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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Tomyuk Olga, Diachkova Anna, Kerimov Alexander

The media transformation of legal culture in the context of global digitalization requires the adaptation of all legal concepts and legal phenomena to new formats of the media sphere and digital reality (Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, VKontakte, TikTok, podcast managers). The aim of the article is to study the media transformation of the legal culture of an individual in the context of global digitalization through the prism of new IT technologies and media innovations that contribute to the development of law in modern digital reality, pointing out important changes and transformations. Legal media content in the blogosphere and podcasting has educational potential. It was revealed that Internet users show their need for legal information, effective ways to resolve situations of a legal nature, offered by bloggers or podcasters.As a result of the study, the authors substantiated the fact that there is a transformation of legal culture into legal media culture, legal education into legal media education, legal space into legal media space, thanks to the demand and popularization of legal content by Internet users.

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O. N. Tomyuk

Ural State Law University, Ural Federal University Named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin

(Ekaterinburg) A. V. Diachkova, A. A. Kerimov Ural Federal University Named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin



The media transformation of legal culture in the context of global digitalization requires the adaptation of all legal concepts and legal phenomena to new formats of the media sphere and digital reality (Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, VKontakte, TikTok, podcast managers). The aim of the article is to study the media transformation of the legal culture of an individual in the context of global digitalization through the prism of new IT technologies and media innovations that contribute to the development of law in modern digital reality, pointing out important changes and transformations. Legal media content in the blogosphere and podcasting has educational potential. It was revealed that Internet users show their need for legal information, effective ways to resolve situations of a legal nature, offered by bloggers or podcasters.

As a result of the study, the authors substantiated the fact that there is a transformation of legal culture into legal media culture, legal education into legal media education, legal space into legal media space, thanks to the demand and popularization of legal content by Internet users.

Keywords: media sphere, legal culture, media transformation, global digitalization, legal media culture, legal media education, legal media space

Recommended citation

Tomyuk O. N., Diachkova A. V., Kerimov A. A. Media Transformation of the Legal Culture of an Individual in the Context of Global Digitalization, Rossiiskoe pravo: obrazovanie, praktika, nauka, 2021, no. 6, pp. 100-110, DOI: 10.34076/2410_2709_2021_6_100.

УДК 340 DOI: 10.34076/2410_2709_2021_6_100

The media sphere in the 21st century has highlighted the issues of the relationship between media and society in various aspects: from sociological, psychological to legal. The media sphere clearly outlined the spirit of the era, became a mirror that reflects movement,

* The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 20-013-00813 «Educational potential of the media sphere as a space for the development of legal culture and human rights culture in modern Russia» / Исследование проведено при финансовой поддержки РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 20-013-00813 «Образовательный потенциал медиасферы как пространства развития правовой культуры и культуры прав человека в современной России».

changes in time [Castells 2010; Amzin et al 2016]. New media such as media text, video hosting sites, digital photography, the Internet and other phenomena of the digital era have characterized the emergence of a new legal culture and a culture of human rights [Gies 2015; Lolo^i 2019; Pavlenko 2016].

The media transformation of law in general and legal concepts in particular is set by global trends and tendencies, global digitalization, the development of modern technologies and innovations, as well as responses to pandemic threats and challenges. New media products are being developed, implemented and improved

every day, which have both educational and scientific potential. The media sphere, endowed with educational potential, is aimed at positive and successful embedding of legal culture in the media transformation of an ever-changing world in the context of global digitalization.

This paper is aimed at studying the educational potential of the media sphere and how it affects the formation of a legal culture and a culture of human rights in modern Russia. In our research, we plan to reveal not only the transformation of legal culture and culture of human rights, but also the transformation of legal education into legal media education, legal space into legal media space, legal culture into legal media culture through the media sphere and media culture, thanks to the demand for and popularization of legal content by users of Ins-tagram, VKontakte, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, etc. The data obtained as a result of the research is aimed at better understanding the processes and mechanisms of media transformation of legal culture and human rights culture in modern Russia. It becomes possible to identify the level of influence of the educational potential of the media sphere on the development of not only legal culture and human rights culture, but also on legal awareness and legal values in the modern digital media society.

