Научная статья на тему 'Technology of the 8th-9th graders’ training for career choice of the «Man - art image» type: the experiment’s results'

Technology of the 8th-9th graders’ training for career choice of the «Man - art image» type: the experiment’s results Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Ivanio Y.Y.

There has been characterized the author’s technology of the 8th-9th graders’ training for career choice of the «man art image» type that provides for the creation of an adequate organizational and pedagogical environment based on a career-oriented elective course and a complex of educational extracurricular activities. There has been revealed the influence of experimental factors on each of the five structural components of the pupils’ career choice readiness: motivational and evaluative, cognitive, practical, self-evaluative.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Technology of the 8th-9th graders’ training for career choice of the «Man - art image» type: the experiment’s results»


1. Бацевич Ф. С. Основи комушкативно! лшгвктики: тдруч. для студ. вищих навч. закладiв / Ф. С. Бацевич. - К.: Академiя, 2004. - 344 с.

2. Введенский В. Н. Моделирование профессиональной компетенции педагога / В. Н. Введенский // Педагогика. - 2003. - № 10. - С. 51-55.

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4. Гершунский Б. С. Философия образования для ХХ1 века. (В поисках практико-ориентированных образовательных концепций) / Б. С. Гершунский. - М.: Совершенство, 1998. - 608 с.

5. Емельянов Ю. Н. Активное социально-психологическое обучение / Ю. Н. Емельянов. - Л.: Изд-во ЛГУ, 1985. - 166 с.

6. Енциклопедiя освгги / Акад. пед. наук Укра!ни; гол. ред. В. Г. Кремень. - К.: Юршком 1нтер, 2008. - 1040 с.

7. Заброцький М. М. Топографiя комушкативно! компетентност / М. М. Заброцький // Актуальш проблеми психологи. Т. 7: Еколопчна психолопя: зб. наук. праць 1нституту психологи ш. Г. С. Костюка АПН Укра!ни. - Житомир, 2009. - Вип. 19. - C. 272-276.

8. Коджаспирова Г. М. Педагогический словарь: для студ. высших и сред. пед. учеб. заведений / Г. М. Коджаспирова, А. Ю. Коджаспиров. - М.: Академия, 2000. - 176 с.

9. Орлов В. Ф. Теоретичш та методичш засади професшного становлення майбутшх учителiв мистецьких дисциплш: автореф. дис. ... д-ра пед. наук: 13.00.04 / В. Ф. Орлов. - К., 2004. - 44 с.

10. Петровская Л. А. Компетентность в общении / Л. А. Петровкая. - М., 1989. - 283 с.

11. Полонский В. М. Словарь по образованию и педагогике / В. М. Полонский. - М.: Высшая школа, 2004. - 512 с.

12. Рыданова И. И. Основы педагогики общения / И. И. Рыданова. - Минск: Беларуская навука, 1998. - 319 с.

13. Сайтарли I. А. Культура мiжособистiсних стосунюв: навч. поЫбник / I. А. Сайтарли. - К.: Академвидав, 2007. - 240 с.

14. Сидоренко Е. В. Тренинг коммуникативной компетентности в деловом взаимодействии / Е. В. Сидоренко. - СПб.: Речь, 2004. - 208 с.

УДК 374.1



There has been characterized the author's technology of the 8th—9th graders' training for career choice of the «man — art image» type that provides for the creation of an adequate organizational and pedagogical environment based on a career-oriented elective course and a complex of educational extracurricular activities. There has been revealed the influence of experimental factors on each of the five structural components of the pupils' career choice readiness: motivational and evaluative, cognitive, practical, self-evaluative.

Keywords: career choice technology, career choice readiness, «man — art image» career type.




Охарактеризовано авторську технологж тдготовки учтв 8—9 клаЫв до вибору профест типу «людина — художнт образ», яка передбачае створення адекватного органiзацiйно-педагогiчного середовища на основi факультативного курсу профорiентацiйного спрямування та комплексу виховних позаурочних заходiв. Виявлено вплив експериментальних факторiв на кожний i3 чотирьох структурних компонентiв готовностi учтв до вибору професп: мотивацтно-цттсний, когттивний, практичний, самооцтювальний.

