UDC 005:303.4
UDC 005:303.4
Doronin A. V., Doronin S. A. The Conceptual Preconditions of Studying Collective Professional Mobility of Management Personnel
The preconditions and problems of developing the concept of the study and transformation of collective professional mobility of management personnel are generalized. The necessity of specifying the content and structure of the scientific and methodological concept of «paradigm» is justified. The possibility of using philosophy and economic theory to determine the initial ideas on the development of technique for studying collective professional mobility of management personnel are analyzed; contradictions, which resolution would create a constructive theoretical basis of such a study are revealed. The need to focus on the interdisciplinary approach in the development of the conceptual preconditions of studying collective professional mobility is substantiated. The versions of the world view allowing to ensure productive discussions of representatives of various scientific disciplines at the phenomenological stage of building a new paradigm are developed. Keywords: management personnel, professional mobility, research concept, contradictions, paradigm, phenomenology, world view, interdisciplinary approach. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 37.
Doronin Andrii V. - Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Marketing, National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institue» named after M. Ye. Zhukovskiy (17 Chkalova Str., Kharkiv, 61070, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]
Doronin Stepan A. - Postgraduate Student, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economic (9a Nauky Ave, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]
УДК 005:303.4
Доронн А. В., Доронн С. А. Концептуальн передумови дотдження колективноi професшно/мобльнот управлнського персоналу
Узагальнено передумови та проблем розробки концепцИ дотдження й перетворення колективноi профеайноi мобльнот управл'тсько-го персоналу. Об(рунтовано необхiднiсть конкретизацИ змсту та структури науково-методологiчного концепту «парадигма». Проана-лiзовано можливостi використання ф'шософи й економiчно'iтеорн для визначення виюдних 'дей розробки технологидотдження колективноi профеайноi мобльностi управл'шського персоналу; визначено проти-р'тя, виршення яких дозволить створити конструктивну теоретич-ну основу такого дотдження. Обфунтовано необхiднiсть ор'кнтаци на мiждисциплiнарний пiдхiд при розробц концептуальних передумов дотдження колективноi профеайноi моб'шьности Розроблено вар'шн-ти картини свту, що дозволяють забезпечити результативт дис-кусИ представниюв рзних наукових дисциплн на феноменологiчному етат конструювання новоi парадигми.
Ключов слова: управл'шський персонал, профеайна моб'шьшсть, кон-цеп^я дослдження, протирччя, парадигма, феноменологiя, картина свту, мiждисциплiнарний пiдхiд. Табл.: 1. Б'бл.: 37.
Доронн Андрш Вiталiйович - доктор економiчних наук, профе-сор, зав'дувач кафедри економки та маркетингу, Нацональний аерокосмiчний ушверситет iм. М. £. Жуковського «Хармвський авiацiйний нститут» (вул. Чкалова, 17, Хармв, 61070, Украна) E-mail: [email protected]
Доронн Степан Андршович - астрант, Хармвський нацональний економiчний ушверситет iм. С. Кузнеця (пр. Науки, 9а, Хармв, 61166, Украна)
E-mail: [email protected]
УДК 005:303.4
Доронин А. В., Доронин С. А. Концептуальные предпосылки исследования коллективной профессиональной мобильности управленческого персонала
Обобщены предпосылки и проблемы разработки концепции исследования и преобразования коллективной профессиональной мобильности управленческого персонала. Обоснована необходимость конкретизации содержания и структуры научно-методологического концепта «парадигма». Проанализированы возможностей использования философии и экономической теории для определения исходных идей по разработке технологии исследования коллективной профессиональной мобильности управленческого персонала; определены противоречия, разрешение которых позволит создать конструктивную теоретическую основу такого исследования. Обоснована необходимость ориентации на междисциплинарный подход при разработке концептуальных предпосылок исследования коллективной профессиональной мобильности. Разработаны варианты картины мира, позволяющие обеспечить результативные дискуссии представителей различных научных дисциплин на феноменологическом этапе конструирования новой парадигмы.