In March 2021, VCIOM (the Russian Public Opinion Research Center) published the results of a survey on the use of the Internet and television among Russians through the prism of the age section of media activity. 53 % of Russians are active users of television and the Internet - they use the Internet and watch TV several times a week, 28 % of Russians use only the Internet and do not watch TV. The most active users of the Internet and television are the respondents aged 35-59 (61-64 %). The rejection of television in favor of the Internet is typical for age groups: 69 % among 18-24-year old, 48 % among 25-34-year old. Modern people actively use the Internet and social media. The media content influences the formation and development of the personality in general, and a culture of human rights, legal awareness, legal values, in particular. Also, in 2021 VCIOM conducted a daily all-Russian telephone survey «Internet Use». The answers to the question vary daily in the range: I use the Internet practically every day - 72-74 %; several times a week - 7-9 %; several times a month - 1-2 %; occasionally, but

at least once a half a year - 1-2 %; I do not use the Internet - 15-17 %1.

For Russia, the priority of state interests over private ones is traditional and is expressed in the desire to create a strong state, to strengthen the vertical of power. The creation of a strong state is necessary for sustainable development and stability, restoration and maintenance of social and legal order. On the one hand, the political power of modern Russia has managed to achieve a certain stability in society, and, on the other hand, the stability achieved in practice is not sufficiently effective and stable, including due to the low level of development of legal culture and a culture of human rights. The website «7^7 Horizontal Russia» publishes a rating «TOP-30 Bloggers» (human rights defenders) every two months, the active work of human rights bloggers indicates a large number of offenses in the modern world2. The activities of human rights defenders, bloggers or podcasters, both in our country and abroad, are aimed not only at eliminating human rights violations, but also at the formation and development of legal culture, human rights culture, legal values, legal education, legal education personality. A number of important positions can be identified that will emphasize the relevance of the study on the media transformation of the legal culture of an individual in the context of global digitalization: growing challenges to the sustainable development of Russian society and the preservation of Russian statehood [Alekseev 2000; Glush-kova 2005; Semitko 1996];

orientation of modern Russia to the formation of civil society;

the influence of the media sphere on the formation and development of legal culture, legal awareness, legal values of a modern person;

activation of the movement of human rights defenders in the media space (for example, the site «7^7 Horizontal Russia», YouTube, Insta-gram, TikTok, VKontakte, etc.);

active use of the Internet, new and social media by a modern person, being immersed in the field of media;

the formation of mega digital content, the threat of a «digital Leviathan» [Yanhui 2015],

1 Internet Use. VCIOM Data from September 19, 2021, available at: https://wciom.ru/ratings/polzovanie-internetom (accessed: 21.09.2021).

2 TOP-30 Bloggers in Two Months. 7x7 Horizontal Russia Website, available at: https://7x7-journal.ru/rating (accessed: 30.09.2021).

requiring its conscious and adequate perception and interpretation;

the virtual nature and automation of legal processes, on the one hand, and the need for social security and fair legal proceedings, on the other [Langford 2020].

A combination of general scientific and specific scientific methods was used as a methodological basis for the research. The variety of research methods is associated with the consideration of the educational potential of blogs and podcasts as a new format and new opportunity of the media sphere for the formation of the legal culture of an individual, which is due to a variety of approaches aimed at identifying and comprehending the essence of media transformation of legal concepts and legal phenomena in the context of global digitalization.

The main methodological approaches of this study are: synergetic, historical and cultural, institutional, comparative legal, contextual and personality-oriented approach. A synergetic approach studies the transition processes associated with the development of the media sphere, the formation of a new system of relations between media and society [Prigozhin, Stengers 1986; Haken, 1980]. The historical and cultural approach reveals the media sphere in the context of the dynamic development of legal culture and a culture of human rights [Lotman 1992]. The institutional approach analyzes the properties of the media sphere as a space for the development of legal media culture and media culture of human rights [Kont 2011; Dyurkgeim 1995; Veber 1980]. The comparative legal approach allows to study legal concepts, identifies and analyzes the similarities and differences [Marchenko 2008]. The contextual approach emphasizes the role of society in personal development [Lerner, Fischer, Weinberg 2000; Fischer 1998]. The personality-oriented approach considers the personality as a self-developing and self-regulating personality in the process of forming a legal culture [Yakimanskaya 1996; Bondarevskaya 2000]. To study the media transformation of legal phenomena, it is valueable to use the «assembly method» (Anne-Marie Mol, John Lowe, J. Butler), focused on studying how, under the influence of digital technologies, virtual environments, relations between people are created and developed [Baranov et al. 2019].

