Научная статья на тему 'Communicative competence as essential component of professional competence of the future music teacher'

Communicative competence as essential component of professional competence of the future music teacher Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Rutetskyi R.V.

Having analysed the psycho-pedagogical literature we defined the essence of the communicative competence of the future music teacher, cleared up its position in the structure of the professional competence. The special features of the formation of the communicative competence of the future music teacher in the process of the professional training are described.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Communicative competence as essential component of professional competence of the future music teacher»

Thus, the results of the initial stage of the experiment give grounds to conclude about the efficiency of the method of forming agricultural university students' evaluative attitude to the future career and feasibility of its use in the educational process of agricultural universities.


1. Василенко В. А. Ценность и ценностные отношения / В. А. Василенко // Проблема ценности в философии. - М.; Л., 1966. - С. 41-49.

2. Дробницкий О. Г. Некоторые аспекты проблемы ценностей / О. Г. Дробницкий // Проблема ценности в философии. - М, 1966. - 248 с.

3. Бех I. Д. Духовш цшност в розвитку особистост / I. Д. Бех // Педагопка i психолопя. - 1997. -№ 1. - С. 124-129.

4. Свтух М. Б. Методичш засади розбудови особисткно орieнтованоl навчально! дiяльностi у вищш школi / М. Б. Свтух // Фшософш освгги XXI ст.: проблеми i перспективи: [зб. наук. пр.] - К., 2000. - Вип. 3. - С. 42-49.

5. Основы математической статистики: учеб. пособ. для ин-тов физ. культуры / под ред. В. С. Иванова. - М.: Физкультура и спорт, 1990. - 176 с.

УДК 78:



Having analysed the psycho-pedagogical literature we defined the essence of the communicative competence of the future music teacher, cleared up its position in the structure of the professional competence. The special features of the formation of the communicative competence of the future music teacher in the process of the professional training are described.

Keywords: professional competence, communicative competence, future music teacher.



На ocHoei aHani3y психолого-педагогiчноi лтератури визначено суть комуткативног

KOMnemeHmHocmi майбутнього вчителя музики, з'ясовано ii Mi^e в cmpyKmypi профестног KOMnemeHmHocmi. Охарактеризовано ocoбливocтi формування комуткативног кoмпeтeнтнocтi майбутнього вчителя музики у процеci профестног тдготовки.

Ключовi слова: професшна компетенттсть, комуткативна компетенттсть, майбутнш вчитель музики.



На основе анализа психолого-педагогической литературы определена сущность коммуникативной компетентности будущего учителя музыки, выяснено ее место в структуре профессиональной компетентности. Охарактеризованы особенности формирования коммуникативной компетентности будущего учителя музыки в процессе профессиональной подготовки.

Ключевые слова: профессиональная компетентность, коммуникативная компетентность, будущий учитель музыки.

Modern scientific pedagogical studies concerning the improvement of the professional training of the future music teachers should be focused on the formation of teacher's personality capable of

self-development and implementation of not only their own abilities, but also the creative potential of pupils by means of pedagogical and musical activity for the formation of their humanistic world outlook and spiritual culture. Assistance in the active pupils' research, accomplishment of sociocultural mission concerning the pupils' mastery of the music value only becomes possible due to effective communication with them. V. Orlov, H. Padalka, O. Rostovskyi, O. Rudnytska emphasized the importance of communicative skills formation for the future arts teachers.

The analysis of both practice and results of scientific research testify that future music teachers don't have a completely formed professional communicative competence, which is a component and important factor in increasing the level of professional competence.

The purpose of the article is to explain the nature of communicative competence as a part of the structure of the professional competence of future arts teacher and describe the special features of its formation.

The problem of the professional competence formation for specialists of various fields was explored by N. Bibik, V. Bolotov, B. Hershunskyi, E. Zeier, I. Ziaziun, Ye. Klimov, V. Kraiewskyi, N. Kuzmina, O. Pometun, L. Pukhovska, S. Sysoieva, V. Slastonin, A. Khutorskyi, V. Sierikov. Thus, the researchers emphasize that the professional competence is an important indicator of the qualification level of contemporary specialists, that's why we should focus on the speciality of their professional competence and components in the process of professional training.

Having analysed the scientific literature we concluded that the concept of professional competence of a teacher should be interpreted as following:

• teacher's accumulation of the necessary amount of knowledge and important skills that determine the formation of his teaching activity, pedagogical communication and personality as a bearer of certain values, ideals and pedagogical awareness

• the set of necessary knowledge and personality qualities enabling the realization of professional approach and effective problem solving in pedagogical field, research and practical activity

• integrative characteristics of business and personal qualities of a specialist, reflecting the level of knowledge, skills and experience that are sufficient for achieving the goal in certain kind of professional activity, as well as moral stance of a specialist.

