УДК 37. 022 Osiyanova Olga М.
Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Federal State Educational Government-financed Institution of Higher Professional Education «Orenburg State University», (Orenburg State University, OSU), Professor of the Department of English Philology and Methods of Teaching English, Orenburg (RF). E-mail: [email protected].
Abstract. The aim of the investigation is to study the possibilities of the innovation system of teaching students verbal communication culture in a competency-based educational paradigm.
Methods. The methods involve theoretical (the analysis of Russian and foreign research, modeling, projecting); empirical (observation, interview, questioning, diagnosing); pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical statistics.
Results. There has been developed an integrated model of innovation subject-oriented system which serves as the foundation for the project of students' linguistic education modernization by means of verbal communication culture.
Scientific novelty. A scientific and socially important problem of modeling and theoretical justification of the integral verbal communication culture teaching system which concretizes theoretical and practical regulations of verbal communication culture teaching in the context of personal and professional students' development in the educational process has been solved; a new scientific result in the elaboration of a systemic-subject-oriented approach which serves as a basis for the innovation system and ensures systematic verbal communication culture teaching using reference points as a mechanism for «reflexive management» of person-to-person interaction has been achieved.
Practical significance. The use of empirical data in educational practice contributes to ensuring a high level of verbal communication culture due to the content and didactic support of subject-oriented verbal communication culture teaching system encouraging communicative competence perfection of graduates.
Key words: communicative training; verbal communication, subject-oriented system of teaching, systemic-subject-oriented approach, reference points.
Осиянова Ольга Михайловна
доктор педагогических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры английской филологии и методики преподавания английского языка Оренбургского государственного университета, Оренбург (РФ). E-mail: [email protected].
Аннотация. Цель статьи - обосновать необходимость обучения студентов вуза культуре речевого общения в компетентностно-ориентированной парадигме образования.
Методы. Теоретические: анализ работ отечественных и зарубежных ученых; моделирование; конструирование. Эмпирические: наблюдение, беседа, анкетирование, диагностирование; педагогический эксперимент; методы математической статистики.
Результаты. Сконструирована комплексная модель инновационной субъектно-ориентационной системы лингвистического образования, которая может стать частью проекта модернизации подготовки специалистов в высшей школе.
Научная новизна. Показано одно из возможных решений научной и социально значимой проблемы целостной системы обучения культуре речевого общения. В контексте личностного и профессионального становления специалистов конкретизированы теоретические и практические положения, касающиеся данной компоненты образования. На основе системно-субъектно-ори-ентационного подхода выявлен и описан механизм определения субъектной позиции в общении.
Практическая значимость. Материалы исследования могут послужить базой содержательно-дидактического обеспечения субъектно-ориентационной системы обучения культуре речевого общения, способствующй совершенствованию коммуникативной компетентности выпускника вуза.
Ключевые слова: коммуникативная подготовка; речевое общение; субъектно-ориентационная система обучения; системно-субъектно-ориента-ционный подход; ориентиры.
The 21st century introduces some changes into the image of a specialist with higher education, into identification of requirements to his training, personal and professional qualities. For educational results becomes important not only what a future specialist knows but also how he can act. To describe the required results of the educational process scientists use the category «competence» which characterizes graduate's knowledge, skills, abilities and capabilities, personal qualities.
In modern conditions of developing high technologies training of highly qualified specialists corresponding international standards, capable of professional advancement and mobility is impossible without a communicative competence and verbal communication culture which underlies it. Thus the
problem of verbal communication culture training is reflected in a competence approach determining communicative competence formation in a native and foreign language particularly actual in the context of training specialists for any professional activity (Council of Europe documents, Common European Framework of Reference for Language Learning and Teaching for European Citizenship, TUNING Project) [5, 15].
In the course of Russia's transition to the two-level professional education system and the Bologna Declaration ideas realization scholars appeal to the competence approach and consider it as a tool for the restoration of a disturbed balance between education, society demands and real needs of a labour market. The competence approach to education is aimed at providing a transition from the so-called «knowledge paradigm» to the paradigm of achievements which presupposes the formation of a highly professional, competent personality [1].
