UDC 378.11:330.341.1:316.4 (477)
UDC 378.11:330.341.1:316.4 (477)
Doronina M.S., Syerikov D. O. Actualization of the Problem of Management Professionalization
The article identifies the reasons for the actualization of problems of management professionalization and the expediency of creating its national model. There proposed clarification of the terminological support of the research using the interdisciplinary approach. The comparative analysis of the presented in the world literature evolution of management professionalization and domestic experience in improving management of the economy is performed. The research presents the reasons and substantiates the necessity of forming a new conceptual framework of the methodology of management professionalization and its coordination with the developmental of competency of managers at different levels of the management hierarchy. There specified the barriers of management professionalization, principles of its implementation, requirements to its new model. There proved the urgency of elaborating techniques of professional motivation of managers' development and appropriateness of considering it with regard to provisions of spiral dynamics of consciousness. Keywords: professionalization of management, conceptual framework, motivation for professional development, model of professionalization. Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 10.
Doronina Maya S. - D. Sc. (Economics), Professor, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Management Psychology, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]
Syerikov Denys O. - Postgraduate Student of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Management, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]
УДК378.11:330.341.1:316.4 (477) Доронна М. С., Серков Д. О. Актуалiзацiя проблеми npo$edoHani3a^i менеджменту
У cmammi визначено причини актуал'ваци проблем npo/peaoHani3a^i менеджменту i доцмьнкть створення ii втчизняно! модели Запро-поновано уточнення терм'1нолог'1чного забезпечення дотдження з використанням м'ждисциплшарного тдходу. Виконано пор'вняльний анализ представленоi у св'товш лтератур еволюцП профеаонал'ь заци менеджменту i втчизняного досвиду вдосконалення управл'шня економкою. Представлено причини i об(рунтовано необхiднiсmь фор-мування нових концептуальних основ методологи профеаонал'ваци менеджменту i узгодження ii з розвитком компетентностi кервнишв р'вних за крархш рiвнiв управл'шня. Уточнено бар'ери профеаоналi-заци менеджменту, принципи ii реал'ваци, вимоги до ii новоi модели Об(рунтовано актуальшсть розвитку технологй мотивацИ профеа-онального розвитку менеджер '¡в i визначено доцльнсть урахування в нй положень стральноi динамiки св'домости Ключов слова: професiоналiзацiя менеджменту, концептуальн осно-ви, мотива^я професйного розвитку, модель професiоналiзацii. Рис.: 1. Ббл.: 10.
Доронна Майя Степашвна - доктор економ'ннихнаук, професор, про-фесор кафедри соцтлоги та психологИ управлшня, Хармвський нацо-нальний економ'мний ушверситет iм. С. Кузнеця (пр. Науки, 9а, Хармв, 61166, Украна) E-mail: [email protected]
Серков Денис Олександрович - асшрант кафедри соцологП та психо-логП управлшня, Хармвський нацональний економ'нний утверситет iм. С. Кузнеця (пр. Науки, 9а, Хармв, 61166, Украна) E-mail: [email protected]
УДК 378.11:330.341.1:316.4 (477) Доронина М. С., Сериков Д. А. Актуализация проблемы профессионализации менеджмента
В статье определены причины актуализации проблем профессионализации менеджмента и целесообразность создания ее отечественной модели. Предложены уточнения терминологического обеспечения исследования с использованием междисциплинарного подхода. Выполнен сравнительный анализ представленной в мировой литературе эволюции профессионализации менеджмента и отечественного опыта усовершенствования управления экономикой. Представлены причины и обоснована необходимость формирования новых концептуальных основ методологии профессионализации менеджмента и согласование ее с развитием компетентности руководителей разных по иерархии уровней управления. Уточнены барьеры профессионализации менеджмента, принципы ее реализации, требования к ее новой модели. Обоснована актуальность развития технологий мотивации профессионального развития менеджеров и определена целесообразность учета в ней положений спиральной динамики сознания. Ключевые слова: профессионализация менеджмента, концептуальные основы, мотивация профессионального развития, модель профессионализации. Рис.: 1. Библ.: 10.
