Научная статья на тему 'tendencies in reforming the educational system of modern Ukraine: national and regional aspects'

tendencies in reforming the educational system of modern Ukraine: national and regional aspects Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
educational change / public management of educational change / education innovation / education renovation / education reform / освітня зміна / публічне управління освітніми змінами / освітня інновація / оновлення освіти / освітня реформа

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Semenets-Orlova Inna Andriivna

The author has analyzed the problem aspects of public administration of educational change in modern Ukraine. Special frameworks of public administration of educational change in an information society have been determined. The author has analyzed the categories of the implementation process of educational change. The author has explored the key features of external environment of such activity, formed by regulatory acts for settling relations in a particular area. The author has highlighted a set of contradictions of public management of educational change and recommendations for state agencies regarding the organization of an effective process of implementation of educational change as a social and political process with an emphasis on peculiar properties of the educational change. It is determined that the updated legal and regulatory framework of the educational sector, at the same time, extends the scope of professional freedom of teaching and, hence, sets high requirements for the professionalism of teachers. The change in the focus of educational activity by innovations is declared in terms of practice, interactivity and functionality. The teacher will now create educational and training programs tailored to the needs of students and local communities, will create an open learning environment, taking into account the potential of the school and involving the partners in the educational process. However, it has been proved that the methods of active and problem-searching approach defined in the updated normative provision of education in Ukraine require appropriate conditions for the educational process. An active student becomes an active citizen; school, school environment and class become a micro-society. Like the society itself, the school environment is not devoid of conflicts or problem situations. It is in these conditions that students have the opportunity to learn to consciously identify their own interests and gain experience in civic activity.

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Стаття присвячена аналізу оновленого нормативно-правового забезпечення розвитку освітньої галузі, яким визначаються особливості впровадження освітніх змін у сучасній Україні. У контексті даної проблематики значну увагу приділено дослідженню готовності освітньої системи до ініційованих змін, розуміння учасниками змін усіх нових можливостей розвитку, що потенційно з’являються внаслідок реформаторських перетворень. Автор визначає, що в сучасній Україні освітні зміни носять переважно структурний (трирівневість школи, створення опорних шкіл, автономія освітніх закладів, нові можливості для їхнього організаційного розвитку) та змістовий (нові програми та державні стандарти) характери. Автор обґрунтовує критичну потребу успішного закінчення реформи децентралізації влади, забезпечення реальної автономії закладів освіти в сучасній Україні, що створить органічну основу для здійснення реформи середньої освіти та впровадження інших масштабних освітніх змін. Визначено, що оновлене нормативно-правове забезпечення освітньої галузі водночас розширює межі професійної свободи вчительства і звідси встановлює високі вимоги до професіоналізму педагогів. Зміну фокусу освітньої діяльності новаціями задекларовано у бік практики, інтерактивності та функціональності. Учитель тепер створюватиме освітні та навчальні програми відповідно до потреб учнів і локальних громад, облаштовуватиме відкрите навчальне середовище, враховуючи потенціал школи і залучаючи до освітнього процесу партнерів. Однак доведено, що визначені в оновленому нормативному забезпеченні освіти в Україні методики діяльнісного та проблемно-пошукового підходу вимагають відповідних умов навчально-виховного процесу. Активний учень стає активним громадянином; школа, шкільне оточення та клас стають мікросуспільством. Як і саме суспільство, шкільне середовище не позбавлене конфліктів чи проблемних ситуацій. Саме в таких умовах для учнів з’являється можливість навчитися свідомо визначати власні інтереси та отримати досвід громадянської активності.

Текст научной работы на тему «tendencies in reforming the educational system of modern Ukraine: national and regional aspects»

UDC: 351.851:005.332.3

Semenets-Orlova Inna Andriivna,

PhD (Politics), lecturer, Department of Sociology and Politology, National Aviation University, 03058, Kyiv, Prospect Kosmonavta Komarova, 1, tel.: (044) 406 71 53, e-mail: innaorlova @ukr. net

ORCID: 0000-0001-9227-7426 Семенець-Орлова 1нна Андривна, кандидат полтичних наук, доцент кафе-дри соцюлогп та полтологп, Нащональний авiацiйний утверситет, 03058, м. Кигв, проспект Космонавта Комарова, 1, тел.: (044) 406 7153, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9227-7426 Семенец-Орлова Инна Андреевна, кандидат политических наук, доцент кафедры социологии и политологии, Национальный авиационный университет, 03058, г. Киев, проспект Космонавта Комарова, 1, тел.: (044) 406 71 53, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-9227-7426 DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.v1i12.91


Abstract. The author has analyzed the problem aspects of public administration of educational change in modern Ukraine. Special frameworks of public administration of educational change in an information society have been determined. The author has analyzed the categories of the implementation process of educational change. The author has explored the key features of external environment of such activity, formed by regulatory acts for settling relations in a particular area. The author has highlighted a set of contradictions of public management of educational change and recommendations for state agencies regarding the organization of an effective process of implementation of educational change as a social and political process with an emphasis on peculiar properties of the educational change.

