Следовательно, арт-терапевтические методы создают благоприятный психологический климат, обучение языку происходит в естественных условиях, на занятиях развивается мотивация от спонтанной и игровой до познавательной.
Таким образом, применение арт - терапевтических методов обучения иностранному языку в начальной школе, способствует помимо подъема самооценки, успешному формированию и развитию речевых навыков и умений, что приводит к развитию коммуникативной компетенции школьников.
Список литературы
1. Ворожцова О.А. Музыка и игра в детской психотерапии // СПб.: Изд-во Ин-та психотерапии, 2004. 289 с.
2. Murphey T. Music and Songs // Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. 151 p.
Abstract: this article is devoted to the main criteria of pedagogical technologies. The efficiency of each criterion is described in details. The author, especially, claims that these criteria in the form of the subject of "Pedagogical technology" give excellent results at training highly qualified personnel.
Keywords: criterion, designability, systemic character, approach with activity, handiness, reproducibility, effectiveness, curricula, tutorials.
Criteria of pedagogical technologies are based on the complex of rules presenting the foundation of the sciences "Pedagogy" and "Technology". The following criteria of pedagogical technology have been formed according to its purposes, tasks and analysis of its subject matter: scientific, designability, systemic character, directivity to the aim, approach with activity, handiness, reproducibility, effectiveness.
The criterion of scientific character. This criterion confirms that it is necessary for any subject or educational material to be based on modern achievements of science. This criterion is implemented, in the first place, while making curricula, tutorials and other programs. According to this criterion curricula and educational materials should be improved every year.In order to put the scientific criterioninto practice at higher educational institutions all the teachers must be engaged with scientific research work by all means and involve the students in this work.
The criterion of designability. The criterion of designability means organizing educational process, preparing the documents - schedule of the educational process, curriculum, classification of educational aim of the key words and chapters of the subject, technology of teaching process, marking system of gained knowledge and skills beforehand. In the sphere of production and engineering the criterion of designability is considered to be basic, that is the process of constructing buildings and erections, producing products is designed beforehand.
The criterion of systemic character. Pedagogical technology is distinguished by including all the elements of the teaching process. The peculiarity of the criterion of
systemic characteris expressed by its being designed as the only system on the base of all the elements of teaching process and condition of their interconnection. In this complex of all the elements, organization and activity of the teaching process are directed to encouraging students to study well.
The criterion of directivity to the aim. The teaching process must be directed to the aim. As the law, aim also must determine the character and way of acting of a person. For this the set aim should be definite.
Teaching is a purposeful process of relation between a teacher and a student, and in the process of it a persongains information. Proceeding from it, one can make a conclusion that quality of teaching depends on quality of forming purposes [1, 60].
The criterion of approach with activity. The present stage of development of science and engineering is characterized by applying highly developed technologies, producing knowledge demanding products, in this not only the science enables the production to develop rapidly, but also the productionenablesthe scienceto develop rapidly. In this case, the efficiency of teaching process based on the criterion of approach with activity increases.
The criterion of handiness. The pedagogic technology guarantees the achievement of planned results of teaching. It may be attained only if the teaching is handy. This is the main importance of the criterion of handiness. Handiness serves to implement the process in the planned manner, the program of achieving teaching goals.
The criterion of reproducibility. This criterion enables to apply the same pedagogical-technological chart, worked out on a definite subject, in different groups and educational institutions with other subjects several times. Obviously, the worked out educational documents should meet the same demands as the technological documents of the sphere of production and engineering.
The criterion of effectiveness. This criterion means to attain the goals with reasonable expenses. The effectiveness of the educational process is achieved having implemented such above-mentioned criteria as scientific, designability, systemic character, directivity to the aim, approach with activity, handiness, and reproducibility.
In conclusion, we can say that the criteria of pedagogical technologies include the achievements of the pedagogical and technological sciences. The complex of these criteria in the form of the subject of "Pedagogical technology" gives excellent results at training highly qualified personnel with its precision and practicableness.
1. Dautova O.B., Ivanshina Ye.V. and others. "Modern pedagogical technologies",
Publishing house "Karo", 2013. P. 60.
2. Avliyakulov N.H., Musayeva N.N. "Pedagogical technology", Publishing house
"Tafakkur bo'stoni", Tashkent, 2012. P. 29-36.