Перспективы Науки и Образования
Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)
Адрес выпуска: pnojournal.wordpress.com/archive21/21-06/ Дата публикации: 31.12.2021 УДК 37.017.4+37.017.7
О. Н. Томюк, А. В. Дьячковд, А. А. Керимов, А. Ю. Дудчик
Образовательный потенциал подкастов в контексте формирования правовой культуры личности: новый формат и новые возможности медиасферы
Проблема и цель. Развитие новых медиа, новых современных ^-технологий направлено также на продвижение правового контента. Новые форматы медиасферы формируют новые возможности для диалога по правовой культуре. Цель статьи состоит в изучении подкастинга и его образовательного потенциала в контексте формирования правовой культуры личности.
Материалы и методы исследования. Методологические подходы: культурно-исторический подход для раскрытия личности как продукта освоения культуры, контекстуальный подход для понимания роли общественного мнения в развитии личности, компетентностный подход для выявления образовательного процесса в подкастах и отбора контента для конструкта «правовая культура», личностно-ориентированный подход для понимания саморазвивающейся и саморегулирующейся личности в процессе формирования правовой культуры. Эмпирическое исследование проведено с помощью приложения GetPodcast по поисковым запросам подкастов по словам или фразам, соотнесенных с теоретическим конструктом «правовая культура» на русском и английском языках, замерен временной период размещения подкаста в подкаст-менеджере; исследование базируется на измерении, систематизации, сравнении, обобщении, мониторинге, интерпретации результатов исследования аудио контента подкастов.
Результаты исследования. За 2020 г. в среднем в медиасфере было создано более 2,5 млн. эпизодов по правовой культуре на английском языке и более 17,5 тыс. на русском. Авторы рассчитали, что число подкастов по одному ключевому понятию на английском языке в среднем в 234 раза превышает число подкастов на русском языке, что свидетельствует об активном распространении нового формата медиасферы во всем мире, при этом востребованность англоязычных подкастов объективно более высокая. Темп роста количества подкастов за 2020 год в среднем составляет 66% и 58% для русскоязычных и англоязычных подкастов соответственно, при этом прирост за последние полгода оказывается выше: 97% и 72% соответственно. Что может быть объяснено пандемической ситуацией и вынужденной самоизоляцией, а также цифровой глобализацией и цифровыми компетенциями населения.
Обсуждение и заключение. Авторы пришли к выводу, что подкасты как новый формат медиасферы обладает образовательным потенциалом, который необходимо использовать в большей мере для формирования правовой культуры личности. При этом образовательный потенциал раскрывает познавательный и эпистемологический интерес слушателя. Подкасты формируют социально значимое и личностно необходимое знание правового характера и смысла, что в большей степени влияет на условие и результат процесса формирования правовой культуры личности.
Ключевые слова: медиасфера, цифровизация, правовая культура, подкаст, подкастер, слушатель, образовательный контент, аудио контент
Ссылка для цитирования:
Томюк О. Н., Дьячкова А. В., Керимов А. А., Дудчик А. Ю. Образовательный потенциал подкастов в контексте формирования правовой культуры личности: новый формат и новые возможности медиасферы // Перспективы науки и образования. 2021. № 6 (54). С. 443-459. doi: 10.32744^.2021.6.30
Perspectives of Science & Education
International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)
Available: psejournal.wordpress.com/archive21/21-06/ Accepted: 25 August 2021 Published: 31 December 2021
O. N. Tomyuk, A. V. Diachkova, A. A. Kerimov, A. Yu. Dudchik
The educational potential of podcasts in the context of formation human legal culture: a new format and new opportunities media sphere
Problem and goal. The development of new media, new modern IT technologies is also aimed at promoting legal content. New formats of the media sphere create new opportunities for dialogue on legal culture. The aim of the article is to study the educational potential of podcasting in the context of the formation of the human legal culture.
Materials and research methods. Methodological approaches: cultural-historical approach for revealing personality as a product of cultural development, contextual approach for understanding the role of public opinion in personality development, competence-based approach for identifying the educational process in podcasts and selecting content for the construct "legal culture", personality-oriented approach for understanding self-developing and self-regulating personality in the process of forming a legal culture. An empirical study was carried out using the GetPodcast application on search queries for podcasts by words or phrases correlated with the theoretical construct "legal culture" in Russian and English, the time period for placing a podcast in the application was measured; the research is based on measuring, systematizing, comparing, summarizing, monitoring, interpreting the results of researching the audio content of podcasts.
Research results. In 2020, on average, more than 2.5 million episodes on legal culture in English and more than 17.5 thousand in Russian were created in the media sphere. The authors calculated that the number of podcasts by one key concept in English is on average 234 times higher than the number of podcasts in Russian, which indicates the active spread of the new format of the media sphere throughout the world, while the demand for English-language podcasts is objectively higher. The growth rate of the number of podcasts in 2020 averages 66% and 58% for Russian-speaking and English-speaking podcasts, respectively, while the growth over the past six months is higher: 97% and 72%, respectively. This can be explained by the pandemic situation and forced self-isolation, as well as digital globalization and digital competencies of the population.
