Перспективы Науки и Образования
Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)
Адрес выпуска: https://pnojournal.wordpress.com/2022-2/22-06/ Дата публикации: 31.12.2022 УДК 37.017.4+37.017.7
О. Н. Томюк, А. В. ДьячковА, А. Ю. Дудчик, А. А. Керимов
Образовательный потенциал медиаконтента в контексте формирования правовой культуры личности
Введение. Актуальность исследования вызвана повышением эффективности и доступности образования в условиях глобальной цифровизации и цифровой трансформации современного мира, что безусловно нашло отражение в медиатрансформации правовых явлений и понятий. Сфера медиа насыщена контентом, который обладает как научным, так и образовательным потенциалом. Совершенствование 1Т-технологий и новых медиа ориентировано на развитие правового медиа контента. Правовая культура, правовые понятия, правовые явления в условиях цифровой и медиа трансформация приспосабливаются к новым форматам медиасферы и цифровой реальности. Цель статьи - выявить и изучить образовательный потенциал медиаконтента в контексте формирования правовой культуры личности в современных условиях.
Материалы и методы. Методология исследования опирается на критериальный, утилитарный, компетентностью подходы. Оценочный анализ применяется для «взвешивания» качества медиаконтента и решаемых образовательных задач. В основе исследования лежит критический дискурсивный анализ. На предварительном этапе проведен анализ среза основных блогов на наличие/ отсутствие правового образовательного медиаконтента. На втором этапе произведено ранжирование видеосюжетов и отбор популярных среди них, которым дается качественная оценка.
Результаты исследования. Медиасфера в XXI веке с появлением новых цифровых технологий активно использует современные медиа форматы, которые позволяют развивать образовательный контент, направленный на повышение уровня правовой культуры. Ценность медиатрансформации играет важную роль для потребителей образовательного правового медиаконтента в процессе удовлетворения индивидуальных образовательных потребностей и формирования индивидуальных образовательных траекторий.
Заключение. Трансформация правовой культуры в правовую медиакультуру доказывает востребованность и популяризацию медиаконтента правового содержания пользователями сети Интернет. Авторы пришли к выводу, что качественный правовой медиаконтент вызывает адекватную реакцию у пользователей сети Интернет и повышает правовую культуру личности в условиях глобальной цифровизации и социокультурных трансформаций.
Ключевые слова: медиасфера, медиатрансформация, глобальная цифровизация, правовая культура, правовые ценности, медиаконтент, правовой образовательный медиаконтент, правовая грамотность
Ссылка для цитирования:
Томюк О. Н., Дьячкова А. В., Дудчик А. Ю., Керимов А. А. Образовательный потенциал медиаконтента в контексте формирования правовой культуры личности // Перспективы науки и образования. 2022. № 6 (60). С. 583-597. сМ: 10.32744^.2022.6.35
Perspectives of Science & Education
International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)
Available: https://pnojournal.wordpress.com/2022-2/22-06/ Accepted: 26 July 2022 Published: 31 December 2022
O. N. Tomyuk, A. V. Diachkova, A. Yu. Dudchik, A. A. Kerimov
The educational potential of media content in the context of the formation of the individual legal culture
Introduction. The relevance of the study is caused by an increase in the efficiency and accessibility of education in the context of global digitalization and digital transformation of the contemporary world, which is certainly reflected in the media transformation of legal phenomena and concepts. The media sphere is saturated with content that has both scientific and educational potential. The improvement of IT technologies and new media is focused on the development of legal media content. Legal culture, concepts and phenomena in the context of digital and media transformation are adapting to new formats of the media sphere and digital reality. The aim of the article is to identify and study the educational potential of media content in the context of the formation of the legal culture of the individual in new conditions.
Materials and methods. The research methodology is based on criterial, utilitarian, competence-based approaches. Evaluative analysis is used to "weigh" the quality of media content and the educational tasks being solved. The study is based on critical discursive analysis. At the preliminary stage, the section of the main blogs was analyzed for the presence/absence of legal educational media content. At the second stage, the videos were ranked and the popular ones were selected, which were given a qualitative assessment.