Ключевые слова: управленческий персонал, профессиональная мобильность, концепция исследования, противоречия, парадигма, феноменология, картина мира, междисциплинарный подход. Табл.: 1. Библ.: 37.
Доронин Андрей Витальевич - доктор экономических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой экономики и маркетинга, Национальный аэрокосмический университет им. Н. Е. Жуковского «Харьковский авиационный институт» (ул. Чкалова, 17, Харьков, 61070, Украина) E-mail: [email protected]
Доронин Степан Андреевич - аспирант, Харьковский национальный экономический университет им. С. Кузнеца (пр. Науки, 9а, Харьков, 61166, Украина) E-mail: [email protected]
Formulation of the problem. Professional mobility has only relatively recently appeared in view of scientists dealing with problems of management, personnel management, ensuring reliability of business entities. But it quickly became the focus of attention not only for the experts in management, but also began to attract the interest of many scientific humanitarian disciplines, which previously investigated socioeconomic activities of a man, his labor mobility, initiative and other characteristics important for maintaining the individual life and activities in the changing environment. The reason for this growth in popularity is explained by the significant increase in the number of unexpected and adverse events interfering both the habitual way of life of a man in general and his professional activity in particular.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. Today both well-known scholars [1-4 et al.] and young applicants of scientific degrees in different specialties [5-7 et al.] are engaged in studying professional mobility, its content, essence, functional purpose. Conferences that fully or partly deal with problems of studying and ensuring professional mobility of a man in this or that sphere of his life, indicate the need to replenish the economic science with new ideas and developments [8-10] are regularly held in Ukraine and Russia.
Highlighting the earlier unsolved parts of the general problem. Many publications present a detailed consideration of the history of the problem, specify the content of the concept of «professional mobility» and related concepts and categories [11; 12], analyze the experience of foreign countries [13]. There also can be noted the proofs of the need to move to studying the formation of a new type of this phenomenon outlined in the work of P. Malinowski, who defines it as transprofessionalizm - a quality of the collective worker as a collectively distributed ability to reflexively unite and organize representatives of various professions to solve complex problems. Due to their skills, capacity for reflection and thinking they can always go to the top level of perception of a critical situation, that is, to see the whole - think globally, act locally [14]. In parallel with these studies tendencies of defining the essence of the new emerging model of society, known as «risk society», as well as sources, conditions, consequences of its development were being formed. These studies contributed to the awareness of the need to overcome risk and crisis through development of collective professional personnel mobility [15-17]. The publications analysis showed that science has no holistic concept of not only collective professional mobility but also professional mobility of an individual person, even though it is the relevant subject of studying for many scientists. In general, the authors of the publications are convinced that the professional mobility of a person is a complex multi-component concept viewed from the standpoint of not only professional but also socio-cultural, communicative and psychological approaches. All these approaches are complementary. Gradually there appears an understanding of the new problem: man can not cope with the globalization of risk situations alone, only by means of team work. That is, scientific justification of professional mobility of the collective (or collective professional mobility) is needed. Such mobility can be ensured primarily by professional mobility of the collective leader and employees working in the management system. It is these circumstances that determined
the choice of the theme and purpose of the study.
The aim of the article is to define the conceptual preconditions of developing a paradigm of studying collective professional mobility, project problems of its formation and ensuring its practical effectiveness.
Statement of the basic material of the research.
Remaining a critical resource of civilization, today a man simultaneously turns into its goal, the main source ensuring activities of all spheres of the radically renewing society: economics, politics, culture and science. Science, including the economic one, presents many aspects of the consideration of a man as a subject of the economic environment reflected in the relevant concepts: work force, personnel, collective, model of man. The consideration of a working person having a high potential of knowledge, skills as an «intelligent capitalist», as the owner of special unique qualities (artistic, creative, behavioral) is relatively new.