Legal culture is the entire legal space, covering all aspects of the legal form of social life,

and it is also «a system of materialized and ideal elements related to the sphere of action of law» [D'yachkova 2007]. The high legal culture of an individual acts as a phenomenon that is intolerant to all offenses and violations of law and order in the modern world. The quality of legal culture depends on the availability of legal values, observance of human rights, the manifestation of developed legal awareness, the ability to analyze legal texts, the implementation of legal activities and legal behavior. A developed legal culture completely depends on the legal worldview, legal values and legal consciousness, as well as in the process of forming a legal culture and legal education of an individual using new media formats, it is important to take into account the problems of educating a humanistic orientation of an individual, pedagogical conditions and a complex of methodological and technological means of educating a humanistic orientation personality in the context of transformation of law and global digita-lization [D'yachkova 2014].

Speaking about legal phenomena, the researchers note that the possibilities of traditional law are very limited in relation to digital technologies. And for many of them, qualitatively new legal models should be developed [Sidorenko, Arx 2000].

Media transformation of law is a change in the entire system of law, entailing the formation of new legal priorities and standards, new meanings of legal concepts and phenomena, new legal values, transformation of the structure of elements of law, taking into account new IT-technologies, media formats and media products [Emirbekov 2020]. At the same time, the implementation of this process «directly depends on how modern jurisprudence will assess the legal identity of, and the ability to protect, digital technologies» [Sidorenko, Arx 2000: 34].

In the 21st century we are considering the media transformation of law and legal culture in the context of global digitalization through the prism of universalization, internationalization (transnationalization) and integration. In the media sphere, legal concepts and approaches to legal regulation acquire a universal character, as a result of which the law goes beyond one legal system. On the one hand, there is a process of internationalization of law. Media content in the context of global digitalization erases the boundaries of the legal system, law interpenetrates

into other legal systems, cultures and branches of law, which entails not only media transformation, but also the integration of law [Emirbekov 2020]. At the moment, in the modern world there are new processes, changes that do not fit into the established legal stereotypes and legal concepts. The transformation of law can lead to the development of a new type of law, a new international jurisdiction, to global law [Vasiliev et al. 2020]. Borisova-Zharova's research talks about the need to work on «digital law» as «an effective alternative to existing rights, opening up new perspectives for subjects of civil legal relations» [Borisova-Zharova 2021].

The formation of a fundamentally new virtual reality, using modern digital technologies in the context of global digitalization and pandemic threats and challenges, has a significant impact on the development of the digital economy, politics, law, on the entire structure of public relations [Kartskhia 2019]. The media sphere has become a living environment for a modern person, a condition for his life. The media sphere is a new sphere of public life, it is the sphere of stable relations between society, where media reality encompasses a huge amount of information in the form of media content, media texts, blogs, podcasts, etc. It is this initial interpretation of mediology that indicates that any media product, for example, with legal content, can positively and / or negatively influence the formation of a person's legal culture through the educational potential of the media sphere [Debre 2010]. In the process of media transformation of legal culture into legal media culture, legal education into legal media education, legal space into legal media space, it is important to analyze whether the meaning and content of legal concepts and legal phenomena are being substituted.

Human media culture can be assessed through the prism of how a person works, how he interprets the media text, media content. The fact that the media influence the emergence of mass culture was recorded by philosophers [Orte-ga-i-Gasset 2008; Yaspers 1991; Schpengler 2009; Bodriiar 2006], and also the trend towards the commercialization of media was noted. The media sphere is aimed at developing media literacy that resists information chaos. M. McLuhan emphasizes that it is impossible to be an educated person in the modern world without media literacy [Maklyuen 2011]. The modern media space has fully become a legal actor and at the

same time an ideal platform for the formation of legal discourse, free commenting on the current legal agenda and the influence of one's ideas on its promotion among the audience.

In this part of the study, we turn to the analytical report of VCIOM «From Bloggers to In-fluencers: the Struggle for Attention and Influence on the Audience. New Trends»1. The report was caused by serious transformations in the information space, that is, the growth in the number and influence of the opinions of bloggers and podcasters on the Internet. It is extremely difficult to understand the initial motivation of their media content, the presence (or absence)

In the process of media transformation of legal culture into legal media culture, legal education into legal media education, legal space into legal media space, it is important to analyze whether the meaning and content of legal concepts and legal phenomena are being substituted

of a customer, criteria for the reliability of media texts, blogs, podcasts. The uniqueness of the media sphere lies in the free access to the content of the media market for any user. Today, a blogger or podcaster is a trendsetter, social activist and businessman, a person who conveys his opinion to others. The main audience of media content are young users who have been successfully integrated into information media consumption. Blogging and podcasting has not yet earned lasting public trust. On the one hand, we see a rift between the young and older generations of Internet users in assessing the social usefulness of blogging and podcasting, and, on the other hand, we can trace the bright educational potential of the media sphere and the influence of media content on the young audience of Internet users.