Research results. The media sphere in the 21st century, with the advent of new digital technologies, is actively using modern media formats that allow the development of educational content aimed at raising the level of legal culture. The value of media transformation plays an important role for consumers of educational legal media content in the process of meeting individual educational needs and forming individual educational paths.
Conclusion. The transformation of legal culture into legal media culture proves the demand for and popularization of media content of legal content by Internet users. The authors came to the conclusion that high-quality legal media content evokes an adequate response from Internet users and enhances the legal culture of an individual in the context of global digitalization and sociocultural transformations.
Keywords: media sphere, media transformation, global digitalization, legal culture, legal values, media content, legal educational media content, legal literacy
For Reference:
Tomyuk, O. N., Diachkova, A. V., Dudchik, A. Yu., & Kerimov, A. A. (2022). The educational potential of media content in the context of the formation of the individual legal culture. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania - Perspectives of Science and Education, 60 (6), 583-597. doi: 10.32744/pse.2022.6.35
he media sphere in the 21st century has highlighted the relationship between media and society from sociological, psychological to legal aspects. The media sphere is a spirit, a mirror of the era, in which the main changes are presented. The relevance of the study is due to the increase in the efficiency and accessibility of education in the context of global digitalization and digital transformation of the modern world. The media sphere, endowed with educational potential, is aimed at the positive and successful integration of legal culture into the media transformation of an ever-changing world in the context of global digitalization. Digital transformational processes are reflected in the media transformation of legal phenomena and concepts. The media sphere is filled with media content in abundance, which has both scientific and educational potential.
Our modern world has become a digital civilization, where dynamically developing information technologies, digital transformation, digital communication formats have completely changed the life of a person, the goals, and meanings of their life. Global digitalization is a modern global trend that forms a coherent digital environment.
The aim of the article is to identify and study the educational potential of media content in the context of the formation of a legal culture of an individual in modern conditions. This study is focused not only on the study of the educational potential of the media sphere, but also on how the media sphere influences the formation of legal culture and raising its level. To better understand the processes and mechanisms of media transformation of legal culture and human rights culture in modern Russia, we studied the legal media content presented by legal bloggers.
Legal culture is characterized by a person's education in the field of law and the ability to use legal knowledge in specific life situations. Thanks to a legal culture, a person can identify and solve problems regulated by law. In the contemporary world, legal culture, legal concepts and phenomena are adapting to new formats of the media sphere and digital reality. A wide audience of Internet users constantly expresses the need for reliable legal information to solve various legal issues and situations. The development of new media, new modern IT technologies makes it possible to promote legal media content. Educational media content is open and available to a wide audience of Internet users. A person with a developed legal culture is endowed with legal awareness, cognitive, emotional-evaluative and behavioral components, and also builds constructive communications in accordance with the rules of law. It is important to emphasize that a distinctive feature of modern man and society is the presence of a legal culture, legal values and legal consciousness. The presence of knowledge of a legal nature forms the legal culture of society and the individual, which is the regulator of any behavior in professional and everyday activities. The media sphere, having a huge range of means and methods of communication, using modern information technologies, makes it possible to conduct broadcasts, blogs, programs on legal topics, and more. The media sphere is endowed with educational potential and is included in the process of education, upbringing and socialization. The results of the study will make it possible
to better comprehend and understand the processes of digital transformation and global digitalization, the essence of the transformation of legal culture into legal media culture, legal consciousness into legal media consciousness, legal education into legal media education, etc.
Materials and methods
The research methodology is based on key general scientific methods for analyzing meta-subject problems. The main methodological approaches of this study are criteria, utilitarian and competency-based approaches. The content analysis uses a utilitarian approach to the analysis of the educational process [1; 2], from which we use digital utility for learning. The authors in their work evaluate the possibilities of using digital tools and technologies (for example, social networks, chats, QR) in the educational process. If such inherently non-educational digital products can be effectively used in the educational process, then they have digital utility. Educational and legal content is evaluated from the point of view of the competence-based approach in the context of the possibilities of forming the legal culture of the individual [3; 4].