As already noted, the literature has accumulated a lot of different aspects of consideration and determination of professional mobility as a particular relevant characteristic, which received the status of a critical one providing sustainable operation and development of economic systems of different levels. But more often it is seen at the level of a person, an individual employee [1-7; 11-13].
Since there is no ready paradigm for studying collective professional mobility in management, for its creation it makes sense previously to analyze renewed ideas of sciences of higher abstraction level: economic theory and philosophy. But first it is necessary to decide on the content of such a scientific construct as a «paradigm» representing a complex of basic assumptions of a certain scientific discipline about the nature of the reality it studies.
Analysis of dictionaries, monographs using this concept allows to select or create a version of the description of the essence of this construct but almost does not give an answer to the question, what elements such system formation as paradigm consist of. Thus, for example, a modern philosopher S. Platonova defines the concept of «paradigm», but presents its structure only from the standpoint of the general level of philosophical trends: «The paradigm is understood as a stable complex of interrelated theories united by common views about the subject of research, research methods and interpretation of scientific results. It includes ontological, epistemological, methodological, axiological component» [18, p. 14].
A more appropriate basis for solving the problem of determining the composition of the construct «paradigm» is provided by dictionaries: «A sample or a model; a system of terms by means of which social characteristics of a phenomenon, a system is described; the original concept, the original basic principles or a minimum set of basic requirements, upon which further research, political, cultural, educational and other activities is built» [20]. «A certain theoretical approach in scientific research, a set of methodical and methodological principles, ideas, by which the researcher is guided in his practice. Paradigm is a brief description of basic terms, concepts, approaches in the explanation of the society itself and various social phenomena» [21]. From these definitions it can be assumed that the list of the paradigm elements includes
terms, principles, approaches, the content of which helps to explain various methodical and methodological techniques practically used by scientists.
We can agree with the opinion of D. Shyian that the accumulated contradictions in humanitarian sciences in general and management in particular indicate the need to renew the paradigm of the latter in organic connection with updating the methodology of studying paradigms of the economic science as a whole [22].
The economic theory has never been univariate and it is not today. As for the vector of its development, today the most progressive direction is associated with recognition of the need to consider the dual nature of the human personality, which initially incorporates two principles - individualism and collectivism. It is advisable to taken this into consideration when building paradigmatic foundations of management of collective professional mobility. Such an approach will provide logical harmony of the theory and explain the necessity of its orientation toward the trend of socialization of the economic evolution of human civilization.
The official national economic science, on the provisions of which the relevant scientific degrees are awarded, is based on the model of T. Kuhn. That is, in the scientific world there actually defined and recognized scientific schools having, first of all, the history of studying the subject area; second, sound and practically proven methods and techniques for solving cognitive and practical problems; third, research findings outlined in specialized sources available for review and analysis. Publication of a certain number of the results of development of previous studies in these sources is the basis for obtaining the qualification of the Philosophy Doctor in Economics. Doctoral dissertations usually present a new concept of the enriched research subject, go beyond the normative paradigms, almost always use a significant arsenal of the latest achievements and recommendations of related scientific disciplines. They present also methodological tools for continuing researches in the context of the defended by the author and recognized by the scientific community ideas. In connection with the orientation of the national science towards the philosophy of T. Kuhn it makes sense to clarify the interpretation of the construct of «paradigm», towards which the study of collective professional mobility should be oriented.
