Научная статья на тему 'Formation of valuable attitude to future career in agricultural university students'

Formation of valuable attitude to future career in agricultural university students Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Lebedyeva N.A.

The article presents the basic principles of scientific research about the formation of agricultural university students` evaluative attitude to the future career. The contents and the features of the «evaluative attitude to future career» are presented together with the concept, criteria, indicators and levels of defined quality, complex of pedagogical conditions that have become the basis for forming evaluative agricultural university students' attitudes to future careers are presented. Based on the results of experimental verification, the efficiency of this method and the possibility of its application in the educational process of higher agrarian education are defined.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Formation of valuable attitude to future career in agricultural university students»

2. Королев Ф. Ф. Системный подход и возможности его применения в психолого-педагогических

исследованиях / Ф. Ф. Королев // Советская педагогика. - 1970. - № 9. - С. 103-115.

3. Костюк Г. С. Избранные психологические труды / Г. С. Костюк. - М.: Педагогика, 1988. - 304 с.

4. Котарбинский Т. Трактат о хорошей работе / Т. Котарбинский. - М.: Экономика, 1975. - 271 с.

5. Педагогика: учеб. пособие для студ. пед. ин-тов / под ред. Ю. К. Бабанского. - 2-е изд. - М.:

Просвещение, 1988. - 479 с.

6. Пщоловский Т. Принципы совершенной деятельности (Введение в праксеологию); пер. с польск. /

Т. Пщоловский. - К., 1993. - 271 с.

7. Рубинштейн С. Л. Основы общей психологии / С. Л. Рубинштейн. - СПб.: Питер Ком, 1999. - 720 с.

8. Формирование профессиональной культуры учителя: учеб. пособие / под ред. В. А. Сластенина. -

М.: Прометей, 1993. - 178 с.

удк 378: 371.2

n. a. lebedyeva


The article presents the basic principles of scientific research about the formation of agricultural university students' evaluative attitude to the future career. The contents and the features of the «evaluative attitude to future career» are presented together with the concept, criteria, indicators and levels of defined quality, complex of pedagogical conditions that have become the basis for forming evaluative agricultural university students' attitudes to future careers are presented. Based on the results of experimental verification, the efficiency of this method and the possibility of its application in the educational process of higher agrarian education are defined.

Keywords: evaluative attitude, criteria, indicators, pedagogical conditions, methodic.

н. а. лебедева



Представлено 6asoei засади наукового до^дження проблеми формування цттсного ставлення cmydeHmie аграрних ВНЗ до майбутньог профестног дiяльностi. Подано 3Micm та ознаки поняття «цттсне ставлення до профестног дiяльностi», критери, показники та рiвнi означеног якостi, комплекс педaгогiчних умов, що став основою створення методики формування цттсного ставлення студентiв аграрних ВНЗ до майбутньог профестног дiяльностi. На основi результaтiв до^дног перевiрки встановлено ефективтсть цег методики та можливiсть гг застосування у навчально-виховному процесi вищог школи аграрного спрямування.

Ключовi слова: цттсне ставлення, критери, показники, педaгогiчнi умови, методика.

н. а. лебедева


Представлены базовые принципы научного исследования проблемы формирования ценностного отношения студентов аграрных вузов к будущей профессиональной деятельности. Поданы содержание и признаки понятия «ценностное отношение к профессиональной деятельности», критерии, показатели и уровни обозначенного качества, комплекс педагогических условий, что стал основой создания методики формирования ценностного отношения студентов аграрных вузов к будущей профессиональной деятельности. На основе результатов опытной проверки установлены эффективность этой методики и возможность ее применения в учебно-воспитательном процессе высшей школы аграрного направления.

Ключевые слова: ценностное отношение, показатели, педагогические условия, методика.

New socio-economic conditions of the Ukrainian state are associated with increased efficiency of the national economy, the adoption of market relations in all the spheres of social production. Agriculture is one of those parts where reforms are the hardest, where the pace of its modernization is far from desirable. This is, not the least, due to the quality of training for work in this sector, a significant decrease of youth' part in agriculture. So the economy and education are closely connected, and the impact of education on the effectiveness of social production is becoming more apparent. Significantly lower than the requirement of modern industrial agricultural production is the quality of training in agrarian high school, confirmed numerous studies, evaluations of managers and agricultural specialists. In this regard, of particular relevance in the national education policy is the problem of training qualified agrarians forming their evaluative attitude to the future career. Solving large-scale social and economic problems facing agriculture largely depends on the professionalism of graduates of agricultural universities.

In this context the higher agricultural universities raise important task - to provide highly trained specialists which results in not only knowledge and skills, but also the spiritual image of the future worker, its relationship to the surrounding reality, the realities of professional work, his understanding the main problems of human existence .This circumstance requires from agricultural universities to turn to the profession from the perspective of the approach that reveals the value of professional activities for the subject in personal, educational and socio-cultural aspects, training of specialists in the context of evaluative attitude to the future career.