The media sphere is a collection of ideas, themes, opinions and other intangible entities, represented by media texts (mass communication text) with the following characteristics: importance, significance for different groups of audience, urgency, topicality, openness to mul-

1 From Bloggers to Influencers: the Struggle for Attention and Influence on the Audience. New Trends. Analytical Report VCIOM from 24, September 2020, available at: https://wciom.ru/analytical-reports/analiticheskii-doklad/ot-blogerov-k-inflyuenseram-borba-za-vnimanie-i-vliyanie-na-auditoriyu-novye-trendy (accessed: 26.09.2021).

tiple interpretations. At the same time, the media sphere is a set of processes related to the functioning of information in the space represented by media texts [Kirillova 2005]: digital photo, Internet video hosting sites, new media digital TV, interactive electronic publications and other phenomena.

A. N. Novgorodtseva and N. I. Sivkova note that «social networks and blogs have their strengths and weaknesses as a communicative and information channel». For example, the strengths are: free communication outside geographic boundaries; the ability to unite into communities of interest; efficiency of information transfer, etc.; the weaknesses include deliberate distortion of information (it is impossible to verify the information); imitation of cohesion; availability of information of a destructive nature; lack of personal responsibility, etc. [Novgorodtseva, Sivkova 2015]. The presence of the strengths and weaknesses of blogs, podcasts once again proves that new media formats are endowed with educational potential, since they can quickly transmit a large amount of, for example, legal information, and form a legal culture, especially among the young audience of Internet users.

The development of modern Russia is impossible without the formation and development of legal culture. At present, the issues of legal culture and legal education in Russia are widely covered. The study of legal culture is traditionally included in a number of legal sciences, first of all, jurisprudence and philosophy of law. The study of law, the development of the legal culture of citizens are associated with the meta-foundations of law, which exist in the socio-cultural, historical context of the life of society at a certain stage of its evolution [Chest-nov 2010]. Thanks to the digitization of laws and other regulatory documents, the formation of media legal legislative content occurs [Ba-ranov et al. 2019], which can be considered the basis for the formation of legal literacy and legal awareness.

Meanwhile, it would be fair to admit that the availability of digital legal content actualizes the problem of its perception and interpretation [Langford 2020]. This means that it raises the issue on an educational level.

The development of legal culture and culture of human rights in modern Russia through IT-technologies, media innovations and pedagogical innovations is one of the urgent tasks of the

education system and is impossible without assessing the real level of legal culture and legal consciousness. The problem of devaluation of the value and meaning of law is associated with the fact that the media sphere does not always form the proper positive legal attitudes and, at a high level, the legal culture of an individual. To improve the competencies in the studied area of knowledge among students, the teacher can use pre-selected blogs and podcasts. Lars König conducted an experiment among students and made a conclusion that the teacher's enthusiasm, if he uses new media formats such as blogs, podcasts, has a positive effect on the learning process and students' results. The learners become more motivated and immerse themselves in the studied topic with even greater interest [König 2021].

It is important to note that UNESCO in 2002 defined media education as the human right to freedom of expression and information. In the resolutions and recommendations developed by UNESCO (Grunwald, 1982; Toulouse, 1990; Paris, 1997; Vienna, 1999; Seville, 2002, etc.), media education is presented as a direction of support in the educational process. Recognizing the differences in approaches and development of media education in different countries, it is recommended that it be introduced into educational programs at all levels of education. Global digitalization, new forms of communication, new media products are included, on the one hand, in the process of forming a world-view, individuality, thinking, and, on the other hand, in the process of forming a legal culture and a culture of human rights [Fedorov 2007; Lazutkina 2015]. However, it should be noted that a person must be able to critically perceive, analyze, evaluate media content and to understand the socio-cultural context of the functioning of media. Global digitalization is a change to turn the global space into a single digital reality, where finance, goods, services move with the help of digital technologies, ideas are easily disseminated thanks to virtual communication, etc. [Chechil 2018].