As already noted, the review of a significant number of publications in which the term of «paradigm» is used, has shown that there is no clear understanding of the content of this concept in the scientific world. All the authors either assert their commitment to a paradigm, or note the limitation of those paradigms that do not meet the theme and purpose of their research. In the latter case the reasons for distrust to old technologies are given. They are most often explained by changes in external conditions of existence of the research subject, the changing and increasing complexity of its nature, the emergence of new tools to streamline its development. In this regard, one of the objectives of this study is identified as an attempt to compile the list of the compound elements of the construct of «paradigm» and their preliminary functions. Here it is impossible to do without philosophy - a science representing a higher than the economic science level of abstract generalization of ideas about the world. According to the
famous philosopher V. Kochanowski, researchers distinguish a specific heuristic function of philosophy in relation to scientific cognition, which is most noticeable when nominating fundamentally new theories and relationships. V. Kochanowski is convinced that philosophical studies form the identity of science, its reflexivity, develop inherent in it understanding of its capabilities and prospects, define guidelines for its future development [22, p. 37].
The conducted analysis of classical philosophical works showed that the study of the person worldview, his/her perception of the world in which he/she exists, is not devoid of controversy. Thus it is natural to agree that philosophy is a structurally complex systems science, in which individual components can be identified. But many philosophers have their own adequate original individual idea of the structure of their science. For example, in its composition there almost always included such substructures as ontology, epistemology, epistemology, axiology. But some of them equate the areas of epistemology and epistemology, others defend the point of view of the inadmissibility of their equating, others give a rather extensive list of philosophy structures, which comprises sociology, logic, ethics, aesthetics [24, p.13].
There appeared and is already widely used a new approach to building a model of knowing the world - the phenomenological one. The relevance of phenomenology in relation to management sciences is highlighted by V. Wittich. The author sees limitation of the existing theories in the fact that within them the subject distances itself from the object taking up a position an outside observer. To obtain «objectively true» knowledge he learns it through the «prism» of this or that theory, builds a mathematical model, after experimenting with which receives the problem solution [25, p. 6182]. The phenomenological approach is opposed to such narrowly focused vision of the problem object, distorted under the influence of the existing rules of individual disciplines. This approach considers the knowing subject as the one, who awares himself «inside» the problem situation, formulating its meaning with consideration to the vision of other subjects, also awaring themselves in this situation. Under certain conditions such a vision is more objective than that built according to strict rules of a certain scientific discipline. However, so far phenomenology as a relevant construct of philosophy is found only in the informal dictionary of Wikipedia and in one of the available for analysis textbooks on philosophy [24].
Of course, such a complex science, as philosophy, could not specialize in the subject chosen to be the studied by scientific disciplines. In this context there emerged the following areas: philosophy of natural science, philosophy of physics, philosophy of economics, philosophy of science and many others. In light of the research subject in this case it makes sense to analyze the schools of philosophy of science. The need for such positioning of the scientist is claimed by many economists (eg, [26; 27]). There is quite a wide variety of philosophical models of scientific research in the science of management, but most of the specialists in this field analyze the models by K. Popper, I. Lakatos, P. Feyerabend, T. Kuhn. Here it is possible to agree with the arguments presented, for example, in [27]. But the author did not provide the necessity
of using phenomenology techniques in the development of management science to remove the contradictions in combining models of the philosophy of science. In some of their publications the authors of the article generalized the need to introduce the construct of «socio-cultural paradigm» or «culturedigm», monographic approach to the development of a set of science-based techniques in studying unique situations of practice and science [28; 29]. These publications justified the practicability of checking the legitimacy of using in management such a structure as science-practice, which was proposed by G. Soros. That is, it can be considered appropriate to develop a model of studying collective professional mobility at the level of not only logical but also intuitive perception of non-standard situation, ordered according to the model of the researcher.