Discussion and conclusion. The authors came to the conclusion that podcasts, as a new format of the media sphere, have educational potential, which must be used to a greater extent for the formation of the human legal culture. At the same time, the educational potential reveals the cognitive and epistemological interest of the listener. Podcasts form socially significant and personally necessary knowledge of a legal nature and meaning, which to a greater extent affects the condition and result of the process of forming human legal culture.
Keywords: media sphere, digitalization, legal culture, podcast, podcaster, listener, educational content, audio content
For Reference:
Tomyuk, O. N., Diachkova, A. V., Kerimov, A. A., & Dudchik, A. Yu. (2021). The educational potential of podcasts in the context of formation human legal culture: a new format and new opportunities media sphere. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania - Perspectives of Science and Education, 54 (6), 443459. doi: 10.32744/pse.2021.6.30
owadays the digitalization is a bandwagon that can be observed in every part of the
world. It's based on the information transmission in digital shape via new digital
formats of media sphere. It encompasses myriad of spheres of human activity which
in turn broadens the accessibility to legal information expanding the legal knowledge of the humanity. As a result of its humans gain better understanding of legal rights, change their attitude towards the law and also it grants tools to solve real issues connected with such a sphere. As an example, N. B. Kirillova stipulates about new science named as media sphere which is constructed on the verge of human subjects and data analysis of open resources -Internet resources, blogs, podcasts [1].
New media are seen as basement for new communication practices development and ways of authors' new ideas propelling and tools for audience attraction. Development of new media and new IT-technologies are also connected with legal content propulsion. New formats of media sphere form new opportunities and in turn create open, public room for dialog between two levels of legal culture - ordinary and professional. In the world of digitalization there is an alteration of ways and mechanisms of human legal culture formation.
Our research is aimed at education potential of new format and new opportunities of media sphere - podcasting in the context of human legal culture formation. We're planning to investigate and dig down into legal audio content, present an argument for listeners' demand for decent podcast audio content that relates to legal stuff.
It should be noted that a high level of legal culture of the individual is the main feature of modern society and the state. The presence of knowledge of the legal nature of an individual forms the legal culture of society and is a regulator of any behavior in professional and everyday activities. It is possible to speak of a high level of personality culture through such components as legal education, legal awareness, possession of practical and theoretical skills for solving problematic situations of a legal nature, as well as compliance with the rule of law in practical life [2].
The media sphere, having the widest range of means and methods of communication, conducts broadcasts, blogs, programs on legal topics. Thus, the media sphere is endowed with educational potential and includes the process of teaching, upbringing and socialization. With the development and implementation of new digital formats, it acquires new opportunities for the formation of the legal culture of the individual. This forms a problem area for scientific and practical study. The results of the study allow us to deeper comprehend and understand the processes of digital globalization, the essence of the transformation of educational trends and factors in the formation of the culture of the individual.
Podcasting - "broad audio broadcasting on the Internet or audio shows that appear with a certain frequency on the platform in the network" [3]. The creator of podcasting is considered to be Adam Curry. In 2004, RSS (a file format for storing audio information) and MP3 (a file format for storing audio information), which is the most widespread and popular digital coding format for audio information). The code made it possible to download audio files using RSS, MP3 programs and digital audio players.
The term "podcast" came into circulation thanks to British journalist Ben Hammersley, who, in his article "Sound Revolution" (2004) in The Guardian newspaper, wondered how this phenomenon could be called - "Audio blogging? Podcasting?".
In 2005 in Russia, the first person to create a podcast was radio host V. Strelnikov. At that time, podcasts did not become a popular format of the media sphere, and after only a decade, podcasting is gaining momentum, which is associated with a high level of technological progress, high-speed access to the network and more advanced technologies and capabilities of various mobile devices and gadgets. The audio content of the media sphere has increased several dozen times around the world, especially in the recent years of the pandemic, materials with COVID-19. Podcasts as a form of the media sphere enable anyone to create their own radio channel. A podcast is a qualitatively new, unrepeatable, original and unique work.
Podcasts as a new format for the media sphere have many advantages over other formats. For example, a user once downloads and installs any podcast manager on his device (gadget), subscribes to any podcast, receives notification of new releases, downloads podcast episodes for offline listening, can also set up automatic download of podcasts, episodes and adjust the playback speed podcasts without distorting speech, automatically cut out pauses in speech, skip episodes at the end of podcasts, sort episodes into lists, and more. etc. Such technical capabilities make the podcast individualized, that is, adapted for listening to individually selected material, at its own pace, taking into account the perception and understanding of the text of the listener. This makes the podcast popular and widespread in the media space.