Ключовi слова: технологiя тдготовки до вибору професп, готовтсть до вибору професп, тип профест «людина — художнт образ».




Охарактеризовано авторскую технологию подготовки учащихся 8—9 классов к выбору профессий типа «человек — художественный образ», которая предусматривает создание адекватной организационно-педагогической среды на основе факультативного курса профориентационного направления и комплекса воспитательных внеурочных мероприятий. Выявлено влияние экспериментальных факторов на каждый из четырех структурных компонентов готовности учащихся к выбору профессии: мотивационно-ценностный, когнитивный, практический, самооценочный.

Ключевые слова: технология подготовки к выбору профессии, готовность к выбору профессии, тип профессий «человек — художественный образ».

Comprehensive secondary school pupils' training for their future career choice has been an urgent socio-economic and psycho-pedagogical issue. The study of its condition testifies to the fact that a considerable number of 8th-9th graders lack a sufficient level of knowledge and skills formation necessary to make proper future career choice decisions.

A substantial part of lower secondary (middle) school senior pupils doesn't possess sufficient information as regards the list of careers in various spheres of human activity, cannot compare qualifying requirements with their personal traits, etc. The same is true for the «man - art image» type career choice. The empiric results of the statement stage of the pedagogical experiment testified to a low level of career choice readiness of the overwhelming majority of respondents, those being sure of their right choice of the mentioned type of the career included.

The analysis of pedagogical investigations attests to the fact that the issue of the interplay of comprehensive secondary schools and higher educational establishments in the sphere of preparation of schoolchildren for their career choice has been the matter of research in a number of scientific papers, but is devoid of proper and profound findings.

Scattered aspects of the problem of pupils' preparation for the career choice of «man - man», «man - engineering», «man - sign system» and «man - nature» types have been revealed in the research papers of I. Bychkova, L. Hryhorchuck, N. Matijash, N. Kovtunenko, B. Pietrulevych, G. Rezapkina, V. Fediajeva and others. Some peculiarities of the «man - art image» career type have been described by pedagogues within the framework of the problem of labour training, however, an integral technology of pupils' preparation for the career choice of this type hasn't been the matter of scientific investigation.

The aim of the article is to characterize the main elements and describe the experimental verification of the author's technology directed at 8-9 graders' training for career choice of the «man-art image» career type.

The development and application of an effective vocational oriented education technology at school needs a creation of an adequate organizational and pedagogical sphere, the integral core being a career-oriented elective course and a complex of educational extracurricular activities.

The experimental programme of the elective course «Your professional choice» for 8-9 graders of comprehensive secondary schools was implemented in the form of career-oriented trainings as a part of psycho-pedagogical pre-career schooling aimed at a valid future career choice decision making. The aims of the course are to: 1) help pupils make their future career choice and further education route; 2) form appropriate knowledge of the possibilities of acquiring career education; 3) stimulate pupils' self-cognition of their own inclinations and abilities as to the chosen career or profile of studying at the upper secondary school; 4) develop their goal setting abilities, career education planning and self-presentation; 5) gain practical experience of future career planning in accordance with their interests, inclinations and personality abilities.

The elective course cycle comprises five educational themes. The first one - «Readiness for the choice of a career education route» directs students towards basic aims and tasks of the course, forms of educational activities; helps comprehend one's attitude towards the problem of future career choice and is chiefly of a motivating nature. The following three themes («The world of modern careers. Career choice components», «Career interests and inclinations», «Abilities and education route choice») are based on the comparison of

the main factors of alternative choice concerning the situation of the upper school education profile choice or the form of career training after finishing the ninth grade. The contents of the curriculum and discipline work according to this course aim at informing schoolchildren about the world of careers, self-diagnostics of their personal career interests, inclinations and abilities, comparison of their possibilities with the chosen career personality requirements, etc. The final theme «Career route planning» envisages the discussion of career education variants, application of means and methods of career perspective planning, development of self-presentation skills, etc. The suggested course of career-oriented classes is designed for 18 hours and may be taught within 1-2 years.