It is determined that the updated legal and regulatory framework of the educational sector, at the same time, extends the scope of professional freedom of teach-

ing and, hence, sets high requirements for the professionalism of teachers. The change in the focus of educational activity by innovations is declared in terms of practice, interactivity and functionality. The teacher will now create educational and training programs tailored to the needs of students and local communities, will create an open learning environment, taking into account the potential of the school and involving the partners in the educational process.

However, it has been proved that the methods of active and problem-searching approach defined in the updated normative provision of education in Ukraine require appropriate conditions for the educational process. An active student becomes an active citizen; school, school environment and class become a micro-society. Like the society itself, the school environment is not devoid of conflicts or problem situations. It is in these conditions that students have the opportunity to learn to consciously identify their own interests and gain experience in civic activity.

Keywords: educational change, public management of educational change, education innovation, education renovation, education reform.


Анотащя. Стаття присвячена аналiзу оновленого нормативно-правового забезпечення розвитку осв^ньо! галуз^ яким визначаються особливост впровадження осв^шх змш у сучаснш Украшь У контекст дано! проблематики значну увагу придшено дослщженню готовносп осв^ньо! системи до шщшованих змш, розумшня учасниками змш уах нових можливостей розвитку, що потенцшно з'являються внаслщок реформаторських перетво-рень. Автор визначае, що в сучаснш Укра!ш освгтш змши носять переваж-но структурний (трирiвневiсть школи, створення опорних шкш, автономiя осв^шх закладiв, новi можливосп для !хнього оргашзацшного розвитку) та змiстовий (новi програми та державш стандарти) характери. Автор об-Грунтовуе критичну потребу устшного закiнчення реформи децентралiзацii влади, забезпечення реально! автономи закладiв освiти в сучаснш Укра!ш, що створить оргашчну основу для здiйснення реформи середньо! освiти та впровадження iнших масштабних освiтнiх змiн.

Визначено, що оновлене нормативно-правове забезпечення освггньо! галузi водночас розширюе межi професiйноi свободи вчительства i звщ-си встановлюе висои вимоги до професiоналiзму педагогiв. Змшу фокусу освiтньоi дiяльностi новацiями задекларовано у бш практики, iнтерактив-носл та функцiональностi. Учитель тепер створюватиме освiтнi та навчальнi програми вщповвдно до потреб учнiв i локальних громад, облаштовуватиме вiдкрите навчальне середовище, враховуючи потенцiал школи i залучаючи до освiтнього процесу партнерiв.

Однак доведено, що визначеш в оновленому нормативному забезпечен-нi освiти в Укра!ш методики дiяльнiсного та проблемно-пошукового пiд-

ходу вимагають вщповщних умов навчально-виховного процесу. Актив-ний учень стае активним громадянином; школа, шюльне оточення та клас стають мiкросуспiльством. Як i саме суспiльство, шкiльне середовище не позбавлене конфлшпв чи проблемних ситуацш. Саме в таких умовах для учшв з'являеться можливiсть навчитися свщомо визначати власнi iнтереси та отримати досвщ громадянсько! активностi.

Ключовi слова: осв^ня змiна, публiчне управлiння освггшми змiнами, освiтня iнновацiя, оновлення осв™, освiтня реформа.


Аннотация. Статья посвящена анализу усовершенствованного нормативно-правового обеспечения развития сферы образования, которое влияет на особенности внедрения образовательных изменений в современной Украине. В контексте данной проблематики автор анализирует состояние и готовность образовательной системы к внедрению изменений, понимание участниками изменений всех новых возможностей развития, которые появляются в результате реформаторских преобразований. Автор определяет, что в современной Украине образовательные изменения носят преимущественно структурный (трехуровневость школы, создание опорных школ, автономия образовательных учреждений, новые возможности для организационного развития образовательных учреждений) и содержательный (новые программы и государственные стандарты) характер. Автор обосновывает критическую потребность успешного окончания реформы децентрализации власти, обеспечение реальной автономии учебных заведений в современной Украине. Это может создать органическую основу для осуществления реформы среднего образования и внедрения других масштабных образовательных изменений.