Evaluative attitude that is the source of human activity determines its orientation, behavior and activity, so its study is important for the formation and training of qualified specialists.

Background values shaping the attitude of students of agricultural universities to the future career due not only to the interdependence of social and creative activity and future professionals, but the end results in multifaceted socio-economic activities of enterprises, especially in the introduction of innovative processes, activities, scientific and technological progress.

In deciding the problems of our study, we relied on philosophical works that reveal axiological aspect of personality, social nature of man (V. G. Alekseeva, L. P. Buieva, L. A. Volovich, S. G. Drobnytskyi, M. S. Kagan, L. Smirnov, V. N. Sagatovskyi, V. H. Tuharinov, B. H. Chahin), sociological research on values, the classification of values, the role of values in socialization and self-actualization (E. V.Beliaev, D.Bell, V. Vodzinskyy, A. G. Zdravomyslov, I. Cohn, Maslow, I. Masuda, R. Merton, N. Nosov, V. N. Shubkin) psychological studies on the activity, motivation and personal development (B. H. Ananyev, E. S. Asmakovets, L. I. Bozhovych, L. S. Vyhotskyi, I. V. Dubrovina, O. M. Leontiev, L. M. Mitia, N. H. Morozov, V. N. Miasyschev, A. V. Petrovskii, S. L. Rubinshtein, D. N. Uznadze, E. Fromm, Ye. V. Shorohova, E. Erickson, V. A. Jadov, P. Jacobson), the work of scientists, teachers, related to the theory and practice of training, their professional development, the management of teaching at the university (V. I. Andrieiev, Yu. K. Babanskyi, V. A. Belikov, M. D. Vynohradova, M. T. Hromkova, M. Ye. Duranov, V. I. Zhernov, T. Ye. Klymova, O. V. Lesher, A. S. Makarenko, E. I. Monoszon, A. V. Mudryk, A. YA. Nain, N. Ya. Saihushev, I. V. Shmaneva etc.) to create an educational environment (I. V. Bohdanov, V. V. Davydov, H. A. Kovalov, V. V. Rubtsov, V. I. Panov, V. A. Yasvyn etc.), pedagogical research on communicative competence (T. V. Menh, L. A. Petrovska etc.), theoretical research in teacher axiology (A. M. Bulynin, B. M. Bim-Bad, M. V. Bohouslavskyi, V. I. Hynetsynskyi, I. A. Zymnia, V. A. Karakovskyi, A. V. Kyriakova, Z. I. Ravkyn, V. A. Slastonin, V. A. Suhomlinskyi, N. D. Nikandrov, H. I. Chizhakova, E. N. Shiyanov, N. K. Schepkina).

The essence of evaluative attitude, its contents and structural elements is given in the works of these authors.

The purpose of the article. Based on the semantic analysis of the relationship between individual values, the analysis of the theoretical foundations of the mentioned quality of the forming stage of the experiment on the formation of agricultural university students' evaluative attitude to the future career, the purpose of this article is to analyze the defined technique.

Theoretical analysis of the study of values and evaluative treatment showed that the values associated with the components of the motivational sphere are need, desire, intent, content, ideal interest. Evaluative attitude is the internal position of an individual that reflects the relationship of personal and social values.

Therefore, considering the problem of evaluative attitude to the future career, we should pay attention to the «social fact» and «mentality» of modern society.

Modern Ukrainian society is experiencing an important historical stage i.e. the development of market relations. It is associated not only with the changes in market relations, but also with the entire system of social relations that relies on them. Changing the way of life completely certainly leads to the change in values, motivations and the whole process of individual's education.

The objective factors of developing the evaluative attitude to the future career, are, to our mind, the level of prestige, the attitude towards the profession in society, the possibility of occupational mobility, the level of financial remuneration for professional work etc. The subjective factors are: interest in the chosen profession, the psychological characteristics of the individual's character and temperament a person's ability to connect one's life with a particular profession. Of special importance in the hierarchy of subjective factors is professional education, as it is adjustable, purposeful process of professional identity, development of interests and culture.

Since the ultimate aim of university education is a professional training, the ratio of students' attitude to their future profession can be viewed as the degree of acceptance of the ultimate education goals. The most common form of person's relationship to the profession is professional direction, characterized as the interest in the profession and the propensity to engage in it.

During the period of study at university, according to the state educational standards, students form solid foundation of professional activity. The high school teachers' problems is to teach students the ability to plan, organize their activities, and develop their reflections (self-awareness of the subject as bearers of certain values, socially useful people) as well as such professional important qualities as responsibility, self-control, professional self-esteem, emotional stable attitude to risk, discipline.

In this regard, organizing activities of university students needs to ensure that the force that attracts and motivates is the essence, not the circumstances that accompany it.