Доронина Майя Степановна - доктор экономических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры социологии и психологии управления, Харьковский национальный экономический университет им. С. Кузнеца (пр. Науки, 9а, Харьков, 61166, Украина) E-mail: [email protected]
Сериков Денис Александрович - аспирант кафедры социологии и психологии управления, Харьковский национальный экономический университет им. С. Кузнеца (пр. Науки, 9а, Харьков, 61166, Украина) E-mail: [email protected]
The development of civilization is directly related to the processes of division and cooperation of labor. Cognizing his own abilities and laws of environment, man as a worker created such technologies of their transformation that, on the one hand, released him from severe physical and intellectual work, on the other - complicated his cooperation with other people.
Gradually, life created tools that allowed removing contradictions of cooperation. Among them are production
enterprises and professions. The modern model of a successful enterprise is rather complex in nature. It involves cooperation of staff (a form of labor solidarity by Émile Durkheim), which combines regulated by duty regulations distributed collaboration and creative, not regulated collaborative distribution of labor cooperation. Such enrichment of the content of labor cooperation transformed the mechanical technical and economic model of the enterprise in the organic socioeconomic model (of a production enterprise) and simultane-
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ously provoked problems of its management. The practice shows that the efficiency of the operation and development of a modern production enterprise is largely substantiated by the quality of its management, which depends on the capacity of professional competency of its executives (managers). The problem of professionalization of management is rapidly gaining topicality in academic circles. It would seem that it is possible to partially use developments of the world science for its solving. However, the disappointing domestic experience of building a socially oriented market economy using the models of successful countries proves the need to find our own way of management professionalization. Domestic scientists have already offered their vision of its solving, defend dissertations on the problem, but a holistic concept has not been defined yet. Among other reasons there can be mentioned its interdisciplinary character and the objective need for consolidation of efforts of science, government and society for its implementation.
The aim of the research is to substantiate the prerequisites for developing a holistic concept of professionaliza-tion of management.
Studying professionalization of management on the basis of the interdisciplinary approach requires clarification of its terminological support. In this regard, we will define the content of such of its main concepts, as an institution, profession, professionalism, management potential. To clarify the social status of profession, it should be designated as an institution. The conducted analysis of encyclopedias has created prerequisites for using in the context of the theme and purpose of the article the following variant of its definition: "Institution is a relatively stable and long-lasting form of social practice that is authorized and supported through social norms and by means of which social life is ordered and its sustainability is ensured". The article considers profession as a type of labour activity of a person that possesses a complex of special knowledge, practical skills obtained by the way of special education, training or experience. This complex provides the person a possibility to carry out work in a particular area of production. Pro-fessionalization is the process of becoming a professional. It envisages the choosing by a person of profession on the basis of his/her own opportunities and abilities, mastering the rules and norms of the profession, forming and percept-ing him/herself as a professional, enriching the profession through his/her own efforts, developing him/herself as an individual by means of the profession.
The review of the relevant literature gave reasons for the study to focus on the interpretation of the notion "administrative capacity" presented in the publication by L. Prokopyshyna: "The potential ability of managerial staff to optimally apply the professional and qualification, creative potential, and organizational capacity to achieve sustainable and efficient operation of the enterprise using the principles of professionalism" [1, p. 172].
The content and essence of the concepts "management potential", "management', "profession" are changing with the development of human society. Today the manager gets the status of a professional if he/she is focused on a timely resolution of non-standard situations at work, constantly
develops and combines new features and abilities. The effectiveness of work is provided by such manager through supplementing a traditional functional approach to it with the problem-oriented one. The peculiarity of the latter approach is in the proactive diagnosing of working problems and development of programs to address them. An important requirement providing for today's successful operation of an enterprise is the presence among its managers of those able to systemically influence all processes and conditions of reproduction of capital. In this respect they not only reflex-ively alter the internal resources, but also proactively shape the external environment, market demand, consumer preferences creating new types of goods, services, etc.