Important in studying the digital transformation of the media sphere through the prism of new media formats, we consider an evaluative analysis, which gives a "weighing" of the quality of media content and the educational tasks being solved. It is useful to use the idea of R. M. Lerner, who studies the best practices on the basis of which it is possible to train and build a model of civil society [5]. Using the approaches of I. L. Chestnov [6] and V. Borisova-Zharova [7] to the assessment of legal reality, we rely on the idea of the dependence of the formation (construction according to the authors) of legal culture on it.
The basis of the methodology of the practical part of the study was laid by the social-pragmatic approach of discourse analysis [8; 9], namely, critical discursive analysis, understood by L. Phillips, M. V. Jorgensen [10], as the study of language and speech in the public sphere, in the mass media, in mass polls. In our work, discursive analysis allows us to explore blogs from two aspects: assessing the fullness of the blog with legal content and its educational content. The practical part of the study was carried out in two stages (Table 1).
Table 1
Scheme of practical research
Stage Object Research criteria Tasks
Preliminary (prospective) analysis Blogs, Popular videos - legal media content; - educational media content - selection of inclusion / exclusion features for the next stage of the analysis; - selection of blogs for in-depth analysis
In-depth analysis Top 20 popular videos - the topic of the video; - the number of views; - video upload date; - duration of the video; - number of likes - ranking videos, ordering by popularity; - assessment of the quality of legal and educational media content in relation to the formation of legal culture
At the preliminary stage, the section of the main blogs was analyzed for the presence / absence of legal educational media content. If it was noted that legal media content does not contain educational elements, then such blogs were excluded from the subsequent stage of the study. Thus, the sample included those YouTube and VK channels in which such markers were found in the video content, such as: legal literacy, correctness of legal concepts, wordings and interpretations, reference to relevant current legal norms, educational material, structured content, conclusions and recommendations, solving practical cases through law enforcement practice and experience.
At the second stage, the ranking of video content was made, the formation of the TOP-20 popular videos, which are given a qualitative assessment.
Based on the conducted empirical research, the content of blogs can be interpreted in the context of the possibility of forming a legal culture. The obtained conclusions give grounds to highlight the features by which a blog (YouTube and VK channels) can be considered as an element of legal media education.
Literature review
The digital globalization of society and almost all spheres of its life reveals the use of digital and information tools both purposefully in the process of learning or professional activity, and naturally in the practice of everyday life. This experience of using digital devices should be taken into account for systemic implementation in education.
While enough scientific research has been devoted to digital educational platforms, it is the media sphere as a platform with great educational potential that has received insufficient attention so far. Although we note that the vector for such a research question has already been taken.
So, in modern studies [3; 4; 6] on the problems of the media sphere and media content, their educational aspect is increasingly beginning to be covered. Due to the breadth of coverage, the speed of information transfer in the media environment, we can talk about its digital usefulness [1] in education and training [2]. Scientists C. T. Chang, C. S. Tu, J. Hajiyev in their empirical study identify the academic type of activity in social networks [11], when the use of media and the Internet by students is aimed at the learning process or result.
It is worth noting that in most works purposeful attempts are made to identify the relationship between the practices of using the media environment and educational results. J. Abbas, J. Aman, M. Nurunnabi, S. Bano find that social networking sites and their applications are of great benefit, but sometimes risks for university students [12]. R. Holm and S. Dau, while studying this type of media as podcasts, recommend them for implementation in the educational process as an unobtrusive way of learning [13].
New digital media formats are accessible to the modern generation of students, allowing them to easily assimilate the content of the educational material. Blogs and podcasts, thanks to the personification of the author, perhaps his authority and recognition, convey opinion, experience to subscribers, listeners, viewers, thereby realizing the reflective function of learning.
Such digital media use a narrative approach, which has led to the identification of such types, for example, as narrative podcasts [14]. The presence of a story, storyline of the
author or his guest in a dialogue-meeting may contain a special educational value, we will point out, among other things, for legal tasks.
Digital media, due to the simplicity and accessibility of content presentation, often facilitate the process of perception of new knowledge, increase the interest of Internet users in the implementation of cognitive activities [15] and academic activity [16]. Adding to this the creative component of most media products [17], we can talk about the benefits of their use in educational tasks for the formation and development of the legal culture of the individual.
It is important, in our opinion, to recognize the results and conclusions of the experimental work of König Lars, which showed high appreciation and positive emotions of students when using podcasts, motivating them to study the subject in depth [18].