Using the conclusions and recommendations of economic theory, it is possible to make some more additions to the technique of studying collective professional mobility. Thus, the analysis of the evolution of this science has shown that its first achievements oriented toward methods of natural sciences, which provided in due time high results, gradually lost their relevance. The main reason for this was that in the first models of the economic science a living person in the economic system was equated by his nature and methods of transformation to the rest of the material and financial resources. It could be possible to ignore the spiritual state of personnel at the first stages of development of the capitalist economic model under the influence of scientific and technical progress. The bureaucratic control mechanisms, administrative and economic incentives to ensure productivity worked successfully. However, the density of information and its availability made decisions taken under conditions of extreme volatility in the economic activity unreliable. The economic theory has started enriching itself with the knowledge of other sciences of humanistic profile. The first works of Nobel laureates, non-economists, in economics that received recognition were related to information support of economy, psychological and social factors and conditions of decision-making. Recognizing the new direction of science perfection many scientists remembered that the genius A. Smith published his monograph «The Theory of Moral Sentiments» first, and only then -«The Wealth of Nations». The representatives of economic science began also to perceive in a new light the models of distributed collaboration and collaborative distribution of labor cooperation, archetypes proposed by E. Durkheim [30, p. 19]. Such specific areas of science as economic sociology, economic psychology, organizational behavior, leadership theory very closely approached the subject area of economics. Too detailed specialization that in due time provided a deep dive into a particular aspect of the nature of the science subject ceased to give constructive responses to practical problems.
There appeared and proved themselves economic dissertations on the intersection of disciplines. Taking into account the views of scientists working in the field of phenomenological model of worldview, it is natural to assume that it is advisable to build the study of collective professional mobility using a multidisciplinary, phenomenological research concept. «The phenomenological approach does not contradict the classical theory of management aimed at problem solving; it does not
allow the prevalence of target rationality over its higher forms -value and sense one«[25, p. 6182]. «When addressing the problems of the social order, phenomenology becomes a kind of strategy of the study, which creates a model of «contextually» working consciousness on the basis of principally contemplative attitude to real processes of knowledge and practice», A. Parfenov believes [31, p. 34].
In our opinion, components of the pre-paradigmatic structure having a chance of being accepted by the scientific community can be determined by analysis of those points of novelty that are offered in dissertations on studies of a man in various spheres of his life and activity. The list of elements of the future paradigm can include: the main idea, the conceptual and categorical apparatus, principles of research, hypothesis, research methods; ways of conceptualization, operationalization of the main components on the topic; tools of gathering information, processing the results, building models, practical testing of technologies of reality transformation, etc.
The orientation at determining the methodology of studying professional mobility towards the idea of economic theory is no less complicated than the orientation toward recommendations of philosophers. The point is that the subject area of this science has changed quite considerably and requires radical ideas concerning the theory transformation. This problem has been spoken about and disputed by scientists for a long time. So, as early as in 1997 it was announced by a famous economist, academician V. Polterovich [32]. In 2014 there was published a monograph by Yu. Zaloznovoy [33], in which the author gives reasons for the need to update the methodological principles of the economic science to overcome the modern crisis of humanity, gives justification of the reasons of unconstructiveness of economic studies, determines the specificity of the contemporary socio-economic development in the format of post-nonclassical human-dimension science. New ideas of renewal of the economic science are presented and convincingly reasoned by Yu. Shvetsov [34; 35]. An attempted to state a point of view at the original, ontological foundations of the economic theory from the position of recognizing the dual nature of the human person, which combines two principles - individualism and collectivism, was made by the academician Yu. Knyazev [36]. In 2016 at the section «Methodological problems of the economic science» of the International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development it was concluded: «The appeal of economists, historians and methodologists of the economic thought to the philosophical theories and concepts allows a critical look at what is happening inside the disciplinary area, resolve old tasks and ask new questions» [10, p. 151].
The following results of the conference could be considered important: first, the conclusion about the necessity of complicating the model of human in the economic science; second, an increase in attention to solving the problems of practical application of science findings. The proposal to expand the scientific techniques of the economic science by organizing interdisciplinary studies had a constructive nature. A weak point of the modern economic science is its traditional focus on building models of equilibrium states of market relations. Attention should be paid to nonlinearity of the socio-economic
processes generated by informatization and intellectualization of the economic sphere.