The development of information technologies has radically changed methods of coordination and control of activity of subordinates by managers. The personal monitoring of their work and bureaucratic forms of coordination of certain decisions at all levels of the management hierarchy have lost their relevance. The need for management techniques to control subordinates with a high level of creative potential that form a critical resource of business reliability is rapidly increasing. The streamlining of their activity happens not through the direct instruments of bureaucratic and economic influence but by creating conditions that activate their own conscious effort to efficiently perform the labor operations delegated by the manager.
At present in Ukraine, as elsewhere in the world, the processes of formation of information society that ensure the development of the information economy, require renewal of management models. Under conditions of aggravation of the crisis and global instability, the problem of management development requires new techniques for its solving. We can agree with T. Chernychko that approximation of domestic economic processes to European standards depends on solving the problem of a radical improvement of the efficiency of management activities. For this purpose it is necessary to use the full range of existing resources, among which professionalism of managers is of priority [2, p. 53].
The process of professionalization of management has its own history of development. Let us analyze its evolution in comparison with the dynamics of domestic measures to improve management of the economy.
The professionalization of management takes its origin from the times when management activity separated from the production one. After the appearance of large enterprises, first, in trade in XVI century, and later in industry, construction, transport, a need for specialists able to manage the interaction of immediate performers of labor operations arose. The emergence of leadership as a permanent function of management at the enterprise became the first stage of its professionalization. At this stage management did not separate from business yet. Owners of enterprises managed them independently. Such situations are common in developed countries even today - especially in the sphere of small business. As regards post-socialist countries, combining the functions of the enterprise owner and manager at medium and even large enterprises is quite common for them. Major owners are at the same time top managers. Thus, the first
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stage of professionalization is not all over. And it is quite natural, since the real society consists of various forms of economic maturity, every business requires it own level of professionalization.
The emergence of joint-stock companies and hired managers became the cause of the second phase of professionalization. The function of ownership of capital at this time is clearly separated from management of capital and hence the enterprise. At the first stages of the formation of joint-stock companies managers controlled not their own, but the ownership capital, their share in it being insignificant. Separation of powers between the general meetings of shareholders, board of directors and top managers, on the one hand, the free sale and purchase of shares, stock quotes, open publication of financial statements of corporations - on the other hand, required a higher level of both knowledge and responsibility, and, therefore, pro-fessionalization of management. In Ukraine this stage of formation of market economy has provided rather the appropriation of national wealth by newborn oligarchs in the process of privatization than the professionalization of management. Since the capitalization of the economy was implemented by socially irresponsible persons not able to bring into force mechanisms for the preservation and development of capital, this stage ended as it is described by the saying: "It benefits nobody, least of all himself".
The emergence of the science of management in the last century contributed to the renewal of professionaliza-tion of management at the third stage. First, ideas of the science were rarely used in practice at this stage. That is, the recognition by practicing managers of the need for pro-fessionalization of its functions during this period did not come at once. In the Soviet Union the scientific principles of management were embodied in the structures of scientific organization of labour, standardization of reporting, techniques of experience sharing, unification of duty regulations, etc. These structures in a certain way contributed to the preservation of the integrity and controllability of the growing in size and complexity socialist economic system.
The fourth stage of the world professionalization of management is associated with leaders of the American corporations General Motors and DuPont de Nemours. In the 30s of the last century they were the first to realize the rapid complication of management functions and the need for a permanent postgraduate management training of specialists with higher education and work experience. There emerged a system of training management personnel according under the program of "Master of Business Administration" (MBA). In Ukraine the process of renewal of training programs in the sphere of management has also been taking place for a long time. Before the perestroika, in the early 1970s there were created long-term (up to 2 years) courses for improvement of management personnel skills, which were called the Faculty of organizers of production. Most often highly skilled engineers and technologists were attracted to such courses in order to supplement their knowledge and skills with economic knowledge and rules of managing the behavior of collectives. Certificates obtained at these courses provided priorities in rights and opportuni-
ties for career growth. At the current stage of management professionalization, it is possible to apply the past experience only partially.