To determine the levels of evaluative agricultural university students' attitudes to the future professional activity, we have examined the social and psychological characteristics of students of agricultural education profile and analyzed the most important components of training and professional education, i.e. value-targets, career meaningful and value-educational sphere.

In his study, we define evaluative attitude of students to the future career as a sustainable inner conviction of the individual, based on professional and moral identity, the significance of which prompts to be active in the acquisition of professional knowledge, abilities and skills. Evaluative attitude associates with emotional and volitional personality and includes creative approach to this activity.

Based on the survey and according to the definition of the agricultural university students' evaluative attitudes to the future professional activities, we have identified the following criteria of evaluative attitude:

- professional identity;

- moral consciousness;

- person's emotional and volitional stability of personality;

- creative approach in practice.

Each of the structural components of the complex combines the appropriate knowledge and skills, characterized by relevant indicators. Use a variety of techniques oriented to determine the level of formation evaluative attitude enabled to isolate the indicators most peculiar to our chosen criteria, i.e. professional identity (motives of the profession's choice and important features of future professional activity, positive motivation in training activities, the need for professional improvement, self-esteem), moral consciousness (responsibility, commitment, optimism, empathy), emotional and volitional stability (self-control, organization, concentration, determination), creative approach to professional activities (cognitive activity, independence, energy, creative initiative).

Based on the theoretical analysis of the literature and the results of the primary stage of the experiment we have selected the following levels of evaluative attitude to the professional activity: low, average, high.

Summary results of the primary stage of our study give grounds to conclude that the level of development of the agricultural university students' evaluative attitudes to the future career is low.

Taking into consideration all the facts there is need in the scientific research of the pedagogical conditions and identifying ways to improve the formation of evaluative agricultural university students' attitudes to the future career.

The complex of pedagogical conditions is maintained so that to contribute to the formation of evaluative agricultural university students' attitude to the future career. These conditions are:

- providing evaluative orientation in the training process;

- engaging students to the vocational evaluative activities in the extracurricular and educational work;

- organization of the proper content of evaluative professional environment.

Pedagogical factors underlying our established methodology that combines complex of forms, methods and techniques aimed at building up evaluative attitude of agricultural university students to their future career. The designed and implemented method of pedagogical complex for the formation of students' evaluative attitude to the professional activity:

- reflects students' educational and extracurricular activities;

- is carried out under the influence of these pedagogical conditions of evaluative orientation in the process of training; engaging students to professionally-evaluative activities in the extracurricular and educational work, organization of the content and professional environment;

- is focused on the formation of students' evaluative attitudes to the profession, including professional and moral identity, emotional and volitional fortitude and creative attitude to the profession;

- provides guidelines for extracurricular educational work «Educating professional agrarian» and a series of practical sessions on the development of students' communicative competence from the point of forming evaluative attitude to the future career.

- The criteria for the efficient formation of students' evaluative attitudes to professional career are:

- criteria of information reliability (validity, representativeness);

- criteria for determining the level of university students' evaluative attitude to professional work (professional identity, moral identity, emotional and volitional fortitude and creative approach to professional career);

- criteria - principles of organization and conduct of research and experimental work (democracy, culture identity, humanism, connection of education with life and production practice of identity formation in the team performance).

We conducted the initial stage of the experiment on the basis of Vinnitsa National Agricultural University during the 2009-2012 academic years. We have selected two groups of respondents, the control and experimental. Experimental group was 21-M and 22-M academic group, i.e. comprised 54 students. The control group consisted of 21-MP and 22-MP academic groups, i.e. 57 people. Overall 506 students participated in the study at various stages: 1-4 courses, masters and specialists.

In the first phase (2009-2011) we tested the impact of each educational condition in the formation of evaluative attitude to the professional career in student groups from the second to fourth year.

So, 2009-2010 were devoted to the examination of the pedagogical conditions as providing evaluative orientation in the training process. In 2010-2011 these pedagogical conditions engaging students to professional evaluations in the extracurricular activities and educational work were checked and the professional-evaluative environment that promotes value ratio of students to the professional career was created.

In the second phase of conducting the experiment in 2011-2012 academic years we tested the impact of selected teaching conditions in the complex.

The teachers of social and humanities disciplines, curators of academic groups were involved in the experiment.

Experimental verification of the effectiveness of our methods' application model was made using standard data collection (questionnaire). The correlation proved the effectiveness of our methods in forming evaluative agricultural university students' attitudes to the future career.

Diverting all quantitative values of the levels of structural components of evaluative attitudes of agrarian students to the future career (professional and moral identity, moral identity, emotional and volitional resistance, creative approach to future career) into standard scores allowed us to establish

the level of formation of definite personal values and identify the dynamics changes that occurred as a result of the initial stage of our experimental work (see Fig. 1).