Teaching culture of verbal communication in the educational process of higher educational institutions seems particularly important due to the current tendency of states interaction on various levels, complication of socio-cultural contacts of people, which take place in the circumstances of globalization and international integration and determine the necessity to train highly skilled competitive specialists who would meet the international standards and be ready for intensive activity and cooperation.
Among all professional qualities such skills as listening, speaking, persuading and ability to work with different kinds of information, to hold negotiations, coordinate one's own actions with those of partners and do teamwork are highly estimated. So communicative training in a native or foreign language within the educational process meets the requirements of modern standards of professional education aimed at the development of a communicative and open personality who is able to work preventing conflicts, creating atmosphere of emotional balance and mutual understanding with the surrounding people [3, 4].
The analysis of teaching verbal communication in this country and abroad reveals several approaches presented in linguistic, psychological and pedagogical papers: rhetorical, developed by modern rhetoric (A. A. Vve-denskaya, A. K. Mikhalskaya, L. G. Pavlova, I. A. Sternin); socio-psychologi-cal, based on active methods of group work (E. N. Emelianov, G. A. Kovalyov, L. A. Petrovskaya, E. V. Rudenskiy, A. U. Harash); cultural, directing attention to different aspects of speech perfection and communicative culture (V. A. Artyomov, B. N. Golovin, V. V. Kolesov, M. P. Senkevich, V. G. Kosto-marov, V. V. Sokolova, S. G. Ter-Minasova, M. O. Faenova, K. N. Khitrik, W. La-bov, G. Lakoff) and communicative, presented by different strategies of communicative competence formation (I. L. Bim, R. P. Milrud, E. I. Passov, I. L. Pluzhnik, E. N. Solovova, V. P. Furmanova, I. I. Khaleeva, C. Brumfit, A. Holliday, W. Lit-tlewood, H. Piepho, J. Sheils, H. G. Widdowson).
However the problems of verbal communication culture teaching haven't been solved yet. Quite often the methods and techniques used in educational process have an object-oriented character and leave aside the subject of communication, the communicator himself.
The present research introduces the innovation system of teaching verbal communication culture, ensuring communicative training of students in the context of their personal and professional development. It is based on the systemic-subject-oriented approach which is the integrative combination of systemic and subject-oriented approaches. The approach provides a dedicated teaching culture of verbal communication by means of reference points (goals, principles, knowledge, experience, stimuli). The system of reference points is able to influence the behavior of communicators (linguistic tools, speech style, communicative actions, way of thinking, mindset, emotions), thus providing qualitative change of the position in communication, which targets achievement of subject-to-subject relations [6, c. 16-17].
Reference points are dynamic; they form different hierarchical structures on various levels of verbal communication. At the same time goals play the decisive role in communication together with their motives and appropriate means. Principles based on the unity of perception and communication imply taking into account the recipient, his value orientations, space and time conditions of verbal communication. Knowledge includes: knowledge of the language system and the role of communicative culture in professional and personal development; value orientations of other people expressed in their ideals, needs, interests; knowledge of one's own positive and negative sides. Experience represents the integrated experience of verbal communication with different categories of people (age, gender, social status, profession): experience of application of the so-called «ready-made knowledge» for orientation in practical and educational situations; experience of application of already established ways of different kinds of human activity; experience of creative activity; experience of emotional-value attitude to the world. Stimuli motivate further communication raising the effectiveness of interaction.
The innovation system of teaching verbal communication culture in competency-based professional education implies realisation of subject-oriented technology which is based on the theory of systematic mental actions and notions formation worked out by P. Galperin [2]. According to this theory the process of teaching culture of verbal communication is aimed at formation of orientation, performing and monitoring parts of a speech act. Orientation part is responsible for defining the aim of verbal communication, the choice of its means and forms with the help of reference points. Performing part realizes the verbal communication on the basis of the set up reference points' hierarchy. Monitoring part compares the results with the established samples and if it is necessary it ensures correction of orientation and performing parts (more precise definition of the aim, changes in the reference points' hierarchy and their content).
The subject-oriented technology provides verbal communication culture formation according to the cycles and stages. Cyclic teaching is determined by the sequential change of dominant aim in each of them: the first cycle -teaching culture of verbal perception, the second cycle - teaching culture of verbal expression and the third cycle - teaching culture of verbal impact. The last one determines the subjective position of the speaker.