Materials and methods of research
A combination of general scientific and specific scientific methods was used as a methodological basis for scientific research. The variety of research methodologies associated with considering the educational potential of podcasts as a new format and a new opportunity of the media sphere in shaping the legal culture of an individual provides a set of different approaches aimed at identifying and understanding the essence of podcasting. The research methodology is represented by a variety of methods both of a general scientific plan and methods of empirical research, such as measurement (quantitative data processing), systematization, comparison, generalization, monitoring, interpretation, and analysis of the results of the study of audio content of podcasts.
The main methodological approaches of this study are: the cultural-historical approach that reveals the personality as a product of the individual's mastering culture (L. S. Vygotsky [4], A. N. Leontiev [5], etc.), the contextual approach emphasizes the role of society in the development of personality (R. M. Lerner [6], C. B. Fisher [7], etc.), the competence-based approach allows you to form the educational process and select content for the formation of the legal culture of the individual (J. Raven [8], I. A. Zimnyaya [9] and others), the personality-oriented approach considers the personality as a self-developing and self-regulating personality in the process of forming a legal culture (I. S. Yakimanskaya [10], E. V. Bondarevskaya [11], etc.).
In our study, we monitored podcasts (episodes) using the analysis of search queries for words or phrases in Russian and English, correlated with the theoretical construct "legal culture". With the help of the GetPodcast application, podcast searches were made, according to the selected words / phrases, filters were installed, the podcast language and the time for posting the podcast in the application were selected.
The list of key concepts for search queries was compiled using the reference book "Philosophical Dictionary of Human Rights" [12]. As a result of the selection of podcasts (episodes) for search queries, a list of 30 words / phrases was compiled that play an educational role in the concept of the formation of a person's legal culture. The selected semantic terms, concepts, constructs can be conditionally divided into four large blocks: general concepts of law, law enforcement and protection of rights, human rights, and life safety. It should also be noted that podcasts which are aimed at shaping the legal culture of an individual are not limited to our list. In search queries, there are other related concepts, meanwhile, we have highlighted the key and most common ones.
Literature review
Podcasts as one of the formats of the media sphere perform the most important tasks in modern society, for example, they broadcast legal expert opinions to listeners of audio content, disseminate legal meanings, manage legal knowledge, and form the legal culture of an individual and society [13]. We agree with the opinion of ED Nelunova that podcasts are Internet resources that form an educational environment and multimedia learning [14].
The audio content of podcasts, like the video content of blogs, is endowed with the following qualities and properties: open access to content, ease of perception of new information, quick search for necessary material, creation of relevant content for society, and many others. others [15].
L. S. Mubarakshina argues in her research that podcasts are very similar to blogs but have a more digitalized shell. The podcast should be up-to-date, factually accurate, understandable for listeners, and as concise as possible. Any person who is ready to create their own audio content can become a podcaster. Podcast audio content tailored to these requirements ensures that the podcast is known and credible in the media space. In Russia, podcasting is, on the one hand, a raw, newborn activity, and, on the other, is one of the most interesting ideas of the 21st century. Podcasting is a creative platform for creativity and the embodiment of one's ideas, such a platform is limitless [16].
Podcasting, like podcast itself, is an original and promising phenomenon in the media market. The podcast media industry in Russia is gaining momentum and adopting foreign experience, we are in the process of establishing and developing podcasting as a new format of the media sphere.
It is important to note that one of the varieties of podcast is a narrative podcast, since narrative is the basis of modern audio content and finds new ways of expression, considering the specifics of modern media consumption. Narrative podcasts, of course, contain both the scores and emotions of the podcaster. In the story, personality and history come to the fore [17]. Podcasts, as a new format for the media sphere, contain several more advantages over other media formats. For example, the production of audio content for a podcast takes less time than writing a quality article or editing a video blog, and costs much less. Plus, mentioning a company or brand in a podcast is 4.4 times better remembered than in a regular advertisement [18]. This means that podcasts can be commercially successful projects.
According to the researchers E. A. Putilova, A. V. Shutaleva, podcasts can also be used in the corporate space [19]. We will add that the satisfaction of the collective cognitive interest in legal issues is also effective with the help of podcasts, which, within a short listening time in a concentrated form, can reveal the legal meaning of the law, the features of the legal
environment of the organization's activities, thereby performing an educational function in improving the legal culture outside the educational framework process.
It should be emphasized that podcasts can be embedded in the context of the educational process. Educational Internet resources have a specific audience, purpose, and objectives. V. Sotiroudas, based on the study, concludes that an educational blog or podcast, in our case, can be regarded as a tool in solving problems of a scientific and research nature [20]. R. Holm and S. Dau in their study conclude that podcasts should be recommended as an addition to existing teaching methods in educational institutions of higher education. Podcasts have educational potential, and as they learn, students can more easily understand the content of the required material or course. Podcasts improve learners' reflective foundations and enable the podcaster to convey their experiences to student listeners [21]. Podcasts not only facilitate the process of perceiving new material or knowledge, but also motivate listeners' interest in cognitive activity [22; 23].