The current stage of professionalization of management aims to ensure the implementation of management functions by specially trained experts in management able to reach high performance of the companies managed by them. Professionalization of management involves the use of scientific developments not only of management but also those of the related sciences which subject is studying and modeling of human activity: social psychology, systems theory, cybernetics, etc. Qualitative methodology of pro-fessionalization of management with the use of a multidis-ciplinary approach is capable of providing real approximation of management practices to requirements of laws and guidelines of science, trends and patterns of development of the market system. However, the formation of such a methodology is extremely difficult.
Firstly, there took place an intensive informatization and
intellectualization of social life, which created prerequisites for acceleration of various unexpected events.
Secondly, there took place the rapid development of international business and hence international management. The training of specialists is conducted in any part of the world. Thus, there were formed different national schools of management with special traditions of its profes-sionalization. Their methodological generalization with the use of traditional techniques of philosophy of science has become extremely complicated.
Thirdly, professionalization as an institutional process implies a certain standardization that ignores the uniqueness of critical situations in the work and originality of making decision on overcoming them. As before, now there arise doubts about its feasibility both in developed Western countries and Ukraine. The criteria for determining advantages when promoting specialists to managerial positions are ambiguous. Under some conditions it is appropriate to provide jobs to those applicants who have special education in management, under other - on the basis of analysis of an individual talent or experience. Thus, two approaches to understanding pro-fessionalization are outlined. The first one is based on getting a professional management education. The second approach focuses on the management experience gained. Of course, the combination of these two approaches is also possible.
To work with this new ambiguous concept and phenomenon as professionalization, it is appropriate primarily to clarify the definition of its essence and content in the context of different disciplines. On the basis of analysis of the relevant literature, V. Tsvyk substantiated the existence of such options for its definition: pedagogical - professionalization as a professional training; sociological - profession-alization as a professional realization, belonging to a certain professional community, gaining a social status through profession; social and economic - professionalization as development and realization of human resources in the process of professional activity. Professionalization of a person, according to the scientist, combines formation of two interrelated components. The first one includes professional identity, development of the internal personality structures
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of an individual, the second - professional knowledge, abilities, skills of an a person as the subject of professional activity [3, p. 258-259].
To perform his/her duties professionally, a modern manager should possess certain competencies. I. Akimova and N. Vyatkina believe that their structure and content are defined by functions performed by managers at three levels of the hierarchical system of management of a complex organization, but the list of theses levels and functions in their publications are not identical.
I. Akimova [4] defines these levels as follows: top level of management system, which comprises senior executives of the enterprise; middle level, at which managers coordinate activities of various employees and departments to achieve the objectives set by the enterprise; and the last and most close to practices level at which coordination of various employees and departments to achieve the enterprise goals takes place. Competencies of managers of the second level involve full knowledge of functions of the professional sphere, communications (execution of intermediation between the top and lower level of management), interpersonal skills, self-discipline, process orientation, proactivity, ability to identify problems and recommend their possible solutions. Managers of the lower level ensure compliance with the standards of the technical level of production, where standard labor operations are performed. However, at this level there observed changes in the requirements to competencies, increase of their humanitarian and communication constituent. For example, such competencies as the ability to make timely decisions, teach young or new employees, maintain the necessary level of working capacity, evaluate and control subordinates.
N. Vyatkina [5] focuses on the organizational hierarchy of A. Giddens, in which managers are divided into three categories: top-, middle- and low- managers. Middle managers create a unifying link in the functional communication of top- and low-managers and form the operational and tactical goals.