In the three-cycle technology that we have developed, every cycle includes three sequential stages (projection, activity, control and assessment). The first stage directs the whole process of teaching based on the system of reference points (goals, principles, knowledge, experience, stimuli). The second stage aimed at cooperation and communication skills ensures the perfection of verbal communication culture (elaboration of one's own schemes of communication using reference points, analysis of situations, discussions, self-esteem). The third stage carries out diagnostics, correction, control and assessment (oral and written tests, expert judgments, etc.) [6].
Reference points system is an essential thing for successful transition from the lowest level of one's verbal communication culture to the highest one. At the lowest level the speaker masters the technique of interaction and mutual relations. His verbal communication is carried out according to samples, the algorithm, using stock phrases and verbal cliché. The next level is characterized by the independent use of reference points adequately chosen according to the situation of communication. The highest level differs by the speaker's ability to plan and realize his verbal expression and influence independently in a new non-typical situation of communication.
Thus every cycle of the technology has its own goals and objectives, according to which the work of the teacher and the students is arranged, implies adequate methods and means of teaching. The key technological element ensuring the interaction of the participants in the teaching-learning process is a dialogical personally oriented situation. For developing such situations teachers should use means or actions stimulating students for speech acts, which make them express everything they have learned and realized exciting thoughts, emotions, imagination. Situations are included into the training program and use the teaching content which on the one hand should have «personal value» for any student irrespective of his interests, and on the other hand - it should be the teaching material which serves as a «substantial base» for solving problems of teaching verbal communication culture. It is included logically into the structure of the period and does not interfere with its integrity. Situations stimulate verbal expression which contributes to verbal communication culture formation.
It should be also noted that the cyclic nature of the verbal communication culture formation is determined by the change of functional purpose of references. The frame of references serves as a control device of the orientation activity of students during the first cycle, the basis of unassisted activity during the second cycle, and it is transforming into value references for
communication during the third cycle, thus providing the transition of the students' activity from the category of controlled activity to the category of unassisted activity [6]. Besides it is to be underlined that all cycles and stages of the technology are interconnected and work as an integral system. The cyclic subject-oriented technology ensures permanent progressive verbal communication culture formation based on unassisted orientation of a student in the course of his activity [7].
While encouraging stage-by-stage accumulation of knowledge, development of communicative skills, formation of a value system, relations and adequate self-rating, application of the subject-oriented system of teaching together with its subject-oriented cyclic technology in the educational process of a higher educational professional institution ensures transformation of subject-to-object relations to subject-to-subject relations, which is achieved through gradual extension of the sphere of participants' verbal communication [7, 8].
The subject-oriented system of teaching is characterized by a certain degree of indeterminacy because the object of its projecting is not only a chain of definite technological operations but also the way of correlation between spontaneous and arranged interaction elements, management of the dialogue between living social systems. That is why the system management should permanently consider its indeterminacy and stochastic character. The leading principle here is management implying further self-management where the lack of external stress together with sensible creative tasks creates the atmosphere for independent and constructive work.
A spontaneous component of the subject-oriented verbal communication culture teaching system results in complication of its management as it's more difficult to organize a flexible and variable management than a strict one. It can be carried out by people ready to feel themselves facilitators and use project, debatable, research methods of organization educational activity which help educational environment become more diverse and rich. Verbal communication culture values and its functions are realized through properties of educational environment and the style of interaction. Therefore in the verbal communication culture innovation teaching the internal educational environment and the order of teacher's actions appear an object of a careful projecting.
The appropriateness of the innovation system realised in the course of teaching different subjects within the educational process of a higher educational institution is proved by the results of experimental teaching carried out in the educational process of Orenburg State University. 12 teachers and 167 students of humanitarian, economic and technical specialties took part in the pedagogical experiment for three years. The use of interactive and problem methods and techniques of teaching, strategies of critical thinking development, role plays, project work, implementation of various incentives of the students' activity and feedback ensured successful training. In order to
create the atmosphere of students' cooperation in the course of the study based on the subject matter of the Foreign Language discipline we used authentic texts and guidelines of modern foreign teaching materials [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14].