In addition to the positive educational effect, V. Sotiroudas talks about the possibility of solving scientific and research problems with the help of the media sphere, for example, audio and video blogs [19].
The transformation of the lifestyle of society, the transition first to a virtualized society [20], and now to the metaverse [21] provide unlimited communication in real time. It is possible, according to a few scientists, including J. Lanier and others, to talk about a change in the meaning of being or its understanding [22]. New forms appear in the metauniverse, for the description of which it is necessary to use multiword units [23] such as metadata, media content, digital media, etc.
In education, a new environment is also being constructed, with virtual simulators, online platforms, and big data, using the media sphere for teaching and educational purposes.
Thanks to new technologies and tasks, the practice of using the media sphere as a platform with great educational potential for the formation of legal and economic culture, functional literacy appears [24].
It is possible to apply existing teaching practices, transforming and adapting them in the media sphere. So, according to the model of G. Martin, A. Boas, S. Arruda, M. Passos, where the stages of different attitudes of media content listeners are distinguished, it is possible to use different educational technologies that are most suitable for each phase. So, for example, at the first stage of situational interest in a media story, motivational trigger should be used; at the next stage, situational interest should be preserved, transforming it further into individual interest. It is here that we can already talk about the formation of knowledge, values, and positive feelings. At the final stage, it is necessary to solve the problem of revealing individual interests, extrapolating knowledge [25]. The use of such a model is quite easy to implement in the creation of media content, including legal content, to ensure educational results.
We consider it necessary to note that many studies of the media sphere as a platform with an educational effect often talk about the dualism of this sphere, when both positive and negative educational results can appear intentionally or unintentionally. The main reason for this is the perception, or rather the stereotype in the perception of the media sphere as an entertainment platform, first, not by researchers, but by students. They are sometimes not ready to perceive and use the media as an educational platform and that is why they do not use all its positive potential. R. Debray points out that a media product, including one with legal content, can influence the formation of a
person's legal culture in both directions through the educational potential of the media sphere [26]. It is in this that we see the task of a modern scientist and teacher to level or remove dualism [27]. When creating educational media products and media content, it is necessary to take into account the complex of methodological and technological means of education [28]. In the context of legal media content, it may be necessary to develop new legal models, legal values, and standards [29].
It should be noted that the first studies are now appearing on the possibility of using the metaverse for educational purposes [30], as well as the desire to add this new dimension to the field of educational technologies [31], including not singling out, but mentioning the media sphere.
Research results
The study is aimed not only at identifying the educational potential of media content in the context of the formation of a legal culture of an individual in modern conditions, but also at studying the media transformation of law and legal culture in the context of global digitalization through the prism of universalization, internationalization (transnationalization) and integration.
In the media sphere, legal concepts, approaches, and phenomena acquire a universal character, the process of internationalization of law is taking place. Legal media content erases the boundaries of the legal system in the context of global digitalization and digital transformation, the law penetrates other legal systems.
The formation of a fundamentally new virtual reality, using modern digital technologies in the conditions of digital civilization and the metauniverse, has a significant impact on the development of the digital economy, politics, law, and the entire structure of social relations in the modern world. The media sphere and media reality in the modern world covers a huge amount of information in the form of media content, media texts, blogs, podcasts, etc. Media content with a legal nature and content can both positively and negatively influence the formation of a person's legal culture. When studying the educational potential of media content in the context of the formation of a legal culture of an individual in modern conditions, it is necessary to take into account many factors, criteria for quality content and analyze whether there is a substitution of the meanings and content of legal concepts and legal phenomena in the process of media transformation of law. The media transformation of law complements the system of law and entails the formation of new meanings of legal concepts and phenomena, new legal values, considering new IT technologies.
Legal culture covers the entire legal space, all aspects of the legal form of people's social life. The high legal culture of the individual acts as a phenomenon that is intolerant of all offenses and violations of law and order in the modern world. It is possible to speak about the quality of legal culture only when legal values and human rights are respected, legal awareness is reflected in legal activity and legal behavior. And the media sphere, in turn, is a set of processes that are directly related to the functioning of information in the digital space through digital phenomena. The development of the legal culture of the individual in modern Russia is possible through the educational potential of the media sphere and legal educational media content.
