strategies in accordance with the stages of the linguodidactic model of the educational process.

The principle of automaticity in the formation of student's strategic competence implies the formation of the phenomenon under study on the basis of training technology and takes into account the peculiarities of the interpreter's professional activity (limited time, background noise, unpredictability of the content of speeches and ways of their presentation, etc.).

In her investigation into the pedagogical foundations of teaching foreign languages to students who are not majoring in Philology, R. Yu. Martynova analyzes three types of methodological aspects that should be taken into account when organizing integrated foreign language training: 1) immersion in an artificially created foreign-language environment based on the intensification which, as suggested by the author, should be implemented by broadening the scope of educational material, increasing the number and variety of exercises and tasks in order to achieve the communicative goal in teaching, by density of communication aimed at eliminating the proportion of teaching time allocated for preparatory linguistic processing, by activation of psychological reserve of student's personality which, in terms of teaching students who are not majoring in Philology, can be achieved through role play where all speech acts create the illusion of the real professionally-oriented communication; 2) immersion in an artificially created foreign-language environment based on subject integration, that is, the creation of a new subject; 3) immersion in an artificially created foreign language environment on the basis of procedural integration, which is implemented by doing tasks and exercises in order to acquire professional knowledge and skills, as well as the formation and development of professional competence by means of a foreign language [8, p. 68-89].

Thus, taking into account the aforementioned methodological approaches and principles, we can single out three blocks of exercises, with the help of which the organization of the content of teaching and the procedural component of the developed didactic model of the educational process can be implemented.

Block 1: Exercises aimed at activating linguistic material. This block is comprised of the following types of exercises: 1) vocabulary exercises (general and special vocabulary) aimed at expanding student's vocabulary needed for future professional activity; 2) exercises aimed at activating lexical units in an isolated linguistic (grammatical) context; 3) preparatory communicative exercises aimed at forming and developing student's receptive abilities in a familiar language context.

Block 2: A set of training techniques (memory / speech tempo / code switch training techniques, techniques of compression and decompression of the text, etc) aimed at forming certain communication and interpreting strategies.

Block 3: Simulations that involve strategic communicative exercises aimed at tackling professional tasks with the help of the acquired strategic competence.

Thus, we have come up to the development of a model of educational process aimed at the formation of future interpreters' strategic competence which we see as a system that consists of four components: conceptual-target, content-based, procedural and result-oriented (Diagram 1).

The conceptual-target component of the model involves outlining the general purpose of teaching, its theoretical and methodological basis (key approaches to the development of the methodology, the basic principles of teaching).

The use of the key principles of communicative, resource-based, reflection strategies and synergetic approaches, which formed the basis of the proposed methodology, is determined by the tasks and the overall objective of the educational activity, as well as the requirements for the results of this activity, i.e. a high level of interpreters' anglophone strategic competence.

The content of teaching includes two aspects: content-based aspect and procedural one. As for the content-based aspect, our methodology includes the following: 1) typical communicative situations in consecutive interpreting; 2) speech material (video clips of academic and scientific communication of specialists in the field of medicine, technology, etc which serve as examples students can use for developing communication and translation strategies); 3) linguistic material (grammatical, lexical -e.g. medical and technical terminology); 4) knowledge of non-verbal elements of communication. The procedural aspect includes future interpreters' anglophone strategic competence viewed as a set of structural components (global translation strategies, local strategies, cognitive strategies, socio-affective translation strategies).



The procedural component of the model implies the organization of students' learning activity by implementing the subsystem of exercises that consists of three blocks and includes exercises aimed at activating linguistic material, sets of training activities aimed at the formation of future interpreters' strategic competence, and simulations. Accordingly, the process of doing the exercises within each block involves going through three corresponding stages.

Result-oriented component involves the analysis of the effectiveness of the proposed methodological procedures, i. e, the diagnosis of the level of formation of students' anglophone strategic competence in accordance with established criteria.

The findings of this study have a number of important implications for future practice. Thus, the prospect of further research is seen in the development of a system of exercises and tasks as one of the elements of the model of educational process described above and represented in the aforementioned three blocks of exercises.


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Стаття надшшла в редакцию 21.03.2019 p.

УДК 378:81'27=111

DOI 10.25128/2415-3605.19.1.10


https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5887-8321 [email protected] Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University 2 Maksyma Kryvonosa Str., Ternopil, Ukraine


https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0933-0359 [email protected] Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University 2 Maksyma Kryvonosa Str., Ternopil, Ukraine


The article aims at analyzing theoretical interpretation of intercultural competence in CEFR, its practical aspect which is revealed in the observation of the syllabus of the course 'Intercultural Studies'. To accomplish the aim, the issues of theoretical background, CEFR and intercultural dimension, Ukrainian theoretical ideas and curriculum, cultural competences, a course of cultural study are going to be discussed. The theoretical part of the article defines the structure and content of the intercultural competence basing on CEFR and national Ukrainian curriculum which leads to clear understanding what knowledge and skills are to be taught. On the practical level, the article specifies the purpose of the course "Intercultural Studies " and defines its objectives among which to provide cultural knowledge and teach intercultural skills, as, for instance, to analyze cultural types, to differentiate cultural peculiarities. The aim of the course is to provide the students with the information about culture, its components, the ways of interaction between people from different cultures, to develop skills to use the relevant methods of culture analysis and to use the knowledge and skills to present their own culture. Considerable attention is paid to psychological perception of different cultures, specifically to the skill of perceiving cultural differences, and consequently, to demonstrate tolerance, to be able to cope with cultural barriers. The defined objectives can be accomplished through a series of lectures and tutorials.

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