The use of podcasts for educational purposes is not limited to universities; there is a practice of using them in the school learning process [24]. And here you find grateful and responsive listeners who take podcasts positively and capture the educational meaning of the podcasts.
The observations of G. Martin, A. Boas, S. Arruda, M. Passos are important for our study. In the work "Podcasts and the interest by sciences", where scientists identify four phases that influence the interest of listeners in podcasts: phase 1 - manifestation of situational interest (a psychological state of predisposition, interest or character, which is a consequence of changes, usually short-term, in the processes affective nature, such as positive or negative feelings, and cognitive versus motivational trigger); phase 2 - preservation of situational interest (psychological state of predisposition, interest or status, this phase is temporary); phase 3 - the emergence of individual interest (the psychological state of a predisposition, interest or state related to subjective and affective predispositions, relatively long-term or associated with long-term activity, the phase is characterized by the expression of knowledge, values and positive feelings that keep a person in connection with the object of interest); phase 4 - disclosure of individual interests (psychological state of predisposition, interest or value associated with positive feelings and a large amount of knowledge, the phase does not ignore the emerging individual interest). The results of this study show that it is necessary to rethink the way sciences are taught in order to overcome the "crisis" in the reluctance to study a particular science. In this aspect, podcasts act as inspiration for new approaches or models in order to awaken or interest listeners in science, or to support, and sometimes reinforce some existing interest, creating opportunities for its development [25]. This study proves once again that podcasts as a new format of the media sphere have not only educational potential, but also cognitive.
We would like to thank the renowned German scientist on media psychology in general and podcasts in particular Lars Konig for his work "Podcasts in higher education: teacher enthusiasm increases students' excitement, interest, enjoyment, and learning motivation". In it, the scientist explores the phenomena of "teacher enthusiasm", which is associated with various positive results in the educational process. For example, this phenomena depends on the interest and achievements, as well as on the motivation of the students. The researcher asks the question: does the teacher's enthusiasm contribute to the learning process if he uses new modern media formats in the learning process, for example, podcasts? After conducting the experiment, Lars Konig concludes that the participants in the educational process who listened to the podcast rated the quality of learning more positively, the learning process itself was defined as more enjoyable, which motivated them to dive deeper into the topic
under study [26]. This experiment proves once again that high-quality audio content of podcasts has educational potential and increases epistemological interest among listeners.
Currently, the media sphere is transforming under the influence of sociocultural factors, blurring the image of the podcaster and the boundaries of the audio content of podcasts. The podcaster is positioned as a "status symbol" that is outside a specific social community, subject matter and media resource. As a result of the growing popularity and versatility of podcasts, podcasting has emerged as a news medium, political platform, communication and educational tool. The listeners of the new format of the podcast media sphere are self-structured on the basis of new modern digital IT technologies, the behavior of which is determined, both intelligent and rational [27].
Research Results
In the context of digital globalization, digital devices and modern IT technologies are an important tool in both every day and business life of a modern person. Information in the form of media texts posted on TV, YouTube, LiveJournal, Instagram, TikTok has become highly demanded. The audience of users is increasing every day, as the media sphere provides a variety of functions from communicative, entertaining, psychotherapeutic, informational to functions of self-development and self-presentation, promotion of services, etc. The media sphere with the advent of new digital technology acquires new formats and new opportunities, blogs are increasing in popularity as magazines events, online diaries. In 2020, podcasts as a media space format are picking up the pace, where the podcaster - the creator and host of the podcast (episode) - drives the listener's interest in the audio content on offer. The success of a podcaster sometimes depends on the author's creative and communicative competencies, the ability to work in an environment of change and uncertainty, mobility, and enterprise. Brian Dean talks about the need to develop an SEO strategy, a plan for promoting your content, and, of course, relevant, high-quality, and useful content for users [28]. On the one hand, "viral" audio content is interesting to listeners, such content can provide a rapid increase in podcast listening in a short time, and, on the other hand, the time of interest in viral audio content is short. The process of forming the legal culture of an individual is a lengthy process, therefore, for a podcaster, it is necessary to understand the importance of developing audio content that does not lose significance for podcast listeners for a long time.
As a result of an empirical study of search queries on the key concepts of the "legal culture" block in the GetPodcast application, the following conclusions were drawn. The podcasts (episodes) were monitored using the GetPodcast app. The GetPodcast app is a podcast client (podcast manager) that is specialized for listening to podcasts. This application allows you not only to listen to the selected podcast (episode), but also to choose to listen to podcasts (episodes) in 20 languages, such as: English, Arabic, Vietnamese, Danish, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Korean, German, Dutch, Norwegian Bokmal, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Thai, Finnish, French, Swedish, Japanese. The GetPodcast application divides the entire collection of podcasts and episodes, which are updated every day, into many categories. We will list only the main ones: society and culture, education, health and fitness, business, news, history, comedy music, creativity, and music. Podcasts, as a new format of the media sphere, demonstrate the demand for legal knowledge and legal information of any nature, considering the use of the new format. What was revealed and proved based on the indicators "number of podcasts" and "number of episodes" (see Table 1).