In 2022, the Russian Bar Association announced the Lawyer in Social Networks competition. This competition will identify competent legal bloggers who are related to jurisprudence and in the media sphere in social networks share their expert opinion through media content. Within the framework of the competition, the Bar Association determined five nominations: Human Rights Blog, Lawyer in Social Networks, Legal Education of Citizens in Social Networks, Popularization of Socially Significant Institutions in Social Networks and Youth Legal Blog in Social Networks. The competition is a motivator for lawyers to become bloggers. Thanks to the educational potential of media content, a lawyer-blogger has a unique opportunity to explain the most complex legal issues to a wide audience in a clear and simple language, which affects the formation and development of legal culture.
We studied the legal content of legal bloggers on the social network VKontakte and on the YouTube platform (blogs, videos, media content, media texts and podcasts). A legal blogger is a creator and host of a blog that attracts the interest of Internet users to the proposed legal media content. Success depends not only on the quality and relevance of media content, but also on the following competencies of the blogger himself, such as creativity, communication skills, teamwork, the ability to work in conditions of constant variability and uncertainty, entrepreneurial spirit, etc.
At the preliminary stage of monitoring, we analyzed blogs for the presence or absence of legal educational media content. If the presence of educational media content and the absence of legal media content, or the presence of legal media content and the absence of educational media content, were noted, then such blogs were excluded from the subsequent stage of the study. Thus, our list of legal bloggers did not include top-rated Russian legal bloggers with non-educational legal media content. As part of the study, we studied YouTube and VK channels, in which we found such markers in video content as: legal literacy, correctness of legal concepts, wordings and interpretations, reference to relevant current legal norms, structured content, conclusions and recommendations, decision practical cases through law enforcement practice and experience.
As a result of monitoring the media sphere and legal media content, we have identified two lawyer bloggers who create high-quality video content that reveals legal meanings, legal values, popularize socially significant institutions and, from a legal point of view, educate Internet users (see Table 2).
Table 2
Study sample
Channel YouTube VK
Date of registration Subscribers Number of videos Number of views Subscribers Number of videos
Osintsev Evgeny Anatolievich 03/03/2015 7.23K 251 975K 5300 137
Andrei Katsailidi 01/03/2014 15.3K 224 1.5M 300 192
Table 2 shows that legal bloggers create relevant, high-quality legal media content for their subscribers. The total number of views of all video clips on the YouTube channel "Andrey Katsailidi" for 8 years is 1.5 million views (more than 15 thousand subscribers), and
on the YouTube channel "Evgeny Anatolyevich Osintsev" for 7 years - 975 thousand (more than 7 thousand subscribers). According to the statistics shown in the table, legal media content is on the VKontakte social network.
At the second stage of the study, video content was ranked, and ratings of popular high-quality videos were formed (see Tables 3-4).
Table 3
TOP-20 popular videos on YouTube and VK channels "Evgeny Osintsev"
YouTube VK
s sw ie vi f o e e t a d n io s e s sw ie vi f o e e t a d n io s e
N Video topic d a o cu ti a r u T3 f o e d a o cu ti a r u ■o f o e
b m u N o e id Vi o e id Vi b m u N b m u N o e id Vi o e id Vi b m u N
1. Land lease 102K 06/02/2015 14:21 1,2K 5 25/06/2020 14:21 -
2. Disputes about the boundaries of land 52K 06/02/2015 14:24 639 3 25/06/2020 15:44 -
3. Eviction. Loss of right of residence 44K 06/02/2015 16:04 724 2 12/06/2020 15:43 -
4. Surveying 42K 21/01/2013 10:24 132 - - - -
5. Section of personal accounts 39K 14/02/2015 8:41 467 10 15/06/2020 8:40 -
6. Challenging a Will 31K 21/01/2013 10:53 401 16 16/05/2020 28:14 -
7. Land privatization 29K 26/01/2015 18:25 160 194 25/06/2020 18:25 -