The constituent part of the author's technology of the 8-9 graders' training for the choice of the «man - art image» career type were also circles and elective courses of artistic profile aimed at forming professional knowledge, skills and abilities relevant for the careers of the mentioned type.

The pedagogical experiment was expected to verify a supposition that the above mentioned factors of pedagogical influence are expedient to be carried out in the school curriculum and educational process as components of the pedagogical technology of forming pupils' readiness for their future career choice of the «man - art image» career type. In this case, the readiness is considered to be the result of the process of training for the choice of a career.

_The scheme of the pupil's career choice readiness is presented in Fig. 1._

Career choice readiness


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Fig. 1. The scheme of the pupil's career choice readiness

The research and experimental work was carried out at Uzhgorod comprehensive secondary schools No. 5 and No. 15, educational levels I through III, the educational and upbringing complex «Harmony» of Uzhhorod city council of Transcarpathian region, Mukachevo comprehensive secondary school No. 6, educational levels I through III. The total number of 8-9 graders involved in the pedagogical experiment comprised 212 pupils.

At the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment, the influence of the experimental factors on each of the structural components of the 8-9 graders' readiness for the choice of the «man - art image» career type was investigated: motivational and evaluative, cognitive, practical, self-evaluative.

The obtained data received testify to the fact that there took place the substantial changes in the hierarchy structure of the professional value system orientations among the pupils of the experimental group within the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment. If at the beginning and the end of the experiment the orientation towards the job results (that is material profit) in both groups got the highest rating, the next three rating places in the experimental group had socially significant professional value system orientations associated with job contents and personality development. In the control group the changes in the hierarchy of value system professional orientations were insignificant. The highest ratings had the values associated with job results, career social status, conditions of work and the possibility of self-affirmation, that is, personality values prevailed over socially oriented ones.

All the indices of the structural components of the career choice readiness with the exception of value system orientations had the same quantity of levels. It enabled us not only to determine the dynamics of changes for each component but the dynamics of the readiness changes altogether. The dynamics analysis of the formation of separate structural components enables one to determine which of their indices experienced the maximum positive influence on the part of the experimental factors.

To determine the formation levels of separate components of the career choice readiness we used the algorhythm from O. Kapustina's research [4]: a high level of development of a component was determined in case of manifestation of no less than half of its indices while other indices were characterized as an average level of development; an average level was determined when no less than

motivational and evaluative




half of its indices were available at a high or average level of manifestation; in all other cases the level of a component formation was determined as low (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Levels of the motivational and evaluative component of the 8th-9th graders' readiness for career choice of the «man - art image» type according to the results of the forming stage

of the pedagogical experiment.

To investigate the influence of the experimental factors on the dynamics of changes in the cognitive component of readiness there was used the F-test developed by a Japanese researcher S. Fukuyama. The above test enables one to quantitatively and qualitatively characterize such indices as the ability to make self-analysis and the ability to analyze occupations. S. Fukuyama applied in this test general and partial criteria. The general criterion characterizes the level of awareness of a person (with the basic level of professional skills and abilities) of the possibility to master the chosen occupation and the requirements that it imposes on a person [11]. It is determined by such indications as «Technical knowledge» and «Understanding of the socio-economic importance of the occupation». The partial criterion is designed to determine the degree of the pupil's information awareness of occupations he or she is most prepared for due to his or her skills, knowledge and qualities.

In the process of the research and experimental work there was used a computer version of the F-test adapted by I. Zhernoklyeyev [3]. It was also used to determine the self-analysis levels of 8th-9th graders. The results of the study of the ability of the control and experimental group pupils to analyze occupations can be found in Table 1.

Table 1

Levels of development ofpupils ' abilities to analyze an occupation (in %)

Levels of development Statement experiment Forming experiments

group E group C group E group C

high 6,6 7,4 19,6 11,3

average 12,3 13,3 42,2 23,2

low 81,1 79,3 38,2 65,5

The complex of the proposed E factors in the experimental group has significantly affected the level of formation of pupils' ability to analyze occupations at a level of significance no less than 0.99. In addition, the level of awareness of the careers of the «man - art image» type of the E group pupils was significantly higher than that of the control group pupils.

