UDC 005.963.1
® 2016 OTENKO V. I., DORONIN S. A.
UDC 005.963.1
Otenko V. I., Doronin S. A. Professional Mobility of the Staff in the Risk Society
Unanticipated crises in various spheres of society are becoming a main object of attention of the mankind and civilization forming a new model of civilization -the risk society. Although this model is reflected in many works by scientists from different areas, methodological and practical justification of mechanisms for complex study of risks both at the society and enterprise level still remain relevant. The main resource for solving the problem of adaptation to life in the risk society is a person, who has both a high level of creativity and social responsibility. The unpredictability of enterprise risks can be overcome by developing professional mobility of its staff. This quality of a person is formed under the influence of a large number of external and internal factors. Among them the most difficult are the creative motivation of a person's behavior and his/her internal mental set. In order to develop a methodological basis for formation of the staff professional mobility, it is necessary to formulate the main idea and hypothesis of a new theory, justify a list of disciplines studying certain aspects of the risk society and professional mobility, analyze paradigms of related sciences and choose ideas to form foundations of a new paradigm for creating a multidisciplinary system of concepts, principles and methods of research information support, rules of qualitative and quantitative assessment of its subject. Keywords: risk society, creative behavior, social responsibility, professional mobility, new paradigm. Bibl.: 19.
Otenko Vasyl I. - Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economic (9a NaukyAve, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]
Doronin Stepan A. - Postgraduate Student, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economic (9a Nauky Ave, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]
УДК 005.963.1
Отенко В. И., Доронин С. А. Профессиональная мобильность персонала предприятия в обществе риска
Непредвиденные кризисы в различных сферах общества превращаются в главный предмет внимания человечества и формируют новую модель цивилизации - общество риска. Хотя эта модель и нашла отражение во многих работах ученых разных направлений, все еще остаются актуальными методологические и практические обоснования механизмов комплексного изучения рисков, как на уровне общества, так и на уровне предприятий. Основным ресурсом решения проблемы приспособления к жизни в обществе риска является человек, обладающий одновременно высоким творческим потенциалом и социальной ответственностью. Непредсказуемость рисков предприятия можно преодолеть, развивая профессиональную мобильность его персонала. Это качество человека формируется под влиянием значительного количества внешних и внутренних факторов. Среди них наиболее сложными являются мотивация творческого поведения человека и внутренняя установка его сознания. Для того чтобы разработать методологическую основу формирования профессиональной мобильности персонала, необходимо сформулировать главную идею и гипотезы новой теории, обосновать перечень дисциплин, изучающих отдельные аспекты общества риска и профессиональной мобильности, проанализировать парадигмы смежных наук и выбрать идеи для формирования основ новой парадигмы, создать полидисциплинарную систему понятий, принципов, методов информационного обеспечения исследования, правила качественно-количественной оценки его предмета.
Ключевые слова: общество риска, творческое поведение, социальная ответственность, профессиональная мобильность, новая парадигма. Библ.: 19.
Отенко Василий Иванович - доктор экономических наук, профессор, проректор по научно-педагогической работе, Харьковский национальный экономический университет им. С. Кузнеца (пр. Науки, 9а, Харьков, 61166, Украина)
УДК 005.963.1
Отенко В. I., Доронн С. А. Професйна моб'шьшсть персоналу тдприемства в cycnrnbcmBi ризику
Непередбачуват кризи в р'зних сферах сустльства перетворюються в головний предмет уваги людства i формують нову модель цивмь заци - сустльство ризику. Хоча ця модель i знайшла вiдображення в багатьох роботах учених р'вних напрямiв, усе ще залишаються ак-туальними методологiчнi та практичт об(рунтування мехатзм'в комплексного вивчення ризиюв, як на рiвнi сустльства, так i на р'вт тдприемства. Основним ресурсом виршення проблеми пристосу-вання до життя в сустльствi ризику е людина, яка волод'к водночас високим творчим потен^алом i со^альною в'дпов'дальшстю. Непе-редбачувашсть ризит тдприемства можна подолати, розвиваючи професшну мобшьшсть його персоналу. Ця характеристика людини формуеться тд впливом внутр'штх i зовшштх фактор'в. Серед них найскладншими е мотива^я творчоi поведши людини i внутршня спрямоватсть ii св'домост'и Для того щоб створити методологч-ну основу формування професшноi мобльностi персоналу, необхiдно сформулювати головну 'дею i гпотези новоi теори, об(рунтувати перел'ш дисциплн, що вивчають окремi аспекти сустльства ризику i професшноi мобльностi, проаналзувати парадигми сумiжних наук i вибрати '>дё1 для формування основ ново1 парадигми, створити по-л'дисципл'тарну систему понять, принципiв, метод'в iнформацiйного забезпечення досл'дження, правила яюсно-ктксно} оцнки його предмета.