Despite the relevance of the topic under study in modern Russia, it is also necessary to conduct fundamental research in the following areas: identification and understanding of the educational potential of the media sphere as a space for the development of the legal culture of an individual; analysis of social media as

platforms for the development of a person's legal culture; research of media texts, discourses presented in new media with a legal nature; definition of formats and platforms with legal content; comprehending the specifics of the activities of virtual human rights communities; highlighting the problems of the development of the legal culture of an individual in the media space; the formation of strategies and mechanisms for the development of the legal culture of an individual through the media sphere; characterization of media content and its interpretation from the standpoint of benefit and harm.

In some of our works [Kerimov, Tomyuk, Dyachkova et al. 2020; Tomyuk, Golysheva, Dudchik et al. 2020] we studied the legal content of the most popular platforms Instagram, VKon-takte, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok; it was revealed that the blogosphere and podcasting are popular media resources that have educational potential. A huge array of legal information, practices of behavior in situations of a legal nature are placed in open access. It was revealed that Internet users show a need for legal information, effective ways to resolve situations of a legal nature, offered by bloggers or podcasters.

Thus, the modern processes of media transformation of the meaning and content of the conceptual apparatus of philosophy of law are reflected in the following concepts.

Legal media culture covers all aspects of the legal form of people's media life. Legal media culture is intolerant to violations of law and order in the modern world in general and the media world in particular. New legal values and special legal awareness are emerging in the media sphere.

Legal education is aimed at broadcasting, transferring the meanings and values of «legal culture, legal ideals, legal experience and mechanisms for resolving conflicts in society from one generation to another» [Semitko 2007].

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Olga Tomyuk - candidate of philosophical sciences, senior lecturer of the Department of theory of state and law, Ural State Law University. 620137, Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg, Komsomol'skaya str., 21. E-mail: [email protected].

ORCID: 0000-0001-9524-8364

Anna Diachkova - candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the Department of economic theory and economic policy, Ural Federal University Named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin. 620002, Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg, Mira str., 19. E-mail: [email protected].

ORCID: 0000-0003-4970-1820

Alexander A. Kerimov - doctor of political sciences, associate professor of the Department of political science and sociology, Ural Federal University Named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin. 620075, Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg, Lenina av., 51. E-mail: [email protected].

ORCID: 0000-0002-5807-9810

Медиатрансформация правовой культуры личности в условиях глобальной цифровизации

Медиатрансформация правовой культуры в условиях глобальной цифровизации требует адаптации всех правовых понятий и явлений к новым форматам медиасферы и цифровой реальности (Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, ВКонтакте, TikTok, подкаст-менеджеры). Цель статьи - изучить медиатрансформацию правовой культуры личности через призму новых IT-технологий и инноваций в медиа. Медиаконтент правового характера в блогосфере и под-кастинге обладает образовательным потенциалом. Выявлено, что пользователи Интернета проявляют свою потребность в правовой информации и предлагаемых блогерами или подкастерами эффективных способах решения ситуаций правового характера.

Авторами было обосновано то, что происходит трансформация правовой культуры в правовую медиакультуру, правового воспитания - в правовое медиавоспитание, правового образования - в правовое медиобразование, правового пространства - в правовое медиапро-странство благодаря популяризации контента правового характера пользователями сети Интернет.

Ключевые слова: медиасфера, правовая культура, медиатрансформация, глобальная цифровизация, правовая медиакультура, правовое медиавоспитание, правовое медиаобразо-вание, правовое медиапространство

Для цитирования

Tomyuk O. N., Diachkova A. V., Kerimov A. A. Media Transformation of the Legal Culture of an Individual in the Context of Global Digitalization // Российское право: образование, практика, наука. 2021. № 6. С. 100-110. DOI: 10.34076/2410_2709_2021_6_100.

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Ольга Николаевна Томюк - кандидат философских наук, старший преподаватель кафедры теории государства и права, старший научный сотрудник Уральского государственного

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ORCID: 0000-0001-9524-8364

Анна Викторовна Дьячкова - кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры экономической теории и экономической политики Уральского федерального университета им. первого Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина. 620002, Российская Федерация, Екатеринбург, ул. Мира, д. 19. E-mail: [email protected].

ORCID: 0000-0003-4970-1820

Александр Алиевич Керимов - доктор политических наук, доцент кафедры политических наук Департамента политологии и социологии Уральского федерального университета им. первого Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина. 620075, Российская Федерация, Екатеринбург, пр-т Ленина, д. 51. E-mail: [email protected].

ORCID: 0000-0002-5807-9810

Дата поступления в редакцию / Received: 26.10.2021

Дата принятия решения об опубликовании / Accepted: 01.12.2021

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