In developed industrial economies almost every sphere of intellectual labor, to which, of course, belongs management, is trying to get a professional status. The attributes of this status include:
+ defining the system of formalized knowledge on the basis of scientific disciplines, which are mastered by standardized extended studies (the obtaining of such knowledge is associated with activities of universities);
+ obtaining a monopoly on the provision of services in a certain sphere of activity, which envisages a legitimate practice; the right of access to work is ensured by the certificate of professional education (usually the higher one); + developing mechanisms for horizontal professional control of work in the profile sphere to ensure its compliance with patterns and standards specified in the professional community samples and standards (in fact, it is control that appears on the basis of self-organization; it includes professional
associations and communities, universities, professional publishing houses, etc.); + forming a professional code of ethics based on a special role of professional activity in achieving public goods. This code, on the one hand, connects representatives of the profession with the "professional corporation", on the other - provides confidence of clients; + existence of relative freedom of action in carrying out professional activities (professional autonomy that occurs even in a rigid organizational hierarchy) [6].
N. Martyanova notes that profession is one of the social institutions that are developing most dynamically. Being a result of the division of labor and emergence of varieties of employments, process of institutionalization of professional practices gradually moved to the formalization of the professional status, ethical norms, values, traditions, etc. [7, p. 104].
As regards such social institution as a profession, in the era of mobility it is continuously changing. Profession has long ceased to be perceived as a stable, ethically established set of statuses and roles governed by clearly defined rules and regulations. This process is associated with changes in the nature of labor relations and the very idea of work [7, p. 105].
Currently work is no longer considered a stable and strictly defined activity to create livelihood. Changing the traditional varieties of work, its tools, sense and multivariate forms of its realization in the life of modern man, gave reasons to its researchers to conclude about a limited character of analysis of work in this context. The workplace is no longer territorially or organizationally established, rationalized by duty regulations and hierarchy. The structure of profession as a social institution is becoming amorphous, its limits and requirements - vague, the very essence of professional statuses - increasingly volatile and unstable. Thus, we can speak of an institutional crisis of profession in the era of increasing mobility of human life. Profession is one of the most dynamic social institutions, which, on the one hand, intensify, on the other - limit the process of professionalization.
A. Moskovskaya [6, p. 28] defined the following list of barriers of professionalization.
1) the size of the business. Professionalization of management is not needed by small businesses because it destroys all its benefits.
2) national traditions of manager career. In some countries, there are no mechanisms of such vertical lift for middle managers that exist, for example, in the US. Often either a top manager has no experience in operational management and professional education, or a middle manager in the absence of career prospects has no right to obtain the professional status.
3) the lack of direct connection between a business school diploma and effective performance of management functions by its owner. This can be explained by mistakes in choosing the concept of management education and imperfection of the science of management.
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4) serious specificity of certain kinds of activities that require higher quality of technological knowledge of managers compared to knowledge of management. Actually, these are problems requiring individual studies aimed to test different hypotheses about the reasons of such specific aspects. They need checking the connection of the specificity to traditions, technological features, monopoly of other professional groups, etc.
5) an additional barrier to limit professionalization of management services is inseparability of the functions of ownership and management.
Summarizing the above, it is possible to conclude about
the existence of an institutional crisis of profession in
the era of intensive development of its mobility. In the process of institutionalization, profession loses traditional features manifested in the presence of a rigorous professional standard and an autonomous professional community. In the era of mobility, professionals from a closed, cohesive group, the one that is regulated by formal and informal rules, become the "creative class" that responds only to requests of the market.
Most studies of professional development of employees chose the solution of practical problems of his/her motivation to be their subject. A. Polytsia, I. Shvets performed their analysis and identified their most constructive variants: introduction of incentives for professional development of employees in the system of enterprise strategic development; stimulation of workers to professional development through ongoing evaluation of their work [8, p. 39-40]. Despite the existence of scientific achievements of Ukrainian and foreign authors, motivation of training and professional development is still insufficiently studied. This process requires further investigation of the theoretical bases for organizing the system of motivation of staff professional development with the use of modern theories, for example, the theory of spiral dynamics of C. Graves [9].