Table 1
Results of search queries by words (collocations), mapped with theoretical constructor "legal culture", app "Get Podcast" (19.09.2021 year)
№ Words (collocations) Podcasts Episodes
Search query filter: Russian
1. права человека 318 3078
2. права детей 243 2512
3. правовая культура 111 883
4. права 57 913
5. право 55 912
6. правовое пространство 43 603
7. правовое воспитание 35 473
8. закон 26 1054
9. адвокат 25 260
10. юрист 21 311
11. суд 19 1089
12. война 17 876
13. правовое государство 16 576
14. безопасность 15 477
15. честь 11 593
16. конфликт 9 683
17. правовая активность 6 302
18. смертная казнь 6 125
19. наказание 5 289
20. ООН 5 216
21. преступление 4 193
22. государство 3 561
23. гражданин 3 191
24. расизм 0 169
25. конституция 0 125
26. аборт 0 76
27. госуслуги 0 47
28. декларация 0 46
29. эвтаназия 0 26
30. мультикультурализм 0 11
Search query filter: English
1. legal culture 49572 178817
2. legal education 24956 138340
3. right 21868 267980
4. legal space 21054 166960
5. public services 20457 164404
6. human rights 19984 168356
7. constitutional state 11289 170849
8. state 11023 169821
9. war 9934 142853
10. law 9116 111767
11. United Nations 8037 101031
12. crime 7192 48008
13. legal activity 5216 79395
14. death penalty 4772 136383
15. children's rights 3845 62152
16. rights 3714 59727
17. security 2862 50657
18. court 2670 52186
19. advocate 2315 46546
20. racism 1630 47582
21. honor 1494 62796
22. lawyer 1406 27128
23. conflict 1199 39450
24. citizen 1059 22193
25. constitution 526 10023
26. abortion 337 13129
27. punishment 172 14465
28. declaration 152 9295
29. euthanasia 45 1358
30. multiculturalism 5 240
As we expected, the demand for legal knowledge and legal information is very high in the modern world in the context of digital globalization. Podcasts as a new format of the media sphere with educational potential provide new opportunities for obtaining new knowledge and information, which, in our case, forms the legal culture of an individual (see Table 1).
A modern person in the context of digital globalization is looking for new formats, considering the use of new IT technologies, which are convenient and easy for him in everyday use. Podcasts as a new format of the media sphere in general and the blogosphere are dynamically developing and replenishing with a variety of, for example, legal knowledge, legal information as a component of legal culture aimed at shaping the legal consciousness of a legal personality.
Podcasts are full of information about law enforcement, law-making, law enforcement practices, where a podcaster (an author who creates podcasts on an amateur or professional basis) conveys his own experience in solving issues from different areas of law, shares his knowledge, opinions, and recommendations in the field of law within the framework of his competencies. The activity of podcast users is growing, and this growth is due to both the availability and convenience of searching for the necessary information of interest, and the ability of the listener to understand it.
Analyzing podcasts in the GetPodcast podcast manager, we ranked podcasts by the number of search queries, considering the language filter, and correlated the number of podcasts that are aimed at forming a legal culture of an individual in English and Russian. Based on the analysis performed, the following results were obtained (see Table 2).
The number of podcasts for one key concept in English is many times greater than the number of podcasts in Russian. This ratio of the number of podcasts indicates that the new format of the media sphere is actively used all over the world, but the demand for English-language podcasts is objectively higher. To substantiate this result, we turned to the data of the Ethnologue website, maintained by the SIL International Institute, to get acquainted with
information about the languages and the number of speakers of a particular language (see Table 3).