Ключов'1 слова: сустльство ризику, творча повед'шка, со^альна в'дпо-в'дальшсть, профеайна моб'шьшсть, нова парадигма. Б'бл.: 19.
Отенко Василь 1ванович - доктор економiчних наук, професор, проректор з науково-педагог'то'1 роботи, Харювський нацюнальний економ'мний ушверситет iм. С. Кузнеця (пр. Науки, 9а, Харт, 61166, Украна)
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
Доронин Степан Андреевич - аспирант, Харьковский национальный экономический университет им. С. Кузнеца (пр. Науки, 9а, Харьков, 61166, Украина) E-mail: [email protected]
Доронн Степан Андрйович - аспрант, Харювський нацюнальний економ'тний унверситет ím. С. Кузнеця (пр. Науки, 9а, Харк1в, 61166, Украша)
E-mail: [email protected]
Formulation of the problem. The problem of accelerated accumulation of risks associated with the changes in the world system properties is becoming increasingly pressing for the mankind. Actually there arising a new model of civilization - the risk society, a successful development of which depends on the ability to solve common problems of humanity rather than local problems of individual countries.
Assimilating information and developing intellectually rich sources of satisfying its needs, the mankind as a whole is progressively moving to more complex models of society. Taking into account the changes in its economic basis, scientists give them different names: postindustrial, oriented to development of the services market; information one, in which information is the main resource for ensuring the reliability of existence and development; society of knowledge, the development of which depends on individual organization of a person's education throughout his/her life and timely use of knowledge in practice. Recently, when discussing the specifics of the global dynamics of the world, the notion of "the risk society" is increasingly used. Not reproduction of capital in material and financial forms, but reproduction of risks is recognized as the most common feature of all spheres of a person's life. And though they have always accompanied the processes of development and transformation of reality by a man, now their intensity and variety are increasing so fast that create a real danger of destruction and even death for the modern society.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The new model of society has been reflected in many works of philosophers, sociologists, psychologists. A political philosopher William Beck was the first who raised this issue, began its development and continues to work on it [1; 2]. Quite a lot of attention to the development of a methodology for cognition of society, including the risk society, has been paid in works of a sociologist Niklas Luhmann [3; 4]. A monograph by an American sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein, in which he justified the entry of the existing historical system into a critical phase of uncertainty and accumulation of radical changes, meaning, in point of fact, "the end of the familiar world", was published in Ukraine in 2003. The author expressed his belief that along with the transformation of "the world of capitalism", the "world of knowledge" about the society should change as well. With the purpose of its harmonization, it is necessary to organize a world-wide debate on the future of the mankind, constructively combine knowledge, morality and politics [5, p. 3]. A Ukrainian scientist Ragozin, having performed a critical analysis of works by first researchers of the risk society, formulated the principles of its further theoretical analysis. In his opinion, the new theory should be holistic, disclose the nature of the risk production in modern society, nature of destruction of the systems of safety and self-reproduction of society. The new theory must comprehensively cover all the consequences of risks production in the economic, social,
political and spiritual spheres of society. Analysis of the crisis of the modern society foundations should have a historically concrete specification [6, p 228]. A. Stepanenko and A. Om-elchenko, researchers of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, pointed out strategic risks affecting the socioeconomic development of our country. Among the principal characteristics of these risks the scientists identified a probabilistic and large-scale character of threats conditioned not only by the existing but potential sources and hazards as well. On their basis extra generation of unpredictable risks is possible. The authors draw attention to a systematic and syner-getic nature of strategic risks, the need for quantitative measurement of the threats and its corresponding interpretation, continuous impact of strategic risks on the current and future security of the country and regions [7, p. 8-9].