Final results



Start results


0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


□ Low 42,1% 42,6% 40,3% 14,8%

□ Average 45,6% 46,3% 43,9% 55,6%

□ High 12,3% 11,1% 15,8% 29,6%

Fig. 1. The dynamics of the levels of agrarian students" evaluative attitude to the future career.

Thus, our ideas suggest that as a result of the work done on the initial stage of the experiment in the experimental group was positive because the number of students with high level of development of evaluative attitude to the future professional activity increased from 6 people (11.1%) to 16 (29.6%), while the average level is 25 (46.3%) and 30 people (55.6%). Instead, the number of respondents with low level of development value ratio decreased significantly from 23 (42.6%) to 8 people (14.8%).

Unlike the experimental, changes in the levels of formation evaluative attitude to the future professional career are observed in the control group. Thus, the number of respondents with high level rose only form 7 (12.3%) to 9 people (15.8%), and those with low level decreased from 24 (42.1%) to 23 people (40.4% ). Also minor reduction of quantitative characteristics of student group with middle-evaluative attitude formation was fixed: there were 26 people (45.6%) at the beginning, later there were 25 people (43.9%). This situation is explained by the fact that 2 students from middle level moved to high and low levels and only one student moved to the mid-level group.

The results show that the change of forming evaluative attitude of agricultural university students in their future career is the result of use experimental group method of forming evaluative agricultural university students' attitudes to the future career in educational process.

As you can see, the difference between the rates of formation value ratio of students to the future career at the beginning and end of the experimental work is not statistically significant at the level a = 0,001 [1]. This proved effective pedagogical impact of those conditions and developed on the basis of their method of formation of evaluative agricultural university students' attitudes to their future career.

Thus, a comparative analysis of the levels of agrarian higher school students" evaluative attitude to their future career, the results of the initial and controlling phases of the experiment proved the effectiveness of our pedagogical conditions complex (providing evaluative orientation in the training process, engaging students to the vocational activities in the extracurricular and educational work, organization of the proper content of evaluative professional environment) and the implementation of this method. The effectiveness of our methods of forming evaluative agricultural university students' attitudes to their the future career confirmed positive changes in the professional and moral identity, emotional and volitional resistance, creative approach to future career that occurred as a result of its implementation on the initial stage of the experiment.

Thus, the results of the initial stage of the experiment give grounds to conclude about the efficiency of the method of forming agricultural university students' evaluative attitude to the future career and feasibility of its use in the educational process of agricultural universities.


1. Василенко В. А. Ценность и ценностные отношения / В. А. Василенко // Проблема ценности в философии. - М.; Л., 1966. - С. 41-49.

2. Дробницкий О. Г. Некоторые аспекты проблемы ценностей / О. Г. Дробницкий // Проблема ценности в философии. - М, 1966. - 248 с.

3. Бех I. Д. Духовш цшност в розвитку особистост / I. Д. Бех // Педагопка i психолопя. - 1997. -№ 1. - С. 124-129.

4. Свтух М. Б. Методичш засади розбудови особисткно орieнтованоl навчально! дiяльностi у вищш школi / М. Б. Свтух // Фшософш освгги XXI ст.: проблеми i перспективи: [зб. наук. пр.] - К., 2000. - Вип. 3. - С. 42-49.

5. Основы математической статистики: учеб. пособ. для ин-тов физ. культуры / под ред. В. С. Иванова. - М.: Физкультура и спорт, 1990. - 176 с.

удк 78:

r. v. rutetskyi


Having analysed the psycho-pedagogical literature we defined the essence of the communicative competence of the future music teacher, cleared up its position in the structure of the professional competence. The special features of the formation of the communicative competence of the future music teacher in the process of the professional training are described.

Keywords: professional competence, communicative competence, future music teacher.

р. в. рутецький

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На ocHoei aHani3y психолого-педагогiчноi лтератури визначено суть комуткативног

KOMnemeHmHocmi майбутнього вчителя музики, з'ясовано ii Mi^e в cmpyKmypi профестног KOMnemeHmHocmi. Охарактеризовано ocoбливocтi формування комуткативног кoмпeтeнтнocтi майбутнього вчителя музики у процеci профестног тдготовки.

Ключовi слова: професшна компетенттсть, комуткативна компетенттсть, майбутнш вчитель музики.

р. в. рутецкий


На основе анализа психолого-педагогической литературы определена сущность коммуникативной компетентности будущего учителя музыки, выяснено ее место в структуре профессиональной компетентности. Охарактеризованы особенности формирования коммуникативной компетентности будущего учителя музыки в процессе профессиональной подготовки.

Ключевые слова: профессиональная компетентность, коммуникативная компетентность, будущий учитель музыки.

Modern scientific pedagogical studies concerning the improvement of the professional training of the future music teachers should be focused on the formation of teacher's personality capable of

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