Table 2
Correlation of podcast amount on English and Russian languages, which form human legal
culture, app "GetPodcast" (19.09.2021 year)
№ Words (collocations) Podcast (Russian) Podcast (English) The ratio of podcasts in English and in Russian, how many times English podcast exceeds Russian Podcast share (Russian) Podcast share (English) How many times English podcast exceeds Russian
1. государство state 3 11023 3674 0.003 0.044 15.607
2. преступление crime 4 7192 1797 0.004 0.029 7.637
3. ООН United Nations 5 8037 1607 0.005 0.032 6.828
4. правая активность legal activity 6 5216 868 0.006 0.021 3.693
5. смертная казнь death penalty 6 4772 795 0.006 0.019 3.378
6. правовое воспитание legal education 35 24956 713 0.033 0.101 3.029
7. правовое государство constitutional state 16 11289 706 0.015 0.046 2.997
8. война war 17 9934 584 0.016 0.040 2.482
9. правовое пространство legal space 43 21054 490 0.041 0.085 2.080
10. правовая культура legal culture 111 49572 447 0.105 0.200 1.897
11. право right 55 21868 398 0.052 0.088 1.689
12. гражданин citizen 3 1059 353 0.003 0.004 1.499
13. закон law 26 9116 351 0.025 0.037 1.489
14. безопасность security 15 2862 191 0.014 0.012 0.810
15. суд court 19 2670 141 0.018 0.011 0.597
16. честь honor 11 1494 136 0.010 0.006 0.577
17. конфликт conflict 9 1199 133 0.009 0.005 0.566
18. адвокат advocate 25 2315 93 0.024 0.009 0.393
19. юрист lawyer 21 1406 67 0.020 0.006 0.284
20. права rights 57 3714 65 0.054 0.015 0.277
21. права человека human rights 318 19984 63 0.302 0.081 0.267
22. наказание punishment 5 172 34 0.005 0.001 0.146
23. госуслуги public services 0 20457 20457 0.000 0.083 0.083
24. права детей children's rights 243 3845 16 0.231 0.016 0.067
25. расизм racism 0 1630 1630 0.000 0.007 0.007
26. конституция constitution 0 526 526 0.000 0,002 0.002
27. аборт abortion 0 337 337 0.000 0.001 0.001
28. декларация declaration 0 152 152 0.000 0.001 0.001
29. эвтаназия euthanasia 0 45 45 0.000 0.000 0.000
30. мультикультурализм multiculturalism 0 5 5 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total 1053 247901 235.423 1,00 1.00 1.000
Table 3
List of languages by speakers (selection), information is granted by 22nd edition "Ethnologue: Languages of the World", 21 February 2019 year
№ Language Native language according to Ethnologue Main country Countries
1. Chinese 1 296 461 000 -1 311 000 000 China 39
2. Spanish 460 000 000 Spain 31
3. English 379 000 000 United Kingdom 137
4. Hindi 341 000 000 India 4
5. Arabic 313 177 600 -319 000 000 Saudi Arabia 59
6. Bengali 228 000 000 Bangladesh 4
7. Portuguese 221 000 000 Portugal 15
8. Russian 154 000 000 Russia 19
9. Japanese 128 000 000 Japan 2
Table 3 indicates that English is in third place and Russian is in eighth. There are about 379 million native speakers of English in the world, and 154 millions of Russian speakers. These statistics substantiate the high demand for English-language podcasts and a large number of podcasts created in English.
Legal awareness, like any other, is the main and most important condition for the formation of a person's legal culture. Podcasts enable a modern person in the context of digital globalization to receive information on various issues and independently choose certain information audio channels that meet his needs and shape his needs in the future. The range of audio channels, podcasts is huge and is increasing every day, as evidenced by the results of our research, which are reflected in tables 4 and 5.
Based on the results of search queries by key concepts, we have built ratings "TOP-20 words / phrases of a search query in Russian" and "TOP-30 words / phrases of a search query in English" by the number of podcasts that are aimed at forming a legal culture personality (see tables 4 and 5).
Table 4
Top-20 words / collocations of search query in Russian by number of podcasts that form human legal culture, app GetPodcast (19.09.2021 year)
Rating words / collocations Podcasts (Total) Podcast, in 12 months Podcast, in 6 months Growth rate in a year Rate of increase for half a year
1. права человека 318 202 144 64% 71%
2. права детей 243 157 106 65% 68%
3. правовая культура 111 82 63 74% 77%
4. права 57 40 31 70% 78%
5. право 55 47 33 85% 70%
6. правовое пространство 43 32 25 74°% 78%
7. правовое воспитание 35 23 15 66% 65%
8. закон 26 20 14 77% 70%
9. адвокат 25 21 18 84% 86%
10. юрист 21 14 14 67% 100%
11. суд 19 7 6 37% 86%
12. война 17 12 8 71% 67%
13. правовое государство 16 9 9 56% 100%
14. безопасность 15 12 8 80% 67%
15. честь 11 8 6 73% 75%
16. конфликт 9 3 2 33% 67%
17. правовая активность 6 4 2 67% 50%
18. смертная казнь 6 0 0 0% 600%
19. наказание 5 5 2 100% 40%
20. ООН 5 4 1 80% 25%
Total 1043 702 507 67% 72%
Average 66% 97%
The selected GetPodcast podcast manager made it possible to reveal not only the number of podcasts for a given search, but also get statistics on the number of podcasts created in the last 12 and 6 months. The growth rate and increase in the number of podcasts over the past year can be justified by the pandemic situation associated with the coronavirus infection COVID-19 and forced self-isolation, as well as digital globalization and digital competencies of the population. All this led to the demand among users of podcast managers for audio content with educational potential on legal topics.