The generalization of the literature on the above mentioned problems revealed the absence of proposals for resolving the following contradictions hindering the further progress in the creation of a mechanism of developing collective professional mobility of management personnel at the level of business organizations:
1. Between the increase in the number of unique critical
situations in the enterprise operation and the lack of science-based technologies and ways of organizing fast adequate responses to them.
2. Between the need for intensive development of highly
professional total workforce of the labor collective and the lack of rules for organization of such development.
3. Between the increasing role of the social component in the socio-economic potential of the collective and the lack of maintenance of its quality dynamics.
4. Between the need for development of professional
mobility of the collective and the lack of justification of its characteristics as well as factors affecting it and methods of quantitative and qualitative evaluation.
To develop appropriate conceptual frameworks to resolve the contradictions it is advisable to use the achievements obtained in relevant sciences:
■ economics - to compile a list of elements of the economic component of professional mobility;
■ sociology - to compile a list of elements of the social component, methods of collecting information about it;
■ economic sociology - to compile a list of socio-economic components of the potential, methods of collecting information about them;
■ management - to select the instruments of influence on the social-economic potential of the profession, methods of collecting information about it;
■ statistics and mathematical statistics - to select valid methods for the quantitative measuring of
5. Between the need for management of collective professional mobility and the lack of techniques of such management.
6. Between the need for development of the competence of professionals involved in formation of professional mobility and the lack of methodological support of such development.
These contradictions can be resolved by means of organization of multidisciplinary conferences, where representatives of various scientific disciplines will create a common conceptual model for studying such multiparametric phenomenon as collective professional mobility. To ensure constructive discussions at such conferences, it is advisable to use the model of «world view». The idea of its acceptable variant as a list of key terms is presented in the textbook by P. Alekseev, A. Panin [37, p. 17]. When creating theoretical approaches to new management it is appropriate to provide, first, the use of the new theory in relation to any level of the organization and, second, its combination with the tools of the respective management mechanism. Using the variant of the worldview presented by P. Alekseev and A. Panin and given the major constructive trends in philosophy, we will present concepts that reflect the content of the worldview for studying collective professional personnel mobility in Table 1.
professional mobility determining its factors and creation of qualitatively-quantitative factor-criterion models
Conclusions. The actualization of the problem of studying professional mobility of economic entities' personnel is caused by acceleration in the pace of changes in the business environment and their unpredictability. It is the high professional potential of the personnel that can become an important source of the adoption of non-standard reactions to non-standard critical situations in the enterprise operation. The solution of many critical problems at diagnosing the level of the employee professional mobility and factors that determine the development of its potential are present in the available publications of representatives of various scientific disciplines. However, on the one hand, a holistic concept of working with
Table 1
The coordinates of the worldview of studying collective professional personnel mobility
Epistemology Levels of consideration
Employee Group Organization Mechanism
Time Behavior Timeliness Mobility Influence
Quality Competence Interaction Professionalism Leadership
Sense Needs Harmony Capital Communications
Epistemology Levels of consideration
Employee Group Organization Mechanism
Time Recreation Speed Cycle Harmonization
Quality Recognition Trust Reliability Culture
Sense Needs Tolerance Profitability Communication
this phenomenon has not been presented in science yet, on the other hand, there is a need to study the possibilities of providing professional mobility of the collective, which total workforce, ensured by the relevant professional mobility of the manager, requires scientific justification. Defining the conceptual preconditions for developing a paradigm of studying collective professional mobility, formulating project objectives of its formation and provision of the practical effectiveness will create preconditions for productive scientific discussion. The interdisciplinary nature of the problem places high demands on building the paradigm, the need to use the recommendations of the economic theory and philosophy. Since both of the science areas have problems of increasing the reliability of its recommendations, the use of the construct «world view» will provide coordination of meanings of their ideas when creating a holistic concept of studying and developing professional mobility of the collective. Further research should focus on determining the term system, the principles of studying and effective practical transformation of real situations, techniques for building factor-criterion qualitative and quantitative models of the research subject.
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