Having considered in her work the contradictions in philosophical comprehension of the risk society, T. Udovitskaya expressed the idea that it is advisable to direct the further research to solving three objectives: identification, description and prediction of risks; development of effective risk analysis techniques; provision of scientific data for communications about the risk [8, p. 174]. Doctor of Political Sciences V. Kri-voshein presented a characteristic of risks of modernization in the context of the Ukrainian society transformation. He believes that it presents groups having different attitude to transformations. Some of them support changes, while others are focused on the observance of traditions. This distribution creates additional sources of risks [9, p. 188].
The state of society, its restructuring with orientation to the development of ways to overcome the global threats of crisis and risk make the problem of developing appropriate mechanisms for anticipating and overcoming them at the enterprise level very urgent. The main critical resource for solving this problem is the staff with both high creativity and social responsibility. It is it that is able to quickly generate and use new professional competences, consolidate collective efforts to overcome the crisis.
The aim of the article is to identify possible directions in the development of professional potential of the enterprises staff to ensure reliable operation of individual collectives and on this basis - harmonization of the economy and society as a whole under conditions of developing risks.
Statement of the basic material. A successful functioning of the risk society is possible if the mankind recognizes objectivity of the processes of risks accumulation and at the same time - objectivity of the global change in the role and functions of a person in providing for his/her life. The unpredictably changing modern world forces him/ her to develop the qualities that allow orienting quickly and effectively in a variety of the surrounding reality, timely respond to unanticipated unique situations. Being a critical resource of the civilization, man today is becoming its
EKOHOMiKa Ta ynpaBniHHfl niflnpM€MCTBaMM
purpose, the main source providing all spheres of the radically renewing society: economics, politics, culture and science. The growing dependence of the world on man requires increasing attention to studying and using the unique internal sources of activity of a single individual, harmonization of his behavior in relationships with other people at the level of individual social groups and society as a whole. Under conditions of risk accumulation at all these levels of society it is necessary to mobilize all forces to ensure their sustainable operation and development. The arising risk society significantly changes the theory and practice of management, requires updating the sources of formation and development of labor potential of domestic enterprises operating in the crisis society, society of permanent risks.
The analysis of literature showed that the unpredictability of the enterprise risks can be overcome by developing professional mobility of its main resource - the staff. In the glossary of terms of the labor market and professional education [10] this quality of a person is defined as the ability and opportunity to adapt to a new professional environment, change the job or field of activities. Summarizing various sources on the issue of staff mobility, S. Popov, L. Bazhutova identified a significant number of its types (vertical, horizontal, group, individual, cultural, etc.) at the enterprise level. Each of them is associated with professional mobility [11]. This quality of a person is formed under the influence of many external and internal factors. Among them the most complex effects on professional mobility is made by the person's wants and internal setting of his/her consciousness, which are clear indicators of the level and quality of his/her life. It is these resources that activate or hinder the person's intention to change and develop the profession for improving his/her live.
The literature sources have already partially presented recommendations both on how to improve the individual characteristics and conditions of development of person's professional mobility, and on conceptual assumptions as to solving this problem. With regard to conceptual ideas of solving the problem the study by A. Kovaleva is of interest. She considers professional mobility as a kind of social one and determines that the intensity of professional moving of occupational groups is affected by social reforms, revolutions, wars, scientific and technological progress, development of information technologies, structural and institutional changes in the economy, professional education system [12, p. 298].
A review of fundamentals of studying professional mobility was carried out by T. Miasnikova, who believes that the methodological basis for the concept of developing professional mobility of a graduate is, firstly, a humanistic philosophical direction representing a system of views, recognizing the value of a person as an individual, his/her right to freedom, development and demonstration of all abilities (J.-J. Rousseau, F. Bacon, C. Rogers). Another source of creating the methodological basis for professional mobility development is a co-evolutionary worldview (N. N. Moiseev, P. Teilhard de Chardin) representing the integration of natural and human, materialistic and idealistic, technocratic and humanistic principles, in which a person is considered in all the richness of his/her relationship with the natural and social environment [13, p. 97].