Motivation of staff professionalism development consists of two interrelated processes. The first process is implemented directly in the process of organizing the motivation for improving constructivity and efficiency of labor activity. The second one envisages development of knowledge, skills of employees, improvement of their qualification. When determining the nature of motivation of staff professional development, it is advisable to consider each component of this process. Based on the study and systematization of such concepts as "staff development" and "motivation of staff" presented in publications of different authors, it is proposed to consider motivation as a systematic process of indirect influence of managers on the activity of their subordinates through a system of incentives for improving their knowledge and skills. Such motivation will increase the productivity of creative work and ensure adequate response to unforeseen critical situations at work.
In order for the new system of motivation of staff professional development to be effective and ensure the expected results, at its development it is appropriate to adhere to the system of scientific principles, which include the following:
The principle of legality - the need observe the requirements of normative and other documents adopted at the enterprise (collective agreement, internal work order regulations, etc.).
The principle of timely incentives for the result - obtaining the planned results of professional training should be carried out within a short time and be consistent with the results of the employee's training.
The principle of unity - the use of common tools and forms of motivation in relation to all employees of the enterprise.
The principle of systematicity - the permanency of motivation of professional staff development.
The principle of perspectiveness - the anticipatory character of motivation, its relevance and orientation towards the future.
The principle of flexibility and responsiveness - a timely review of the system of motivation of professional development depending on changes in internal and external environment, goals of the enterprise and its financial position [8, p. 40-41].
At present functions of a manager are dynamically changing both in the strategic and tactical contexts. Fig. 1 provides a version of renewal of the model of a manager's professionalization.
At the implementation of a new model of management professionalization it is appropriate to pay attention to the recommendations of P. Drucker, who believes that "professionalization of management means extending the content of the notion "manager" beyond the work-related approach" [10, p. 188].
There emerges the concept of transprofessionaliza-tion. A manager can be a leader of one project, an expert of another and one of the executors of the third one.
Such multifunctionality of the work develops his/ her professional potential while creating prerequisites for its maximum implementation. One of the most powerful incentives for professional development is the rotation of managers within the network of departments and management functions of production enterprises. The range of professional roles is considerably expanding and prerequisites for transprofessionalizm are created.
The radical changes in the business environment require supplementing the mechanical model of enterprise with organic components that practically are not ordered by means of traditional management techniques. The problem of changing the model of management, its theoretical bases is being actualized. It requires the application of an interdisciplinary approach, renewal of the terminological support of the research. The comparative analysis of the world evolution of the management science and national history of improving management of the economy has shown the possibility and proved the need to build a national model of professionalization of management. In its implementation it is advisable to consider the barriers and principles that have already been identified by science. The new model requires elaborating techniques of motivation for professional development of managers and taking into account the provisions of spiral dynamics of consciousness. ■
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Features of the new model of management professionalization
Fig. 1. General requirements to the new model of management professionalization
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УДК 658.168.5
УДК 658.168.5
Кочетигова Т. В. Концентращя в економщИ теоретичш аспекти
Статтю присвячено анал'ву теоретичных аспект'в проблемы концентрацИ в економц Проанал'вовано передумови виникнення та поширення процеав концентрации Розглянуто генезис пiдходiв до тлумачення поняття «концентра^я». Досл'джено визначення поняття «концентра^я» в роботах науков^в та виявлено основнi ознаки, за якими вони рзняться. Розглянуто теоретичн засади зд'шснення процеав концентрацИ в економц Визначено основш форми концентрацИ капталу. Базуючись на визначених рисах i формах концентрацИ, запропоновано тлумачення категор'ш «концентра^я капталу» та «концентра^я виробництва». Представлено класифкацЮ пiдходiв до оцнки концентрацИеконом'жи та розглянуто особливостi >х використання, визначено найб'шьш застосовуват з них. Визначено, що система монторингу процеав концентрацИ в УкраМ е недостатньо розвиненою та потребуе вдосконалення.
Кпючов'1 слова: концентра^я, каптал, виробництво, централiзацiя, форми концентрацИ, о^нка концентрацИ економки, частковi показники концентрацИ, шдексХерфiндаля - Хiршмана, коеф^ент Джиш. Табл.: 3. Формул: 2. Б'бл.: 25.
