Научная статья на тему 'Технология управления спортивной работой в вооруженных силах Анголы с учетом военно-прикладной направленности системы физической подготовки'

Технология управления спортивной работой в вооруженных силах Анголы с учетом военно-прикладной направленности системы физической подготовки Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Болотин Александр Эдуардович, Фернандес Альберту

В статье представлены результаты по разработке технологии управления спортивной работой в Вооруженных Силах Анголы с Анголы с учетом военно-прикладной направленности системы физической подготовки. Показаны основные направления совершенствования технологии управления спортивной работой.

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Похожие темы научных работ по наукам о здоровье , автор научной работы — Болотин Александр Эдуардович, Фернандес Альберту

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Technology of the management of sports work in armed forces of Angola taking into account the military-applied orientation of system of physical preparation

The article presents the results on working out the technology of sports work management in Armed forces of Angola taking into account the military-applied orientation of system of physical preparation. The basic directions of the given work have been shown.

Текст научной работы на тему «Технология управления спортивной работой в вооруженных силах Анголы с учетом военно-прикладной направленности системы физической подготовки»

2. Дубровский, В.И. Спортивная физиология : учеб. для сред. и высш. учеб. заведений по физ. культуре : рек. Гос. ком. РФ по физ. культуре, спорту и туризму / В.И. Дубровский. - М. : Владос, 2005. - 462 с

3. Кузнецова, О.В. Электромиографическая оценка утомления при изометрической работе мышц разгибателей голени / Кузнецова О.В. // Сборник трудов ученых РГАФК 1999 г. - М., 1999. - С. 36-38.

4. Макарова, Г.А. Методологические принципы анализа и оценки физиологических критериев функционального состояния организма спортсменов / Г.А. Макарова, М.Л. Игельник, В.В. Бессчастная // Теория и практика физической культуры. - 2007. - № 10. - С. 49-52.

5. Озолин, Н.К. Настольная книга тренера : наука побеждать / Н.К. Озолин. - М. : «Издательство «Астрель» : ООО «Изд-во АСТ», 2002. - 864 с.

Контактная информация: [email protected]

УДК 796.075; 796:338.2; 796:658


Александр Эдуардович Болотин, Заслуженный работник высшей школы РФ, полковник запаса, доктор педагогических наук, профессор,

Военный институт физической культуры,


Альберту Фернандес, подполковник, начальник управления Вооруженных Сил Анголы,

Луанда, Ангола


В статье представлены результаты по разработке технологии управления спортивной работой в Вооруженных Силах Анголы с Анголы с учетом военно-прикладной направленности системы физической подготовки. Показаны основные направления совершенствования технологии управления спортивной работой.

Ключевые слова: технология, управление, физическая подготовка, военно-прикладная направленность, Вооруженные Силы Анголы, спортивная работа.


Alexander Eduardovich Bolotin, the Honored worker of the higher school of the Russian Federation, reserve colonel, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor,

Military institute of physical training, St.-Petersburg,

Albert Fernandez, the lieutenant colonel, head of the department of Armed forces of Angola,

the competitor,

Luanda, Angola


The article presents the results on working out the technology of sports work management in Armed forces of Angola taking into account the military-applied orientation of system of physical preparation. The basic directions of the given work have been shown.

Keywords: technology, management, physical preparation, military-applied orientation, Armed forces of Angola.

The present stage of development of the Angola society is characterized by basic changes in sociopolitical, economic and spiritual spheres. All social institutes, including system

of physical preparation and sports of Armed forces of Angola have undergone to serious deformations.

According to the new concept of development of physical preparation and sports of Armed forces of Angola in modern, more efficient control, will promote nation improvement, education of military men to more effective performance of fighting problems.

Process of fighting activity with its diverse professional actions, movements, receptions can't render enough effective influence on physical perfection of military men. It basically is reached by inclusion in system of physical preparation of training employment on sports and competitions. Their distinctive feature - a wide range of impellent activity and its complex influence on an organism of military men. In all supervising documents on physical preparation necessity of wide introduction for practice of armies of military-applied sports and competitions on them is marked, allowing creating conditions demanding from soldiers the maximum pressure of forces and full use of fighting possibilities of the weapon and technicians.

In the course of sports work soldiers seize various fighting receptions, develop speed in actions, dexterity, force, endurance, bring up boldness, resoluteness, confidence of the forces, the initiative and resource, that is those fighting qualities which meet real requirements of fight.