The index of the cognitive component of readiness was investigated with questionnaires, interlocutions, interviews, teacher observations, etc. (Table 2).

Table 2

Levels of the 8th-9th graders' knowledge of the ways of acquiring their future career (in %)

Levels of development Statement experiment Forming experiment

group E group C group E group C

high 5,7 6,6 29,5 9,1

average 47,8 52,6 59,1 52,5

low 46,5 40,8 11,4 38,4

The introduction into the curriculum and discipline process of the proposed experimental factors in the experimental group allowed us to significantly affect the formation of pupils' knowledge of the ways of gaining their future career at the level of significance no less than 0.95.

The results of the forming stage of the pedagogical experiment supplied us with the characteristics of the levels of formation of the generalized level of formation of the cognitive component of readiness (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Levels offormation of the cognitive component of readiness for career choice of the «man -art image» type according to the results of the forming stage of the pedagogical experiment.

While studying the dynamics of changes in the practical component of readiness we investigated the following indices: the quality of devising one's personal career plan and the level of development of knowledge and skills related to careers of the «man -art image» type. To evaluate the quality of devising such a plan there was used the technique of M. Pryazhnikov [8]. The characteristics of the levels of the above component are shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Levels offormation of the practical component of the 8th-9th graders' readiness for career choice of the «man - art image» type according to the results of the forming stage of the pedagogical


To study the levels of pupils' ability to make self-analysis there was used the F-test [3; 11 and so on]. The index of self-analysis can be found within the range of 0 through 100 points and has the following qualitative interpretation of the quantitative indices: 0-33 points - a low level of the ability to make self-analysis; 33-66 points - an average level of the ability to make self-analysis, 67-100 points - a high level of the ability to make self-analysis.

The results of the study of the 8th-9th graders' ability to make self-analysis are given in Table. 4.

Table 4

Levels of the ability ofpupils to make self-analysis (in %)

Levels of development Statement experiment Forming experiment

group E group C group E group C

high 6,3 6,6 18,4 9,1

average 12,9 13,2 44,3 22,6

low 80,8 80,2 37,3 68,3

The above values indicate that the index of the capacity for self-analysis in the experimental group differs significantly from that of the control group (at the significance level no less than 0.99).

To determine the generalized level of formation of the self-evaluative component of senior pupils' readiness for career choice of the «man - art image» type there was used the above given algorhythm. The results of the forming stage of the pedagogical experiment yielded the characteristics of the levels of formation of the self-evaluative component (Fig. 5).

Development of separate components of readiness of lower secondary (middle) school senior pupils for career choice of the «man - art image» type exerted a positive influence on the formation of this readiness as an integral new formation (Table 5).

60 50 40 30 20 10-





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B group E □ group C




Fig. 5. Levels offormation of the self-evaluative component of readiness for career choice of the «man - art image» type according to the results of the forming stage of the pedagogical experiment.

Table 5

Dynamics offormation of the pupils' readiness for career choice of the «man - art image» type

Levels Before the experiment After the ex periment

group E group C group E group C

high 8,7 8,3 21,2 12,1

average 18,1 19,2 45,5 31,2

low 73,2 72,5 33,3 56,7


The implemented experimental factors positively influenced the formation of readiness to choose careers of the «man - art image» type by the pupils of the experimental group. This has been sustained by the 9th grade school leavers' career trajectory choice associated with the acquiring of careers of this very type (Table 6).

Table 6

Professional senior pupils' plans of acquiring careers of the «man - art image» type (in %)

Professional plan Statement experiment Forming ex periment

group Е Group C group Е group C

primary 6,2 5,9 11,2 6,2

backup 5,5 5,7 16,5 6,6

TOTAL 11,7 11,6 27,7 12,8

A relative number of pupils who identified careers of the «man - art image» type as a primary or backup sphere of their future professional activities increased in the experimental group compared with the control group by 14.2%. After finishing grade 9 almost 25% of the pupils of the experimental group chose the occupation oriented educational route aimed at mastering careers of the «man - art image» type.

Thus, the analysis of the formative pedagogical experiment and its statistical processing confirmed the effectiveness of the author's technology of forming senior pupils' readiness for career choice of the «man - art image» type.


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