Table 5
Top-30 words/collocations search query in English by number of podcasts that form human
legal culture, app GetPodcast (19.09.2021 year)
Rating Words /collocations Podcasts (Total) Podcast, in 12 months Podcast, in 6 months Growth rate in a year Rate of increase for half a year
1. legal culture 49572 29624 22008 60% 74%
2. legal education 24956 14715 10796 59% 73%
3. right 21868 13311 9525 61% 72%
4. legal space 21054 14081 10297 67% 73%
5. public services 20457 12167 9464 59% 78%
6. human rights 19984 12201 8761 61% 72%
7. constitutional state 11289 6656 4974 59% 75%
8. state 11023 6486 4839 59% 75%
9. war 9934 5394 3690 54% 68%
10. law 9116 5446 4032 60% 74%
11. United Nations 8037 4519 3394 56% 75%
12. crime 7192 4796 3398 67% 71%
13. legal activity 5216 3230 2416 62% 75%
14. death penalty 4772 2569 1760 54% 69%
15. children's rights 3845 2258 1620 59% 72%
16. rights 3714 2196 1574 59% 72%
17. security 2862 1731 1366 60% 79%
18. court 2670 1554 1093 58% 70%
19. advocate 2315 1562 1208 67% 77%
20. racism 1630 1078 733 66% 68%
21. honor 1494 901 683 60% 76%
22. lawyer 1406 861 675 61°% 78%
23. conflict 1199 678 500 57°% 74%
24. citizen 1059 583 419 55% 72%
25. constitution 526 294 204 56% 69%
26. abortion 337 153 96 45% 63%
27. punishment 172 96 61 56% 64%
28. declaration 152 93 64 61% 69%
29. euthanasia 45 22 17 49% 77%
30. multiculturalism 5 2 1 40% 50%
Total 247901 149257 109668 60% 73%
Average 58% 72%
When comparing the data in Tables 4 and 5 based on the results of search queries for words / phrases in Russian and English, it is interesting to note that in the ranking "T0P-20 words / phrases of a search query in Russian" the most popular concept in terms of the number of podcasts that form a legal culture of personality "human rights" is in sixth place in the ranking of "T0P-30 words / phrases of the search query in English" and, conversely, in the "T0P-30 words / phrases of the search query in English" the most popular concept by the number of podcasts, forming the legal culture of the individual "legal culture" is in third place in the rating "T0P-20 words / phrases of a search query in Russian" (for more details see Tables 4 and 5), which is justified by the demand for legal podcasts by listeners.
Growth and growth rates of podcasts in Russian
Podcast, n 6 months
Podcast, n 12 months
Podcast (Tota(
Growth and growth rates of podcasts in English
Podcast, n 6 months
Podcast, n 12 months
Podcast (Tota(
Figure 1 Rates of growth and growth of podcasts in Russian and in English
We believe that this is not accidental and testifies to the high need of listeners for audio content of a legal nature, the desire to find interesting legal information in the media sphere, posted in a new digital format in the form of a podcast. Podcasters who create audio content sometimes do not set themselves the task of creating content aimed at forming the legal culture of listeners, but at the same time, in any content of the media sphere, for example, of a legal nature, there is also a knowledge component, since media content is endowed with educational potential. Podcasters, like bloggers, create media content, and thus play a role in the life of a modern person, and, consequently, in the formation of the legal culture of an individual.
Based on the analysis of legal podcasts in the GetPodcast podcast manager, the growth and growth rates of podcasts in English are many times greater than the growth and growth rates of the number of podcasts in Russian, which is inextricably linked to the number of native speakers of Russian and English.
Results discussion
As a result of the study of a new format and new possibilities of the media sphere, which has educational potential and forms the legal culture of an individual, it was noted that the starting conditions for creating audio content in digital form of a podcast are determined by the emergence of new IT technologies. Our data are consistent with the opinions of E. D. Nelunova, C. Yang, Y.-S. Chang that podcasts are not just Internet resources, they are a new format of the media sphere that forms the educational environment and multimedia learning [14; 24].
Podcasts, on the one hand, facilitate the process of perception of new material or knowledge, and, on the other hand, motivate listeners' interest in cognitive activity [22; 23]. Our research, following the position of R. Holm and S. Dau, also proves that podcasts improve the reflective basis of learners and allow the podcaster to convey his personal experience to the listeners [21]. We also note in our study that the narrative nature of podcasts, which contain the personal assessments and emotions of podcasters, only reinforces the process of media consumption, especially during a period of pandemic and self-isolation [17].
We agree with the opinion that podcasting is a creative platform not only for creativity and the embodiment of one's ideas, but also a limitless platform for broadcasting information and knowledge using modern technologies [16]. In our opinion, a modern university should develop dynamically in the field of podcasting, as well as form its own audio channels in the podcast format (episodes).