E. Zeer, S. Morozov, E. Symanyuk [14] associate professional staff mobility with innovation activity. At the same time they point out the closeness of opinions of scientists in assessing the nature of professional mobility and significant differences in characteristics of its structure. According to these scientists, main structural characteristics of professional mobility of a subject of innovation activity are: cognitive, regulatory and communicative ones. Within the cognitive mobility there realized functions of knowledge, reflection of objective natural and social reality. It includes such cognitive processes as: perception, memory, attention, thinking, etc. The regulatory characteristic of professional mobility includes emotional and volitional processes, provides the subject's ability for self-regulation of activity, self-control and influence on behavior of other people. The communicative characteristic is realized in communication and interaction with other people. A. Mus-tafin, S. Savitskiy [15] propose a methodology of stage formation of professional mobility. It allows activating the ability to master new knowledge and skills, providing flexibility in their professional activity and adaptability to new working conditions. Suggestions as to stage formation and development of academic and research competences of students may serve an addition to their methodology [16].
Quite a lot attention is paid to professional mobility by pedagogues. For example, M. Zakharov, I. Karpachova, V. Mezinov [17] identify the relationship between the teacher professional mobility and his/her competitiveness, define approaches and principles, concretize the purpose and objectives of pedagogical practice, specify organizational and substantive aspects and conditions ensuring an active, information-rich, variative activities of student-assistants in the context of solving the problem of forming professional mobility of a future teacher. T. Arakelov [18] draws attention to constructive nature of such practical aspect in the development of professional mobility as mutual learning based on communication, cooperation of equal participants in the process of cognition and solution of educational problems. Certain ideas presented in the works of pedagogues [15-18], can be adapted to management of working collectives, since under crisis and risk conditions managers have to use socio-psychological and educational tools for to harmonize the behavior of subordinates. One can not deny the fact that development of professional mobility is closely related to ideas of competency approach to development of a person's educational and professional potential. Quite constructive ideas of solving this problem are described in the collective monograph [19]. The authors provided justification of the theoretical and practical background of development, enriching the content of professional competence of the management staff, technology of its assessment; identified and analyzed the factors influencing its formation; suggested technologies of development of new relevant competencies, their situational profile, substantiated the programs for development of educational and professional potential and competencies of the management staff using interactive methods and activity-based learning.
All the ideas developed as a result of the carried out analysis of publications, should be used when creating the methodological basis for studying and transforming professional mobility of the staff of industrial organizations under condition
of the risk society formation. In order to ensure a constructive nature of the methodological basis of the new scientific field, it is necessary to formulate its main idea and hypotheses, justify the list of disciplines studying individual aspects of the risk society and professional mobility, analyze the paradigms of related sciences and choose the ideas to form the foundations of a new paradigm, create a multidisciplinary system of concepts, principles, methods, rules of qualitative and quantitative evaluation techniques and instruments for the research information support. It is advisable to pay attention to the development of educational and research as well as socio-philosophical competence of graduates from higher educations establishments. A special course on "Development of professional mobility under conditions of the risk society" can be added to the master degree program.
Conclusions. Evaluating the results of the literature sources presented in the review, it should be noted that the scale and depth of the research and assumptions, sources, factors and conditions both of formation of the risk society in Ukraine and professional mobility of the staff under conditions of its formation, require extension at the theoretical and methodological, theoretical and methodical and practical and methodological levels. It remains solving the problem of the development of a paradigm of the new scientific direction, content and nature of the research subject, information gathering instruments, quantitative analysis, decision-making methods.
The technology of forming the aggregate staff workforce, which has a high potential of professional mobility, ability to timely and adequately anticipate and overcome crisis situations in the enterprise operation, requires a special attention. These issues will be a subject of further research of the problem presented in the article.
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