B. Hershunskyi emphasizes that the category of «professional competence» is mostly defined with regard to the level of professional education, experience and person's individual abilities, his or her motivated aspiration to continuous self-education and self-improvement, creative and responsible attitude to activity.

Thus, the professional competence should be understood as integrative characteristics of business and personal qualities of a specialist, that involves a high level of theoretical accesssibility and practical experience (systemic manifestation of professional knowledge, skills and personal qualities) concerning the solution of the functional tasks in professional activity, as well as social and moral beliefs of the person.

It is important to note that communicative competence is a quality of high priority for a modern specialist of education industry, since the main kinds of professional activity are realized through the interaction with people and are impossible outside the communication act. Therefore, the formation of communicative competence determines the establishment of other competencies (psychological, methodological, intellectual, informational, aesthetic, ecological, legal, innovative, etc.).

There are different interpretations of the concept of «communicative competence» that is caused by the variety of research approaches (personality-oriented, cultural, structural, systemic, etc.) in the scientific literature.

Thus, scientists view the communicative competence as:

- ideological and moral category that regulates the system of human attitudes towards the natural and social world and towards self as a synthesis of both worlds

- the ability to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with other people, a certain set of knowledge and skills that ensure effective communication

- an amount of knowledge of communication in different conditions and with different communicants, as well as the knowledge of verbal and nonverbal principles of interaction, skills for their effective use in a particular communication in the roles of both sender and recipient

- the qualified mastery of a language (s) on verbal and nonverbal levels, the ability to interact in a socially acceptable manner, providing adherence to certain moral and ethical standards and taking into account the interlocutor's psychological features

- a set of communicative abilities, skills and knowledge that are appropriate for communicative tasks and sufficient for their solution.

As for the definition of communicative competencies of the specialists in educational sector we can find different interpretations of this term in the scientific literature.

Thus, I. Rydanova mentions that communicative competence is the basis of teacher's professionalism, as communication with pupils is the essence of pedagogical activity.

According to V. Vvedenskyi, communicative competence of a teacher is a professionally significant integrated quality its main components being: emotional stability (associated with adaptability), extraversion (correlated with the status and effective leadership), the ability to build up interpersonal relationships, construct direct connection and feedback, speaking skills, listening skills, the ability to reward, the sensitivity, the ability to «smooth over» the communication. The scientist notes that communicative competence is a personal teacher's quality, which is formed in the process of personality development and self-development; the indicator of teacher's awareness of the objectives, essence, structure, means, features of pedagogical communication, the mastery level of appropriate technology; individual and psychological qualities of the specialist, the aspiration for continuous self-improvement of communicative activity, orientation on the human personality as the basic value, as well as the ability to nonstandard, creative solution of tasks that arise in the process of pedagogical communication.

M. Zabrotskyi interprets the teacher's communicative competence as based on knowledge and experience ability to navigate in situations of professional communication, to understand the motives, intentions, behaviour strategies, etc., both their own and the partners' ones in communication, the level of development of the technology and psychotechnique of communication, general orientation and pedagogical personality's position. Therefore, the scientist concludes that the studied concept is a dynamic system, capable of development and improvement of its components.

Thus, the communicative competence is a component of professional competence, which is characterized by means of an appropriate level of knowledge, formed skills and personal qualities that when taken together provide for the effective implementation of the future specialists professional activity.

The communicative competence for teachers is a fundamental, systemic component of professional competence. By performing different social roles (as a citizen, a member of pedagogical team, a class teacher, etc.) the teacher is constantly communicating with different people and should adequately assess each situation and respond to it. The implementation of productive interpersonal contacts of various types is the content of its communicative competence. Thus, the willingness and ability to establish and maintain these contacts, to ensure efficiency of communication, interaction and perception depend on the level of development of the teacher's communicative competence.

Communication skills that dominate in the interpersonal communication and are essential for teacher's professional activity include: empathy, initiativity, authenticity, kindness, spontaneity and openness, constructiveness, tolerance, reflexivity. One of the most important communicative qualities of the teacher is listening skills. Thus, a teacher needs to know about the types of listening: passive, active, emphatic, simulating, egoistic, neutral, hostile and more. The peculiarity of their own listening must be analysed by future teachers in order to understand other people better, notice the moments when the audience does not listen, know the techniques of changing the attitudes of students etc. It is quite obvious that the mastery of these skills by means of theoretical studying exclusively is impossible. Thus, active listening is an important condition for establishing productive relationships with pupils. Listening and hearing skills must be specially taught by «immersing» the student in various communicative situations.