Experimental training of verbal communication culture in native and foreign languages revealed the following peculiarities of the subject-oriented training system:
• training on the basis of individual verbal communication culture perfection programmes (schemes) which single out moral aspects of individual behaviour actualizing cultural stereotypes of professional competence;
• forming a positive evaluation of the partner creating the foundation for cooperation, active participation in mutual work, self-regulation and self-rating;
• group training ensuring interpersonal attitudes development on account of the subject matter of the teaching content;
• systematic actualization of the reflexive students' activity on the basis of reference points.
Successful realization of innovation verbal communication culture teaching shows itself in the creation of the atmosphere of cooperation in communication between equal partners. When a student becomes the subject of communication he acquires subjective qualities in learning to give preference to teamwork where verbal communication culture appears a success factor.
For evaluation of dynamics in verbal communication culture formation we developed emotive, cognitive, communicative, praxiological and reflexive criteria which reflected the changes in all its components. Positive dynamics in verbal communication culture development manifested itself in students' skills to use their knowledge according to communicative situation, listen to the partner, regulate relations, find out various ways of verbal expression, stand the ground, plan discourse and manage it, create the emotional comfort in communication, assess one's participation in communication adequately and give preference to the positive assessment of the partner. Reliability of the results was verified by certain statistical procedures (Student's t-criteria, Fisher's 9*-criteria, Wilcoxon's T-criteria). It allows asserting that verbal communication culture innovation teaching ensures the increase in quality of verbal communication culture and realizes student's transference to the subject position with his own attitude to the surrounding world, people and himself.
Innovation verbal communication culture teaching in competency-based professional education directs teacher's attention to creating an individual route of personal development for every student according to his possibilities and capabilities ensuring integrity and effectiveness of higher education. This problem seems to be interdisciplinary and its solution can be provided by integration activities of all the participants of the higher educational
process. Innovation verbal communication culture teaching needs to be built on the content of any academic discipline without fear to complicate the content or activity nature. Only by gaining experience from any knowledge domain, by providing a broad field for developing individuality in it the system of higher professional education can mould energetic, self-contained, enthusiastic, creatively active people.
The research described in the article does not cover all the aspects of the given problem. Further investigation can be connected with developing programs of elective courses for bachelors and masters of pedagogics, with the peculiarities analysis of verbal communication culture subject-oriented system teaching realization in different institutions of additional education, in the system of training schoolmasters and high school teachers.
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8. Osiyanova O., Platova E. Pedagogical conditions for formation of interactive communication experience of students in cross-cultural communication. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research. 2014. № 19 (3). Р. 445-449.
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7. Осиянова О. М. Модель «рефлексивного управления» системой обучения культуре речевого общения студентов // European Social Science Journal. 2013. № 5 (33). С. 91-99.
8. Osiyanova O. Pedagogical conditions for formation of interactive communication experience of students in cross-cultural communication // Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research. 2014. Vol. 19 (3). P. 445-449.
9. Acklam R. Total English Upper-Intermediate: Students' Book. Eds. Ack-lam R. and A. Crace. Harlow: Longman: Pearson Education, 2008. 176 p.
10. Cunningham S. New Cutting Edge Upper-Intermediate: Student's book. Eds. Cunningham S. and P. Moor. Harlow: Longman, 2005. 176 p.
11. Cunningham S. Cutting Edge Intermediate Student's Book: New Ed. Eds. Cunningham S. and P. Moor. Harlow: Pearson ELT, 2007. 176 p.
12. Cunningham S. Cutting Edge. Advanced Student's Book with Phrase Builder. Eds. Cunningham, S. and P. Moor. Harlow: Pearson Education, 2009. 176 p.
13. Cotton D. Market Leader Intermediate. Course Book. Eds. Cotton D., D. Falvey and S. Kent. Harlow: Longman, 2007. 160 p.
14. Morreale S., Osborn M., Pearson J. Why Communication is Important: A Rationale for the Centrality of the Study of Communication. Journal of the Association for Communication Administration. 2000. № 29. Р. 1-25.
15. Tuning Educational Structures in Europe, 2003. Available at: http: //www.uc.pt/ge3s/event_04/event_04/tuningexecutivesummary-3.pdf (дата обращения 10.09.2014).
16. Widdowson H. G. Teaching Language as Communication. Oxford University Press, 2011. 168 p.