In the modern world, interest in legal educational content in the media sphere is associated, in our opinion, with the variability, non-standard, uncertainty of life, when a person needs information about effective, proven methods in law enforcement, law-making, and human rights activities. At the same time, legal information must be understandable and accessible for perception. Our data are consistent with the authors' opinions that high-quality audio content of podcasts has educational potential and increases epistemological interest among listeners [15; 25; 26].
As a result of studying the demand for legal audio content by listeners in the GetPodcast podcast manager, in addition to the existing research, we identified and substantiated the following features:
• podcasts are a popular media resource of a new format with educational potential for both the Russian-speaking audience and the English-speaking audience;
• in the modern world, podcasts are used as a new digital format in the educational process;
• in the new format of the media sphere, a large layer of legal information is accumulated in podcasts, which forms the legal culture of an individual;
• now in the open access (free for listeners) there is a large array of legal information for listening to podcasts;
• the number of legal podcasts is growing rapidly;
• the increase in the number of podcasts on legal topics has grown several times over the period of the pandemic associated with the coronavirus infection COVID-19;
• the podcaster, creating audio content of a legal nature, thereby draws the attention of listeners to problems of any legal nature, actively demonstrates the new possibilities of podcasts in updating and discussing issues of a legal nature;
• podcast as a new format of the media sphere can form and raise the level of legal culture of an individual, and destructively destroy the moral and legal foundations of a person and society.
A modern person, especially in the context of digital globalization, needs positive media content. It is necessary to strengthen the process of creating socially significant content in a new format in the form of podcasts that can overcome the negative consequences of a period of self-isolation, a pandemic and maintaining social optimism and strengthening civic identity in any life situation. New audio content can be implemented in different genres, be both popular science and entertaining in terms of content, but in any case, it can have educational potential aimed at shaping the legal culture of an individual, both among young people and among the older generation.
Podcasts as a new format of the media sphere have new opportunities, for example, educational potential, which must be used to a greater extent for the formation of the legal culture of an individual. One of the factors in the formation of a person's legal culture is the educational audio content of podcasts. As a result of the study of the audio content of podcasts of a legal nature and meaning, it was revealed that podcasts are in demand by listeners and have an educational potential of a legal nature, which should be considered as a component of the process of forming the legal culture of an individual. Note that the educational potential reveals the cognitive and epistemological interest of the listener.
Based on the analysis of legal podcasts in the GetPodcast podcast manager, the growth and growth rates of podcasts in English are many times greater than the growth and growth rates of the number of podcasts in Russian, which is inextricably linked to the number of native speakers of Russian and English. It has been established that the audio content of podcasts of legal content is not dominant in the media sphere. But this fact does not prevent the dynamic development of podcasts with legal themes and to be in demand among podcast listeners. Podcasts form socially significant and personally necessary knowledge of a legal nature and meaning, which to a greater extent affects the condition and result of the process of forming a person's legal culture.
The research was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 20-013-00813 "Educational potential of the media sphere as a space for the development of legal culture and a culture of human rights in modern Russia".
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Информация об авторах Томюк Ольга Николаевна
(Россия, г. Екатеринбург) Кандидат философских наук, старший научный сотрудник, старший преподаватель кафедры теории государства и права Уральский государственный юридический университет E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9524-8364 Scopus ID:57211983935
Дьячкова Анна Викторовна
(Россия, Екатеринбург) Кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры экономической теории и экономической политики Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина E-mail: [email protected] Scopus ID: 57211156711 ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4970-1820
Керимов Александр Алиевич
(Россия, г. Екатеринбург) Доцент, доктор политических наук, доцент кафедры политических наук Департамента политологии и социологии
Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина
E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5807-9810 Scopus ID: 57215904379
Дудчик Андрей Юрьевич
(Республика Беларусь, г. Минск) Доцент, кандидат философских наук, заместитель директора по научной работе Института философии,
Национальной академии наук Беларуси
Доцент кафедры философии культуры Факультета философии и социальных наук Белорусский государственный университет E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6810-5103 Scopus ID: 57211980303
Information about the authors Olga N. Tomyuk
(Russia, Ekaterinburg) PhD in Philosophy, Senior Researcher, Senior Lecturer, Department of Theory of State and Law Ural State Law University E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9524-8364 Scopus ID: 57211983935
Anna V. Diachkova
(Russia, Ekaterinburg) Associate Professor, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and Economic Policy Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin E-mail: [email protected] Scopus ID: 57211156711 ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4970-1820
Alexander A. Kerimov
(Russia, Ekaterinburg) Associate Professor, Doctor of Political Science, Associate Professor of political science Department of
political science and sociology Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5807-9810 Scopus ID: 57215904379
Andrei Yu. Dudchik
(Republic of Belarus, Minsk) Associate Professor, PhD in Philosophy, Deputy Director for Research, Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of
Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy of Culture, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences Belarusian State University E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6810-5103 Scopus ID: 57211980303