Определено, что обновленное нормативно-правовое обеспечение образования одновременно расширяет рамки профессиональной свободы учительства и отсюда устанавливает высокие требования к профессионализму педагогов. Изменение фокуса образовательной деятельности новациями задекларировано в сторону практики, интерактивности и функциональности. Учитель теперь будет создавать образовательные и учебные программы в соответствии с потребностями учащихся и локальных общин, обустраивать открытую учебную среду, учитывая потенциал школы и привлекая к образовательному процессу партнеров.

Однако доказано, что определенные в обновленном нормативном обеспечении образования в Украине методики деятельностного и проблемно-поискового подхода требуют соответствующих условий учебно-воспитательного процесса. Активный ученик становится активным гражданином; школа, школьное окружение и класс становятся микрообществом. Как и само общество, школьную среду не лишено конфликтов или проблемных ситуаций.

Именно в таких условиях для учащихся появляется возможность научиться сознательно определять собственные интересы и получить опыт гражданской активности.

Ключевые слова: образовательное изменение, публичное управление образовательными изменениями, образовательная инновация, обновления образования, реформа образования.

Issue formulation. The new Law of

Ukraine "On education" was adopted on September 5, 2017 as the vast majority of provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On education" (1991) exhausted its regulatory value and ceased to answer modern problems of full disclosure of potential of each person, development of Ukraine as democratic, competitive the European state [1]. The law came into force on September 28, 2017 and declared a number of important innovations:

1) model of 3-level school — division of the earlier united comprehensive schools of I—III levels into elementary school (4 years of studying, starts from 2018), secondary (main) school (gymnasiums, 5 years of studying, starts from 2022), specialized high school — 3 years (lyceums and institutions of professional (specialized) secondary education, it begins in 2027);

2) transition to competence-based approach in education — determining of competences which pupils have to acquire (in the text of the Law they are defined as free knowledge of a official (state) language, ability to communicate on native (in case it differs from the official language) and foreign languages; mathematical competence; competence in the field of natural sciences, competence in technics and technologies; in-novativeness; ecological competence,

informational and communicational competence, lifelong educating; citizenship and social competence, competences concerns ideas of democracy, justice, equality, human rights, wellbe-ing (welfare) and healthy lifestyle, with awareness of the equality of rights and opportunities; cultural competence; en-trepreneurship and financial literacy, and other competences, provided by the educational standard) [1].

Analysis of the latest researches and publications. Numerous domestic and foreign scientists [2] take notice of a matter of the innovations. It is worth mentioning papers of Ukrainian scholars such as V. Kremen, S. Nikolaienko, V. Hromovyi, T. Finikov, L. Para-shchenko and western theoreticians of educational changes such as M. Barber, J. Blase [3], L. Bjork [3], T. Gum-mings [4], C. Worley [4], T. Kovalskyi, P. McLaren, F. Reimers, S. Sarason, T. Sergiovanni, and T. Timar. Factors of efficiency of educational changes, particularly procedural aspects of the process of their successful implementation, became a subject to works written by M. Fullan, G. Stanley [5], and others. In the given paper, we will review regulatory mechanisms of successful implementation of education changes at institutional level of national educational system, particularly through the example of higher schools.

An article purpose is to analyze Ukrainian practice of public management of educational changes, to identify the peculiarities of reforming public education policy in Ukraine.

Main material presentation. The law of Ukraine "On education" has declared the following institutional changes:

1) autonomy of schools (the school has power to accept the curriculum);

2) restriction for tenure of the principal (at most on two cadences, for 6 years each). Now the principal will be elected by special independent commission which includes the principals of public and private schools, public representatives, pedagogues of higher educational pedagogical institutions, representatives of regional state administrations;

3) National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Ukraine will control and check educational establishments, but not local governing bodies responcible for education as it was before [1].