However, as have shown our researches, sports work in Armed forces of Angola doesn't carry mass character. Officials, who are offered for operating it, do it not effectively. Sports work in high schools, military units is carried out without solved fighting problems. Military men of army of Angola are engaged in the Olympic sports, which have no military-applied orientation. Thus, the new approach to management of sports work in Armed forces of Angola that would provide use of military-applied sports and exercises in system of physical perfection of military men is necessary.

During research, the comparative analysis of management by sports work in Armed forces of Angola and leading armies of the countries of the NATO was carried out. It has been with that end in view established that, despite identical representations of many authors about cyclic character of managerial process by sports work and its universality [1-3], the uniform sight at essence and management stages has not developed. In our opinion, each form of carrying out of physical preparation is in own very specific. In addition, management of each of them has the distinctive features.

The analysis of references on the given problem has shown that in armies of the leading countries of the NATO management of sports work is carried out taking into account a military-applied orientation of system of physical preparation of military men irrespective of, they are in what military rank also what post occupy. It is more value for definition of a military-applied orientation for playing sports in army of Angola has the account of sports interests of military men. As have shown researches, interests of various categories of military men differ from each other (table 1).

Table 1

The comparative analysis of sports interests of military men of divisions of army of An__________________________________ gola (in %) ________________________________

Serial number Interests on sports Military men of involuntary service Officers Military men under the contract

1. Hand-to-hand fight 16* 2 2

2. Athletic preparation 23* 1 -

3. Weight sports 12* 2 -

4. Swimming 5 39* 12*

5. Sports games 15* 16* 3

6. Recreational run 4 12* 20*

7. Shooting from the weapon 7 22* 35*

8. Military-sports all-round 3 1 25*

9. Other sports 10 5 3

The note: * - the most interesting sports for this or that category of military men.

For military men of involuntary service the aspiration to be engaged in the exercises connected with development of force (a bar, athletic gymnastics, hand-to-hand fight) is characteristic. It is necessary to underline that such interests as a whole reflect position of youth sports in the country. Now among recruits of army of Angola these sports are most popular.

Officers gravitate to such sports, which to the greatest degree influence condition functional systems (respiratory, cardiovascular). It speaks, in our opinion, first of all aspiration of the given category of military men to strengthen the health.

At studying of the factors influencing management efficiency by sports work, we recognized that mass sports takes an important place as an element of system of physical preparation of Armed forces of Angola. The factors defining management efficiency by sports work in army of Angola are presented in drawing.

Quality of working out of supervising documents on sports


Level of sports preparation of military men I

Sports traditions


Climatic and geographical conditions of a disposition


Sports Material support


Motivation of military men to playing sports








Draw. The factors defining management efficiency by sports work in army of Angola

In connection with the processes occurring in army of Angola, the system of army sports has undergone serious changes. In the beginning, it has been conceived as an organizational basis of the decision of problems on preparation of the high-class sportsmen representing army and fleet at internal and international competitions. Mass sports thus as though submitted to system of sports of the higher achievements.

By this time mass sports and sports of the higher achievements have ceased to be sphere of one activity mainly for purely economic reasons. Sports of the higher achievements left submission to combat training system, as combat training has no possibility to finance preparation of high-class sportsmen and to contain national teams. Therefore, we in the researches were guided first by perfection of a control system by mass sports work in high schools, military units of army of Angola.

The analysis of interrelation of indicators of sports readiness and military-professional work military men testifies to positive influence of playing sports.

By results of the spent researches it is possible to notice that the military men having low sports readiness, carry out military-professional actions in divisions is worse. All previously mentioned testifies to positive influence of playing sports on military-professional work.

Therefore, questions of a theoretical substantiation of technology of management of sports work are especially important. On poll of experts in physical preparation, we managed to define the factors defining high management efficiency by sports work. They concern quality of

working out of supervising documents on sports; level of sports readiness of military men; sports traditions; material support; climatic and geographical conditions of a disposition of military units; motivation of military men to playing sports. Thus, the pivotal is last factor.

Requirements of army sports to engage are democratic enough and promote participation in it of wide contingents of military men.

In the system of sports, there are also such attractive moments, as the importance of not competitive, recreational sports, the account of interests of not so qualified participants of the senior age groups, members of families of military men and others.

The sensation of physical and impellent perfection is one of the main conditions of formation of content from service, which can and each military man should test. Sports work serves as a universal remedy of development of impellent abilities of military men.