8. Termination of shared ownership of land 20.9K 28/01/2015 14:39 227 73 25/06/2020 14:39 -
9. Recognition incompetent 20.5K 21/01/2013 6:25 151 - - - -
10. Alimony for parents 17K 23/01/2015 6:46 89 11 29/06/2020 6:46 -
11. Disputes about the boundaries of land 16K 04/02/2013 11:53 141 4 25/06/2020 15:44 -
12. Division of jointly acquired property 15K 23/01/2015 18:19 181 11 29/06/2020 14:15 -
13. Assignment agreement 15K 16/02/2013 8:21 165 1 02/04/2018 8:21 -
14. Fractional ownership 14K 04/02/2013 8:25 116 1 03/07/2020 8:25 -
15. Moral injury 12.9K 16/02/2013 6:40 112 1 15/04/2019 6:41 -
16. Transfer of premises from non-residential to residential 12.8K 16/02/2013 7:32 43 1 29/08/2018 7:32 -
17. Appointment of a forensic examination 12.7K 21/01/2013 9:22 156 2 24/04/2020 9:22 -
18. Deprivation of parental rights 12.6K 23/01/2015 8:03 71 17 29/06/2020 8:03 -
19. Place of residence of the child 12.1K 16/02/2013 6:49 95 49 07/04/2015 6:49 1
20. Establishing paternity 11.8K 24/01/2015 7:06 49 9 30/06/2020 7:06 -
In Table 3 "TOP-20 popular videos on YouTube and VK channels "Osintsev Evgeny Anatolyevich"", the number of views of videos with similar content on the YouTube channel "Osintsev Evgeniy Anatolyevich" is thousands of times greater than on the VK channel.
Table 4
TOP-20 popular videos on YouTube and VK channels
N Video topic Number of views Video upload date Video duration Number of likes
YouTube channel "Andrei Katsailidi"
1. Return of insurance on a loan: application for cancellation of insurance 171К 10/05/2016 3:58 852
2. Loans in 2019: disputes over microloans, court with Microfinance organization, how not to pay loans 83К 10/01/2019 3:46 1,7К
3. Early retirement, pension disputes: advice from a lawyer 62К 01/05/2018 7:47 484
4. How to lift the ban on entry into the Russian Federation: expulsion from Russia, deportation 60К 16/04/2018 5:43 920
5. What to do if there are debts on loans, but there is no money? Lawyer advice 46.6К 03/10/2018 6:11 625
6. Consumer protection: return of goods, refusal of services, advice from a lawyer 46.5К 31/01/2018 20:08 618
7. Drafting a claim: how to file a claim, pre-trial settlement with a lawyer 43.5К 14/09/2016 4:36 256
8. Application for the return of insurance on a loan: advice from a lawyer 39.2К 24/04/2019 5:09 836
9. Reduction of alimony: how to reduce the amount of alimony, advice from a family lawyer 37К 11/05/2016 4:30 219
10. How to behave in court as a defendant, plaintiff, witness? How to win the court: advice from a lawyer 32К 06/02/2019 7:26 406
11. Labor disputes with an employer: how to win a lawsuit with an employer? 24.9К 03/12/2018 6:45 766
12. I drove into the car from behind: how to challenge the guilt, the help of a lawyer 24.1К 11/10/2019 4:30 211
13. The size of the property of the spouses: advice from a family lawyer 23.9К 14/02/2017 6:18 173
14. Military lawyer: protecting the rights of a soldier, protecting a conscript 21.6К 27/05/2018 7:54 202
15. How to prove your innocence on a charge of a crime? Criminal Lawyer Advice 20.4К 12/02/2019 6:09 374
16. How to file a complaint, how a complaint is filed: advice from a lawyer 19.7К 24/09/2018 5:57 161
17. How to win a bank court: disputes with a bank or an Microfinance organization, legal advice, a loan court 19.5К 13/05/2016 4:11 200
18. Determining the order of communication with the child: advice from a lawyer on family disputes 19.4К 09/02/2017 5:39 148
19. Appealing a court decision: how to challenge a court decision 18.8К 17/07/2017 6:05 357
20. How to make a claim? How to file a lawsuit? Lawyer advice 18.2К 08/10/2018 8:47 184
VK channels "Andrei Katsailidi"
1. Consequences of bankruptcy of citizens: legal advice 18К 08/10/2021 7:52 35
2. Benefits of personal bankruptcy 2.9К 26/03/2022 4:41 33
3. How to get a loan holiday in a bank? 2.9К 01/08/2019 5:01 28
4. Lawyer on the composition of drugs in Yekaterinburg: protection under Art. 228, 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 2.5К 07/12/2022 7:09 28
5. How to legally not pay a loan? 2.29К 15/04/2018 5:39 35
6. How we collected money for insult in court: a review to a lawyer 2.2K 04/03/2020 0:48 29
7. How to rent an apartment and not fall for scammers? 2.1K 15/07/2019 5:55 31