The responsibility of local self-government for ensuring quality of education in the corresponding regions (Art. 66) [1] is more clear outlined in the new Law of Ukraine "On education" in compare to the previous law. Indeed, this norm is demanded by the stage of implementation of the reform on decentralization in modern Ukraine. The powers of local self-government bodies in the field of developing of the network of educational institutions, the network of specialized educational institutions for students with special educational needs are significantly added in the new law. Similarly, it corresponds to the guarantees of providing

a right to education in its availability, equal access and quality [1]. If the previous Law of Ukraine "On education" rather narrowly outlined the content of constitutional right on education with allocation of its such components as equal conditions in access to education and free education in the state and municipal educational institutions, the new Law added a component of quality and continuity of education. Moreover, in the new Law of Ukraine "On education" there are declared such positions of the principles of public policy in education and the principles of educational activity as formation of respect to the rights and freedoms of the person, intolerance to humiliation of his/her honor and dignity; formation of citizenship culture and culture of democracy.

Regional councils, the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Kyiv and Sevastopol City Councils according to the new Law of Ukraine "On education" are responsible for ensuring availability of full secondary education and professional (specialized) education; regional (rayon), city councils and councils of the territorial communities are responsible for ensuring availability of preschool, primary and basic secondary education, extracurricular education; village, settlement councils are responsible for ensuring availability of preschool and primary school education. This important specification differentiates responsibility boundaries on administrative service of education in regions in the context of the creation of the joint territorial communities in Ukraine [1].

There are new roles which need to be planned and embodied in the updated standard ensuring education. In

particular, roles of the interaction of school with society, advocation, communications. The new Law of Ukraine "On education" allocates educational institutions with a role of the centers of communities [1].

In the context of implementation of the reform on decentralization of the power and strengthening of the institutional ability of the amalgamated territorial communities, which began to be implemented since the end of 2014, the basic schools began to be created in Ukraine [6]. In view of this, secondary education appeared as the basis for the territorial communities, because it was one of the main functions of communities delegated by the state.

Basic schools were created with the purpose to improve considerably education level, in particular, in the rural zone. In accordance with explanations furnished in "Methodical recommendations about the development of the provision about the structural division of the executive body on education of the amalgamated territorial community" (The letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 1 /9-633 of 30.12.2015), it is supposed that management and financing of out-of-school (extracurricular), preschool educational institutions, elementary and secondary school (till the 9th grade) are transferred to the level of the amalgamated communities. Control of the high (specialized) school had to be organized at the higher level, than the amalgamated territorial community (in Poland it is on the level of the county). However, as in Ukraine the decentralizational processes do not provide creation of po-vits, and schools of I, II, III of degrees are not separated on all territory of the

country yet, so the high school is being operated by community too so far. In addition, the implementation of management of the vocational (specialized) school is provided at the level of area.

Control of education of the territorial community by local self-government significantly differs from the administration of a network of educational institutions by regional state administrations in the previous management system. First, the governing body in education of local community has not only operational powers (support of the current activities of an educational network of the community), but also for strategic (planning and prediction of development of an education system in local community) levels. Secondly, if the principal of the body of administrative service responsible for education in local community is assigned by the chairman of local community who is elected by the public of local community, then the manager of the regional department of education was appointed to a position by the head of regional state administration, who in turn is elected by the President (without involvement of community). First of all, the governing body of education as well as all system of local self-government in local community are accountable to society and works in its interests. Moreover, administrative service of a network of educational institutions in local community is directed to the maximum delegating of educational and methodical powers on the level of educational institutions. Thus, the question is about the extension of autonomy of schools [7].

The amalgameted territorial communities received big powers and re-

sources, but, on the other hand, face with challenges, in particular how to provide educational network in the conditions of demographic crisis and limited financing. It generates an additional request for responsible and competent local leaders.

According to the current legislation, the amalgameted territorial community can create own or joint governing body of education with several other communities, or delegate appropriate powers to one of the partners of cooperation. An important element of the creation of an effective system of administrative service education of the joint community is a delegation of administrative powers on the level of educational institutions in combination with appropriate management inside this institution. It allows to significantly save the funds on optimization of the structure of executive bodies of society [7].

Formation of the local communities creates numerous opportunities for locals to impact directly on providing high-quality educational services, in particular, to resolve issues of material support of educational institutions. Local communities independently resolve an issue of funding of the network of preschool educational institutions, schools (which communities will be able to support). Hence, the point is about the creation of the most optimum network of educational institutions for society. Local community receives an educational subvention from the government budget of Ukraine, counted by the number of pupils taking into account a number of coefficients for financing of schools (operating costs). Capital expenses of schools have to be financed from the budget of

the local community, however, funds of a subvention can be allocated for capital expenses if there are no debts on the protected articles. Likewise, operating costs of schools can be financed from budgets of communities. The remains of funds of a subvention at the end of the fiscal year remain at schools and can be used for providing capital expenses.