As have shown the conducted researches, one of causes of a failure of playing sports is discrepancy of real level of physical readiness to the requirements shown to participants of competitions. In this connection the new approach to management of the sports work, based on the account of level of their physical readiness is necessary.

During the further research, working out of technology of management by sports work in Armed forces of Angola taking into account a military-applied orientation of system of physical preparation was carried out and its efficiency was experimentally checked.

By working out of technology of management we are more sports work of military men recognized that at its each stage it is necessary to solve certain (specific) problems (table 2).

Table 2

The technology of management of sports work in Armed forces of Angola taking into ac___________count a military-applied orientation of system of physical preparation________________

Stages Solved problems

The first stage - Definition of the most significant military-applied sports; - Formation of groups for playing sports on interests; - Training of commanders and sports organizers to a technique of carrying out of training work; - Definition of the purpose and problems of sports work; - Planning of actions

The first stage - The organization and carrying out of sports work of all categories of military men taking into account their sports interests; - Control of sports work; - The account of sports results of military men

The third stage - Comparison of the received results with the planned; - Entering of corrective amendments into training programs

At the first stage to define the most significant military-applied sports, to generate groups for playing sports on interests, to train commanders of divisions and sports organizers in a technique of carrying out of training work, to define the purposes and problems of sports work, to plan necessary actions.

At the second stage to spend sports work of all categories of military men taking into account their sports interests, to carry out control of sports work, to keep account sports results of military men.

At the third stage to compare the received results with planned, to introduce corrective amendments in training programs.

Experimental check of the offered technology was spent on base during pedagogical experiment. The received results testify to high efficiency of the offered technology (table 3).

The experimental group (EG) has shown more good results in comparison with control group (KG). Efficiency military-professional work, level of physical readiness, a functional condition and others indicators in EG were above.

Table 3

The results of pedagogical experiment

Serial number Index Groups Results of experiment (x±m)

The initial The intermediate The final

1. Pulling up (quantity of times) EG 5,4±0,7 7,8±0,8 10,3±0,7

KG 5,6±0,42 8,1±0,5 11,0±0,6

2. Complex exercise on dexterity (seconds) EG - 10,7±0,1 10,5±0,1

KG - 10,6±0,2 10,4±0,2

3. Draft of a bar a back (point) EG 4,3±0,12 5,9±0,2 6,7±0,12

KG 4,1±0,15 4,25±0,2 4,5±0,15

4. Lifting of the weight of 24 kg for 1 minute (point) EG 3,7±0,6 4,9±0,4 5,7±0,4

KG 3,5±0,7 4,2±0,6 4,6±0,6

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5. Run of 100 m (seconds) EG 14,5±0,2 14,0±0,15 14,0±0,13

KG 14,5±0,3 14,2±0,12 14,1±0,11

6. Run of 3000 m (seconds) 801±12 746±15 738±18

KG 799±11 788±20 764±21

CONCLUSION: the offered technology of management of sports work in Armed forces of Angola taking into account a military-applied orientation of system of physical preparation, had considerable advantage to growth of indicators of military-professional readiness of military men.


1. Бибяев В.Н. Технология применения индивидуального подхода к развитию физической выносливости у курсантов вуза ВДВ/ В.Н. Бибяев// Ученые записки университета имени П.Ф. Лесгафта. - 2009. - №5 (51). - С. 12-15.

2. Погорелый И.Н. Содержание и основы военного троеборья: монография/ И.Н. Погорелый. - СПб.: Военный институт физической культуры, 2002. -154с.

3. Рыгульский В.С. Технология управления спортивной работой с учетом физкультурных интересов военнослужащих/ В.С. Рыгульский// Педагогические проблемы профессионального совершенствования специалистов по физической культуре и спорту: Сборник научно-методических работ; под ред. В. А. Щеголева и В.Ю. Волкова. - СПб.: СПбГПУ, 2002. - С. 70-72.

Контактная информация: [email protected]

УДК 796.323



Алексей Александрович Бондарь, соискатель,

Волгоградская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия


В статье рассматриваются вопросы организации и построения тренировочного процесса баскетболистов в возрасте 17-20-ти лет.

Ключевые слова: спортивная тренировка, двигательная активность, координационные способности.



Alexey Aleksandrovich Bondar, the competitor,

The Volgograd State Agricultural Academy


The article goes into the issues of the organization and scheme of training process for the basket-

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