8. What threatens the seller for the shortage: advice from a lawyer 2.076K 06/09/2021 6:47 10
9. How to return loan insurance: advice from a lawyer 2.072K 29/07/2020 3:26 40
10. Working days of the Law Office "Katsailidi and Partners" 2.021K 15/11/2019 1:41 28
11. Application of a citizen for declaring him bankrupt 1.983K 10/11/2021 7:48 21
12. Battering Complaint: Advice from a Lawyer 1.976K 11/03/2019 6:41 26
13. I don't want to pay taxes, what will happen?! lawyer's advice 1.957K 31/01/2020 4:47 26
14. The whole truth about me: answers for subscribers 1.897K 09/07/2019 1:18 54
15. Lawyer advice 1.896K 23/06/2018 0:53 25
16. Do not let the bailiff violate the rights of the debtor 1.869K 09/09/2020 0:47 26
17. Recovery of compensation for beatings and threats of murder Art. 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 1.855K 29/10/2020 0:36 12
18. Disputes with the management company: advice from a lawyer 1.832K 03/07/2019 8:08 28
19. Alimony in marriage and for the past period 1.817K 21/10/2021 4:05 15
20. How to terminate an administrative case: client feedback 1.810K 18/11/2020 0:54 20
Table 4 contains ratings of the TOP-20 popular videos on the YouTube and VK channel "Andrey Katsailidi", which shows that the number of video views on the YouTube channel is many times greater than on the VK channel. It should be noted that the popular videos that were included in the TOP-20 rating on YouTube and VK channels "Andrey Katsailidi" on various dissimilar topics. This is confirmed by the fact that Andrey Katsailidi's YouTube and VK channels have different target audiences of Internet users.
Nevertheless, it is worth paying attention to the fact that during the study, we identified the problem of the devaluation of legal values and meanings, which is due to the fact that not all media content of the media sphere forms proper positive legal attitudes and develops the legal culture of the individual. In order to better convey legal information and strengthen the educational potential of the media sphere in order to form a legal culture of an individual, it is necessary to use both new IT technologies and media innovations, as well as pedagogical innovations to increase the effectiveness of the educational result, and also take into account the criteria for quality content: legal literacy, correctness of legal concepts, formulations and interpretations, reference to the actual current legal norms, educational material, structured content, conclusions and recommendations, solving practical cases through law enforcement practice and experience.
The digital globalization of society has led to the introduction of digital tools in all areas of our activity and the virtualization of space, forming a metaverse.
As a result of the study of media content, we support the idea of G. J. Hwang, S. Y. Chien [30], as well as M. M. Inceoglu, B. Ciloglugil [31] about the prospects for using the metaverse
for educational purposes. But let's add to the authors' ideas that since this area has been little studied, the first steps should be taken towards the development of the digital and virtual media sphere, as part of the metaverse, but already studied for educational purposes.
We found that the media sphere has the necessary technologies and architecture for the formation of a legal culture. We believe that along with the available learning technologies, which G. Martin, A. Boas, S. Arruda, M. Passos [25], M. A. Dyachkova [28], one should apply the practice of unconstrained (non-obtrusive) learning, which most media products (audio and video blogs, podcasts) have in full measure. Here we are united with the position of R. Holm and S. Dau [13], who talk about podcasts in the educational process as an unobtrusive way of learning.
However, the duality of the media sphere should be taken into account. On the one hand, it is important to recognize its digital usefulness in education and training, which is discussed by L. W. Wong et al [1] and E. D. Nelunova [2]. We also detect students' academic activity when using media content. However, we focus on possible risks when the accepted practice of using media content for entertainment purposes hinders the achievement of educational goals due to the fact that it is not perceived by users as an educational or educational resource.