V. Orlov's idea is important in the context of training the future music teachers. He says that the focus of their professional reorientation is a movement from the enlightenment to implementation of vital creative and cultural mission, from the manipulative, authoritarian teaching of the art criticism content to personality-oriented, communicative artistic pedagogy, where the art ceases being the object of studying and becomes the subject of live communication.

Bright, emotional, expressive language of a music teacher is an important way to influence students, because it contributes to the penetration into the artistic world of the work, stimulates figurative and associative worldview, promotes educational and cognitive activity of pupils. Besides, the means of verbal and nonverbal communication a music teacher must understand and be able to convey the meaning of a musical work, build an internal dialogue with the creator-composer as well as to have a command of musical language that makes its appearance in the musical language and understanding other people.

Thus, in the process of professional training the future music teacher must also acquire specific skills that will ensure the implementation of effective communication.

The most important of them are the following ones:

• the ability to navigate in the musical and cultural space;

• to perceive musical art consciously and emotionally;

• to listen creatively and to interpret musical content of works;

• to verbalize musical and communicative information;

• to organize the learning process so as to intensify the pupils' desire for cognition of musical phenomena, their awareness of the art value, discovering their creative potential.

On the basis of this analysis the communicative competence of the future music teacher is to be defined as an integrated quality, based on knowledge, communicative skills, sensory experience and provide orientation in the pedagogical and musical communicative space, subjective position of communicative interactions in situations of professional communication and musical communicative practices, adequate perception and transmission of information in particular situation of musical communication.

So, in the process of professional training it is necessary to ensure the formation of communicative competence which is an integral part of the professional competence of future music teacher.

For the formation of communicative competence of future music teacher awareness and building relationships of the pedagogical interaction is important. Thus, «subject-object» communication causes the reproductive form of mastering the experience which is typical for traditional training, while the formation of productive, creative formations is the result of «subject-subject» type of relationships.

We share M. Zabrotskyi's opinion who emphasizes that the development of communicative competence of future teachers requires the formation of both «subject-object», reproductive, operating component and «subject-subject», productive component, related to personal sense motivation. We believe that the leading and defining component determining the direction and nature of pedagogical interaction, is «subject-subject» component, the main features of which are: the personal orientation of an interlocutor, basic equality of psychological positions, the interpenetration in the world of feelings and emotions, active mutual humanistic disposition.

The development of communicative competence is an open, dynamic, continuous, creative process that has features of systematicity. This allows modelling the system components, their structural and functional relationships, seeing prospects of development of the phenomenon being studied. Thus, the formation of the communicative competence of a future music teacher in the process of professional training is a specially organized activity that has influence on the intellectual, motivational, value sphere and behavioural aspect of a student's personality. This process presupposes stating specific goals, selection of content, use of organizational forms, methods, techniques, means, traditional and innovative technologies for the gradual formation of communicative knowledge, skills and personal qualities of the future music teacher

Taking into consideration and following the specific principles we are able to promote the consistent implementation of pedagogical conditions, ensuring the synthesis of motivational and organizational and procedure components of professional training of students. The development of diagnostic set of tools for assessing the degree of the predicted qualities formation of future specialists will add to the modification of the available result and achievement of the desirable one.

The prospects for future research lie in clarifying the structure and defining pedagogical conditions of communicative competence formation of a future music teacher.


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УДК 374.1



There has been characterized the author's technology of the 8th—9th graders' training for career choice of the «man — art image» type that provides for the creation of an adequate organizational and pedagogical environment based on a career-oriented elective course and a complex of educational extracurricular activities. There has been revealed the influence of experimental factors on each of the five structural components of the pupils' career choice readiness: motivational and evaluative, cognitive, practical, self-evaluative.

Keywords: career choice technology, career choice readiness, «man — art image» career type.




Охарактеризовано авторську технологж тдготовки учтв 8—9 клаЫв до вибору профест типу «людина — художнт образ», яка передбачае створення адекватного органiзацiйно-педагогiчного середовища на основi факультативного курсу профорiентацiйного спрямування та комплексу виховних позаурочних заходiв. Виявлено вплив експериментальних факторiв на кожний i3 чотирьох структурних компонентiв готовностi учтв до вибору професп: мотивацтно-цттсний, когттивний, практичний, самооцтювальний.

Ключовi слова: технологiя тдготовки до вибору професп, готовтсть до вибору професп, тип профест «людина — художнт образ».

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