The first competition on creation of basic schools in regions took place in the spring of 2015. Now each local community independently resolves an issue of creating the basic schools which play a peculiar function as the center of the educational district, including the local community educational institutions. Each local community has to have branches which can be elementary schools or schools II of degree (the secondary school). On 1.11.2017 there were 450 schools and 900 of their branches in Ukraine [6].

About substantial transformations in education. With the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 14.12.2016. № 988-r "About approval of the Concept of implementation of public policy in the sphere of reforming of the secondary education "Modern Ukrainian School" until 2029" was approved the Plan of measures on the implementation of the Concept of Modern Ukrainian School in schools of I degree during 2017-2018. According to the Plan 100 schools have begun working since September, 2017 in Ukraine, These schools are the basics for the concept of Modern Ukrainian School and they use the project of new State standard of the primary education and technique "training by action" within the frameworks of these contents. the final version of State standard of the prima-

ry education is prepared on the basis of this piloting and public discussion. The content of primary education, proceeding from the new standard, is developed on the basis of competence-based approach. The standard provides the integrated training at elementary school, partnership of the teacher and pupil in the educational process. It is important that social and citizenship competences are defined among the key competences in the concept "New Ukrainian school".

Since January 2018 in Ukraine Teachers of the elementary school who are taking first graders in 2018, will have special training in order to begin implementation of approaches of Modern Ukrainian school 2018 across all Ukraine and to work with the use of new State standard of the primary education.

In August 2016 The Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine accepted the changes to 13 curriculums for pupils of the elementary school providing big freedom to teacher, and the identity of the pupil is determined as a major factor of educational activity. The project of new State standard of the primary education, which is now at a stage of public discussion, supports separate special "civil and historical" educational branch with semantic lines, providing formation of citizenship competences. In accordance with the specified educational changes above, in June 2017 there were updated curriculums for 5-9 grades (secondary school). Four cross-cutting thematic lines including "citizenship liability" were entered for the purpose of an effective combination of several educational tasks in the course of teaching all school subjects. Work on updating of

programs was carried out by the principle "from concentration on subject to concentration on child", and provided equilibrations of knowledge and competence-based components of the content of education. Updates of training programs became the effective tool for the implementation of innovative techniques of training.

National and patriotic, civil education are the most relevant as fundamental among the educational directions in modern Ukraine. They correspond to the relevant requirements and challenges of the present and lay the basis for the formation of the consciousness of present and future generations. With this background, there were approved the Concept and The Actions of providing the Concept of national and patriotic education of children and youth and also methodical recommendations on national and patriotic education in secondary educational institutions" by the order MOS of Ukraine of 16.06.2015 № 641 "About the approval of the Concept of civic education of youth in Ukraine".

Conclusions of the research and prospects of further researches in this direction. Therefore, changes in modern Ukraine carry the structural character (creation of basic schools, the Concept of "Modern Ukrainian School") and substantial (new programs and state standards).

Upgraded legislative support of educational sphere expands a framework of professional freedom of teaching and, at the same time establishes high requirements for the professionalism of teachers. We change the focus of educational activity into innovations and this is declared towards practice, interactiv-

ity, and functionality. Nowadays, teacher will create educational and training programs according to needs of pupils and local communities, will equip opened the educational environment, considering the capacity of school and involving partners in the educational process.

However, the techniques of activity and problem search approach, which are defined in the updated Standard ensuring education in Ukraine, demand the corresponding conditions of teaching and educational process. School faces with the need to restructure school life on democratic principles and to create a new training model for implementation of democratic education by accepting a challenge to integrate education for democratic citizenship and human rights education into the system of training. If pupils acquire knowledge through passive forms of education, then they can acquire competences only through informative forms (demonstration, practice, and training). The active pupil becomes the active citizen; the school, a school environment and a class become micro-society. The school environment is not deprived of the conflicts or problem situations as well as society. Here (in such conditions) appears an opportunity for pupils to learn to define consciously their own interests and to get the experience of taking active part in life of society.

references -

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список використаних джерел -

1. Про oceimy: Закон Украши вщ 5 ве-ресня 2017 р. [Електронний ресурс] / Офщшний веб-портал Верховна Рада Украши. — Режим доступу :

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4. Cummings T. Organization development and change / T. Cummings, C. Worley. — Mason : Cengage Learning, 2009. — 792 p.

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