At the same time, unlike R. Debray [26], we do not consider this a negative property (manifestation) of the media sphere, but rather as a risk that can be transformed into the possibility of unobtrusive formation and development, for example, of a legal culture. This, in our opinion, requires competent and qualified verification of media content.
The possibility of unobtrusive formation and development of the legal culture of the individual is provided through narrative media products (podcasts, video resources, media texts, blogs) and modern available digital tools and technologies.
We came to the conclusion that the new format of the media sphere contributes to the formation and improvement of the level of legal culture of the individual, but requires a competent approach in order to avoid the realization of destructive risks.
A person who communicates in new conditions, in a new environment, for example, the metaverse, discovers the need for positive and correct legal media content. The new reality sets the task of actively searching for new means and using media content that has significant educational potential in shaping the legal culture of the individual.
The media sphere in the 21st century, with the advent of new digital technologies, is actively using modern media formats that allow the development of educational content aimed at raising the level of legal culture. In the modern world, with the use of new IT technologies, innovative approaches and formats, the media sphere with its transformation plays an important role for consumers of educational legal media content in the process of meeting individual educational needs.
The improvement of IT technologies and new media is focused on the development of legal media content, where legal culture, concepts and phenomena in the context of digital and media transformation adapt to new formats of the media sphere and digital reality.
The transformation of legal culture into legal media culture proves the relevance and popularization of media content of legal content by Internet users. The authors came to the conclusion that high-quality legal media content evokes an adequate response from Internet users and enhances the legal culture of an individual in the context of global digitalization and sociocultural transformations.
It is important to emphasize that a distinctive feature of modern man and society is the presence of a legal culture, legal values and legal consciousness. A wide audience of Internet users constantly expresses the need for reliable legal information to solve various legal issues and situations of a legal nature. A modern person in a rapidly changing world increasingly has to solve non-standard tasks, given the dynamically developing regulatory framework for this reason.
On the basis of the conducted empirical research, the content of blogs can be interpreted in the context of the formation and development of legal culture. The obtained conclusions give grounds to highlight the signs by which blog, media and video content can be considered as elements of legal media education.
The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 20-013-00813 "Educational potential of the media sphere as a space for the development of legal culture and human rights culture in modern Russia".
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Информация об авторах Томюк Ольга Николаевна
(Россия, Москва) Кандидат философских наук, начальник отдела исследований и мониторинга Корпоративный университет московского образования E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9524-8364 Scopus ID:57211983935
Дьячкова Анна Викторовна
(Россия, Екатеринбург) Кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры экономической теории и экономической политики Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина
E-mail: [email protected] Scopus Author ID: 57211156711 ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4970-1820
Дудчик Андрей Юрьевич
(Республика Беларусь, Минск) Доцент, кандидат философских наук, заместитель директора по научной работе Института философии
Национальной академии наук Беларуси
Доцент кафедры философии культуры Факультета философии и социальных наук Белорусский государственный университет E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6810-5103 Scopus Author ID: 57211980303
Керимов Александр Алиевич
(Россия, Екатеринбург) Доцент, доктор политических наук, доцент кафедры политических наук Департамента политологии и социологии
Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина
E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5807-9810 Scopus Author ID: 57215904379
Information about the authors Olga N. Tomyuk
(Russia, Moscow) Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Head of Research and Monitoring Department Corporate University of Moscow Education E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9524-8364 Scopus ID:57211983935
Anna V. Diachkova
(Russia, Ekaterinburg) Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. (Economics), Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and Economic Policy Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin E-mail: [email protected] Scopus Author ID: 57211156711 ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4970-1820
Andrei Yu. Dudchik
(Republic of Belarus, Minsk) Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Deputy Director for Research, Institute of Philosophy,
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy of Culture, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Belarusian State University E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6810-5103 Scopus Author ID: 57211980303
Alexander A. Kerimov
(Russia, Ekaterinburg) Associate Professor, Dr. Sci. (Politics), Associate Professor of political science Department of political science and sociology
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5807-9810 Scopus Author ID: 57215904379