Кочетигова Тетяна BuKmopiBHa - старший викладач кафедри фшанав та кредиту, Хармвський нацональний ушверситет буд'юництва та архь тектури (вул. Сумська, 40, Хармв, 61002, Украна) E-mail: [email protected]
УДК 658.168.5 Кочетыгова Т. В. Концентрация в экономике: теоретические аспекты
Статья посвящена анализу теоретических аспектов проблемы концентрации в экономике. Проанализированы предпосылки возникновения и распространения процессов концентрации. Рассмотрен генезис подходов к толкованию понятия «концентрация». Исследованы определения понятия «концентрация» в работах ученых и выявлены основные признаки, по которым они различаются. Рассмотрены теоретические основы осуществления процессов концентрации в экономике. Определены основные формы концентрации капитала. Основываясь на выделенных чертах и формах концентрации, предложено толкование категорий «концентрация капитала» и «концентрация производства». Представлена классификация подходов к оценке концентрации экономики и рассмотрены особенности их использования, определены наиболее применяемые из них. Определено, что система мониторинга процессов концентрации в Украине недостаточно развитой и требует усовершенствования.
Ключевые слова: концентрация, капитал, производство, централизация, формы концентрации, оценка концентрации экономики, частичные показатели концентрации, индекс Херфиндаля - Хиршмана, коэффициент Джини. Табл.: 3. Формул: 2. Библ.: 25.
Кочетыгова Татьяна Викторовна - старший преподаватель кафедры финансов и кредита, Харьковский национальный университет строительства и архитектуры (ул. Сумская, 40, Харьков, 61002, Украина) E-mail: [email protected]
UDC 658.168.5
Kochetygova T. V. Concentration in Economics: the Theoretical Aspects
The article is concerned with an analysis of the theoretical aspects of the problem of concentration in economics. Both the preconditionsfor emergence and the spread of processes of concentration were analyzed. Genesis of approaches to interpretation of the concept of «concentration» was considered. Definitions of the concept of «concentration» in the publications by scholars were researched, the main grounds by which they differ were identified. The theoretical foundations for implementation of the concentration processes in the economics were considered. The basic forms of concentration have been determined. On the basis of the allocated terms and forms of concentration, interpretation of the categories of «capital concentration» and «production concentration» have been proposed. A classification of approaches to evaluation of the economy concentration has been provided, considering peculiarities of use of these approaches, the most used approaches have been determined. It has been determined that the system for monitoring the concentration processes in Ukraine is underdeveloped and requires improving. Keywords: concentration, capital, production, centralization, concentration forms, evaluation of the economy concentration, partial indicators of concentration, Herfindahl - Hirschman Index, Gini-Coefficient. Tabl.: 3. Formulae: 2. Bibl.: 25.
Kochetygova Tatiana V. - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Finance and Credit, Kharkiv National University of Construction Engineering and Architecture (40 Sumska Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]
Вумовах rAo6aAÍ3a^'i економжи потужного розвит-ку отримали процеси концентрацИ. Зазначеш процеси проявляються як у розвитку кнуючих форм концентрацИ, так i у виникненш нових шд впли-вом структурних змш у сучаснш свиовш економщЬ
Дослцженню рiзних аспекпв проблеми концентрацИ присвячено роботи багатьох закордонних та в^чизняних науковщв, серед яких варто видкити до-
сл^ження: Е. Долана, Д. Лшдсея, Д. Росса, Ф. Шерера, А. Градова, Г. Азоева, I. Владимирово!, В. Горбатова, М. Кизима, М. Книша, I. Родюнова, В. Филюк, В. Хаус-тово!, А. Черенкова та ш. Проте окремi теоретичш аспекти зазначено! проблеми, особливо в частиш визначення змкту, особливостей та оцшки концентрацИ на вск рiвнях свггово! економжи, потребують додаткових дослцжень.
Б1ЗНЕС1НФОРМ № 12 '2016